Shokushu High School

Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)
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Author:  Kalysta [ Mon May 19, 2008 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

Kalysta jogged along the edge of the beach in the small surf. She used the water beating against her legs as resistance. Her long green hair was pulled back in a ponytail that she braided. Her bright yellow two piece swimsuit caught the sunlight highlighting her curves. She had always loved the suit because it tied at both hips, around the neck and around the back. The bottoms rode low on her hips displaying tattoos. The one just above her pubic hair peaked out teasingly, while the one on the small of her back was in full view.

She didn't bother looking around her as she jogged. When she first arrived she had learned that this was an all girls school, and she was relieved to know that. Being short had it's disadvantages, but she wasn't worried now that she learned there wasn't males here. She continued to jog her large breasts bouncing with each step. The outline of her nipple rings was easy to see through the top.

She had already been at it an hour and she would go thirty minutes more. Her body was use to getting a long workout.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Tue May 20, 2008 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

((TAKEN!!! WOOO!!!)

Bon was sitting in the sand along side of the ocean, strumming his guitar. "Fucking boring here sometimes...". He began just playing a playful melody, entertaining himself for a moment till he saw the beauty running down the beach. He pretended he had not noticed her and continued strumming.

Author:  Kalysta [ Tue May 20, 2008 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

Not once as she jogged along the beach did she look at the guy playing his guitar. In truth she never saw him. Her brain had been programed to focus fully on the job at hand. It had also been trained to block out pain. That was were the four tattoos and nipple piercing came from. Her 'teachers' had put her ability to ignore pain to the test several times.

She had noticed though that her emotions were slowly coming back the longer she was here. Without the daily drugs that had been given to her she knew that she would be close to normal soon, as close as she would ever be. The process of her emotions returning was so slow though that it might take months for them to fully come back. Right now they were just being scratched.

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Tue May 20, 2008 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

Bon noticed her not paying attention to him, "Well talk about a bitch...", he said to himself.

He continued strumming, then he called out to her, "Hey!".

Author:  Kalysta [ Wed May 21, 2008 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

Kalysta stopped jogging and turned towards the voice. She placed her hands on her hips as she looked over the man with the guitar. She took survey of him for several long moments. The one thing he would notice about her was that she wasn't even winded from her long jog.

"Are you lost? If so the school is over there. I'm sure someone could help you."

Author:  Bonjoceiv [ Fri May 23, 2008 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

Bon sighed, "Jesus Christ... how many rude girls are there at this school?" He stood up, slinging his guitar over his shoulder as he shook his head.

"I said 'Hello'... I was hoping that we could have a conversation... I wasn't looking for directions...". He rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses and began to examine her behind them as well. What a strange girl... beautiful... but strange...

Author:  Kalysta [ Tue May 27, 2008 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking a not so peaceful jog (open to monster)

She looked at him still emotionless. Kalysta studied him for a moment trying to decide how to handle this.

"I'm sorry I guess. I was under the impression that males were allowed here unless they were professors."

She didn't move any closer to him nor did she look any friendlier.

"You look a little young to be a professor, so I thought maybe you were lost."

She finally took a few steps closer but still showed no signs of warming up to him.

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