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 Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan) 
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
It was a long swim, but she would make it there eventually, wouldn't she? The young woman continued to swim, her lungs starting to burn with the increased effort she put into it. He rheart was beating hard in her chest--almost painfully so, but she on;y had a bit more to go and the storm was gone and it wasn't going to rain on her, hindering her advance anynmore than it should. Freya had to be mad with worry right now, upturning everything on the island trying to find her missing sister. For the sake of the faculty and students, she had to get back as quickly as possible. Even if she tired and all she wanted to do was was to just lie in the water and cry, she kept going--

--at least until she was swooped away!

She kicked and flailed as much as she could. The pink haired maiden would shout to be let go, ignoring what he had initially said about the waters being banned. How could it be banned, she thought. Water cnanot be banned so easily! And hadn't all of that bene hers at one point? Stupid bird! Man...bird...thing! Agh! Persephone's anger had returned and she was ready to get into a fight with nearly anyone and everyone--god damn the consequences because, god damn it, she wanted to go home and to get there fast!

When she was let down, she was surrouned by strange creatures all half animal, half...well, not really half human per se. More like these things really had their genetic make-ups disturbed and perverted to create the beings they were now. Some of them even looked downright creepy and spooky, but her ire at being tossed around like this was not making her happy. Persephone had braved quite a bit back there and that included quite a bit of embarrassment by being made to masterbate in front of someone! And all those feelings welled up inside of her and...well...One could guess how she would feeled being watched from all ends like some piece of meat....dripping in sexual juices...or water. She couldn't quite tell anymore. Toughing her still wet hair, she supposed that it had thinned out into actual water eventually. She was wet, but perfectly clean now. And bereft of a proper pair of underwear. But still...

Persephone whirled on Merrick, giving him a cold hard stare at would have made Freya proud.

"Now listen you. You musn't ask others for their names without first introducing yourself--it's rude," she began to lecture, hands on her hips. "On that note, my name is Persephone." She held up a finger and pointed at him accusingly. "Second of all...I've gone through HELL and back and I am not in a good mood mister. I woke up this morning to discover I'm dressed like Alice of all people, a weird rabbit leads me to God only knows where, I get humiliated beyond belief and to top it all off I get tossed around like a rag doll in a kindergarten booth--so I am very cranky right now!" The last part was screamed rather loudly--enough to make some of the creatures around them cringed slightly at her volume.

"So I could care less about a ban because...because...b-because..." She was starting to trail off here, her lowerlip quivering all of a sudden. It had started once she had let all her pent up frustration out and now, she felt like spilling more wetness, only not from between her legs. A tear suddenly fell down from her cheek as she stared down Merrick. She bit her lip and had to hold it in, lest she started crying in front of strangers. It wouldn't do to break down in front of strangers, after all. ""

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:26 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
All of the creatures seemed to gasp and draw back in surprise as the woman exuded in her outburst. Merrick though, managed to hold his ground against the girl. He refused to move a muscle as the girl spouted off in her angry tirade. Several of the creatures looked as though they were going to inch forward, perhaps to offer their support to Merrick who seemed to be losing the verbal battle with the girl. Though with a sharp glare from the apparent leader they all settled back a few feet away.

Merrick took it all in stride, standing with an amused smile on his face until the pink haired girl seemed to want to break down in tears. The aviary creature watched as she seemed to slump into herself and her voice began to break. He presented his hands to the girl, palms facing upward in some customary greeting of some sort.

“I am Merrick, Son of Vulktharr, and I welcome to you Korin’s Beach.” He said politely, hearing a few shocked gasps from his evident followers. “I enforce the ban on the waters, and ignorance of the law does not excuse you from punishment.” He said rather smartly, approaching the girl and taking her by the arm. He leaned his head towards the girl and whispered, “Do not fear Persephone,” he had an odd way of speaking, not unpleasant but rather an odd bird-like accent. “I will fight for you at council.”

So Merrick led her towards the others where they headed towards a prominent mound in the beach, there was a wooden platform with several stakes and one large, primary stake in the center. Merrick lightly hooked the fabric at the girl’s shoulders and took flight, lifting her the several feet up towards the large center stake and setting her comfortably so that she could take a seat; Merrick took up a seat beside her.

“We are gathered her to discuss the punishment for-er what was your name? Yes Persephone, for crimes against the Queen, council has been called to order. What say you Dorien?” Merrick called giving Persephone a comforting pat, but quickly pulling his hand away as he realized she was still drenched.

Wait a minute? How odd that despite the warm dry air, that the young pink haired maiden wouldn’t seem to dry out. No matter how much of the water that dripped from her spring hued hair, it never seemed to stop. Perhaps it was this dreadful wonderland at work again.

