Shokushu High School

Inspiration (for Kori)
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Author:  Aegir [ Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Inspiration (for Kori)

Having found that a great deal of his energy had been placed forth in alleviating boredom Aegir found that the state was encroaching upon him once more. It had not been much of a surprise really seeing that the years had been exceptionally long for him. There was little newness to the galaxy and though he had not yet seen it all despite his numerous years often times it had felt as if he had in fact experienced all that life had to offer. That had not been the case for Aegir was growing by the day. He was learning new things, drawing upon these absorbed memories did help in keeping him entertained after all but now he had found himself in a rut.

He was on the beach during low tide. The smell of the ocean had filled his nostrils while the diminished roar of the sea echoed in the backdrop. Occassionally sprays of white foam would soar up into the sky when tiny waves clashed against rocks that were now bared to sight given that the ocean had retracted itself considerably. A few sea gulls that had not been intimidated by his presence had rested against some of the closer rocks using their keen eyes to find the marine life that had become trapped during low tide. Starfish that clung to the sides of rocks, the occassional crab or even eel had been a source of food that no scavenger would pass up given the opportunity.

Aegir himself had rested beside a shallow pool generated by the retreating of the ocean. Several small creatures were just as trapped in the pool from minute fish to a hermit crab that had just recently acquired a new sea shell to a few thumb sized crabs. The tip of his tentacle pierced the surface of the water as he absent mindly stirred the cool water while emitting a burbling sound, a sound that in this case passed for a sigh.

Had he the facial features for it he may have even frowned. Instead his mouth tentacles cascaded about lazily as if they could not even be bothered displaying any excitement that the day would hold for itself. Then, quite suddenly like a streak of lightning arching across the clouds Aegir's eyes were illuminated with a fire. His tentacle retracted from the pool, his posture straightened as a thought over took him.

Yes! Yes he would do just that! Today he was going to fashion himself a monument just as he had done upon earth. Just as he had done when he directed the creation of Stonehenge. That would kill considerable time (though not half as much as humans had always suspected). He had to keep his construction remote, someplace that it would not simply be stumbled upon and thus he had elected to house it upon the ocean floor where no student would be privy to its existance. The added challenge of constructing his monolith under water would only serve to engage his mind though first he needed to acquire some necessary working materials. He needed stone, preferring the durability of bedrock he found himself touring the island as he had once done upon his initial arrival here some weeks ago. This time he had turned his attention to searching for amiable deposits of workable stone.

He had not been so single minded in his purpose that he had forgotten to camouflage his pigment. Nor had he foregone stealth as he slithered through and about the terrain. White eyes kept a watch out for students though he had been more concerned about stumbling across another hunter for he had still not run across any of his peers and thus had not knowledge of whether or not they were a territorial lot. Always best to ere on the side of caution Aegir kept his senses attuned to his surroundings.

Today he had not been looking to partake in a hunt normally being the sort that would plan days in advance for such matters. But he had not been above tackling prey of opportunity on those rare occassions when he stumbled upon someone by chance. To turn a blind eye to such endeavors would have been crass not to mention downright moronic. So when he picked up upon signs of life through his extrasensory perception Aegir reshifted his attention honing in upon this new element rather than ignoring it.

Author:  pelletierkp [ Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

Kori walked down right near Aegir, unable to notice him she walks along. Her heart beating quickly, she looks around somewhat frantically, as to avoid someone.. or something.

Author:  Aegir [ Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

This had to have been his lucky day. Aegir was by no means fleet of foot, er, tentacle considering that he had lacked the impressive mobility of humans. He could not run and while he was a little more expedient beneath the waves he tended to creep and crawl amongst the sea bed unless drawing upon his abilities of autophagy (jet propulsion) in which he could cover vast distances in short spans of time. However doing so had not been without a price seeing that it was very taxing to maintain over any real length of time.

