Shokushu High School

An Evening Encounter On The Beach-For Keemari
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Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  An Evening Encounter On The Beach-For Keemari


Sondra sighed contentedly as she continued stare at the gorgeous sunset, a fiery red ball descending from a gold, orange, and yellow sky, into the deep blue diamond-sparkled sea. Sondra loved to lie on the beach and watch the Shokushu sunset whenever she got the opportunity. To her, it was one of the most beautiful sights in the world, and it was never completely the same, always slightly different from night to night.

Sondra was currently dressed in her favorite bikini, a black halter top bikini with Swarovski crystal accents and matching Brazilian bottom, which showed off the golden-tanned blonde's curvaceous body and shapely legs. Along with her revealing bikini, Sondra was also wearing her orange and black striped tiger ears and tail, the tail being attached to a thin silver chain-link belt she wore around her waist.

The lone beach-goer was laying her stomach on her jumbo-sized tiger-print beach blanket, her bikini-clad bottom showing as she gazed dreamily out onto the sunset with her chin propped up by the open palms of her hands.

Sondra had not come to the beach empty-handed. She had been at the beach since early afternoon and had to have her usual supplies with her. Beside her were a large silver and black cooler and two large bags. One was a big red beach back containing suntan oil, a large black towel, a few fantasy novels, a small portable stereo and CD player, a CD case, a pair of sunglasses, and a pair of sandals.

The other was a large paper bag filled with assorted sex toys. Being the nympho that she was, she always had to have at least a few toys at hand just in case she had one of her...'urges', which happened at least ten times a day.

Sondra absent-mindedly reached out to her cooler and opened it up. Rummaging through the contents, she grabbed a large black sports bottle containing one of her special tropical blends and then twisted the top and brought the bottle to her lips, taking a large sip before twisting the lid shut and setting it down beside her as she continued to watch the slow descent of the bright crimson sun.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:16 am ]
Post subject: 


I was walking along the beach trail. I often did to catch some of the girls in there bikini's and sometimes to remove it. However I was gathering special plants that grew on the edge of the forest and the beach for some study. I caught some glimpses of the beach below. It was pretty empty. This time of day it was expected.

However my eyes soon came to rest on a student. What a student. That was a very sexy outfit and she wore cat ears and a tail by choice? I could also smell the faint scent of sex. This could be promising. Changing my illusion in the slightest so I was still human but had swim trunks on now. I jumped down to the beach and used my powers to have several interesting sea flower bloom right next to her.

I then walked over and picked it gaining her attention. "Beautiful." I tell her as I look right at her while holding the flower in front of me.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:17 am ]
Post subject: 


Sondra sighed once more, a little sadder this time, and took another sip from her sports bottle, her thoughts turning from the beauty of the golden sunset to thoughts of those who have gone missing from the island...Among many others, her best friends Carmen and Trixie, her missing roomies Drafna, Hilde, and Paws...and certainly not least, her lover Meru.

Oh, how she longed to once again hold the cute and sexy Meru in her arms, to party with the fun and ever-so-lively duo Carmen and Trixie...One day she would find out what happened to them and bring them back. One day, she would find the ones who did this and personally make them suffer. One day. But that day is long to come, and for now all she could do is hope and dream.

So engrossed she was in her thoughts and in watching the sunset, she didn't notice that she was no longer alone on the beach, or that she was being watched by another. It was the sudden appearance of the interesting bouquet of flowers that caught her attention from the side of her eye.
Glancing around warily, wondering if this was a trick of some sort (after all, flowers don't just appear out of thin air), Sondra slowly sat up and went to pick up the flowers for inspection. As she went to reach for the flowers, someone else bent down to pick them up. Sondra's eyes narrowed suspiciously when she looked up and saw that the someone else was a man.

