Shokushu High School

Tunnel Hacking (Saira)
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Author:  Kakumaoh [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

The utility tunnels were surprisingly large; Kakumaoh could pass through them without crouching, although the tips of his horns brushed the roof if he stood up straight. He'd encountered other monsters down here on occasion, presumably ones who also found it a useful way to get from place to place unseen. While it was sometimes a tight squeeze, there'd always been enough room to pass. You'd think they were designed to allow unseen passage by large beings. Then again, given the purpose of the school, they probably were.

He paused briefly. Had he heard...? He strained his ears, trying to pick out one sound amongst the noise of the tunnels. Yes, he was sure of it. Footsteps; booted footsteps, if he was right. One of the students down here? This could be a good opportunity.

He ducked into an alcove and peered down the tunnel, waiting for the person to appear.

Author:  Saira [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

Again ready for travel, fully dressed from orange blouse to beige coat to matching boots, Saira was stalking the tunnels. After... after that... thing in the forest, she wasn't sure what to think, or what to do. She needed a safe place. She needed somewhere to escape to, to hide. And it was in her ignorance that she thought the monsters all lived in the wilderness - that hiding in these tunnels, so close to the school itself, would be safe from them.

As the boots clomped this way and that, and the Egyptian pointed her flashlight forward, she remembered how she had found this place. For a few days after the forest, she hadn't even left her room. She skipped class when she could and hardly did anything but read. It was only when she realized she couldn't hide forever that Saira began patrolling the school grounds, thinking of something to do to keep her mind off of it - and to survive. She had found the tunnel quite by accident then, in the middle of a lonely formation of bushes against a wall.

Something in the back of Saira's mind told her this was stupid, as khaki-clad dark-skinned legs carried her through the darkness. Some voice said that those terrible things might not be so limited in habitat as she suspected... but when you had a lead to follow, some cause for determination? You can do stupid things.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

He recognized the girl as she came into sight: one of the newer students he'd taken note of while they were moving in. An evil grin crossed his face. Always helpful when they come to me.

A plan quickly formed in his mind. He sent one tentacle snaking along the near wall and another up the wall, along the ceiling, and down the opposite wall. Both were well hidden by the pipes and cables that lined the tunnel, impossible to see unless you were actively looking for them. Now to wait for her to get into range...

Author:  Saira [ Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

Saira knew what she had set out in here to do - map out the tunnels, determine where they lead and how many junctures there were, and identify any 'safehouse areas' that she might find. In fact, she had a notebook where she was scribbling the map as she went! And that's exactly what she did when the flashlight beam crossed the beginning of a larger chamber.

The pause to record something was a bit of a frustration to the monster, if only because she was that close to the attack range he was thinking of. Stopping just short of attaining something was so much of a tease! Moreso because she had no clue. But soon enough, the book was back into a big pocket of that large overcoat, and she moved ahead again. Slowly, carefully.

Some instinct of a tomb raider triggered in her head and she realized that something or someone might indeed be waiting... Maybe it was that same inner voice that chastised her for thinking the monsters were entirely in the wilderness! Another voice argued that there wasn't even another monster she had seen - only the one. Of course, the debate could rage inside her head for hours. Now wasn't the time for this! Now was the time for action.

And Saira stepped forward again, long legs seeming to flow... right into the trap.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

As the girl approached the alcove, Kakumaoh went into action. The tentacles along the walls lashed out behind her and grabbed her, one wrapping around her waist and the other just below her breasts. They then dragged her to the alcove and lifted her off the ground, bringing her face-to-face with the demon.

"Don't you know it's really not safe to wander tunnels like this alone?"

Author:  Saira [ Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

Needless to say, Saira immediately felt shock and surprise as the tentacles encircled her body! She yelped loudly and began to struggle against the bonds, not really noticing who or what was responsible... until he pulled her right in front of him.

"...Another one?! I thought they were limited in habitat!"

She didn't really respond to his question - she really should have known! But... No, she couldn't even acknowledge it! She made a mistake, that was all. And she flailed and gyrated her body, legs whipping everywhere, trying to get out of that mistake, out of the bonds!

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

He chuckled slightly at the girl's naivety. "Limited in habitat? Limited to the island, the surrounding waters, and the nearby islands, perhaps, but that's only because there's not much of interest beyond there."

A second pair of tentacles slid out from under his loincloth, attempting to snare her thrashing legs. Her struggles wouldn't get her free, but they were likely to be annoying.

