Shokushu High School

Spelunking {KouzaKai}
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Author:  Roslein Kiefer [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Spelunking {KouzaKai}

Caves by their very nature encompassed several of Roslein's problem areas; darkness, small inclosed spaces, and often creatures with rabies such as bats. Even worse than that was the fact that anything could be hiding within. So, given all of these things, one would be perfectly justified in wondering just why Roslein would even seriously consider such a thing. Like always, it was a matter of wanting to fit in and be liked by her peers. Every day for the last week, she had heard whispers of caves near a lake way out in the forest. She didn't hear much besides that, but had somehow managed to come to the conclusion that there was to be a party inside one, and that everyone had been invited but she.

Insecurity does bad things to the mind. She stood in her dorm room, angrily staring into the mirror and studying first one feature and then the other. What was wrong with her? Why hadn't she been invited to a party so big that everyone else seemed to be talking about it? Even now, they must be having the time of their lives, probably laughing at the girl they didn't invite. Well, no longer. Quickly changing into a pink satiny shirt, short black skirt and one of her many pairs of ballet flats, Roslein twirled once then winked at her reflection. If they hadn't invited her...she would just invite herself!

Tying her thin white sweater around her waist, the only concession she made to the night chill, Roslein sped down the hall and outside as quickly as possible. It was certainly a dark evening...everyone else must have brought flashlights or lanterns or something. She set off at a run towards the line of trees that marked the start of the thick woods. Hopefully, she wouldn't run into any skunks or burrowing turtles on the way there. Her cousin had been bitten by a burrowing turtle once...nasty cut, got infected. They had to amputate two of her toes. Roslein happened to love very much every part of her body, and did not want them cut off because of a cross tortoise.

Finally, she saw the decently-sized body of water, moonlight reflecting off in ribbons. Roslein didn't see or hear any of the other girls; maybe the caves were so thick that they muffled all noise. Hey, it was possible. Tripping down to the water's edge, she looked across, trying to see if there was a light coming from any of them. There weren't any she could see; maybe they were so far in, the light didn't travel. She wasn't exactly a science whiz. "Hm....I guess I'll have to look in all of them." Picking a cave at random, she sauntered in, slippered feet making little noise on the dirt and stone.

"Hello?" Roslein called, hearing her voice echo slightly in the confined space. Farther away from the entrance, it became much darker, sending soft shivers across her skin. Yanking her thin sweater onto her chest for more warmth, she called again, "Hello? Guys?" Still nothing, but she could've sworn she heard the sound of dripping water. Well, considering it was a cave, that was to be expected. But no voices, as of yet. Okay, if she didn't see anyone in three more minutes, she was going on to the next cave to continue her search.

Author:  KouzaKai [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:38 am ]
Post subject: 

The network of caves around the campus was fabulous, huge structures which were formed since time immemorial. They were connected by a network of tunnels, naturally formed, and stretched thru the entire island, encompassing the huge land mass.

This network of tunnels provided easy access for creature such as bats and other such animals to pass through, appearing in one place and then the next. This enables them to effectively explore the island.

But of course, who uses this more effectively than the island's secret population?

Since coming to the island some months ago, this has been the favorite 'subway' route of the monster KouzaKai. It helped in his hunting, to somehow quell his monstrous appetite for sex. He had the foolish parent of his to thank for that, grafting him with a particularly nasty gene...that of a sex-crazy leviathan. It might be big and lethal, yes, but the appetite and the hunger for copulation was torture.

Like right now. He has just finished and was just about to go into his subterranean refuge to rest. He liked it here...wet, damp, and there was this nifty underground river which he swam in. Does wonders for him, quickly gets lost energy back. And on rare occassions...this was where he brings certain 'guests'.

Like that sort of 'pad' of his, where he spent very rare occassions sleeping. It was just beyond the waterfall, and very near the lake where students were lured into by monster such as himself. The place was huge, cavernous, and had a soft carpeting of moss. It wasn't yucky moss; in fact it served as some kind of carpeting to compensate for the roughness of the rocky structure underneath. It was, to him, home.

This night though, when he reached the place, he was feeling...particularly horny again. Now that was a problem. He was sure as hell not about to go back into the school...nighttime offered many challenges, including trying to compete with monsters who got there first. That wasn't on his mind at all. So how to solve the problem, he had no idea.

He though a quick dip might change his mind, so off he went. He was about to plunge into the waterfalls headfirst, when...


He cleared his ears. It must be the wind. playing tricks with him. Besides it was hard enough that you were getting a bit of coral formations in your ear due to being soaked in seawater too much. He contemplated jumping into the water again.

"Hello? Guys?"

Now, if that was the wind, it was indeed getting stubborn. It wasn't the wind. It was someone.

He smiled a cruel smile...seems like his problem-solver had come to him after all. He then started off into the direction of the voice.

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