Shokushu High School

Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)
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Author:  dragonbone79 [ Tue May 20, 2014 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Danielle moaned into the gag blissfully. She struggled against the ropes, trying to get free. She pressed her heels against the tree, pushing her body against the ropes. She unintentionally pressed her cock against Rhaine's face and her tits against Kakumoah's hand.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Tue May 20, 2014 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

His own release came at the same time as Rhaine's, filling her with his demonic cum as her tight walls pressed around him. Her cries of pleasure were largely lost in Dani's pussy, but her enjoyment was still obvious to him.

Dani also seemed largely caught up in pleasure as she pressed forwards into the other two. She hadn't climaxed yet, but she seemed right on the verge, only needing a little push to send her over the top. "Uhn… Yesss… Give in… to what we all know you want," he moaned softly into her ear.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Wed May 21, 2014 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Danielle gave up her futile struggling. She couldn't break the ropes. There was noo way to free herself, no way to fight. All she could do was enjoy Rhaine's skilled tongue.

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Sat May 24, 2014 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

The ropes and gag had been unnecessary she knew but they had worked in setting the scene but easier for them. Even if Dani say Kakumaoh's approach she wouldn't be able to warn her and Rhaine, knowing what was about to happen, could feign ignorance in the matter.

Right now though her body was shuddering and rocking back into those thrusts as her body was filled again and again by that questing member as she felt that explosion flow through her narrow passage as she moaned out against Dani's delicious pussy, Dani who had no choice but to surrender as she pressed her hand to Dani's hip, the other brushing over her clit as her tongue buried deep into the folds before her tasting that sweet nectar against it as her body stills milking that shaft of Kakumaoh's release while her tongue saturates the very essence of her lover as she surrenders to the pleasure.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Sun May 25, 2014 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Danielle finally came, her orgasm destroying the last bit of resistance in her. She moaned lustfully into the gag as her juices gushed out to medt Rhaine's tongue. She came so hard she even squirted on Rhaine's face a couple of times.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sun May 25, 2014 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

It took a bit longer for Dani to cum, but when that dam burst, she was just as lost to pleasure as Rhaine. Although Rhaine's tight passage again tried to milk all of his cum, prolonging his climax in the process, it was inevitable that their orgasms would subside before Dani's; he let her ride it out before pulling out of Rhaine and moving behind Dani.

"You want to take her now, don't you?" he whispered huskily in her ear as two hands reached around to fondle her breasts. "To give her as much pleasure as she gave you?"

Without waiting for an answer, he removed the gag and began to untie her. "Of course, the same applies to you as it does to her: if try to escape and actually manage to get away, she gets all I have in store for both of you." Raising his voice slightly, so that it's clear that he's talking to both of them, he adds, "And rest assured, even if you both try to run at once in different directions, I will catch at least one of you." The threat should convince Dani that each one of them getting off relatively lightly depends on the other's cooperation, a binding that should be at least as effective as the ropes he was removing from her.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Mon May 26, 2014 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

The second she was free, Dani turned and slapped him as hard as she could, the sound echoing across the pond. "You're an asshole forcing me to watch that! And then you have the nerve to tease and threaten me?" She pulled Rhaine to her feet and put her arms protectively around her, one hand covering Rhaine's crotch. "This. Pussy. Belongs. To. Me." (XD Jealous bitches)

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Mon May 26, 2014 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Kakumaoh rounded the tree, his face round the tree to whisper something in Dani's ear. She gasped and recovered still feeling a phantom cock tracing through her narrow passage.

Her eyes widen as she didn't expect such a reaction from Dani as the restraints had been removed. This could be bad … or not …

“Dani, NO!” Perhaps it would seem that she was concerned about the consequences as a hand came to rest on her crotch possessively.

“We can't … we have no choice. Don't, don't make it worse.”

She stood upon her feet as assisted by her lover; fear, confusion, shock, it was all there in spades ...

