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 Paradise found! ...and lost (Ilixia) 
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Post Paradise found! ...and lost (Ilixia)
Peace. Quiet. Solitude. Three things that seems to never coincide in this tropical hell, but Nanaca still tried atleast. Atop a small cliff over looking the beach, she took her perch, gazing down at all the frolicking beach goers down below, such idiots they are, unknowing of the sexual dangers that lay just off shore, or maybe she was just very unlucky. With nary a moments hesitation, she takes her beloved sketch pad and pencil, stroking some rough lines onto the sheet of paper, slowly but sure detailing the beach down below onto the white pad.

An hour had passed, and Nanaca was partly finished, no hint of anyone stalking her so far, and it was good, she hadnt been this relaxed for quite a while, losing herself in the strokes of her pencil as she went on capturing the landscape onto her sketchbook.

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
Monster / Bunny Alien

Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:50 am
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Perhaps it was a guardian angel, perhaps... something else as Ilixia found herself drawn to the gorgeous artist, a faintly amused feeling within the vital essence that was Ilixia, and she drifted closer, having observed enough, peering over the girls shoulder, although, she knew the girl would not see her... She had talent... perhaps she could use a Dark muse, grinning widely, she rubbed non existent hands together, as she slipped into the girls mind, to her, it would simply seem as if the picture had broadened, grown in her vision, and swallowed her, then Darkness, if the girl opened her eyes again, she would be bare to the warm sun, lying in the paradise that she had drawn, however it had appeared, an arm over her, as a lover dozed beside her, a girl, with long Violet hair, it would feel like waking up...

Violet would stir, and smile softly, "good morning my love"

Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:15 am
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Nanaca felt drowsy all of a sudden, and the picture began to distort. She blinked several times to clear her eyes, but it did nothing, and soon, darkness fell upon her. Then she heard a voice, warm and inviting, yet totally unfamiliar to her. Her eyes shot open, and she found herself lying on the very beach she was gazing at not too long ago.

"Nnhh.. where..."

Nanaca thought she had fallen asleep and fallen of the cliff, but she felt no pain, only someone giving her a warm embrace on the warm beach. She looks towards this mystery person, She didnt know her, but it felt like they had been close to each other for ages. The confused and still rather dizzy girl sat up, and looking down, she saw she wasnt in her school uniform anymore, but red two-piece swimsuit. This further caused more confusion in Nanacas mind, so she turns to the stranger beside her and tries to get some information on what happened.

"Pardon.. how did I get here? and who are you?"

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
Monster / Bunny Alien

Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:32 am
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She smiled again as she looked to the poor dear she had entrapped, speaking softly, and calmly, nuzzling into the girls neck for a brief moment, drawing herself close, her own black two piece and pale skin gleaming in the sun, violet hair pooling around her as she smiled to Nanaca, "Don't you recognize this place beloved? it is your paradise." she paused then, looking up into the girls eyes, gently with her own soft violet orbs, "My name is Violet, I am your muse, I have been taking care of you for a while, I thought, perhaps, you might enjoy seeing where your wonderful art comes from"

Another soft smile, and Violet held her closer, gently, a tender embrace, "You have such a wonderful, creative mind Nana, I enjoy it a lot" Ilixia was playing, she had little need to feed at the moment, this was... playtime... and Nana, her latest toy. Wonderful!

Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:11 pm
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"You mean this is my drawing? an you are a Muse?" For now, she was finding it hard to believe, everything felt so real, the sand in between her fingers, the cool sea breeze flowing past her sun baked skin, the sway of the palm trees as the wind nudges them along, all of it was very real to the confused girl. But indeed, it was her work, for looking up, she could see the clouds we rather deformed and puffy, one of her pet peeves, she had a hard time drawing the accursed things.

Nanaca takes a handful of sand and lets it flow past her fingers, the grains piling up where they fell while a few got carried away by the wind. A conclusion comes to her mind: She must be dreaming, she fell asleep atop the cliff and now she must be dreaming. Lord knows what could chance upon her if she snoozed up on that piece of rock for too long, and she wasnt talking about catching a cold. She turns her head to gaze at her supposed 'Muse', Violet, the silver tresses of her ponytail brushing the sand as she moves.

"Well, um... Violet... thanks for all the inspiration you've given me, now and in the future, I really appreciate it, and your compliment as well, but..ummm.. I think I should be going now..."

Going where exactly? Nanaca didnt know, she thought that maybe if she pinched herself, she would awaken from this dream, lovely though it may be, but it was still a dream.

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
Monster / Bunny Alien

Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:24 am
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The girl giggled again as she looked to Nana watching as she pinched herself, trying to wake up, the playful 'muse' reached up to pinch Nanaca's cheek "It's all real love, don't worry, you can relax here, no time will pass in the real world outside, A haven"

She smiled again as she looked to Nana, soft, warm Violet eyes, and the girl reached out to cuddle with the girl, a strange thing, especially from a perfect stranger...

"Nana... Would you... stay here with me for a while? the life of a Muse is not... Wine parties, hell, we don't even get to see other muses often... just alone... will you stay? keep me comfortable for a while"

Another small smile, and she lay down again, beside Nana, giving her the illusion of choice, as she merely cuddled into the girls side, fitting, as if she belonged there, fitting as if they were made for each other, which was not far from the truth, as Violet had been made to please Nana, at least... at first...

