Shokushu High School

A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)
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Author:  Antipode [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

The trees were rather beautiful out here at the edge of the island. Below the cliff there was sand, a beautiful beach. It almost looked... intentionally made, to be honest. Ichigo stood there, at the very edge, looking out into the sun in the far distance. His blue hair blew lightly in the wind, his violet eyes looked out intently. He'd had some interesting experiences here lately... and he had a new mission, too. His master could be cruel, but... he'd be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed himself.

The place was deserted, to tell the truth, and that was the perfect way for things to be. If one of the young students came here, from any of the approachable directions, they'd see the silhouette of Ichigo, as he stood there almost dramatically at the edge. They'd see him in profile at first, and if they approached, would get a closer look at this seemingly normal human male.

It was a trap, of course. He had been given full control, for the moment at least, of his master's tentacles. And he would use them, once a girl had approached. For he was to take the lead today, and capture, and then rape the girl, for both his own pleasure and that of his master. He had no real choice in the matter, to be honest. But he waited, there, bait to a terrible, and wonderful trap.

Author:  Lilian [ Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

I gazed about the sky this morning from my usual cliff down onto the beach; it seemed to have changed slightly from what I remembered. How was that possible? I couldn't say really, but it was obvious that it had happened. I wore my keyboard on my back ad a full compliment of clothing; a skirt; tights my usual loose top and my bandages over my chest. I pondered for a minute at first of turning away and returning to the school to report this to the officials. Then I saw what looked to be a young man on the beach.

I cocked my head to one side at first tapping a finger against my hip before I'd sigh to myself resigning myself to the fact I had to go down there and speak to him; to see him and ask ho0w on god's green earth he'd gotten here. I found the footholds on the cliff and climbed down slowly my shoes designed for things like this.

I approached slowly ready to defend myself from any tricks with my one little power that served me quite well; my power over flame. I needed no weapons I had what I needed within myself. As I got close I called out.

"Oi! you there, boy what are ya doin on an all girl's school campus?"

Author:  Antipode [ Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

Ichigo turned, and looked over. It was a young woman, with striking eyes, and an intense look on her face. She actually sounded fairly bossy. He could hear, no, feel the attitude in her voice. He smiled, then, and took several steps towards her. His hands were in his jean pockets, and as the wind began to blow, his shoulder-length blue hair began to blow with it, obscuring part of his face.

This was perfect. There was no escape for her. But... no sense in doing anything but act himself, now. He smiled at her a little bit, looking... a little embarrassed. He wasn't lying, not really. He really was that way, and for now he looked it. Watching the girl it took him a moment to speak. But he spoke smoothly, clearly.

Perhaps I'm faculty. But, no... I'm too young. In reality, I'm a visitor. A visitor who's allowed here. He smiled brightly at the girl, then. He had a feeling, though, that she was going to act tough again for some reason. Just a hint of a feeling, but it was there, and he wasn't going to deny it.

Author:  Lilian [ Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

I listened to his words watched his face... 'ell I couldn't tell much about him other than the fact he was shy. I shrugged mentally to myself and would offer a half-believing nod to him.

"A visitor huh, mmm well if you're allowed her guess there's no helping it... Don't like it though who knows what a guy round her would do to the students. Hmph damned administration doing stupid shit like this."

I took a few moments looking over him tapping my hip with my index finger before my brow shifted curiously to look over him once more for any signs I could see of him lying but, I couldn't see a tell.

"You have a name or something so I can talk to them bout you, make sure you're not bullshitting me or something?"

Author:  Antipode [ Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

Was he really shy? Or just acting shy? Or perhaps it was a mere misunderstanding in the first place. He was usually calm, collected. Rather cool, but quite friendly. At the moment, though, he was acting differently... because the situation, indeed, was greatly different. He smirked a little bit, and shrugged. Why not? After all, he was here by permission, Antipode, the tentacle monster who created him, had made sure of that.

So he looked at the girl, walking towards her a little more. He actually laughed a little bit. She was worried what sort of havoc he could cause? Well, that was true... but the havoc was different than she imagined. He was normal, certainty. But he had under his control powers far greater. Yes, they were more like on loan than anything else, but they were still his.

I'm Ichigo. And I assure you, I'm not bullshitting. He stopped for a moment, and walked back. He pulled out the thermos of coffee he'd had with him. He rather liked coffee. He liked it black. Taking the coffee cup beside the thermos, he poured himself another cup. It was like a damn addiction. It wasn't a surprise that one girl liked it so much. At least he didn't have any sleep problems.