Dorien as it turned out to be the Blonde Avian creature, who seemed to be second ranked to Merrick. “I say off with ‘er head.”

“Hardly a suitable punishment for the circumstances.” Merrick said drolly.

And so the council went on with more outrageous punishments that were being proposed. Their loquacious volumes and starling reactions to Persephone’s crimes would have been enough to strike fear into the heart of anyone. They argued amongst each other, each feeling one punishment was too extreme or too soft, others- primarily the weasel twins Ker and Ber came to Persephone’s aide to Merrick’s delight.

“We don’t think she should be punished at all.” Ber said, obviously sharing some kinetic bond with his brother. “She’s only done what we’ve all longed to do.” With the meek admission, it seemed to silent the excitable council.

“How presumptuous of you Ber.” Kressel, the reptilian hissed. Though it only seemed to prompted a screeching taunt from the Orange feathered avian male. “Oh shut it Kressel, we’ve all seen you staring at the water like the rest of us.”

“So what should be done-Hey are you alright?” Merrick said looking towards Persephone, where a pool of the unending liquid seemed to stream down her skin in soft rivulets, creating a small pool on the post.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:15 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Before Persephone could even finish her sentence, she was being pulled away and brought into a court, of sorts, high in the air. She was set in a place in the middle of a tall post and the young woman sat there quietly, water still falling off of her like gentle rain on the wooden beneath her. It was still odd that she could be so utterly wet, but she didn't think of it too much, clutching onto the pure white rosary as her situation finally hit home and she felt truly miserable. A few tears were at the corners of her eyes and they fell silently as she trembled somewhat. She wanted to go home, she thought sadly. She wanted to go home already.

Persephone idly supposed that this was how little Alice felt, so far away from home and everything she knew and loved.

Her whole body trembled as a cacophony of voices filled the mound with cries for justice and mercy alternately, but not because they were scaring her. The young woman's thoughts were far from the present and where she was as she kept sitting there quietly--much too quietly for someone who was obviously on trial. She tugged half-heartedly at her clothes, which were still drenched and clinging to her body. She rubbed the material between two of her fingers, the fabric still soft to the touch. Ah, Freya had chosen a good quality fabric to make this dress. It was felt sinfully good on the skin, even wet.

Her left hand grasped the pearly beads wrapped around it. She raised it up and stared long and hard at them. Freya. What could she be thinking right now? Had she given up looking for her? Or would she, in her own stubborness, keep going despite everyone tlling her it was useless to keep searching for someone gone for so long? Persephone felt like it had been many hours since she had gone down the rabbit hole and she was beginning to doubt any chances of going back to the human world.


I'm a Williams, too. I'm Freya's stubborn little sister. I'm...I'm the brave one! Persephone thought, starting to get her resolve back once again and all from looking at these simple beads. They weren't magicla in the 'traditional' sense, but as long as Persephone had them, they would inspire her to keep on going somehow. Yes, as long as she remembered her reason for continuing, she would stand up as long as she had a good pair of legs to walk on. Come what may, Persephone would get back to school!

Although water was dripping from her hair still, some of it getting into her wide sky blue eyes, irritating them, no one could doubt the determination, the decision in them. She looked up at Merrick and smiled prettily.

"I'll be fine. Whatever happens, I know I'll be finding my way home," she said, a bit non-sequitar considering she hadn't been listening to the accusations that had been flying and no one there could have guessed at her thought process either. "I'm not scared. If I get punished for being dropped into the that water, then I suppose I should be. But mark my words...I won't let any of you keep me for longer than neccessary."

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:54 pm
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Her response to the genuine concern of the pack’s leader did not seem to sit well with the council, which had immediately hushed as soon as the odd pink-haired girl started to speak. Merrick’s steely gaze silenced anyone that dared speak as he drew a circuit around the podium. It had not occurred to Merrick, that he hadn’t seen a girl that looked quite like Persephone. While she was strange to say the least, Merrick found himself oddly smitten with her.

“It seems you’re wet Persephone, and you need to get dry- we can’t have you getting sick when we haven’t even discerned your punishment.” Merrick said at last. Though it may not have seemed like it, Merrick was concerned with the way Persephone was speaking. Elunaria had been Merrick’s home for as long as he could remember, and anyone Elunarian born wasn’t easily lost- that was just the way it was.

“I think it would only be fair to hear her tale before we enact our punishment.” Thorai, the blue avian male suggested. Merrick offered a curt nod, a bit embarrassed for not having thought of the suggestion himself.