Her body warm on the tropical sands, and she smiled, "I can prove something to you beloved..." she lifted her hand to gently stroke Nana's forehead, an alien landscape presented to her eyes, a cavern of crystals, shimmering with an alien beauty as a waterfall shimmered over the gemstones, a scene that no human had ever seen, such peace, and tranquility.

"like it? it's yours, I thought perhaps you might like to go and try a few different things just a touch of inspiration" she grinned again, as she patted the sand beside her, waiting, and wondering...

Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:44 pm
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The sore spots she gave her self and the one given by the muse was all the confirmation she needed; This place was indeed real, but how did it exist? more importantly, why did it exist? If what this 'Violet' said was true, then this was truly a safe haven, a refuge from all the chaos outside, and if so, then maybe she could stay for a while... a very long one...

She nodded at her request, smiling as she basked under the glow of the sun, if it was the sun. They sidled up to each other and lay there, The artist and the muse sharing a tender moment before Violet showed Nanaca what real inspiration was like.

The cavern was... beautiful was too simple a word to describe such grandeur... suffice to say, an indescribable landscape that shimmered and sparkled, simply gazing at it would slow your heartbeat to a crawl. As the vision disappeared, Nanaca gazed back at her muse, her face looked of disbelief.

"I..I..cant...its too magnificent for my level of skill... Im afraid I might not be able to do it justice..."

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
Monster / Bunny Alien

Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:37 pm
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She smiled again, as she softly held her captive in her arms, "Nana, it is not too good for you, nothing is, you will be a wonderful artist, if you choose to be, I can see it already"she smiled again the sweet, 'muse' seeking to place a soft, tender kiss upon the girls cheek, before speaking again, "How would you like to see it for... a little longer, spend some time, in the cavern, letting the water of the waterfall wash over you, feeling the colors sinking into you, becoming a part of you"

Another small smile as she held to Nanaca her lips moving, close, next to the girls ear, speaking, whispering softly, "Nana you will succeed, you will be a wonderful artist, you are already so well on your way, I have faith in you, I had to beat so many other muses away from you with a big stick, but, Nana, in time, you will be the greatest artist that ever was, better even than De'vinci"

The girl smiled again as she held to her 'ward' it was after all, the job of a muse to encourage her artist, perhaps, this would be a start, a reinforcement to the illusion, besides, she had plans for what would happen at the end of this, a way to bring Nana to her again, a way for her to always dream of what was to happen.

Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:33 pm
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" th-thank you... you're too kind.."

She blushed at her words, to be said that one would surpass a genius such as Da Vinci was, for lack of a better word, amazing. She felt elated as there was finally someone who appreciated her, not unlike her classmates who kept asking her to draw nude males, although she did make quite a small sum doing that.

Nanaca pondered on what it would be like to actually step into that alien world of sorts, the actually touch the crystals that gave it sparkle, the waters that made it shine, the earth that gave it its beauty. A few moments of pause before the silver haired girl looks back to her muse, there noses brushing together and their lips so tantalizingly close. The closeness made Nanaca recoil, but she kept her eyes locked onto her muse's cheery face.

"Okay then Violet, lets visit the cavern, I think I would enjoy a little up close inspection.

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
Monster / Bunny Alien

Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:04 pm
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She smiled again, as she looked to Nana, as the girl turned back to face her, their noses brushing, lips, so close, but she did not hurry the girl, as she saw Nana recoil, allowing a small, almost sad look to filter onto her face and then be erased by a forced, happy smile, the land around them blurring, as it shifted to more Alien hues, the girl could not know this, but, this was a real place, one of hers, Ilixia owned this world, along with so many others, but, all that Nana would know, was Beauty, glittering crystals, and a fine mist that could be felt from the falling waterfalls, dusting over their bikini clad bodies, the water falling into a pool, at the base of the fall, the gleam brightened for a moment, as Nana and Violet found themselves surrounded by this wonderous scene, Violet, holding Nana close, leaning forward, to rest her head against the girls shoulder.

"This is something I have never shown any other Nana, I, thought you might like it"

The stars overhead were strange, the milkyway, but seen from a different angle, warm hands, a woarm body against Nanaca, as the fine cool silvery spray fell across their bodies, she hoped the girl was enjoying this, stepping foot upon the worlds, guided by her 'muse' she had done this for no other... Letting the girl soak in the Alien environment... best of all... No clouds!

Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:23 pm
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The scene dumbfounded her as she stared at the alien landscape, so beautiful and serene, and cloudless too. the fine spray of what she thinks is water that is coming from the waterfall dampens her hair a bit, before she felt her muse nuzzle up close, herself leaning on her as one hand started to stroke Violets already damp hair.

She wanted to stay here, forever if possible, but she knew that she had to leave at some point, how else was she going to draw these if she didnt. But for now she stays and basks in the weird light, for a minute, maybe an hour, she wasnt sure how long a time had passed since she entered, she was lost in the grandeur of it all.

With a heavy sigh, she turns to Violet, lifting the muse's face up with her hands and giving her a light peck on the cheek. "This is all beautiful, Violet, it really is, but I have to get back to the real world... I enjoyed my stay, but I need to get back now... Ill try to draw this once im back out there, I promise...."

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
Monster / Bunny Alien

Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:28 am
Profile YIM
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