Did you want any coffee or something? Anyway, yeah, I'm here with their permission and blessing. But, to tell the truth, I'm curious. What is it about a boy being here bothers you so? A lot of girls would be happy to see me. Had been happy to see him, to be more correct. Yes, they were still scared, considering. However... it seemed many of them preferred to do it with him than the tentacles of his master.

Author:  Lilian [ Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

"Ichigo... hmph..."

I listened to his words alright no matter how much I didn't trust him there was nothing I could do about it yet. I offered a half trusting nod to him not dropping my guard for any reason as he asked his question.

""First off! I built the damned bench on that cliff! you're in my spot!!! second of all this is an all girl's school I was starting to like the fact I was alone in a school without having to deal with damned stupid ass drunken frat guys and freakin guys in general; no offense most of you are complete dicks."

Obviously I was pissed with the entire XX sector or humanity for one reason or another; I'd never had a date where I didn't have to fry the guy for trying some stupid ass date rape thing.

Author:  Antipode [ Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

She really didn't trust him. It caused him a pang of annoyance, but then again, what was he to expect? He was the avatar of a monster, so he could no more dislike aptly-placed distrust than he could anything else she'd react with. But he continued walking towards her a bit... he'd be silent on the subject a little more. But if he went on too long, she'd believe him far more false than he intended to be. Really, that'd just be a bother.

I suppose most are. I can't speak for them, but I'm not going to defend myself against your claims. I'm not a stupid frat boy, and I'm not a drunken creep. But I'm here for my own reasons, and you probably wouldn't like them anyway.

As for the view... He smiled, and looked back to it. It's very pretty. And I appreciate the work you did. I'm not going to mess with it, so don't worry. You, on the other hand...

Author:  Lilian [ Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

I paused cocking a brow at him shaking my head softly as I'd tap my foot on the floor softly. I shivered softly before speaking again eyes focused on the man nodding to his words.

"Yeah guess you're not either of those things but, you still are a guy ya know, can't stop bein that..."

I was trying to be nice to him but, I just didn't like people all too much wasn't used to having others around nor was I used to being in one place for longer than a day or two. I had never done such a thing thus it was natural for me to be uncomfortable on the island my second day here. I'd again cock a brow to him.

"And what about me might I ask ya? I don't like that pause kinda suspicious looking ta me."

I was suspicious of everything so maybe I deserved the attitude I was getting from him I suppose I should learn one day to be kinder to those around me.

Author:  Antipode [ Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

Perhaps she would. However, unfortunately for her, she was probably going to learn the exact opposite. He smiled at her, and looked aruond. He wondered if she was new here. If she knew how this island operated, or what kinds of things happened here. He supposed he'd ask point blank. Why not? He didn't look like a monster.

I guess I'll just have to ask you. Have you met any of the monsters on this island yet?

He was quite curious what her answer would be. He placed his hands on his hips, almost a subconscious imitating of her attitude, and watched her carefully. If she did, she'd act one way... and probably realize what he really was. If not, well... he'd have to show her, wouldn't he? Show her what could happen here, with a demonstration that was, at minimum, intensely pleasant.

Though she'd never admit it was pleasant. She'd hate it, most likely. She'd fear it. But she'd enjoy it, by the end.

Author:  Lilian [ Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)


I paused resting my hand on my face taking a deep breath as I looked at him curiously. I had a vague memory of something like that; I thought it was a dream and would continue to think as such for the time being. I shook my head laughing.

"Oh yeah right... hmnph what kind of a joke is that?"

I scoffed looking at the man's stance bringing my guard up a little I didn't knotice it but, my body temp was a bit higher than most; my body's way to ready to defend itself, not surprising given my powers though I had no idea they were limited on this island.

Author:  Antipode [ Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A vision on the horizon (for Lilian)

Ichigo shrugged. It seemed she really didn't believe. Oh, well. Too bad for her, she'd know it was true in a moment. For a long moment he was silent, but he looked away from her... back to the ocean. Why not give her a few more moments where she wasn't in terrible rage, fear and pleasure? he moved the hair from his face, and smiled again.

Well, sadly no. And while technically I'm not a monster per se... I wasn't exactly born normally. You see, my creator, an alien called Antipode, made me to... liaison with humans. However...

And now he looked back at her. He raised a hand, and what she would see was something unreal. Tentacles! Several of them, appearing from seemingly nowhere. They were there, they were real, and they began moving towards her.

However, he's psychic and likes human pleasure. And so he's sent me here. To give him the pleasure of a few girls. Because he's a perverse, amoral monster. But, what can you do, if he'd kill you otherwise? Oh, and just so you know... this won't hurt a bit.

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