“Come we will dry you off with one of the acceptable methods, and you will plead your case to the council- someone fetch me a towel!” He screeched, it turned out that one of the red furred weasel twins scurried off into the darkened sands, disappearing into a nearby wooden shack. Merrick with a bit more patience allowed the girl to get her footing before he lifted her from the podium and down to the sandy mound to join the others. He found a seat for Persephone, Kressel’s stake which he was none to happy about, and took up post next to her.

Wonderland, though crazed and strange in the stories was never truly ominous. The way the thunder boomed in the skies overhead just didn’t quite sit well. What were with the creatures as well? What were all of these new laws, bans and rules. Either way, the creatures didn’t seem to be in sync with the creatures in the book.

Ker came rushing back toting a towel in his underarm, he scurried in front of Merrick and handed it to him. It was unlike a towel Persephone had seen, a hide of some sort that was cured to be the smoothest she’d ever felt. The avian leader took the towel, and gently draped it over Persephone’s shoulders, taking it upon himself to begin to rub the dried cloth against her skin and hair. After what seemed like several moments, the soft massage produced a sopping wet hide…and a still sopping Persephone.

“That is strange.” Merrick commented to himself, wringing the towel out and setting it in Persephone’s lap. “Dorien, gather some wood so that we might make a fire, perhaps that will dry the young- er whatever she is off.” The blonde winged creature gave a rather smug look to Persephone before taking off, heading towards the glum, dark forests that bordered the beach.

The other creature’s had since gathered around Persephone in a huddled manner. They were curious after all, having not seen such a strange looking creature before. Kressel had since assumed that the girl was perhaps a human from legend, but she was so shrouded in mystery even he found himself eyeing her with curiosity.

“Dearest Persephone,” Merrick began, “If you would so kindly enlighten us as to who you are and why you were in the banned waters.” He said with a humble bow.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:38 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
It was amazing that she still hadn't dried off yet, after all of this time sitting and listening to everyone argue around her. She had very little time to ponder over the discrepancies between what was currently happening around her and what was read in the book. Just because she was in Wonderland, didn't mean that she would have to go through the exact same experiences that Alice had, although, she had the feeling that the journey would be just as long or longer. She remembered the causcaus race between the dodo and various other birds at the beginning after little Alice floated about, but now? What was up with the water ban? And this trial? It certainly was a strange trial! Never had the young woman ever witnessed one like this! Certainly the court dramas she used to like watching weren't this chaotic and loud. At the very least, one person would have been held in contempt of court for being too rowdy!

The hide used to dry her...she was a bit wary of such a thing being used on her, but she allowed Merrick to dry her off, oddly feeling calmed by this. Back home, some considered drying someone a rather intimate act. Was it something she learned from a manga? Possibly. But it felt really nice and the avian creature was surprisingly gentle with her--had been from the very start, now that she thought of it. She could almost fall asleep from the soft moments of the cured hide moving on her scalp, face, neck and arms. When the leader moved away from her, she had unconsciously leaned into his touch and nearly fell off of her seat in her happy little stupor. She righted herself immediately, blushing the same color as her hair and feeling not a little foolish by her own actions. Really, getting all cozy like that, what was she thinking?

The pink haired girl had to admit though, it had been very pleasant and she wouldn't mind him drying her off again. Perhaps she was experiencing some sort of homesickness and separation anxiety, which was why she wanted some comfort...Yes, that's right. She was simply out of her element and was seeking solace through some kind of physical comfort--nothing wrong with that. People who suffered trauma tended towards grouping with others and keeping in physical contact...

Persephone reached up and undid her bonnet, wringing it of the water. She didn't expect it to really dry off; she had done it to keep her hands busy and her mind busy as well with doing ltitle tasks, but found that, strangely, the little hat was completely dry. How strange. And as she would sit there, beginning to explain how her sister had upset her by dressing her up like Alice in her sleep, her drenched pink hair started to dry as well, becoming the fluffy, silken mass of locks it always was. But the rest of her seemed to be quite wet. She shivered a bit, feeling cold.

"...And then I ended up in a hall of doors where I met a door gargoyle named Charc and...well..." The next part was hard to tell, considering what she had done to get to where she was at this very moment, sitting amongst all of these styrange creatures. She blushed and shifted uneasily on her perch. Remembering what had happened made her body tingle a little and her whole body heat up all over, chasing the chill she felt away. At any rate, she glossed over this point.

"...He told me that a table would help me and it sort of used some weird magic to create a lake in the room and to srhink me to fit Charc's door. The torrent was too strong for me and carried me...all the way here. I'm...I'm not sure how long I've drifted through the water..." She shrugged.

"And...well...the rest is history. Here I am now, amongst all of you and I have no idea how I'm supposed to get back home..." She looked at the rosary wrapped around her hand and and wrist. She fidgeted with the cross at the end. "...And to answer the question once again, yes, I am human. Can't you tell?"

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:07 am
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