Shokushu High School

Fire and water Glade (for Keemari)
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Author:  Demon_rose [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Fire and water Glade (for Keemari)

Nisha sighed as she wandered within the campus. It was a nice place really, but it was little crowded.

She just came from the days class, classes that she dutifully attended for around one week now. People warned her on wandering off alone, something about monsters littering the place. She shrugged them off, she wasn’t really an introvert nor an extrovert but she didn’t have time to find friends… well not for the while anyway. Besides if there really were monsters, which nisha doubted, two or three female students wont really hinder it.

She adjusted the bag on her shoulder as she went deeper into the forest. Something about the place seemed to beckon to her. Well her classes were over anyway… so its alright for her to look around.

A few minutes of wandering and she ended up in a strange meadow. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight. It was a pretty place, red and orange flowers covered the meadow though the green grass peeked every once in a while. A majestic waterfall was also found there, it was a breathtaking sight but it was far enough that the water nearest to the ground was calm.

She smiled at her good luck. Settling herself within the meadow she sat back against a rock and pulled out a book she was just starting in the library this morning.

Author:  Keemari [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

As she was getting deep within her book she heard footsteps crunching on the grass, I walk up to her in my true form, kneel down next to her and look over this beauty, my meadows always seemed to draw them like flies, I guess it was a compliment to my work as I put a finger on the top of her book and push it down. I smile at her showing off my teeth and wave my hand. "Hello there Miss." I said in a calm manner.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nisha took a moment to realize what was infront of her. Giving a soft grass she tried to back away, only to find helself against the stone.

*no worries... its probably just something escaped from the lab....*She thought, trying to calm herself. She looked around reviewing her options, thinking of the best way to escape or atleast distract him untill the scientist thats she thinks would be traking him are here.

Author:  Keemari [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

"My your quite rude, you don't even respond to me when I politel speak to you." I tell her with a smile. My claws then blaze past her and into the rock behind her shattering the stone to pieces causing her to fall back. "Why are human so rude, you automatically feared me even though I showed you no signs of harming you... well I guess I should give you a reason to fear me then." I tell her.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:04 am ]
Post subject: 

She gasped as she registered the last sentence. Closing her eyes she carefully reviewed her options. She was cornered and probably cant outrun the wolf.

*maybe in the forest ill be able to escape*

Her eyes snapped open as she did the first thing to come to her mind. She threw dirt in the creatures eyes and bolted, grabing her bag as she sprited in the direction she came

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Just a few milmetters from my eyes the dirt stops and flies away from me as I she trips as a vine grows out of the groun and ensnares her ankle triping her as she falls to the ground. I walk up to her and put my claws on her back as I trace them back and forth. "Naughty girl, very bad. What do humans do to such childern... don't they spank them?" I ask her as I bring my hand down and spank her.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:11 am ]
Post subject: 

I bite back a cry as i struggle to get free, praying softly that someone would come and get me and thinking if i should try screaming for help.

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:16 am ]
Post subject: 

"Oh, do you believe you deserve to be treated differently, because after all I'm just a monster with no feelings right?" I ask her as I pull her up and smile at her again. "Well then, let's have some fun." I tell her as I throw her back down and into a large batch of the flowers who spray her with a pollen. Each flower doing a different task. The red flowers let out an aphrodisic and the orange, will they made her ability to receive stiumli increase a couple fold.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:32 am ]
Post subject: 

startesd to shake her head as she tried to clear her mind.

"n-no... this is impossible.. i must be dreaming..." she mumbled as she backed away again, squeezing her eyes shut. HEr movements were slower though, the pollen slowly taking effect even if she fought against it.

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:35 am ]
Post subject: 

"How arrogant to think that you are alone in this world, in this universe, is that why this is a dream, or perhaps it's my good looks that are getting to you." I tell her with a sneer as I reach down and pull her up as I pull her into a kiss, my lips meshing with hers, tasting hers.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Her eyes snap open again as i feel your lips. Her knee goes up almost instinctively, guys who usually felt that doubled in pain. She started struggling again, pushing with all her might against the monster that held her, in turn riding up her skirt.

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:47 am ]
Post subject: 

I was insistent with my kiss, holding her body against mine, holding the lip lock, making her unable to escape as my other hand keeps her from hurting me in that manner as I took my time with her, making sure I kissed her for her pleasure as I lick her lips as we kiss.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:53 am ]
Post subject: 

*d-damn* she thought weakly realizing what the pollen just did to her. She can feel her 'fighting strength' passing away as she started to enjoy the kiss, even if its not by her free will. A soft blush crept to her cheeks as she slowed down in her struggling. The beast was strong... too strong to break away from.

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I let up on the hold as I felt her weakening as my arms now started to encircle her, hugging her as I acted more like a lover then a beast holding her against her will, which in the end would only make her fall into pity and darkness that much more powerful as I run my hands up and down her back, lightly carressing her as I kiss her.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:03 am ]
Post subject: 

her lips part as she mangaed to choke out a single question

"why are you toying with me?"

*arent you supposed to kill me or eat me alive?* She wondered. as her eyes still glance around. She tried to relax herself, to lull her captor to a false sense of security as she planned her next move, fighting against the fuzziness in her mind

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