Shokushu High School

Shot Through the Heart--And You're to Blame! (Sintor)
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Author:  Davine Winters [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Shot Through the Heart--And You're to Blame! (Sintor)

'Shot through the HEAAAART! And you're to blame,
Darlin' you give loooooove,
A bad name...'

What was it about 80's rock that made it so awesome to jog to? Maybe it was the driving tempo, the....the energy in it, for lack of a better explanation. It was driving, it was fun; it made a person feel upbeat listening to it. But whatever the reason, Bon Jovi was blasting through Davine's headphones as she jogged along the trail. Unfortunately for the poor innocent denizens of the forest, Davine was one of the sort who believed that when she was enjoying something the rest of the world ought to know, that they might enjoy it too. Thus she was singing along--badly--as she went.

'OHHHHH!! I'm a load-ed gun!
OHHHHH! There's nowhere to run!
No one can save me the damage is done!'

Little did she realize how prophetic those words would prove.

Sometime into the second repeat of the chorus, she tripped, stepped oddly, and plunged to the ground with pain lancing her ankle. Her headphones went flying off and tumbled to the side of the path, still tinnily singing to no one. Crappish hell. upon trying to stand the pain was worse. Curious, she tapped at said joint. The resultant colorful exclamation sent birds flocking out of the branches above her.

"Yup, definitely a sprain, uh-huh. terrific. What now? Do I just wait here and hope the pain lessens or what? And why the hell am I talking to myself, anyway?!?"

Author:  Sintor [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Sintor was searching the woods for new or fulmilar prey , he didnt care which, when he came across a pink headed jogger. At first he was going to show himself thinking it was the small Riko but caught himself as he was able to confirm it wasnt her. Curiouse at who this was he guessed she was new since he hadnt heard of any other pink headed beauties from the other monsters.

He followed her jumping, more or less, from tree to tree branch to branch following her without her notice. It helped that she was lisening to something on her headphones and what ever it was either was horrible or singing along wasnt her strong suit. He wondered on how to plan on getting to her and what to do but the answer came as she probably tripped on something and fell.

He waited a bit hoping she hadnt knocked herself out since that would be little fun. Apparently she was bemused at her situation and did the stupidest thing to see if she had hurt anything. The colorful exclamation made him smirk and he decided that now would be a good time as any. Going back some, within hearing distance of the exclamation, he appeared almost running into the clearing where she was. Are you ok? i heard a shout He said putting on concerned face, his deep purple eyes filled with 'worry'. He was in his usual form, a white samurai robe, barefoot, with long white hair that went down to his hips, and of course the deep purple eyes. He took a few steps forward almost seeming unsure untill she would answer.

Author:  Davine Winters [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Poor oblivious Davine. One she really got into the music all else was drowned out or willfully ignored in favor of the tune. Thus she'd been entirely unaware of Sintor's presence even as he followed her. Thus she started like a deer in the headlights upon seeing someone come running out of the forest. Oh...a person. Thank goodness! maybe he could help her! She smiled at him in obvious relief.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay--my ankle's definitely sprained, though. Stupid sticks attached my and tripped me up. I hate when they do that!"

She rubbed at her head for a moment, studying him as she awaited his reply. He looked kind of old, what with the white hair, though given his eye color the white might simply be natural--he could actually be quite young. He wasn't bad looking, all told.

Never once did it occur to her to wonder what a male hermit was doing on an island housing an all-female school.

Author:  Sintor [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:21 am ]
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The look of total surprise, and then turning to relief amused him inwardly as he walked forward. He was young looking his white hair was pure white the same color as his robe. He walks up and knelt down beside her. Hmmm i figured something was wrong with that......little outburst i heard He said giving her a teasing look trying to lessen the tension.

He looked at both her sprained ankle and seemed to studie it. Unorthadox as this is i want you to not shout out since youll feel pain at first but hopefully i'll be able to take most of it away He said wondering if she would trust him in doing what he thought of doing.

Author:  Davine Winters [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Davine went crimson at his remark about her little 'outburst'. Whoops. He'd heard that, had he? Oh dear. Not what she'd intended at all; that had merely been a reaction to intense and sudden pain.

"Sorry about that. It just hurt really bad, and I wasn't expecting it that's all. "

She blinked, watching as he examined her ankle. He wanted her not to scream? Oh, but if he could take the pain away it would so be worth it!

"All right. Thank you, by the way. My name's Davine; what's yours?"

He was being so nice; surely it couldn't hurt to try and make friends.

Author:  Sintor [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:19 pm ]
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He smiled at her embarassment in a good natured way. My names Sintor. Now Davine be prepared. He forwarned before placing both hands very softly and gently on her sprained ankle massaging the muscles around and even gentler on the actual sprained muscles.

His massages seemed to be that of an expert sending at first slightly painfull and delicouse signals through her depending on where he was massaging. The pain was receding as he kept massaging her ankle and as the pain receeded the delightful sensations strengthened.

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