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Tue May 27, 2014 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

The blow didn't actually hurt Kakumaoh, but it caught him off guard and allowed Dani to slip away and try to protect Rhaine. Well, at least she hasn't realized the truth about this, he thought as he took a step towards the pair.

Rhaine was already trying to convince her that it was hopeless as he approached. "You should listen to your girlfriend; trying to fight's as hopeless as running, and this will be more enjoyable for all of us if you cooperate." Not expecting his words to convince her, he reached out to grab her as soon as he was close enough; while she wasn't likely to harm him, he'd prefer to avoid a struggle if possible.

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Tue May 27, 2014 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Danielle tried to pull away, glaring at him. "I'm not trying to fight. I'm trying to point out that fucking my girlfriend in front of me without asking if I'm okay with it is unnecessary cruelty. Taunting me about it as well is just being a jackass. I would never want Rhaine to get hurt, so I would have submitted," she explained. "So now, after all that, I think you owe me." She grabbed his dick, gently stroking it. "I want to see if your dick is really that enjoyable."

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Wed May 28, 2014 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

“Hun, I'm OK, I wasn't hurt ...” Crimson eyes are wide, she is surprised that Dani is confronting something that is obviously so much stronger than she and she is reminded to that ooze and how powerless it was.

With the words though she then realizes something, that the ooze said nothing and just took them thoroughly. She grabs her girlfriends arm but she's a change in Dani as she reaches out to stroke that dick.

She watches the motion for a moment then steps behind Dani kissing at her shoulders and making her way to her neck where the tongue slips over her there, her hands creeping down her back to coil over that ass and giving it a squeeze in the palms of her hands.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Fri May 30, 2014 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Dani again caught him by surprise, her anger both apparently stemming mostly from his ravishing Rhaine without her permission and seeming to disperse quickly once she'd explained it. "Oh, I'm sure you'll enjoy it once we get going," he said as she began to stroke his shaft and Rhaine started to fondle her.

As one pair of hands caressed her breasts and the other reached around to cup Rhaine's ass, he added, "And I did need to give you that warning; I have met some students who'd readily abandon a lover to save themselves, after all." While he didn't actually know that this was true, he couldn't imagine Etolie willingly sacrificing herself for another under any circumstances. He leaned in and ran his tongue down the opposite side of her neck from Rhaine.

Author:  Rhaine Fischer [ Fri May 30, 2014 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

She kept at it, her tongue sliding against her neck as she considers the matter more closely. It seemed that it was best just to focus on Dani and there would be less of an issue as far as she could tell though she moans out softly, the hardened points of her nipples pressing into Dani's back while her own hands smooth against Dani's ass before one retracts and brushes over her labia with slow strokes before bringing her fingers up to swirl over her clit as she rubs back and forth in an effort to get that flower to blossom and thus getting her prepared for what she undoubtedly have in a short wile.

Bringing her tongue up against that neck she grazes that skin and climbs higher brushing against Dani's ear and tracing against that earlobe before pulling back some.

“I'd never abandon Dani.”

Author:  dragonbone79 [ Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Danielle enjoyed their attentions to her body, getting aroused once again. At Rhaine's admition that she'd never abandon her, Dani turned and gave Rhaine a passionate kiss. "And I'd never abandon you." She looked back at the monster, pressing her ass and wet cunt to his crotch. "C'mon let's get started already."

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three's Company (for Dani and Kakumaoh)

Dani seemed remarkably eager, at a level he'd rarely seen outside of students who'd made arrangements with him. Admittedly, it could be mostly a desire to get this over with, but he didn't think so.

He took a firmer grip on her hips and pressed the tip of his hard shaft against her slit. "But the anticipation's part of the fun," he teased before beginning to slowly press into her wet passage. He watched her reactions carefully, both to make sure he didn't push too far in and to let himself know when he hit a more sensitive spot. Once he'd gone as deep as he could, he began to thrust back and forth in her, adjusting the angle slightly each time to find what worked best on her. While it took somewhat longer to find the best angle for her than it had for Rhaine, he doubted she'd notice the discrepancy; her attention was a bit too focused on Rhaine at the moment.

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