Shokushu High School

Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)
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Author:  Kraytirous [ Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Kraytirous slumbered quietly on the night stand beside Shai's bed. He finally awoke, his body rejuvenated. He may be in better spirits but a parching thirst overtook him again. He leapt down from the furniture and slithered his way carefully to the bathroom in which Shai's dream had become a reality. The memories started to flood back into the blob's mind as he followed the smell of female hormone. Then he'd found the place where the sex itself had taken place. He could see a still glistening pool of orgasmatic juices where Shai's rump had been during the sex. The blob slithered over it, his gelatinous skin sucking up the warm juices. He gurgled happily at their sweet taste, it almost sounded like he was humming softly while he unintentionally cleaned up the floor.

Finally sensing no more nourishment he slithered on, seeking something to do. His big, bulbous eye finally rested upon what looked like a red feline of sorts. It stood unmoving, its eyes fixed upon him. It seemed to remember the little blob, Kraytirous could only remember the skin tone from the canine that had brought him here in the first place. He quizzically cocked his head before speaking. "You seem familiar."

Author:  Pan [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Pan had not missed the prior night’s events. He had found himself captivated as his small new friend displayed abilities that only Pan himself had known before. The creature could shape shift, just as Pan but with a large difference. Pan could turn into any animal known to man, all except a human. Shai simply hadn’t designed him that way.

A part of him wanted to intervene as the creature had assaulted his creator, but she had not seemed in peril. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Pan was in charge of her safety, but wanted nothing more than her happiness. She seemed happy, so he left it at that. Besides, from the moment the tiny creature had started to work at her supple body, Pan had been filled with intrigue and wonderment as he watched the blob work.

He couldn’t describe what he had experienced once the encounter had finished. Shai seemed troubled, and in turn Pan felt troubled. He could only read the emotions she chose to show on her face that night, and he saw a mixture of disbelief and confusion. Should he have intervened? Instead of casting the creature outside of the window, she had allowed him to stay, seemingly unsure of what else to do. Taking caution the woman had left, and that left Pan and the creature alone.

His ever-vigilant eyes wandered across the room, finally steadying on the tiny, slumbering creature. Pan said nothing as the beast stirred, curious eyes following the blob as he wandered into the bathroom, apparently recounting the events from the night before. Several moments later he came out again, Pan in his tabby form arched his back as he stretched and pawed at the upholstery of the chair he was seated on., padding in a circle as he steadied himself into a more comfortable position.

His ears pricked as the beast spoke. He looked down at his form glinting a steel red, his eyes quickly returning to the small blob.

“I accompanied you here last night.” He answered sonorously.

Author:  Kraytirous [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

"Ah. So I was right, you are familiar. Nice to meet you again. Pan, was it?" The creature's deep voice seemed very cultured. The blob slithered across the room, searching for the girl that he had pleasured the night before. "Where's Shai? She promised to help me find a home this morning..."

Kraytirous moved his bulbous eye around to look at the crimson feline, examining its strangely colored fur. He looked up and down the creature's feline body, examining the hairs with great concentration. His eye was more acute then the naked one of any human and so he could see the very small lines on the individual hairs where the nanobots met. "Why are you made up of so many small components, Pan? They're bigger then cells but smaller then any multi-celled organism I've ever seen."

Author:  Pan [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Pan hadn’t known where Shai had went, he could only ascertain that due to common trends she was visiting Kathryn. Perhaps it was due to the interaction she and the small alien had endured the night before. He offered a shrug as the blob inquired as to her whereabouts, his canary yellow eyes never leaving the tiny creature as he slithered through the dorm.

The pair seemed frozen as they examined one another, the small creature finally breaking the silence. Still under the life simulation, Pan rose and stretched, arching his back wide and digging his claws lightly into the surface. He shook lightly and yawned, returning his attention back towards the blob as he finished his question. Rather than begin by saying anything, Pan decided to show his new acquaintance. His form shuddered slightly, and to Kraytirous’ keen eyes he would notice the nanites repositioning themselves as the pressure inside of Pan’s form began to change. His entire body shifted, growing in some places, shrinking in others until the formerly recognizable form of the crimson wolf pup stood in the place of the tabby.

”It allows me to imitate many forms.”

Author:  Kraytirous [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

"A very interesting ability. It seems that I have developed a rather similar one myself." The blob remained still now, not a single vibration in the membrane holding it together showing as to where the voice came from. It slithered back up onto the night stand that it had slumbered upon and layed itself down in the warm spot where it had been but moments ago. "Do you at least know when Shai will be back?"

As if in response to his question, the doorknob began to jiggle. A soft sigh came from behind the door and some fumbling noises. Then the sound of plastic sliding against plastic and the door clicked. It swung open to reveal Shai, her nubile and beautiful body dressed in a rush, it seemed. Her shirt wasn't tucked in, there were folds and creases in her clothes, as if they had been strewn about a room with no regard for their state of being. "Welcome back, Shai Tanaka."