Author:  Saira [ Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

It was at this point that the Egyptian girl's fear-driven outrage got stronger, as she stared down this new tentacled monster. Her legs continued to thrash all they up until they were grappled hard by the harsh appendages, each grabbed and pulled outwards and tightly. And she cried out again in shock as that happened, knowing that every new tentacle keeping a hold of her just lowered her chances of making it out of this unscathed!

But she still felt a sense of determination, and inched her hands towards the inside of the large coat... trying to grab something. Trying to get under the folds. But as the hand tried to wedge its way between the narrow band of coat - under the chest-wrapping tentacle and over the one around her waist - the girl cursed. There was no way she could get... No possible way she could get her hands on the (admittedly weak) cafeteria knife she had brought just in case this happened.

"Damnit! You..."

The thought was stalled, as Saira instead grabbed the still-lit flashlight in her hands, and tried prying against the tentacle under her breasts with it. But even so, Kakumaoh's grip was... well, just a bit stronger, to understate things. She looked frantic, and all of that activity was making her breasts squash and heave as wrists and arms bounced her bosom up and around trying to work the makeshift lever.

Desperation had struck.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

He let her try to pry his tentacle off for a while longer, watching the... interesting... effects the struggle had on her chest.

Tiring of this, he pulled the flashlight out of her grasp and set it aside on the ground. He then forced her hands over her head, gripping both wrists in one hand.

The tentacles around her waist and chest withdrew. "Now, let's get a better look at you." With his free hand, he slid a claw under the collar of her blouse and carefully cut downwards, neatly removing all the buttons.

Author:  Saira [ Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

Saira's violet eyes glared back at Kakumaoh, indignant, angry - admittedly scared still, but also mad at being caught up like this. She was at least smart enough to stay still when the claw slid down her blouse, but almost as soon as it was clear, she was back to straining. The girl's struggles caused her breasts to immediately push out past her now-open clothes, showing off her smooth caramel skin and the round, shapely curve of those very same breasts.

But Saira kept writhing, twitching her long, still-covered legs back and forth against the tentacles holding them. Likewise, she shook with her arms, causing her whole body to shake all around like a loose pendulum, held still by Kakumaoh's strong grip around her arms. The girl didn't bother to say anything, but was making angry... yet also frightened grunts.

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

His free hand grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed lightly. Then, a second pair of hands -- hands that hadn't been there before -- slid down her body and began to work at removing her pants.

Author:  Saira [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

Saira's eyes widened and she let out a gasp, all when the breast was grabbed. It was a sudden jolt of sensation, a slight pleasure... Which was only added to by the vaguely tickly sensation of his hands sliding down her sides, which caused her to breathe rapidly, chest rising and falling.

And the girl squirmed some more against her bonds when she felt her pants going down, protesting with angry-and-fearful "No!"s. The act revealed the curves of her legs, which formed into very elegant flowing lines, leading down to the white socks she wore for her boots (tentacles still wrapped around them), and upwards to the simple white panties she wore, which were embarrassingly a little damp...

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

Her pants out of the way, those hands moved to other targets. One moved up and began to fondle her other breast, caressing the nipple through the fabric of her bra. The other one slipped inside her panties and began to rub her cunt.

Noticing her moisture, he commented, "You say no, but your body is already excited. I wonder how it will be once we get going." With that, the hands on her breasts grabbed the cups of her bra and pulled sharply, breaking the strap between them.

Author:  Saira [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

The hands moved all over her body, grasping another breast and rubbing it. Saira was still not fully used to the sensation, closing her eyes slowly as she tried to stifle a slight moan of pleasure... before another hand rubbed the girl's lower lips, causing another gasp, and a slight shiver as she had to adapt to even more pleasure!

The Egyptian was trying to stay quiet, to not show what she was feeling - but the signs were there. The deep blush of embarrassment at her having been wet, the closed eyes, the subtle noises... Saira was definitely getting something out of it, physically. But in between that, she muttered a response.

"N-no, you just... are trying to turn me on, so... You... are just seeing... my body reacting, seeing what you made happen. I, I can't control that! It's n-not my choice!"

Author:  Kakumaoh [ Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tunnel Hacking (Saira)

He pushed the halves of her bra aside, exposing her breasts fully. "Protest all you want. Your body says you're enjoying it." He lifted her up slightly and pulled her chest to his face, running his tongue around her areola.

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