Shokushu High School

A Run in the Woods (Jag)
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Author:  Kakumaoh [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The small cluster of bushes were an ideal hiding place for Kakumaoh. They were close enough to a path through the woods frequently used by students walking or running through to watch for promising-looking ones, but not close enough that anyone was likely to look into them and find he was there while he was waiting in ambush. They also offered enough cover that he'd be invisible to a casual onlooker, but were sparse enough that anyone who didn't know his abilities wouldn't think he could possibly hide in them. Admittedly, this late at night he'd be hard to see even if he was standing out in the open, but old habits die hard.

Right now, he watched a girl coming down the path in the distance. He'd seen her in the woods before, but this was the first time she'd been both alone and seemed likely to come close to him. It was the first opportunity he'd had to get her, and he wasn't going to miss it.

Author:  Jag [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The sparse grass of the beaten path crushed beneath Jag’s feet as she ran through the unmercifully hot dusk. The forest was, as usual, quiet, save for the soft falling of her own feet and the occasional sound of something moving through the underbrush. The moving noises had come to unsettle her a little… she was used to hiking and such a thing wouldn’t normally bother her but there were almost no other ambient animal noises to accompany them… occasionally birds but she had never seen a raccoon, cat, wolf, or any larger animal capable of making such a noise in her time on the island.

Tonight though, as she drew close to the end of her run, it was utterly quiet. Even the noise of the campus seemed more distant than it should. True, it was still about a mile away, though usually she could hear talking, laughing, partying… something. Tonight there was nothing. No movement in the forest, no sounds of civilization, not even the wind rustling through the trees; which, was actually drawing most of her attention. It hadn’t been so blistering hot when she had left on her workout earlier, and it was supposed to cool off at night, or so she thought. But nature seemed to have other plans for her today.

She finally slowed her pace to a crawl, still a few feet away from the bank of foliage just off the side of the path, and unwrapped the towel she had tied about her slender waist. Her flame red mane was pulled back neatly into a ponytail, though after the initial tie her long strands fanned out in behind her a little. An orange sport bra covered most of her large chest, though the back of the garment was composed of a slotted nylon weave that allowed air through, as well as a allowing a good view of the young woman’s back. There was a breach in her clothing there, her curved belly exposed, glistening in the dying light with the exertion of the workout, definition hinted at on the surface, belying the strong abs beneath slightly. A matching pair of orange and black shape hugging shorts completed her outfit, covering from her waist to about halfway down her toned thighs.

Jag slowly raised the towel up and draped it about her neck after clearing her face, her complexion surprisingly clear even after the long run, as if it were used to such things. The teen meanwhile raised her hands behind her head, taking in deep breaths to slow her racing heart, large breasts straining against the tight top as she slowly walked forward, lost in her thoughts…

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

He watched her approach, admiring her figure through the outfit that did little to hide it. From the way she slowed, it seemed she was tiring. That should make it easier to catch her.

He paused to consider. Perhaps a short chase. She won't be able to outrun me, and something large and unknown coming after her should make her more afraid. A quick pause for planning, then, Yes. Just wait until she's in position.

As she passed his hiding place, he crashed out of the brush and onto the path behind her.

Author:  Jag [ Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The teen’s eyes snapped open as she heard a loud crashing behind her, turning just enough to see… something enormous… coming out of the bush she had only just passed. Apparently it had been lying it wait. Jag would later wonder if it had been stalking her all along, though at the moment her instincts took over her thoughts.


Her body obliged, twisting forward again and lowering before dashing at full speed away from the thing. For being as tired as she was she was still incredibly quick. Unfortunately, she knew she wouldn’t last long sprinting full out like this, as her pursuer had the benefit of rest. Small clouds of dust or blades of grass would occasionally kick up behind her sneakers as they impacted heavily off the ground, overgrowth smacking at her face, her arms, her exposed skin, everywhere.

Midway into the chase, however, the girl did something strange. She veered off the path, heading parallel to the school, almost as if trying to keep her pursuer from following her back to campus. She tumbled through some foliage and continued through the forest, dashing through and around trees, hoping to lose the thing in the foliage.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The girl ran off faster than he'd expected. Still, Kakumaoh let her get a short head start before pursuing, keeping pace with her rather than running all out to catch her. He didn't think she could elude him, and there was no way she could outrun him once he decided to end the chase.

Then she did something he hadn't expected, going off the path and into the forest. If he hadn't been somewhat familiar with the area she went into, it might have worked. If he hadn't been able to see clearly in the darkness, it probably would have. As it was, however, he was able to move through the forest easily, going along a route that would let him intercept her shortly while keeping her in sight in case she went off in another direction.

Author:  Jag [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

Jag’s eyes darted behind her as she tried to keep track of the thing chasing her. After a few minutes, she began to breath heavily, gasping for air, lungs burning as she pushed herself past her limits. She could feel her legs wanting to give out, her muscles on fire with exhaustion.

