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 A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina) 
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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:23 am
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Post A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
In all the known galaxy, there was no race like the T'ramians. They were a species of unparalleled scholars and warriors. The closest the human race had ever seen of their like were the Spartans of Ancient Greece. It was probably fortunate for the galaxy that the T'ramians preferred their watery world and its arctic beauty to what the rest of the galaxy offered.

The T'ramian kingdom, located at the junction of five major powers, survived by wit, will, wisdom and weapon. Part of this was accomplished by sending young T'ramians, such as Saragus, to neighboring empires. Saragus had been an engineer on an underwater power project for the Zorn Empire, under the direction and protection of a local warlord. It was said warlord that insisted that the young T'ramian visit Shokushu, thus awakening Saragus's appetite for the pleasure of young human females. It also, quite accidentally, awakened another appetite.

Not far from the cove that was Saragus's private reserve, Saragus had found a sea cave, accessible only from a small underwater entrance (or so Saragus thought). The natural accoustics were such that the noise created in the cave remained in the cave.

There was also an interesting structure on the side of the wall. It reminded Saragus of something...something that he had seen in the series of human cultural history instructionals available to the clients who came to Shokushu.

It looked like a pipe organ.

And so began a project of love. When Saragus was not entertaining himself with a captured human female, he began constructing an actual pipe organ from the structure on the wall, all the while learning everything he could about the pipe organ.

Once it was finished, Saragus discovered he was a genius when it came to the pipe organ. He mastered the works of Frescobaldi, Bach, Mendelssohn...the cave resonated with sounds of masters past and present, as well as a few of Saragus's own creations.

The music never left the cave. T'ramians were warriors, engineers, scholars, scientists...skills that promoted the interests of Kingdom and Race. Indulging in the pleasures of alien flesh and culture was a sin that Saragus would necessarily keep to himself.

At least Saragus thought he was keeping his music to himself. It would seem that there was one small entrance that Saragus didn't know about. One just large enough for a human female to fit in. And in the immediate vicinity of this hidden entrance, a human female just might hear the hint of the music originating from within...

Saragus the Engineer

Last edited by Saragus on Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:58 am
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Katarina had, apparently, chosen a poor time to explore. While she still hadn't taken the time to properly unpack she had made the decision this time around to leave her violin in her room. Still, with weather this good it was a waste of the day to not enjoy it. The salty air near the sea was superb and the beach looked excellent as well, she'd have to remember to spend some time there when she had some. Right now though was a time for exercise and she wore her old school's track and field uniform for the occasion, simple jogging pants and a t-shirt, each bearing the academy's crest. On her feet she bore a pair of plain white trainers made for this sort of thing. A broad smile crossed formed on her lips as she took another deep breath of the sea air. This was a lot like home, a place she would enjoy spending time at. Her mind so entranced in the moment that she hardly noticed a sizeable hole in the grass near her, one that she was headed straight towards.
When her foot missed the ground she immediately worried, especially when her planted foot missed lifting and twisted, painfully. She yelped as she fell into the hole, even more surprised as she fell into the hole, went past the ground and slid into some kind of cavern. Sticking a hand out blindly she grabbed onto the side of the wall to stop her slide, the rock grinding painfully against her palm. The sound of an organ echoed through her ears as soon as she came to a stop, though her mind was more concerned with her body than the booming music at the moment. Her bum was sore from the slide and her hand was bleeding a bit, nothing terrifically exciting though. The ankle was the biggest concern and as if to taunt her, it gave as soon as she tried to stand and put weight on it. Sprained, at least, she thought. Slowly she considered the situation, her ankle wouldn't take her weight right now on its own, but the cave had plenty of things she could use to balance herself. The sound of the organ came back to her mind's forefront as she considered what to do. Where there was music there was likely to be someone who could help her, right? That in mind she stood using her good leg and arms to stabilize and began to make her way towards the booming music that she correctly identified as Geist.

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:41 am

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
The prelude to Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Erh was one of Saragus's favorite. It was not that simply because it was a fine example of the tradition of North German school of organ music, but that there was some academic debate surrounding it. Undoubtedly whoever was in charge of providing Saragus with his material and 'sheet music' probably thought they were odd requests, but then the staff of Shokushu was probably used to dealing with all sorts of odd requests. The request of a T'ramian client for European pipe organ music and the academic material associated with it probably rated fairly low on their oddity scale.