"Beautiful," she heard the man say as he looked right at her. Sondra was unsure whether he meant her or the flowers in his hand. But neither did she care. All she cared about was getting this man to leave. On Shokushu Island, men usually meant trouble. Sondra was instinctively suspicious of any male she encountered on this island, as the few she had met since arriving about three years ago always turned out to be monsters. To this day, she wasn't so sure about their esteemed head master Mr. Niceman.

"And who might you be?" She asked in a soft, calm voice as the cautious blonde got up to her feet. She had to play this carefully if there was any chance of getting out of this.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:18 am ]
Post subject: 


I smile at her. I could sense her caution. Smart girl. "My name is Keemari, Keemari Sulivan. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me. I'm a professional tutor on the Island. However I'm also a botanist. The flower you’re holding is a Ryu Sea Blossom. They sprout very rapidly, in truth I'm surprised that it's here.

It's one of the reasons I moved to this Island there is such a Varity of plant life, plus I can keep myself afloat by giving out tutoring sessions and sometimes being a subsite teacher." I tell her as I kneel down and study the flower and her. Mostly her. "Do you always wear cat ears and a tail?" I ask her as pick up another one and pretend to examine it.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:19 am ]
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"Not during class time or when I'm going to sleep," Sondra replied, taking a few steps back so that the so-called botanist wasn't so close to her and so that she could study him as he was studying her, "but, otherwise, yeah, pretty much."

Does he really think that I don't notice him looking at me?

Looking at the flowers in her hand, she asked, "These flowers are very beautiful. How come I've never them around here before? I've been on this island for a few years now and have seen quite a few interesting varieties of flowers...among many other things...but I've never seen any of these before."

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:21 am ]
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"Just as they sprout quickly there life span on land is very short lived. They are mostly an underwater plant. It's not unheard of for them to bloom on a beach during a receding tide though. So tell me why are you so suspicious of me?"

I ask her as stare right at her. My eyes pierced her very being and I could see her discomfort and distrust. "Is it really that weird for a guy to talk to you?" I ask her as I continue to stare at her. So many ways to play with this one, so hard to decide.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:22 am ]
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Looking back up at Keemari, Sondra replied, with a trace of sarcasm in her voice, "They sprout so quickly, they're not there one second and the next second they are, and in full bloom, too. How interesting, Mr. Sulivan. That's definitely something I don't usually see in most plant life. Even here, where stranger things happen every day."

Sondra saw how this Keemari was looking at her, and she didn't like it one bit. It was a look she saw all too often during her encounters with the many and varied beasties on this island. It was a look that suggested they knew exactly what she was thinking, and she didn't like that, she didn't like that at all.

"And as to your questions...Well, this being an all-girl school on a secluded and isolated island, with very few male staff members on campus, and little more working around the Student Dorms, I don't usually meet very many men here. And those few that I have encountered on this island...Well, as I've noticed on more occasions during my time here than I care to count, things aren't always exactly what they seem, and that includes people."

"Appearances can be deceiving, Mr. Sulivan. Sometimes you can't trust what your eyes see or your ears hear, and so I've learned early on to rely only on my own judgment and what my instincts tell me. So far, both have proved quite sound for the most part. And what they tell me is men=trouble."

"Hopefully this answers both of your questions."

There, let's see what he does with that.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:22 am ]
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"Well you see my dear they grow underneath the sand and when they reach near full growth is the time they break free, so the process isn't as fast as you make it out to be. Just it's appended makes it so." I then smiled at her when she went into her explanation.

"Yes, that does answer all my questions. I think it's very terribly that you have a distrust of all men. It seems the Island is preparing you to become a hardcore lesbian. What a waste, however your instincts aren't always correct. I mean if I was going to do something bad to you then I surely would've done it by now." I tell her. At the same time something pricked her finger. It was a small thorn on the flower. It injected an aphrodisiac into her blood stream and with the way this girl presented herself that wouldn't be very hard to throw her over the edge.