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Shai had been outside for several moments, unable to hear the ensuing conversation taking place inside of her dorm. She leaned heavily against the frame, eyes settled on the key lock. She twirled the key card in her fingertips for a few seconds, sighing heavily as she tried to decide what she was to do. She couldn’t possibly just hide out at Kathryn’s for the rest of her days. No- she had made a promise to help the poor creature find a place to live. Whatever that had transpired last night was still so surreal, and if it hadn’t been for cum that had seeped out of her every step of the way towards Kathryn’s it could have easily passed as a dream.

With a steadying breath she swiped the key card and pushed her way inside. Upon seeing her Pan skittered away- taking refuge in the bathroom without so much as a word to her, and Shai couldn’t help but sympathize for her dear friend. He couldn’t have known that bringing the creature would have resulted in the consequences she’d endured. Her eyes settled on the tiny creature. ”Still here.” She thought to herself. Of course it would be. She offered a polite nod to his greeting.

“We should find you a home today.” She said abruptly, leaving the door slightly cracked as she straightened out her clothing. She’d showered at Kathryn’s but as she’d suspected she hadn’t been able to get much sleep with the demanding woman. For a submissive girl, she sure could boss Shai around. She stuffed the card back into the pocket of her blouse and ran her hands through her disheveled locks

Author:  Kraytirous [ Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Kraytirous looked up at the white haired beauty and could see she looked worried and unhappy. What happened last night, he thought he was doing her a favor, quite literally making her dream a reality. But it seemed that she thought otherwise. They would discuss it when they had left the building, he did not relish the feline, canine, whatever, listening in on their conversation.

He slithered towards her and looked up at her. His form was small again, diminutive and hardly seeming threatening at all. Now he was starting to feel guilty. He had wanted to make the girl happy, not upset. He did not think that he was being intrusive. He made a strange, wet sounding noise that was similar to a human sigh. "Very well, lets go, I suppose." He began to contemplate how he would confront the girl on the subject of her previous lover's state of mind. Maybe she'd start the conversation. He hoped she did, or else it would be awkward and might get him thrown very far. He awaited her hand so he could jump into it.

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Shai bade the creature to wait with a motion of her hand as she reached towards the table, where her sweater had been discarded the night before. She quickly snatched it up and pulled it on.

Shai nodded lightly towards the tiny creature, closing the gap between them and lowering her hand to retrieve him. She did well to hide her discomfort as the blob slid inside of her palm, nestling in the cup of her hand. He was warm to the touch, and even considering his size he felt a bit light to Shai. With her free hand she tossed her stray locks over her shoulder and her eyes fell towards Pan.

“I’m hoping to be back within the hour, Kathryn will be stopping by,” Shai started, turning on her heel and heading back towards the open door before continuing. “If I’m not back tell her I had to run by the Chem Lab.” Shai didn’t have to see Pan’s nod to know it was there.

Shai tactfully unzipped her sweater and nestled the hand holding Kraytirous inside of the flap, averting the gaze of the several students she passed by as she made her way out of the dorms. It seemed like an eternity to Shai before the pair broke the border of the forests, a shortcut to the older engineering labs before the newer ones were established. The building was still used on occasion for 101 classes, freshman introductory courses. A brief memory had compelled the student to go there, it was still above ground- Shai had no desire of taking the creature to the basement. She recalled several unused lab rooms and storage areas, one that would suit the small creature quite well.

“I may have a place for you, hopefully nothing has changed over the years. It’s nice, it’s warm, but more importantly it’s safe.”

Author:  Kraytirous [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

The little blob felt himself carried by the beautiful, ashen-maned student. He felt safe and secure in her hands, as if he could trust her to keep him safe. He contracted on himself to make it easier for her to hide him as she carried him through the school. When he felt the cool breeze of the outdoors greet his sensitive skin, he allowed himself to expand a little to relieve some of the stress put on his form. When he saw the buildings of what looked like some old part of the school, he felt Shai's breathing slow down and her hand calm. She was glad to be rid of him, he realized. And he could not blame her. Who would love such a repulsive thing as him the way the boy felt for her or she felt for him? Kraytirous absorbed the truth just as he would water, with no flavor and an understanding of its necessity.

"Thank you very much, Shai Tanaka. You truly are unique beyond all comprehension. But, before we depart, you need to know something." The blob turned in her hand and looked up at her face with his own bulbous eye. The crimson globe once again stared past her cleavage, ignoring the attractive breasts in order to look at her beautifully formed visage.

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Shai was relieved as the older buildings came into view. They were still modernized, and their upkeep was obvious. The primary reason for the move was the need for space as technology advanced over the years. Just as there were about to breach the outer edge of the forested shortcut she paused for a few moments, surveying the outside of the building as if searching for the window towards the particular room she had envisioned for the small creature.

She heard the soft jittering of the creature and it commanded her attention, the blob’s words captivating her interest. He wasn’t malevolent as some of the other creature’s she’d encountered, and she still couldn’t get over how damn cute the thing was.

” A damned good lure.” She thought bitterly, but felt guilty at the unfiltered thought as it entered her mind.

“Something I need to know?” She echoed, raising her hand so that the blob was eye level with her. “What is it?” She asked, her tone wasn’t condescending, but more intrigued and curious.

