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 Food for Thought (for Emily) 
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Joined: Tue May 08, 2007 12:16 am
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Post Food for Thought (for Emily)
It was black outside; some time between three and four in the morning, with thick cloud cover obscuring the moon completely. A lithe form stalked invisibly through the wide open park next to the dormitories, it's black form merely a shadow in the night. It wasn't but a few hundred feet from the building wall, speckled with the lighted windows of late-studying students.

Legion stalked impatiently. Restlessly shifting forms, his shoulder blades blossomed into spirals of jagged thorns, which then grew two more arms, which melted away into formless tendrils, falling away and re-merging into his torso, also shifting sizes and forms. Seamlessly floating between the form of a gigantic scorpion, a young girl, a winged dragon-like figure, and an indefinite slithering, writhing mass of tentacles he patrolled the earth.

His mind was caught in a surprisingly thoughtful mood, inspired by prey he had acquired earlier that evening. Among the plentiful shouts of "No" and "Stop," (As well as considerable moans of ecstasy) he was posed a question that had never occurred to him: "Why are you doing this!?!" It hadn't bothered him at the time, but now, well after the fact, it wouldn't let him alone. Back and forth he pondered the question, not knowing what to make of it. "Why..." There had never been a why. He had always taken without question.

Moving back and forth through the park his train of thought was suddenly interrupted; Something had stirred over by the campus building. Entirely on instinct the demon transfigured into a tendriled black centipede, about 20 feet long. He scurried silently towards the building, waiting to see what could be seen. Perhaps he would answer the question another time; Now was time to hunt.

The tentacles help me type.

Wed May 09, 2007 11:24 pm
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Emily closed the door behind her as she left her dorm. Having fallen asleep far earlier than she had intended, she woke up in the small hours of the morning. She thought a good nighttime walk would pass the hours nicely.

She strode away from the building twards the woods. Her loose-fitting pink pajamas made her look like a child wandering through the night in her older sister's pajamas. But they were warm and comfortable, and noone was out this early.

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Fri May 11, 2007 9:16 pm
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The near-silent clicking and tapping of hundreds of clawed feet skittered towards the dormitory door, where the pink-clad girl had just emerged from. She was moving a little slowly, didn't appear to have much purpose in her stride. Legion jumped, formed for a split second into a six-armed monkey like creature, and smashed into the high branches of a tree that she was just walking under. To anyone paying half a mind, his presence would have been obvious.

Looking down at her, actions sure and steady, his body transfigured and mutated. He grew from the tiny black marsupial into an epic dragon-like figure, two pair of magnificent draconic wings sprouting from his back, the underside of each a writhing nest of glowing red tendrils, undulating like storm-driven seas. What originated as a hiss from his reptilian head now began to form into an inhumanly low voice, muttering in an unreal language that sounded like it had no vowels, only consonants.

Finally reaching a hight of about 12 feet, the enormous tree branch upon which he was perched collapsed; he landed on it barely five feet in front of Emily, looking down at her, still hissing and growling. The low voice boasted sarcastically: "Why donkt you try runnink." Followed by a devilish grin and glowing red stare.

The tentacles help me type.

Last edited by Legion on Sat May 12, 2007 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri May 11, 2007 10:12 pm
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She gaped at the beast in front of her. Showly she took a step back, than turned to dash away.

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Fri May 11, 2007 11:53 pm
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"So fuktile an effortk."

Just as Emily turned, a large draconic hand smashed down upon her right shoulder, forcefully. It's large, clawed fingers grappled her entire body, stretching across her chest, while it's thumb clasped half way around her back. In a single strong stroke, it lifted her by the torso, several feet in the air. The hand tossed her up a little ways, turning her and catching her facing towards the beast, palm resting across her chest. It's strong grip easily wrapped around her thin form, and the pressure of the palm pressed against her breasts uncomfortably.

The dragon-monster now stood at full height, easily 30 feet tall. Dual sets of wings spanned another 40 feet in either direction, tentacles descending from each of them like a rainstorm. Legion turned, his footstep now hitting the ground with an audibly heavy 'thud'. He walked towards the forest, carrying Emily in one hand out in front of him.

"Feark me, for I kam Legionk." The distinctive accent was obviously from his demonic, vowel-less language, adding unnecessary hard-c sounds to certain words. He was in the mood for mind games, and continued without giving Emily a chance to respond. "What arek you called?"

The tentacles help me type.

Sat May 12, 2007 2:43 am
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Being tossed around like a rag doll was something new for Emily. She was shocked and jarred. She feared this terrible monster alright. She was shaking like crazy.

"E-Emily..." is all she managed to say.

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Sun May 13, 2007 12:19 am
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"A beauktiful name," Legion boasted, "Kfor such ak beautiful bodyk." And he wasn't lying; She really was beautiful. His twisted mind danced with imagery of taking her over the great lake of fire, splattering her delicate figure with steaming demonic seed; Forcing her helplessly into intricate poses while raping her over and over again... He grinned as he stalked towards the forest, ground still trembling with every step.

"Ifk one mkay be sok bold, why dko you creatkures bathe youkreselvesk in hideous fabricsk?" Long tendrils descended upon the girl in his grasp, caressing her limbs and face covered by the pink pajamas. "They take sok much fkrom your knatural beautyk."

The tentacles help me type.

