Shokushu High School

Lost on campus - (quaetea)
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Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Lost on campus - (quaetea)

It was her first night on the island when she heard something awaken her. She was shivering and feeling alone. The teddy bear had been dropped from her hands and when she went to find it, it was no where to be seen. Sliding from her bed she went about tearing apart her bed and looking under her bed. Finding it eventually, she'd settled down and had started to doze when she'd heard another sound.

The sound of a kitten outside? That was odd, however she couldn't turn away a poor helpless little critter. Rising up she put on her black school shoes and departed her room. Long blue hair bounced along her hips and ass as she looked around with sleep dazed blue eyes.
"Here kitty kitty? Come here kitty, I'll take care of you....

Her soft voice called for the kitty as she wandered from the dormitory towards a path. Searching she started to worry, The kitten was heard but she couldn't find it. Maybe it was trapped! Or hurt! She couldn't help her growing anxiety or fear for the little furry creature. That's why she'd starte d up a little pet shelter back home. The little creatures needed someone to take care of them.

Rock crushed under her feet and the moonlight shone down upon her soft blue hair making her white nightgown she wore almost transparent as well. Her body silhoetted in the moonlight as she knelt down making little clicky sounds with here tongue.

"Here kitty kitty! Please come here, kitty. This place scares me and I don't want to leave you out here all by yourself with no one to care for you..."

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:57 am ]
Post subject: 

((more than enough thanks.))
It had been a kitten actually, well an alien kitten though truthfully more of a fox, the sounds had been sent with telepathy to this girl. The cat sounds ended as she reached the point in the path far enough from the school to not be heard.

Quaetea had chosen this girl based on her student file, something she didn't often look at but, today found oh so interesting. a singer, kind to animals & a cheerleader all things she found made good targets She lay there pretending to be wounded whimpering slightly in the way foxes did though in her mind she'd hear a feminine voice.

A new girl... ooo she's wonderful looking... Is she a virgin? I bet she is that'll be fun...

it was a voice from no where, perhaps just her mind inventing conversation based on the creepy atmosphere though in fact it was the little fox that lay there in a moonbeam seemingly wounded and helpless surrounded by flowers that seemed to sing in a clearing surrounded by odd looking trees that appeared to have been clawed at by some THING not of earth.

[i]She's lucky I found her first isn't she... I'll be soft with one whom hasn't been touched before...

the voice came again as the cute little white & black animal lay there quaetea using another of this form's powers, choosing this only girl as it's target, no human could resist the little fox when she did this unless they feared canines.

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

The school was a ways down the path but she cared for little animals so there was no way she'd leave a possibly injured one all alone. It was after several moments of kneeling and peeking around did she find what seemed a little creature laying in the moonlight. Tears filled her eyes as she ran to it and dropped to her knees before it.

"Oh no you poor little thing. I'm so sorry you've been hurt." Her heart all but bled out at the sight of what seemed a hurt animal laying there. Now seeing it was more of a fox, she still wasn't afraid as she gently gathered it into her arms and pressed it gently to her breasts. Her fingers gently as they caressed along it's body searching for injuries.

The creature seemed ok for the most part when she turned her gaze to what lay about her. There was a tree that seemed to have been mauled by something. She protectively pressed the little fox like creature closer to the soft swell of her breasts. Blue eyes swept about as she slowly rose to stand. Whatever had hurt the tree might have been what hurt the little thing.

Determination filtered through her eyes as she whispered before pressing her lips softly to the forehead of the creature.
"I promise that I'll take care of you. I won't let whatever hurt that tree get you!"

She started at a fast walk to get the little thing away from the area she'd found it in. Hoping whatever had damaged the tree wasn't still waiting there like an evil presence in the night.

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:46 am ]
Post subject: 

The fox that she carried continued to whimper slightly as Quaetea plotted how to subtly attack this student. She would have smirked if she was able soon though Teralyndra would hear a girl calling out for help from not far off into the forest itself off the beaten path. along with that of the kitten she had originally heard. neither of which existed both just sent into the girl's mind from the alien she was now carrying in her arms.

this will be more difficult than I thought...

the alien thought before Teralyndra would trip on debris from above and drop quaetea she'd roll a bit dazed into the forest out of view. She'd then yelp in false terror as though something had grabbed her and she'd unseen change her shape to that of her grotesque bestial form, though blind, what better to see in the dead of night than a creature whom could see sound and smell?