Saragus stopped for a second, thinking he heard something. He admonished himself, knowing it was his guilt for participating in a very non-T'ramian activity. Focusing solely on his music, Saragus began playing again, throwing himself completely into Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor

Saragus the Engineer

Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:02 am
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
As Katarina grew closer the mysterious player paused momentarily and changed the tune to a well known Bach piece. If she had her violin and was uninjured she'd be tempted to join him with Andrew Manze's violin version in A minor. This time though her mind didn't have time to wander as her ankle reminded her to keep on track. As she approached the organ her eyes caught sight of the....thing playing it. A...furry octopus? What kind of sick joke was THIS supposed to be? Her mind immediately chastised her decision to approach the sound of the organ, ala Phantom of the Opera. Further chastising herself she hopped herself to turn around and began to go back the other direction when her bad ankle really gave out on her. She yelped, falling to the ground and seizing the ankle with both hands.

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:49 am

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Saragus wasn't completely lost in his music. A tiny yelp brought him out of his pleasant fog.

His eyes swiveled around, seeking the source of the sound. Instantly, he saw a human female. How? Who?

The female was on the ground, obviously having just fallen. But how had she gotten here?

In an instant, one of Saragus's tentacles stretched out, wrapped itself around the waist of the female, easily lifted her off the ground, and brought her in front of himself.

"Who are you? How did you get here?"

The low voice was probably more menancing in that it had no visible source, originating from several small vocal cords located on Saragus tentacles, giving Saragus's voice an almost omniscient quality. The six giant blue eyes staring at her couldn't have me in any more pleasant.

Saragus the Engineer

Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:28 am
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Katarina cried again as the creature hoisted her into the air with ease. She was shaking visibly when he drew her close and his omnidirectional voice didn't help matters either. The first instinct, to escape, proved untenable almost immediately. No matter how hard she pushed or pulled against the single tentacle wrapped about her waist it wouldn't budge. Swallowing the overwhelming fear that had seized her heart and mind she forced the words out in an incoherent response, "I...I fell into a hole...over there." she pointed towards the back of the cave.

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:15 am

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Holding the human female firmly in one tentacle, Saragus sent another questing tentacle to explore this unknown hole. He let out a low, menacing growl, the T'ramian vocal equivalent of a grimace. It appeared his solitude while playing his pipe organ wasn't as complete as he liked to think it was. It was his own fault, Saragus admitted to himself. He had done only a cursory examination of the cave. On a job site, he would have been much more meticulous.

He electronically signaled his lair for certain equipment to be sent over, then turned his attention to his captive. She was a delectable sight, to be sure, and if Saragus had been looking for human entertainment, she would have definitely...filled the bill, was the expression, he believed. She was fair-skinned, lovely complexion, regal facial features, and the simple fare she was wearing, an excercise suit of some sort, did nothing to hide her curves.

Unfortunately, Saragus was a little too rattled from having his other sinful pleasure discovered to truly appreciate this female for all the delights her body might promise.

"Be still," he growled, annoyed at both her futile attempts at escape and his own (now) obvious ineptitude in securing his "conservatory."

A giant bubble appeared in the cave from the underwater entrance. Emerging from was odd, spherical robot, carrying a blue case. Speaking to the robot in his own T'ramian tongue (which sounded like the growls of a leopard seal to a human listener), he instructed it to seal off the hole the human female had fallen through, and see if there were any other unknown entrances Saragus had not discovered. The robot deposited the blue case in front of Saragus, made a curious bow, and them immediately "exploded" into ten different distinct units, which began thoroughly combing the cave.

Saragus turned his attention to the female. She appeared to have injured herself somehow. Though no fault of Saragus's, Saragus still took pride that he had never physically injured on his 'entertainers.' Fortunately, the staff of Shokushu provided for such emergencies, and Saragus had made a thorough study of the female form, both theoretically and practically.

One of Saragus's tentacles opened the case and pulled out a small scanner. As Saragus tugged off the white trainers off of the female's feet (which produced another yelp and struggle, and another "I said be still" from Saragus), he ran the scanner over her ankle. A nasty sprain, he discovered. From the kit, he produced a tube of salve, rubbing it on the injured ankle. He knew that the effect would be almost immediate; a warm, pleasant feeling would be produced from the salve, and the healing would commence at a rapid rate.