Realizing this, and that her loud gasps were likely giving away her position, she veered again, heading towards campus… hoping she could make it there before she collapsed from exhaustion, but realizing it was a long shot. Campus was almost a mile away and she was teetering on empty as it was.

Slowly the teen began to slow down, her practiced run becoming more of a desperate gait…

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

She changed direction again, forcing Kakumaoh to do the same to catch her. Her pace had slowed and her gait changed, though, making it seem that she was nearly spent. Time to end this...

With a sudden burst of speed, he came up right behind her and clamped a hand down on her shoulder.

Author:  Jag [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The teen’s breaths came in loud, ragged gasps, her feet tearing through the underbrush of the unforgiving forest, seemingly not slowing her pursuer nearly as much as herself. She did manage to make it a bit further, but she could hear her stalker gaining on her quickly. She was nowhere near the campus yet, and needed more time.

Unfortunately, her time ran out quickly as she felt… something living… come down across her mostly bare shoulder, trying to knock her down. It succeeded, though because of it’s proximity she had been expecting an attack. The teen rolled in a flurry of red hair and leaves, trying to control her fall a little, though only managed to come up on her back rather than her feet. Slowly she raised her head, looking over her pursuer for the first time…

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

He loomed over her, all three red eyes flashing as they caught the dying light, then leaned down and placed his hands on her shoulders, pressing her firmly to the ground. An evil grin crossed his wolven face. "Yes, you should be quite enjoyable."

His arms appeared to lift off her shoulders and move down her body to fondle her breasts, but also clearly remained where they were.

Author:  Jag [ Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

A soft, feminine grunt flew from Jag’s lips as the thing pinned her to the ground easily, its size and strength evident from that feat alone. It looked… the word ‘chimera’ came to mind, if only for it’s strange mixing of many animal… and other… features. Though, looking at it now, more clearly, it was obvious why it had caught her. The thing looked like it was a combination of the best parts of predators. Claws, muscles, horns… it was truly fearsome looking. After hearing it speak, she decided, though with little proof, that it was male.

“Get… off… me… you… ahhh what… stop that!” she gasped, her chest leaping up and down beneath him even as what at first appeared to be a set of phantom hands moved down her collarbone to grasp the large swells of her breasts, each firm mound sending unwanted tingles of pleasure through her young body, causing her to writhe beneath him. Her own hands were unable to reach his as they molested her young chest through the constraining bra.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The hands on her chest shifted down, then slid under the lower edge of the bra. With a sharp tug, he yanked it up to expose her breasts. The hands returned to manipulating them as he leaned in closer. "Quite impressive," he leered.

Author:  Jag [ Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

The fiery haired girl struggled even more as his hands slowly traced over her firm mounds of flesh, down them slowly, down to the hem of her garment. Her arms flailed as much as they could (which admittedly, wasn’t much). Even so, he easily lifted the tight fitting top from her young breasts, the two hills spilling out of the garment with a bounce; her small pink buds growing just slightly darker and harder atop each mammary as they were exposed to the air and the thing’s lecherous eyes.

“I’m telling you… stop it! You don’t know who you’re messing with, as soon as I’m up I’ll put you down if you don’t get off me right now!” she hissed, defiant as always, though, also as usual, she was suppressing a great deal of terror at what the thing was going to do to her.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

He dismissed the threat with a derisive snort. "I've been threatened by many of your race in the past, human. I am still around. Most of them aren't."

Tentacles slid around her arms and legs to hold them in place as he shifted his hands, the ones on her shoulders moving to her breasts while the other pair began to move down her body. Leaning in, he began to run his tongue over her right nipple.

Author:  Jag [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

A glimmer of hope passed across the teen’s eyes as she felt his hands start to move from her shoulders, though her arms and legs were quickly entwined in what appeared to be tentacle-like appendages from the monster. Binding her even tighter than she had been, she was left with little ability to free herself, though it didn’t stop her from struggling, her back bucking wildly off the ground as she fought and tore at the limbs holding her.

“Why… are you… doing this..?” she gasped out between tugs at the tendrils, his hands at her chest moving down, over her slim, toned belly as it pushed back softly at him. Meanwhile, his newly freed hands replaced the old ones at her revealed breasts, grasping each large orb in an equally large hand. As he leaned in to lick at one of her prominent tits, a soft gasp escaped her throat, barely noticeable amidst her struggles but it was there none the less.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Run in the Woods (Jag)

He paused briefly in his attention to her breasts. "Why? Because I find it enjoyable." As his resumed activity caused her to gasp slightly, he added, "And it sounds like you do, too."

Meanwhile, one of his other hands worked its way under the waistband of her shorts and down between her thighs.

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