The next thing after she'd regain her balance would be a screech a terrifying screech that didn't belong on earth. a monster of some sort or another whatever it was it was doubtful that Teralyndra would want to help it.

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Tripping on some sticks and stones, her scream filtered from her full lips as she fell and tumbled a little bit down the embankment. Her night gown now dirty and tearing showing bits of her legs. She frightentedly felt around for the little creature. She couldn't leave it out here alone.

Her eyes were wide with fear when she heard some sort of creature and hoped it wasn't what had attacked the little creature. Still she had hope that she'd find the little furry one. The girls crying she'd heard originally seemed to have faded off for a moment just leaving her what she thought was some creature, and her furry charge.

"Please, oh god please let me find it unharmed.. "
Her hands reached around on the ground in large sweeps trying to reach or find the little creature. On her hands and knees hoping to stay hidden and out of the sight of what had made that shrill resonance of a scream. Lowering down near to crawling on the ground she kept searching and hoping that whatever it was, wouldn't find her first.

Whispering as softly as she possibly could. She called for the little creature, hoping that it would come to her as she searched for it.
"Come here little one.. please.. please come here.. I'm scared.. " Her soft little harmonic voice held that fear she expressed. What's more it held the catch that tattle taled that she was crying as well.

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:17 am ]
Post subject: 

It didn't take too long for Quaetea to finish changing shapes and perch herself in the tree above the student. a single leap was all. She looed down at Teralyndra breathing a droplet of drool would hit the girl then at the same moment strong bony tentacles would wrap around her one around each ankle one around each wrist and one around her waist. they'd pull her into the tree.

Blind meant no seeing colors yet the sight she had in this form was good enough to see she was fearful & crying thus she spoke to her in a kind tone.. well kind of it yet it was raspy monsterous almost animal like.

"The little fox is sssafe human.... It isss an important little friend of mine it often attractssss ssstudentsss for me without knooowing it..."

The creature's head was covered in red plates and it was obviously crouched in the branch yet perfectly balanced on the fragile part of the tree.

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Searching she kept feeling around for it crawling on the ground and trying to keep her ass down incase someone saw her white night gown covered tush when she felt something wrap about her wrists. Vines and yet not they gripped her ankles and wrists. Pulling her into a tree where she blinked and fought down her fears, unsucessfully.

"Please.. Please don't hurt me.. I just wanted to help the little one."
Her voice wobbled and tears started freely spilling down now dirty cheeks. Her blue eyes looked around and looked at her binds. They weren't natural, not human. Something was very much wrong here and she'd just gotten here! Her panic rose as a voice called out to her softly.

"The little fox is sssafe human.... It isss an important little friend of mine it often attractssss ssstudentsss for me without knooowing it..."

Human? Friend? She suddenly felt tricked and that hurt her a little more but surely the little creature hadn't meant bad to happen to her. That was unacceptable and something she'd not believe, "No no no.. A little one would never wish ill on anyone! Please! Don't lie to me. Please let me go!"

Panic laced her voice as she started to feel that bit of drool slip down from her hair onto her cheek. It was slimy and disgusting feeling like the sludge at the bottom of a pond. Trembling she now had a feeling her ass was in big trouble. Biting her lip the girl looked around, there had to be a way to get out of this. Although all she wanted to do about now was scream for her mami and pappi!

A flash of red caught her attention a little bit up in the tree and she had a feeling that it was the originator of the binds that now held her to the tree. It's bark cutting into her a little bit reminding her of it's rough texture.

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:37 am ]
Post subject: 

She laughed a little at the girl before speaking again.

"Ooooo it meansss you no harm I choosse to follow it it would have warned you if it had not been hurt. human girlsss jusst love cute critterssss"

she'd picked up the hiss from the monster jezebel it had given her a way to properly speak in this form without skipping an entire set of sounds. Next a tentacle moved her away from the bark and up holding her suspended in the air still clothed... at least for now, in her nightgown & boy's shorts panties. she'd soon feel pressed against a leathery hide and then the air hurling by her as Quaetea lept high into the air landing in a clearing beside a lake.

the creature would rise to it's full height, a 10' beast of some sort holding the girl helpless suspended feet in front of itself.

