Shokushu High School

Picking Flowers (for Andreea)
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Author:  Sephriot [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Picking Flowers (for Andreea)

It was a nice day outsides, even Blop could admit that as he lay as a small green puddle in the grass. He was relaxed, something he could never do in his homeworld, always on edge to get some food, a source that he could overwhelm. Around here that was not the problem, plenty of students around.
There had been some busty, beauty students coming along, some almost stepped onto him even, but he, at the moment didn't care. Just lounging around.
“Hmm, wouldn’t be too bad to have a nice cold drink” he thinks, chuckling to himself, extending his senses, to see if there was a ‘bar’ around.

Author:  Andreea [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was a beutiful day but Andy's only regret was that Nana wasn't around. So she decided to go into the woods for a light walk and then go back to the dorm to check and see if Nana was back. She had on her usual black sleevless turtle neck sweater and plain skirt which she wore on 'no-class' days. Under that she wore a satin white bra and a pair of light blue panties. She walked out of the dorms and made a B-line straight for the woods. After a while of walking in the woods she spotted a patch of beautiful flowers and giggled softly to herself knowing that Nana would love them. She quickly walked over, almost stepping in a puddle, and leaned forward to start picking the ones she liked and ones that Nana would like.

Author:  Sephriot [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi senses picked up someone...someone that was alone, which made him grin, if he could, as his body was just a simple mass of a jellylike substance, smooth and lightly warm as he had lain here for some time.
“Hmm, this one comes to the right time.” He thinks, as the girl approaches. Silver hairs, brown, almost yellowish eyes and the feminine curves in the right places.
“She will be the one.” He thought waiting for her to get nearer, chuckling to himself as she almost steps onto him. “Interesting…”
He stayed where he was though, watching what she was doing, bidding his time, waiting to pounce…

(*beats back his RL with a stick to post*)

Author:  Andreea [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

(hehe =3)

She squated down near the flowers so it was easyier to pick them and it didn't strain her back. Sometimes she would think a bit before picking one or not think at all when she found some real pretty ones. She was oblivouse to anything else since she was souly concentrated on picking flowers for her lover. She giggled to herself as she daydreamed of what her reaction would be and how surprised Nana would be. Unkowngly though she was the one in for a surprise.

Author:  Sephriot [ Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

He watched her, lurking in the grass, his body still green to hide him. “Hmmm….” Softly mused to himself, taking in the sight of the squatting girl, tentacle almost reaching out to spank or caress her bottom, that was so lovingly clad in the skirt, the material slightly riding up, teasingly.
Stray thoughts, that on the forefront of her mind, a picture, that of Nanaca, her reason why she was picking the flowers. “Very interesting” he voices to himself, the smile practically hear in these words. Subtle probing of the girls mind, setting images there, how Nanaca might appreciate the gift, in…naughty ways.

Author:  Andreea [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Unfortunatly for her unkown attacker Andy moved to another place father away from him to pick more flowers. As well as his time was short since she was almost done with picking flowers. She was getting more giddy and excited the more she picked and her thoughts kept racing about. As she picked the final one she took out a small short ribbon and tied the stems of the flowers together so there wasnt a chance that they'd fall out. She looks at the flowers for a while memerized a bit giggling softly and smiling.

Author:  Sephriot [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:51 am ]
Post subject: 

He blinked, or he would have blinked when he would have had eyes to blink with. A soft slurping noise as his body moves after her. It now intrigued him just why she was either immune to his mental images or just ignored them. He shrugged, either way he would have her, if she wanted or not…though it would be boring should she ignore it.
“Just need to try harder then…” his thoughts, his monsterhood challenged. He kept in the way from where she had come, to intercept her if she decided to return, seeing as she had finished picking the flowers.

Author:  Andreea [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

It wasnt that she ignored the thoughts, but they where just background fantasy's to her. She kept looking over the flowers before she double checked to make sure the ribbon was secured tightly. After that she began walking back, almost stepping in a puddle again but this time stoped near it. She looked at her reflextion and giggled a bit at how excited she had gotten just from picking flowers for her lover. She took the moment to brush off any leaves etc off her cloths and straightening her hair just so that when Nana got back she wasnt looking a complete mess. After finishing she did a double check before turning to go.

Author:  Sephriot [ Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Again he was almost stepped into, strange thing as she leaned down to look at herself, not knowing how close she was to be taken against her will, forced to endure him on her body. She turned her back, which was her mistake, and his chance. He had waited, bid his time and now was going to pluck the ripe fruit…or pretty flower, as it fit the situation more.
The puddle bulging, tentacles formed, reaching out to wrapped snugly around her, pinning her arms to her body, pulling her back, to fall upon him, to encase her with his whole body.

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