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 Fresh Off the Plane (for Wildthang) 
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Post Fresh Off the Plane (for Wildthang)
Natsuki checked her list. Text scrolled down the datapad, student names and attached profile information. The Alliance symbol adorned the top bar of the screen, marking it a file used for official business. She sighed. As a product scout, she was often obliged to attend to such dull tasks as numbering products. Counting heads, so to speak. The new shipment of students was en route to the airport and would be arriving soon. Sure enough, the platinum and white spire appeared on the horizon, a glint like a needle sparking with sunlight. As it drew closer, slowing, a dull roar rumbled over the area, it's sonic boom overtaking it as it dipped into subsonic speeds and began coasting through the clouds. Natsuki tapped the pad, making a note. They were early this time. The pilot was getting better as her maneuvers.

The ADD may be improving their flight training regimens. Be alert.
the note was quickly filed away and she settled in to wait in her official looking blue and red airline uniform, a necessary cameoflage so that she could ascertain the presence of each fresh young woman. As she sunk into one of the overly padded chairs and watched the craft hover and drop gently onto the landing pad, ignoring the runway which was built only to maintain appearances, she tugged at the crisp lines and indulged herself with a brief pang of pity for these girls. Almost none would escape their final fates. Most would pass these last few years in idyllic splendor. Others would suffer again and again, the favorite playthings of the other residents of the island. Not, of course, that she cared much. She was herself one of those denizens, and she would not let a bit of sympathy keep her from her fun.

The off ramp opened and the new students filed out, their youthful faces alert and bright with excitement and a deliberately chosen naivete that would make them irresistible ornaments for the beasts which stalked the school. Natsuki stood and greeted each one with a handshake and a few murmured platitudes, feeling the quality of their skin, gauging their smiles and the sparkle in their eyes, mentally taking note of any promising girls for later entry into her databank. Nearly every one of them was a flawless specimen, with pretty features and lsutrous hair. Many had improbably gorgeous proportions, and a good majority were asian. The oriental students were currently favored among the consumer populace, very in vouge. She counted the last one with the same customary smile. One hundred and ninety nine. "That's all of them." She said to herself. Immediately she stopped. She had said it out of habit, but for once she was wrong. Her lovely, graceful features frowned, and she pouted. Where was number two hundred?

Natsuki checked, annoyed that her work was not done, and vaguely alarmed that something may have gone wrong. She breathed a sigh of relief to see that the last student was merely still asleep on the plane. Natsuki walked down the aisle, touching the padded mauve seats and stepping quietly up to the slender maiden. The bubbly din of the other girls faded in the distance, leaving the pair to the background noise of the cooling engines and the student's own light breathing. Natsuki put away her pad and took stock of the situation. The new student was very fit, athletic even, which was new. That particular body type hadn't been in high demand for an entire season, though she doubted that would last long once this girl hit the scene. In fact, she found herself taking a more than usual interest in the exact curves, and the particular sculptures that made her so alluring. She licked her lips, and decided then and there, with a private smile, that she was going to sample this beautiful female herself. All in the interest of data gathering, of course.


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:49 am
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Lynn's foot was thumping against the carpeted blue floor of the plane. She couldn't wait to get to Shokushu. It sounded so promising in the brochure. She smiled and thought of all the nice people and the amazing picture of the track field they had. She sighed in excitment. She didn't notice her breathing had increased. She blushed when several girls glanced at her. She quickly regained her posture and smiled, trying not to blush. She turned her head to the window, trying to avert the other girls stares.

Just watching the clouds go by, made her drowsy. Her eyes drooped slowly, as a voice came over the intercom. She didn't understand the words. Her eyes closed and she leaned against her chair, sleeping peacefully. She stayed like that the entire trip. Even when it landed.

Now she sat there, her arms on the arms rest, her head rolled to the side, laid neatly against the soft leathery chair. Her breathing calm, but able to hear easily. Her chest heaved as she breathed softly.

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:21 am

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Natsuki did not for a moment know how to proceed. This girl was certainly isolated enough, so there was no pressing need to necessitate haste. She could take her time. However, she looked shockingly adorable sitting in the seat like that, with her lips parted to allow the gentle breathes that made her chest rise and fall like a series of waves under her shirt. Natsuki felt herself grow warm as she watched the girl, and a certain urgency made itself known somewhere indistinct in her guts. She felt a familair fluttering in her chest. Oh yes, this woman would be popular. Natsuki cleared her throat loudly, smiling. "Miss? Miss please wake up. We have finished landing. Miss?"

Natsuki reached out to touch the woman, jostling her not too harshly. The student's musky scent was a delight, and it made Natsuki's legs tremble. She shook her again, then drew away to take a quick glance out the window. The entire area had cleared out, as per procedures. Soon enough the girls would be through the luggage area, which was perfect for her plans. The new girl's legs peeked out under her skirt, slim, well toned thighs holding a msyterious allure. She wanted to lfit that skirt and see what hidden secrets those legs led to, but desisted for now. "Miss?"