I kept smiling as I picked up one of the flowers and put it in a plastic bag. "Since my presence disturbs you so much I'll leave." I walk away after making sure her little bag was empty since she was distracted. I then got out of her sight range and just wanted for my chance. I knew if I could just control the tempo of things to come this would be easy.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:23 am ]
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Not necessarily true, Sondra thought as she listened to his response, you could just be biding your time. Sondra winced as she felt a prick on her finger from one of the flowers she held in her hand, and small drops of crimson blood started to drip onto the ground, forming a tiny puddle on the sand before her feet.

"You do that," Sondra replied tersely, attempting to ignore the stinging of the tiny cut on her finger and the strange warm tingling that was spreading rapidly through her body and making her incredibly horny as she folded her arms and glared into the eyes of 'Mr. Sulivan'.

Relived that the so-called tutor and botanist had finally left her to herself, Sondra made a mad dash for her beach blanket, not stopping as she hastily stripped out of her bikini. Her nipples were already painfully erect and her sweet juices were trickling down the horny teen's legs.

Sondra kneeled down on the cluttered tiger-print beach blanket and went straight for her 'toy bag'. That 'Mr. Sullivan' was probably still around somewhere, watching her every move, but Sondra didn't give a damn at this point. She just had to get off NOW or she was going to burst! Sondra reached into the big paper bag for her favorite dildo while her free hand went straight for her sopping wet cunt, thrusting three fingers into her honey pot. Soft moans escaped her lips as she proceeded to pleasure herself.

"What the fuck?!?" Sondra paused her masturbating and peered into the brown paper bag. The bag was empty! The bag was completely, utterly fucking empty! "Shit! Where the fuck did it all go? I had like hundreds of toys in this thing, and it's all gone!" Sondra glanced in the direction that guy had walked off in. "Son of a bitch! That fucking sucker! The bastard must've walked off with it all when I was distracted. Now what am I gonna use..."
A small grin appeared on her face. Yes, she was not completely bad off. "That asshole may have taken all my toys, but he still hadn't left me completely empty-handed." Still on her knees, Sondra spread her legs a bit more and reached under and behind for the cat tail that was still attached via the thin silver chain-link belt that she wore around her waist. Then, spreading her pussy lips with her free hand, the blonde nympho rammed the big, thick, furry tail into her waiting cunt. A loud cry of pleasure escaped her lips as it entered her sopping wet hole.

As she began to rapidly thrust the furry object in and out of her pussy with her left hand, Sondra took her right hand and started to massage the firm but supple flesh of her left breast, moaning loudly with pleasure as she proceeded to pleasure herself, completely oblivious of anything that might be going on around her.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:24 am ]
Post subject: 


I walked back since I purposely had left behind something of mine. I was a bit... surprised that this girl had found something to pleasure herself with. I walked up in front of her and bent down and placed a bag just like hers next to hers, letting her sex toys fall out of it as I grab the other one up. She couldn't be oblivious to that. I stared at her a bit a look of shock on my face as I held them in my hands.

"Well... I grabbed you bag by mistake. I was quite... surprised by what I found inside. Plus you've certainly given me a nice view." I tell her as I kneel down next to her. I grab the cat tail from her and start to thrust it into her for her. "Allow me to return the favor." I tell her as I grab her free breasts and begin to roll it around in my hand as I take her cat tail and fuck her with it.

The aphrodisiac would react with me a bit only turning her on more. "Don't worry, I'll show you that all men aren't Jerks." I tell her with a slight smile as I thrust the tail into her hard as I gentle roll her nipples between my fingers now.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:24 am ]
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Sondra's moans grew louder as the pace of her thrusting increased, eyes closed as the amorous blonde laid back on the blanket with her legs spread and drifted off, lost in a sea of pleasure. Her clit was fully erect, the engorged nub feeling like it was ten times its normal size, and her nipples were painfully aroused, hard as little diamonds on her swollen breasts. Sondra's sweet love juices were flowing freely as she continued to ram the furry tail into her sopping wet cunt and massaging her firm, full breasts, alternating between the two large globes while the horny little sex kitten continued to pleasure herself.