Author:  Kraytirous [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

Kraytirous felt himself being lifted and looked straight into Shai's beautiful, pale iris'. He gurgled softly, the equivalent that humans make when they sigh. It seemed like he was trying to tell the young student something that he knew she would not take well. "The man whom you dreamed of last night, you need to learn the truth about his feelings towards you." The way he made it sound, it was like he was trying to ask her permission to explain but at the same time tell her that she needed to know it nonetheless.

The creature thought over what it would tell her if she told him to continue. He supposed that he would have to start at the very beginning, that Josh had broken up with her because he wanted her to achieve her true potential and he was holding her back. The explanation made Kraytirous realized just how complicated these human emotions were. Sacrificing your mate in order to allow her to achieve greater intellectual achievements? The thought seemed almost unbearable to Kraytirous. Maybe one day he would find a mate, but if he did, he would not abandon her for anything.

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

The student felt her jaw tighten as the blob mentioned the events of last night. She hadn’t been sure if the tiny creature had been the cause of her odd encounter with her ex-boyfriend the night before, but this small amount of speech confirmed her fears. Her face flushed a slight red as initial thoughts of anger controlled the fiber of her being. It took a massive amount of will power not to simply chuck the creature as far as she could and run. The sheer audacity of the blob using Josh as a way to rape her was bad enough, but it was pure blasphemy that he would claim to know how Josh felt about her.

“I don’t need you to tell me anything,” She said through gritted teeth. “You couldn’t possibly know how he feels about me, and besides he told me himself.” She said with a sense of finality before lowering the blob away from her face and starting towards the building.

They had search several rooms in silence, but out of the rooms they had entered Shai could still tell they were frequented by the freshman, so she dared not leave the malicious blob within striking range. Though during the whole search, Shai’s heart and mind were not in it, she was busy dwelling on thoughts from the past. Here she’d been just fine, getting over the pain her first and last boyfriend had caused her, and in one night this stupid creature had brought it back tenfold. She glared lightly at the blob who seemed to take on an almost sympathetic attitude towards her, and that only eased her heart slightly.

At long last Shai entered a room and her heart nearly skipped a beat. It was not dusty, but she could tell by the arrangement of the room that it had not been used in quite some time. She wandered over towards the storage closet near the far corner of the room and opened it up, a plethora of empty vials and beakers.

“Pan told me he found you in a vial, you should feel quite at home here. As I’ve carried through with my promise, I wish you the best of luck.” She said allowing the blob to slip from her hand onto a nearby desk. She turned on her heel and started to walk away, but the nagging memories of Josh and utter curiosity stopped her in her tracks.

“What do you know about Josh.” She said with a heavy sigh, hardly believing she was still here.

Author:  Kraytirous [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

((I'm so sorry I forgot about this thread!))

Kraytirous' one eye gazed across at the rooms around them, each one that they passed having the look of being neat and abandoned, but still far too clean to make the second statement true. Kraytirous was growing tired of seeing these empty rooms, each one like a cookie cutter of the previous. A single flickering light in the distance made the blob's brain hurt.

Finally the room was found. Shai stepped into it and opened up a nearby closet. Within it were several beakers of varying sizes and shapes. Surely she did not think he always slept in such contorted places? None the less, this room looked fairly out of the way and abandoned. A large group of people would rarely be seen here. Suddenly, the familiar sound of a sigh came to the blob and the girl turned around, finally asking about his knowledge of her former lover.

"Josh loved you all along, Shai. He did not leave you because he wanted to. He did it because he thought that he was holding you back, stopping you from achieving your true potential." Kraytirous' bulbous eye looked up at the girl again. He could not read human faces well, and so could not tell her emotions. But he continued, while he still had the chance. "But this feeling was not there in the beginning. It was socially inserted into his mind."

Author:  Shai Tanaka [ Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escorting an Enemy Alien (For Shai Tanaka)

((Hehe, not a problem, happens to me sometimes.))

Shai listened quietly as the creature started to explain his theory on Josh. Several questions entered her mind, and more than once she wanted to blurt them out. Though, the more the creature said, the more intrigued she was, so she politely stored her inquisitions in her mind. Her features remained pleasantly stoic and her gaze shifted slightly downwards to observe the blob in her hands.

She supposed the blob made sense, in some way. Though in her mind and in her heart she thought the creature had to be mistaken. The Shai that Josh had known had been a lie. An utter and complete lie. He never knew she was an aspiring scientist, while she’d slipped a few times by correcting his grammar or fixing his math homework, the scientist had taken clever precautions to keep her true identity hidden. What with all of the talk about marrying Shai, promising to take care of her? No- all remained hidden until the end, that bitter end. Something Kraytirous said stirred Shai from her own contemplations.

“Socially inserted?” The student questioned, her brow furrowing slightly. Before the creature even said another word the student’s face seemed to blanch. “Adam.” She whispered. She looked as though she may have passed out right then and there, but the student resolved to find out what exactly the creature was talking about. She lifted her hand and raised Kraytirous directly in front of her face.

”What do you mean socially inserted?”

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