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:51 am
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Lynn slowly opened her eyes to reveal her green eyes. They wandered for a moment around, until they spotted the girl standing right above her staring down at her. She looked around again. No one was onboard anymore. Her mouth dropped open but no words came out, just a light gasp. Lynn blushed. She stood up and turned her head to try and hide her blushing red face.

"Oh. Has the plane landed?" She gulped and slowly scooted her way into the isle. "I'm sorry. I need to go get my luggage." She quickly turned and did a strange little run through the isle. She came to the door that had large letters that spelled Luggage Area. She opened the door.

Most of it was cleared out. There were a few stranded bags. She went to hers. It had he name on it in bright blue. She sighed. "Here it is." She hadn't known the girl had followed her into the luggage room. She opened her bag. "Lets outfit. My track clothes. Jump rope...And..." She went deeper into her bag and blushed even redder. Her "speacial" items she had brought along were still there. "Ok, everything is clear."

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:04 am

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(sorry for the short pose)
"I'm afraid it isn't, quite. Not yet Miss." Natsuki delivered the line in a steady tone, laughing merrily in her head all the while as she tugged at her figners behind her back. She put a cool palm on the young woman's back. "I'm going to have to inspect your luggage Miss. My name is Charlotte by the way." She gave the student her usual pseudonym. There was no point giving her her real name just yet. "What is yours?" She smiled at the girl prettily, showing her teeth and lightly touching her Oriental bun to assure herself all was in order, and took one of the suitcases in hand.


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:09 am
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Lynn's mouth hung open. "Y-you have to check my luggage? B-but everything is all in order." She held the bag with her..."Items" behind her. Her face visably reddning as she kept the bag away from her. "My name's Lynn." She had a small studder since she was so embaressed. "There's not much in here exepct for my clothes." Lynn's entire body was moving around. Fidgiting((sp?)). She hoped she would understand.

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:13 am

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Natsuki made a pout at her, her face pinching up in a pained expression and she held out a hand. The little stewardess roleplay was an amusing distraction. Her figners curled in and out rapidly in a beckoning gesture. "Don't be so exciteably Lynn, I promise it's nothing at all. It's just airline policy. Since you held back in the plane I'm obliged by my contract to check your bags in case you are carrying a bomb or weapons. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I'm sure you're luggage is perfectly harmless." She took a step forward and placed a hand on her shoulder firmly. "But I will have to check, so please make this quicker and easier on us both?"

She gave the girl a little smile, and thought perhaps she would give this Lynn a short taste of what Shokushu was going to be like. She raised one tentacle, invisible but compeltely tangible, and stepped forward, until her chest was up agaisnt Lynn's. The tentacle hovered behind the student's ankles, an unknown barrier and a hazard to her balance. "The bag, if you please." Another tentacle, also unseen, snaked through the air and udner her skirt, pressing it's strong slick length to Lynn's soft mound, pressing her panties up into her youthful cleft.


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:21 am
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She gulped. Lynn took a small step back. Her eyes glanced around. No windows. Oh well. "I-I'm sorry but I can't let you see what's inside of here." She kept the bag behind her. She was taken off guard when the girl pressed her soft chest against her own. Her eyes widdened in suprise. "U-um...Charlotte?" She remembered her name she told her. Lynn's strong legs acually stopped moving for a moment. She squeaked when she felt something rubbing under her skirt against her panties. "W-what?" She glanced down.

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:30 am

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She saw nothing of course. Natsuki almost laughed out loud as she caught the startled expression on Lynn's face as the tentacle ground her panties up into her sex. She pressed herself closer to the girl, feeling her nipples with her own and reaching behind as if to grab for the bag, all a premise to feel her and let the student feel Natsuki as well. "Miss, pelase be reasonable." She all but pleaded, putting every once of false professionalism into her voice that she could muster. "If you keep resisting like this I'll be forced to assume the worst and call security."

Her next grab made her step forward, pushing Lynn back, making her feet catch on the waiting, obfuscated appendage. Lynn felt her balance give way, and the next thing she knew she was on her back, luggage fallen open as it broke her fall. The contents rolls along the floor, plain as day. One of them rolled into the leg of one of the seats. Upon impact, the rubbery head began to swivel around and around, the entire pink length buzzing loudly agaisnt the floor. Natsuki bent down, treating Lynn to a view of her cleavage before standing with a handful of Ben Wa balls. "What's this?" she asked, feigning shock at the impropriety. "What are these?" She added as if horrified.