"So where else have you been injured?" Saragus asked, trying to suppress the gruffness in his voice, while his tentacles began tugging off the human female's jogging pants.

Saragus the Engineer

Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:09 pm
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Katarina's eyes watched as a second tentacle reached past her and headed back where she'd fallen. How far he could stretch the thing was...unnatural to say the least. 'This is an alien then?' her mind considered the creature before her as she continued to wriggle in its grasp. "Be still." the creature abruptly demanded, the annoyance in its tone obvious even though it WAS an alien. When the little robot appeared, Katarina watched in fascination as the pair shared a conversation in what she deduced to be his native tongue, before the little thing exploded into a number of different units and scurried past her. This brought something of a cautious withdrawal as she pulled her limbs in to avoid the little things as they went past. At the time she had largely forgotten about her hand and ankle, until the creature decided to remind her by yanking her shoes off. The quick, unexpected motion caused significant pain, bringing forth another sharp cry of pain. The creature made another gruff statement, "I said be still!", scaring the woman into compliance. The warm salve he spread across the skin of her foot brought almost immediate relief, 'An alien more advanced than humanity.' she immediately took to believing. It spoke again, this time sounding a little less annoyed, "So where else have you been injured?", and again without warning he began to tug on her trousers, drawing immediate protest from Katarina. She grabbed the waistband of her trousers with her good hand and held out the one that was bleeding. "Just here!" she finally spoke, holding the hand before one of his eyes. At this point she still had a little hope in her heart, especially with the ankle thing, that this creature would indeed help her.

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:23 pm

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Saragus ran the scanner over the wrist. A green break was the term, he believed. The salve would suffice for this as well, reducing down to minutes what would take present human technology weeks to do.

Saragus gently applied the salve to the human female's wounded wrist, then again tugged at her trousers. When she again tried to resist him, he gently but firmly held her wrists away. "Stop being foolish. I'm not going to hurt you." Quickly and efficiently, Saragus removed both the jogging pants as well as the T-shirt from the human female.

Saragus the Engineer

Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:30 pm
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
"Stop being foolish. I'm not going to hurt you." he said. That was quickly getting harder to believe. While he had applied something that had quickly removed the pain in both of her prominent injuries, he had also stripped her down to her undergarments. It was about then she realized the cave was a little chilly, probably coming from being so close to the water. That provided little more than a momentary distraction though, from the creature's prying eyes and tentacles. "Why did you...I'm not hurt anywhere else." she said softly, her own eyes wandering down. Her undergarments were as straightforward as the training clothing, a black sports bra and panties of matching colour and fabric. As he stared for a moment she wriggled further in his grasp, the belief that this thing was going to help her quickly fading.

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:40 pm

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Saragus took a moment to gaze at the human female, stripped down to her black undergarments, which contrasted nicely with her pale, delectable flesh. It was almost enough to make Saragus forget that she had shattered the illusion of this being his most private sanctuary.


Concentrate on getting her healed, Saragus reminded himself, still not sure about what he was going to do with her.

Seeing the goose bumps on her flesh, and realizing the cave might be too cool for her taste, Saragus flattened his body out somewhat, and placed her on top of his body, onto his warm, dry fur. Running the scanner over her body, he found that she had suffered some bruises to her posterior. Tugging at her panties, he elicited more protests. He firmly pinned down her ankles and wrists with his tentacles, while he tugged her panties off.

"Silence! One would think no one had ever seen your...your bum before." Saragus believed 'bum' was the 'slang' for bottom that her accent indicated, but he wasn't sure. But her bottom was a thing of beauty, both firm and shapely. Applying the salve, he worked it into her bruised muscles, enjoying the feel of her soft yet firm cheeks. He parted her legs wider, so as to catch a glimpse of her shaven nether lips.

But what to do with her?

At that moment, one of the robots came and reported to him.

"Right. Let me know when you're finished." As an after thought, he added. "And bring the human's clothing when you're finished."

He lifted up the human female, clad only in her bra, and added in English, "And now we need to have a quiet talk about what you've seen here today." Saragus put the human female in the bubble (just big enough for two human females to stand up in) and, almost as an afterthought, removed her bra as well, tossing it with the rest of her clothes. Sealing the human female into the bubble, Saragus dove underwater, dragging the bubble behind him as he swam to his underwater lair.