"Do you know what I plan to do to you?"

the creatures warm breath contrasting the cool night breeze

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Laughed at it made her cheeks flame bright red with embarassement. Dear god what had her parents sent her into! She'd thought that they loved her with all her straight A's and always being a good girl. She sang for the damn church choir for pete's sake. And now she was being hissed at by some creature that was scaring the snot out of her.

Wide blue eyes followed each movement of the creature then she felt something pull her from the tree and leave her suspended in the air. Fearful of hights she closed her eyes and gave a frightened whimper.
"Please don't drop me, I beg you please not to hurt me either." Her voice had dropped to a soft quiet almost sing song like tone in her terror.

Soon wind caressed along and she felt her nightgown rustle about her small body. Almost childlike in frame her 5'1 body hung in the air suspended by those evil vines. The creature walked forward and stood to where she was severely dwarved.
"Oh god, I'm going to die aren't I!"Her squeel of terror babbled from her lips as they lost color like her face. She grew ashen as the creature spoke again.

Did she know what it had planned? NO, she was terrorfied as well. Still she knew better then to not answer. Wobbily her voice croaked out,
"Nn..nn..noooo." Like a broken record the word was disarrainged, warmth for am oment caressed over her and she knew it was the creature's breath. Was she going to get eatten like she was some plankton and this was a whale that just found her?

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:04 am ]
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She again laughed darkly at her cried of fear at her face never having tried the tactic of making the girl's squirm in fear before she took them though it was fun this monster luckily for Tera had a conscience. another of her 'weaknesses' unfortunately she had no way of helping it.

"Eaten... why I do believe sssso though perhapsss not in the literal ssssenssse you humans do usse the term eaten for one of the thingsss I plan to do to you or are you too innocent to underssstand my meaning..."

A tentacle ran up and down he cheek taking in the feeling of the girl's skin another sneaking up her nightgown until it reached the swell of her bussom where it would gently stroke along the underside of that swell on her chest.

"i'm sssure you will enjoy what I will do... at leassst before I'm done."

Quaetea had never actually had a virgin on the island and was finding herself only about two steps ahead of one thanks to her session with other monsters in a bit of a student role.

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:18 am ]
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Trembling in a combination of cold and fear her body shook visibly in the moonlight. Long strands and silken blue tendrils drifted in the breeze from her head as she looked up at the creature. He or She was laughing at her and that battered her already petrified pride. For a moment she thought of telling her to stop laughing or she'd kick the creature in the nuts. However even she knew that wasn't exactly fisable.

Something caressed along her cheek, weither it was to calm her or frighten her more as she turned to look at it. Her jaw dropped and her mouth fell open to a large O of sorts. The thing on her cheek was not, could not be a vine. Something was very badly wrong here. This place was unholy or something and that brought out another torrent of tears to fill her blue eyes then down her cheeks.

The monster assured her that, she'd like what was to be done to her. Her terror held her as tightly as the tentacles did and she simply almost puppet like nodded her head. It spoke of eatting her, did it mean to actually shove her in it's mouth! Again her lips moved but nothing came from them. It planned to do such things to her and all she wanted to do was run for the hills.

Soon another sensation filtered into her mind and she looked down. Along the underside of her large breasts something rubbed which sure wasn't right like the thing on her cheeks. Clenching her thighs together tightly she shivered.
"Please, I'll do anything, just don't hurt me or the kitty?"Maybe she had missed the part of the fox/kitty being on the creature's side. More like she was clinging to hoping it would come to her rescue.

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:37 am ]
Post subject: 

the tentacle at tera's breast wrapped around the large mound of flesh before it began to kneed gently sending soothing pleasurable waves through the girl's body the tentacle at her cheek moved downward to do the same to the first's twin.

"The kitty assss you call it will be sssafe... now My name isss quaetea what about your own human?"