But to have this student virtually collide with him given how close she was would have only been seen by him as a blessing. Right now he could have sprung into action wheeling his tentacles about in an effort to snare the unsuspecting young woman. He was not hastey though for he had learned that impatience often lead to miscalculations. Not just that Aegir had been cagey enough to see beyond mere appearances. Simply because this student hadn't looked like much with those freckled cheeks and rimmed spectacles that had not entailed that she was utterly defenseless. He had not known her name, had not done any research upon her whatsoever and thus there was always a certain degree of caution that had to be exhibited when dealing with the unknown regardless of how safe or mundane something appeared to be Aegir had not lived as long as he had by being careless.

Yet the dilemia upon him was that if he waisted too much time she would well and truly be out of his range. He could miss his chance but not even that had been enough to cause him to rush. Instead he focused his mental probes upon her, drawing in as much as he could from her active mind. She was apparently fleeing from someone or something, another monster perhaps? Out of the frying pan and into the fire was a human addage that he had become familiar with though Aegir had surmised that he was the lesser of two evils. He had not been overly physical, nor vicious with any of his victims to date and that had not been likely to change any time too. Still such a choice must have been akin to being kicked in the gut or kicked in the shins.

Quickly he adapted to the changing situation around him. He needed to buy himself more time, not much more but enough that he could discern her nature better. By delving into her mind he found the pieces of a puzzle that he would need to assemble in order to delay her. His unseen form reshaped itself as it became veiled in the illusion of a rather familiar role that he had assumed upon these grounds. That of the aged Clive Burrows, silver haired human adorned in his black suit, ivory gloves and blue-gray eyes. The drama professor whom he had invented on occassion had suited him nicely in the past and while caught up in a parlay with Shokushu's latest arrival Aegir would have an opportunity to digest her thoughts and memories ensuring that there were no secrets kept from him before he would strike. Clutched in one hand had been the black onyx walking stick that explained his slow gait. Atop the stick had been a silver ornament carved masterfully well of a dolphin leaping out of a wave. The entire image had made a fine pommel for the excellent piece of craftsmanship held in his clutches.

"Student!" His tone loud and clear for her to hear, eyes focused upon her as he spoke. "Why is it that you are so far from the campus grounds? Are there not classes in session at this very moment? Hm?"

Author:  pelletierkp [ Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

Kori turns back to see the man, "Oh.. uhm.. I have a free class right now.." She looked at him, puzzled. "What is he doing here in a suit?" She thought to herself

Author:  Aegir [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

His illusion had not meant to be fool proof so Aegir paid little attention to how out of place he was in his suit. That of course made perfect sense for the facimilie that he had created coming into play soon enough as it were. Casually he monitored her brain waves as he drew himself nearer favoring his right leg as he carefully manuevered around a patch of thick undergrowth. A small frown had been evident upon his lips as he cast his blue-gray eyes upon her only this time regarding her in silent study for a lengthy moment as if she were the one that had been out of place here.

"Irish ... no, no, that's not it. Not precisely." He shut his eyes for a brief moment conjuring up her words in his head once more. What he had learned was through his telepathic gifting, in fact that was how he was speaking to her now given that he had possessed no vocal chords in which to speak. It had been through this clever ruse that he had simulated speech making it appear if he was conversing with her simply by fooling her mind into believing that the sound she heard matched up with the movements of his lips, the distance from one another and other external factors that may have impaired or enhanced her ability to hear him.

"Irish-Canadian, eh?" He emulated the Canadian accent rather well not that he could not do the same with the Irish one. "Had you not guessed by now I am Professor Burrows. I head the theater department at this here campus. As you should have been made aware these grounds are off limits unless you happen to have a pass or have come to audition for a part. It does not seem that you have come for the later ... heavens no, you have not even been to wardrobe for rehersel nor do I recount seeing you at any of the auditions either so then you must possess a pass. You do have a pass, correct?"

His tone had not been sharp though his inflections fell upon all the right places to stress the fact that she could have stumbled into a pot of hot water here. His free hand extended itself outward towards her, palm up as if awaiting for her to produce the slip that would pardon her trespass here though all the while he focused in on her thoughts, digging beneath the surface as he searched for anything out of place, anything out of the ordinary that would give him a greater clue as to whom she was. Some of her preliminary information was already accessible at the tips of his fingers, more remained just out of reach at least for the moment ...