Saragus the Engineer

Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:14 pm
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
The woman swallowed back her panic as the creature studied her up and down. "Ah what in the 'ell?" she complained as he pressed her into his furry body. It was warm, she'd give it that, but the tug at her panties forced the panic building in the pit of her stomach out. She lashed violently, trying to free herself with renewed vigour.

"Silence! One would think no one had ever seen your...your bum before." came the creature's response as he grabbed her limbs individually did little to sooth her. At this point even the new salve on her hind quarters only heightened the panic. She continued to struggle as much as she could against the firm grasp on her limbs. When one of the little robots returned he gave it more instructions in his own language. Immediately afterwards it turned its eyes back towards her. "And now we need to have a quiet talk about what you've seen here today." The bubble was another new thing to her, though it was not a terribly high concern on her list when the creature abruptly released her limbs and pulled the last vestige of decency off of her body. As he pulled the bubble and subsequently her underwater she resigned, at least for the time being to the creature's mercy.

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:46 pm

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
As Saragus and the bubble-encased human emerged into his underwater lair, his home as it were while he vacationed on Shokushu, the human female might have thought that she had traded in one sea cave for another. There were two pools present, with steam rising off of one of them, while a faint trickle of water made its way down one of the walls.

Saragus quickly dispersed that illusion. In his own tongue he commanded,
"Non-hidden status, air, nude human comfortable." Immediately, the walls were replaced with high tech viewing and communication devices, as well as a few objets d'art displayed in stasis fields, items that Saragus valued but which, for personal reasons, did not take off planet with him. Almost as swiftly, the air temperature became almost balmy, or at least comfortable enough for a human not worried about their modesty to move around in. The floor of the cave was replaced with a sort of sea-green carpet, the high ceiling with what appeared to be faerie lights, moving around and varying in brightness, yet not effecting the stable illumination below.

With a further command from Saragus, a patch of the cave's floor turned itself into a light blue synthetic material, one that was specifically adapted to comfortably shape itself to the human form that was sitting on it. Without ceremony, Saragus opened the bubble and promptly deposited the human female on the blue material. Pointing a single tentacle in her face, he barked: "Stay put and be silent. I need to think."

Strictly speaking, the sea cave pipe organ wasn't against the rules. It was on part of the reserve that was set aside strictly for his use. And even the accidental discovery of the sea cave proved that it was not casually accessible by the 'students' of Shokushu, one of the regulations of the staff running the planet. Still, it was an embarassment, another damning proof that he had succumbed to non-T'ramian temptations.

Eyeing the human female, an odd question popped into Saragus's head, one that he found himself voicing.

"Do you play a musical instrument?"

Saragus the Engineer

Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:04 am
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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
The technology present here was astounding, to say the least. Significantly more advanced than anything humanity had to offer. When the bubble burst, Katarina was shoved hard into a chair that had formed through inexplicable means out of nothing. Her mind began to race, barely remembering with the comfortable temperature that she was stark naked before him. "Stay put and be silent. I need to think." As if she would really try to go anywhere when this thing had already proven escape impossible. Never mind that the exit was underwater. Slowly, her eyes had begun to wander about the place, wondering what other hidden marvels existed in this place when his multitude of eyes shifted back in her direction, their glare reminding her that she was indeed naked. Pulling a hand over her chest she blushed furiously, so ravelled in her embarrassment that she barely registered the next words out of his mouth. "Do you play a musical instrument?"
A curious eyebrow rose at his question, of course she played music, she was a music major no less. Reminded by her surroundings though, she realized this thing probably didn't know that. "," swallowing her nervousness she nodded slightly, "Yes...I do."

The Mostly Musical Adventures of Miss Marseilles

We do not go towards the light, we slide from it. We go to chaos. We go to death and death's heaven.

Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:00 am

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Post Re: A Canon For Tentacles (for Katerina)
Saragus was tempted to pull the human female's arm away, to reveal all her treasures and enjoy her embarassment. But there was something...intriguing about the possibility of discussing with the source of one of this planet's pleasures the subject of his other illicit pleasure.

"What instruments do you play, and with what proficiency?"

Saragus the Engineer

Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:11 am
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