Thee creature was growing tired of not being able to see the color of the girl's clothe & skin, having to feel around to find what she wished thus she decided to shift her form. Tera would see one of the most disgusting things she'd probably see in her life as flesh twisted & contorted bones snaped shattered and compressed shifting shape joints dislocating & reattaching until Quaetea appeared as a male demon like thing. the horns were there & the wings, though these wings leathery as they were had tentacles attached which continued to bind tera. it appeared to wear some sort of armor down his sides & below his waist. looking at the moon's placement and breathing a bit heavily obviously just a tad tired now it knew it's next set of shifts would be coming around soon.

"Is this form better for your eyes human?"

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:08 pm ]
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Something was coiling around her breast and massaging it under her night gown. It felt like what held her up and she could do little but look down at the night gown as it shifted. Arousing to have her sensative breasts played with she reluctantly bit out a moan of pleasure. Soon both of her breasts were entwined and she was whimpering out trying so hard to not let it bother her, but she couldn't help feeling the squeezing of her breasts when the tentacles kneeded along them.

Closing her eyes her head fell back and she took several gasps of air trying to drag control back into her body. The creature spoke again telling her it's name,
"Quaetea? N..nnice name. My names Teralyndra, I .. I guesss." Each word studdered and trilled with fear as she watched the shadows move around and then what seemed to be a reforming. As it stepped more into light, her eyes widened.

I'm going to die.. something really painful and hateful is going to kill me. Her thoughts resonated over this as she looked at the monster about the same time her lips parted and she let out a loud scream of fright and terror,
"NO!" She screamed out. Her hands twisted at the binds that held her suspended in the air. Wide eyed, her panic filled body now fought to get away. The creature was massive and looked like it could tear her apart.

The creature was huge and had alot to it. What the hell was it! She'd never seen anything like that out of a horror flick and now this creature held her up. Long things gripped her, wings, and horns. She whimpered and tugged trying to get herself free. It was about then she started bawling,
"I want to go home! I want my Mami and Papi!"

Author:  quaetea [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Though this form was male it would take time to think as it continued to hold her with it's significantly less tentacles though still well enough; it only had one free in this from stretching from it's strange wings. The crying girl was really starting to tug at the akti's heart strings... well whatever kept an akti alive indefinitely was certainly no heart but... either way it was hurting.

She stared at the girl this form was obviously shorter, at least a foot & a half feet shorter it's blue eyes quite lucid matching it's blond hair. a gentle smile crossed it's face.

"Mami & papi, your parents? Perhaps I have not been clear child... I don't wish you harm though I'll be forced to if you do not cooperate as of now you're really bothering me... with your bawling I'm quite nice in terms of the inhuman things on this island... count yourself lucky you haven't met some of the... things I've learned from."

She paused scratching her chein with a dark tanned hand.

"Do you know of self pleasure girl? Do tell me you've at least sexually pleasured yourself if another life form hasn't yet."

Author:  Teralyndra [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:41 pm ]
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She fell silent as this man like creature looked at her. Her eyes were wide and fearful but she bit her lips to stiffle her louder bit of tears. They still ran down her face as she couldn't stop them from falling since she was scared. Tentacles held her and she tried hard not to move despite all she wanted was to run away. When the creature smiled at her almost gently she was taken back abit.

Was she misjudging this creature and it didn't wish to hurt her? Listening to it's words she nodded her head but didn't understand what else was on the island as of yet. However she really didn't want to based on what the creature was saying either. It made her nervous and want to run away again despite the restraints that held her as she was. Moonlight bathing upon her nightgown making it transparent again and her blue hair to lightly sparkle in the light.

Cooperation? This thingy wanted her to cooperate with something.
"Did you need me to help you with something? Was that why you lured me here?" She asked softly and curiously, maybe even going so far as to be naively misunderstanding. Her blue eyes went to the creature as it paused in caressing her chin a little bit.

She was afraid of it and it showed within her eyes. But maybe she was being judgemental so she tried to understand and do what she was told to. The next questions had her blushing bright red and shaking her head wildly in denial.
"NO! I don't do that, it's bad and Papi says it will make me a slut.. " Her eyes were fearful as though she wasn't aware of things that were rapidly approaching.

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