Author:  pelletierkp [ Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

(I don't much appreciate the "eh" thing, even though I do say eh often XD)

"I have it right he-" She searches frantically to look for the pass that she obviously must have dropped. "Damn, never mind.."

Author:  Aegir [ Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

(It has sort of become second nature to me, at least when I mumble to myself, and I lived a good 5 hrs. drive from the boarder course near everyone in the country mistakes me as Canadian or oddly Egyptian)

A grin peeled over his lips, Aegir's portral of Clive Burrows had never been strict or stern. He was an older man, far more laid back than many of his colleagues or so Aegir had structured this illusionary personality. Deviations from his portrayal would hardly matter one iota though but Aegir had been somewhat of a stickler for staying in character. Still he had not desired to prolong this encounter preferring to use the moment to analyze his prey. So far he had not unearthed anything within her mind that had set off any warning bells. No combat related abilities that he had to overly worry about. She did refrain from handing over her pass, course she didn't have one to turn over but that had been beside the point. It bought her time not that he had sensed that she had become aware of any trouble.

"Ahh ... well no pass entails detention, miss." His grin became a small smile as he shook his head slightly from side to side. "I hear that some of the faculty can be quite creative with their punishments. I never did quite understand why private schools were more into discipline than public ones. Possibly the out cry from parents at the later making a big deal out of this and that. Your ID then, if you will. I'm afraid the school has some rather strict guidelines not to mention regulations though I would like to think that I am not too cruel. Disciplinary action was never my strong suit and I'm sure you will harbor no compliants if I allow you to slide just a bit on this.

"Half an hour detention would suffice I think." He thought for a moment envisioning a matter in his head. "Sewing customs. Yes, I think that will do. Nothing too elaborate and the time should pass readily enough. Now, your ID for verification," his fingers curled sharply towards the palm of his hand, unclasped and did so again beckoning for her to hand it over though his body remained stationary. Aegir's mind of course had begun calculating numerous factors. From her distance from him, to his maxium striking potential should he bring the elasticity of his limbs to bare to how much of a hinderance this terrain would be to her should she elect to run. He so detested persuing prey as he simply was not cut out for it. Underwater under short jaunts, yeah, he could handle it, but overland he really didn't have much of a prayer in keeping up. Not unless you factored in dirty tricks like mind control, illusionary terrain that could have someone going about in circles for hours, telekinesis to trip up the unsuspecting as much as battering obstacles into one's path. So he had a few avenues he could try though generally he did not give much more than a token pursuit of anyone that tried to flee from him. It was simply far too much work for the trouble on most days while there was no shortage of victims to be had. Besides, he was patient enough to know that someone who escaped him today may not be so lucky tomorrow or even a year down the road so he had always kept that in mind.

Author:  pelletierkp [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

(wow lol, thats weird, its a habit we pick up here in the northern end of Ontario)
Kori looks suspiciously at the old professor says,"I'm sorry, I don't have any Identification on me right now..."

Author:  Aegir [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Inspiration (for Kori)

The smile faded from his lips as his hand dropped down to his side, blue-gray eyes regarding her for a moment. "Hmm .."

A moment of reflection, he let the silence build between them for a lengthy moment. Long enough to allow her to consider the ramifications of the trouble she was in. "Now that can be problematic. No pass. No ID. No, no, this just won't do." He could taste her growing suspicion even as he began to calculate his plans. Still short in the distance department, Aegir knew his range quite well having plenty of practice in testing out his limits. He did not wish to try to snare her from an extreme range either knowing full well that in doing so, should he fail to snag her, that she would be out of his range in a heart beat. Thus he took a few cautious steps forward his lethargic movements govered by the fact that he was navigating about the undergrowth that had surrounded his feet.

"I'm afraid you'll have to come with me back to the campus then. There's no other way about it seeing that I cannot confirm whom you are." It would be too easy for her to skip out on detention otherwise, or so that may have been her logical conclusion to his reasoning. Still, she seemed a little jittery even before coming across him so he had no real inkling as to how she was going to respond. His first clue would come from her thoughts, her feelings, for they would tip her hand to him before she could react.

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