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:02 am
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She blinked and felt it press against her sex even harder. "Quit it." She spoke and went to swipe at it, but then she felt her press against her, causing her to step back and trip over the luggage, sending her to the ground. She grunted and looked up at her, holding one of the items she was trying to hide. "U-um. "Those aren't mine. They fell from the other bags." Lynn blushed deeply. She didn't feel safe in here. She got on her knees and hands and began to crawl for the door. "Please I have to go."

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:11 am

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Natsuki laughed. She'd had her fun. Any witnesses were now long gone, leaving this tardy young woman completely in her power. "You don't need to go anywhere Lynn. I'm afraid you'll be staying here until I'm through with you. With a mere thought, Natsuki aniamted the girl's luggage. The bags swiveled on her, standing up on their rollers and respoundign with the sounds of zippers undoing themselves all at once. A jump rope slithered out of one of the open suitcases, it's blue and white stripes undulating like a snake and coiling around Lynn's ankles, binding them closely together. Natsuki looked on with the same expression, though this time her eyes were hard and sinister.

"I am going to enjoy this Lynn. I don't know if you will, but I know I'm certainly going to." Still smiling with sickening sweetness, she directed the invisible tentacles to drive up under Lynn's skirt. The fabric peeled back, showing off her pink udnergarments and her rounded, toned ass. One appendage wormed into her sex, grinding the pink satin shallowly into her, while the other slapped across her nearly bare, upturned buttocks with a splitting crack. Meanwhile, Natsuki looked through the luggage, nodding with every interesting discovery, and gathering up the modest collection of sex toys to replace them in the so bag Lynn had so forcefully guarded.


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:39 am
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She looked back. She felt the hair on her body begin to rise as she stared into her sinister eyes. "W-what do you mean?" She slowly tried to stand up, then she felt the jumprope wrap tightly around her ankles. She winced. They were tight and pinched her skin. She cursed in her mind. She began to wiggle her legs, trying to get them free, but the rubbger rubbing against her skin hurt. "Stop this!" She gasped when she felt the invisible appengdage make its way up her skirt again and press against her sex. She closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth. She shivered and she squeaked shen her ass was smacked. She felt a fire go through her body from that. "Stop this!" She screamed loudly. She grabbed at the ropes and groped for the invisible tentacles, trying to get them away from her.

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:46 am

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"Well Lynn, what I mean is that I'm going to give you a little preview of what life on Shokushu campus is going to be like for you. I hope you aren't too modest." She licked her lips, eyeing Lynn in a predatory way. Seh allowed the tentacles to materialize, coalescing into view like fog, figuring they would have more of an impact in this case if they were visible. They were pink, and thick, having a flawless sheen on their surface like some sea creature's rubbery appendages. There were in fact, tiny suckers lining the bottoms. One of them sprouted from the floor of the plane and restrained Lynn's grasping wrist in a crushing grip. The suckers pulled on her skin, making bright red spots where they latched themselves on. The jump rope was twisting itself into a knot around her ankles, and her shoes were wiggling themselves off her body of their own across, laces untying and sneakers worming off her feet and onto the ground. "Your socks look cute on you." Natsuki commented, bending down to tickle the soles of her victim's feet. "I think I'll leave them on."


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Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:54 am
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"W-what are you talking about?" She gapsed when she saw the pink tentacles come into view. Now she knew what had been poking her. They had suckers on them. She didn't even have time to react when one lashed around her wrists. She winced as they left red marks along her wrists. "Let go of me!" She pulled at her wrists. Her arms werent as strong as her legs unfortunatly, and the suckers only hurt the more she struggled. She didn't care if her shoes came off, she just wanted to get free. Then she felt her soft fingers begin to tickle her feet. She closed her eyes tightly. "Please stop." Her anger was subsiding and was she now pleading. She couldn't believe herself. She was humilated.

"I find your lack of tentacles disturbing..."

Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:00 am

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"I won't." Natsuki told her gravely. "Neither will any of the others. These tentacles are mine, by the way, even though the are not connected to me." Natsuki chuckled darkly and ceased caressing her feet. She produced a black handkerchief from Lynn's baggage and tugged at it. "This will do." She tossed it, fluttering, onto Lynn's face. Upon landing it immediately began to writh, folding itself upon her eyes and tying itself around her head, knotting itself behind to make a sort of blindfold. Natsuki kicked her back onto her stomach, and one of the tentacles flogged her on her rear again, leaving a stinging red stripe and making her flesh jiggle. Another grasped her other wrist, binding it and tugging it agaisnt the small of her back. She could feel Natsuki's high heel press down into her spine, and then her originally bound wrist was tugged into place beside the other, where Lynn's captor used the loose shoelaces to lash them together. Once done, the tentacles release her arms, trusting the cords to do the work for them, and the sharp heel lifts away. "What are you going to do Lynn?" Natsuki asked her tauntingly. "Maybe if you beg hard enough, I'll listen."


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:18 am
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