Sun May 13, 2007 2:46 am
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She couldn't believe her ears. This thing was being polite! Flattering, even! She didn't thing that a beast like this would be more personable than many people she's known.

For some reason, she started to feel almost at ease...

"Umm, I guess we wear clothes.... because of modesty...." she said, surprisingly clearly, "If we went around naked... then it would be hard to concentrate..."

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Mon May 14, 2007 12:05 am
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"Harkd to focusk kon whakt, common humank tasks? Ykou are mkost comical."

Legion reached the edge of the forest, stopped and pushed Emily's body against a tree, hard. Tendrils snaked around her arms, holding them outstretched and coiling around them and a V-Neck high in the tree, some 10 feet off of the ground. The tentacles gripped her limbs tighter against the tree, until his giant hand finally pulled away and let her hang from her arms, body stretched down the trunk.

"Ykour modestky will knot assiskt you khere."

One of his long, sharp claws runs every so lightly down the front of Emily's pajamas, every now and then catching on a thread and pulling it out a little, before continuing down, and finally pulling it away right above her groin.

The tentacles help me type.

Last edited by Legion on Mon May 14, 2007 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 14, 2007 4:04 am
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She flinched slightly as she was bound to the tree, though the creature was gentler than she had expected. After hearing his words and waching his claw, she said,

"What... what are you going to do to me?"

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Mon May 14, 2007 12:30 pm
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Legion stopped for a moment, as if in thought, then his focus returned to Emily. With a hint of sarcasm in his rocky voice, the monster responded.

"Hkow wouldk you like tko decikde?"

Standing in full menacing form, the clawed hand returned, it's thumb and forefinger pushed up Emily's chin to meet his stare. She was given a sense of how large he actually was; Proportionately normal hands to his body could easily engulf hers. A set of three tendrils started to make a light coil around the girl's legs, wrapping around her lower appendages and the full trunk of the tree, snaking slowly upwards. They felt like the muscular bodies of snakes through her pajama bottoms, creeping, scrunching, and crawling steadily higher. Her chin propped on his hand, he refined in his most menacing, demonic tone:

"Yesk, how woulkd kyou have kme take yourk bokdy?"

A grin of satisfaction came over his dragonoid face and glowing red eyes.

"KI willk take ykou to Hell ankd back; Whkere would kyou like tok starkt?"

The tentacles help me type.

Mon May 14, 2007 8:56 pm
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She cringed at the feel of the tendrils on her body. Her eyes went wide at his words.

"Please... Don't...."

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Mon May 14, 2007 11:29 pm
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At her fear, the demon laughed heartlessly, a blood-curdling cackle that could freeze a man in stone. His claws curled around Emily's pajama-shirt collar and tore it down the middle, rending the thin fabric in a jagged line down her chest.

"Morktals," Legion scoffed, "Pukt so muchk efforkt into hidking themselvkes. Youk disguskting, beauktiful creaturesk would like kto assukme that anyonke revers ykou enoughk to take offkense to thek sighkt of ykour bodkies!" He uttered another roaring laugh, before returning to her face. "Modkesty." He hissed a curse in some foul language. "Censorshkip." He spit on Emily's face, the thick, hot globule hitting her cheek and slowly beginning to slide down. "Ykou shouldk be sko lucky thkat I shoulkd spare youkr life ink the fakce of suchk selfkishness."

And with that, the tentacles jumped on her flesh. A dozen appendages flicked out and grabbed her shoulders, abdomen and ample chest, coiling and snaking around everything; pressing on her body, massaging it roughly. One on each of her breasts wrapped around them, squeezing and undulating over the mounds.

The tentacles help me type.

Tue May 15, 2007 12:43 am
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She was very scared, but retained some of her wit. Emily was shaken when her top was torn so easily by the monster's sharp claw, but she tried to remain composed.

She listened to his short speech, forming a clever rebuttal in her mind, but before she could open her mouth his attack sprung on her. She cried in fear and surprise. Any of the hopes she had of his threats being empty were dashed as she was molested by this savage beast.

Her higher thought clung to her by a thread. She knew this thing had a brain and that it was intelligent. Could she argue her way out of this?

As seconds ticked by, her sanity moved slowly out of reach.

She had to think.

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Tue May 15, 2007 3:05 am
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Legion grinned in her silence. "Nokt even kan attempkt to skave yourselfk. Perhapks, an adkmission of trukth, or commonplacek tekrror? Ikt matters knot." He had secretly wished that she would try to defend herself, point out the obvious flaws in his argument; It would make the futility of her actions all the more obvious. With a moment's hesitation, he continued his assault, carrying an air of self-justification and egotism. She seemed broken; There was no need to play further games.

Thick red tendrils slithered down into Emily's pajama bottoms, wrapping down her legs and accumulated near her soft slit, resting on the outside of her folds. A second tentacle wrapped it's way up her body, making a loop around her neck, not tight enough to choke her, but enough to old it in place. It slinked and crept up to her face, where it pulled back and seemed to meet the petrified girl's eyes. Emily's upper body was now a haven for the spawn, winding up and down, twisting and curling, parading over her flesh as if they owned the place.

"Ankythingk you woulkd like to skay befokre I vikolate yourk prektty littlek mouth?"

The tentacles help me type.

Tue May 15, 2007 10:00 pm
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