"Well... I grabbed you bag by mistake. I was quite... surprised by what I found inside. Plus you've certainly given me a nice view." Sondra's eyes opened to the sound of a familiar voice and looked up at Mr. Sullivan through narrow eyes, clearly annoyed by the man's presence. The son of a bitch just had to interrupt when things were heating up! What the fuck did he want now?

But still...he was a man, and he had what she desperately needed right now. Perhaps he could help her... Sondra's eyes went to the bag he had put down. It was the bag with her sex toys, which had spilled out onto the blanket, where they lay, just begging to be picked up and used.

When she looked back, the man was kneeling next to her and taking the cat tail from her...and thrust it back into her tight, dripping wet hole. Sondra let out an appreciative moan when she felt it enter her soaking wet love canal. Sondra lay back with her eyes closed again, moaning loudly as she enjoyed the wonderful feeling of Mr. Sullivan's hand on her sensitive breasts and nipples and the tail that was rapid thrusting in and out of her drenched pussy.

Sondra knew she should be resisting this man, she knew that she should be fighting both him and the desire quickly building up inside her, but the aphrodisiac was having its wicked effects on her body as it was clouding her mind. The only thing that mattered to the desperately horny young woman was getting what her body craved so badly…

Author:  Keemari [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I lick my lips at the sight as I work her cute little cat tail in and out of her for quite a while, watching the juices of her body flow from her slit and down her bikini covered ass and pooled beneath her as this girl was just a fountain ready to burst forth. I remove the hand playing with her breast and grab one of her sexy toys, a vibrating egg type as I turn it on and place it against one of her brests, running it back and forth over her, making sure to move it over her erect nipples the most.

"Hmmm, you look quite delicous my dear girl and I must admit those cat ears you wear only add to your appeal, how you must wish they were real don't you?" I ask her as I continue to use her tail to thrust in and out of her pussy as the vibrator dances around her breasts. Looking down at my shorts and the buldge that was there it was obvious that I myself was getting excited watching the girl. It was a sight to behold indeed.

Still I played the part of the concerned gentlemen as I stop moving her tail for a bit suspecting that she would take back over if I left her too long like that as I find a toy specifically for her ass as I find some anal beads attached to yet another tail. I then hold it up. "Hmmm you may want to work that tail for a while, since a cat like you shouldn't be without a tail and this one will take some time to put in." I tell her.

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:38 pm ]
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((Not bikini-clad anymore))

“Yes…ahhh…yess I do…Ohhh!” Sondra moaned, as the botanist continued to fuck her soaking wet pussy with her long, furry tail as he ran the vibrating egg over one sensitive breast, further stimulating her already painfully erect nipple.

Sondra took over when Mr. Sulivan’s hand left her tail, the sex-crazed girl grabbed onto her unattended breast with her right hand and began to massage the firm, round orb, gently pinching the sensitive nipple, while her other hand went down to the tail stuffed in her tight wet pussy and began to fuck herself with the furry appendage, slowly and gently at first, then gradually picking up the pace and intensity of her thrusts.

The amorous blonde’s soaking wet pussy was practically gushing with her sweet love juices from the attention of the teacher and her own hard-working hands. With her eyes were still closed as she savored the wonderful sexual pleasure she was receiving, Sondra of course did not notice the large bulge in the teacher’s shorts.

“Ahhh…Soo good…”

Author:  Sondra Van Ryan [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:50 am ]
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Author:  Keemari [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:30 am ]
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"So glad your enjoying yourself." I tell her as I lick the anal beads to get them a bit of lube as she then feels me pushing them into her ass, bead by bead, sometimes pulling a few out just to tease her as I get her body nice and ready as I work them into her ass, finally when she had her tail I reach up and take her head up as I continue to use the vibrator on her breasts teasing her nipples I take her mouth into my own and exchange a kiss with her, swirling my long and agile toungue around her mouth, pushing the sex crazed students buttons.

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