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 Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven) 
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Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
Sachi didn't know what she was doing out here, walking alone here in the dark woods at night. She was walking back to her room, but the pull of the night was so strong she abandoned the rest of the trip to her room and went into the woods. Sachi wasn't a curious person and she didn't like exploring at all, but tonight she felt differently. The forest, despite being scary looking, actually reminded her of her home back in China, and home is what she missed the most.

As Sachi walked down the path, she stared up at the cloudless sky. What a beautiful night, she thought to herself. She wondered how her family was back in Japan. Her dad and her older sister. She hadn't seen them for......ten years? More than that? She wish she could be with them right now, instead of here, at this place. She always wanted to go back to Japan, after all it was her home.

Sachi continued to walk, lost in her thoughts, completely unaware of her surroundings.

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:21 am

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
"Would be so easy to just leap out and grab her..."

the creature thought as it observed her in plain view unseen by the primitive human eye when she used her camouflage or at least to the human eye was all she didn't want to be seen by right now. she wanted to plot for a moment before she did anything. she had been following the woman for a time eyes tracing each and every curve of her body muttering softly to herself sounding like the wind as she did.

It seemed now was as good a time as any to introduce the girl to 'Liza' the mental projection of what Exseven looked like once not so long ago.

A brunette rounhly five foot eight stepped out from the forest wearing a slightly damaged school uniform panting as if catching her breath. "Baka hentai..." she muttered weakly as if she didn't notice that Sachi was right there

A new life... opposite my calling

Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:33 am

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
As Sachi continued to walk down, she began hearing strange noises coming from the woods. Yet every time she looked back, no one was there. "Calm down, Sachi," she muttered to herself, "you are just imagining things." She increased her pace, trying to throw thoughts of some monster stalking her off her mind. Suddenly she heard someone muttering someone and jumped. Turning around she saw it was another girl, wearing a slightly damaged uniform. The girl seems to be panting.

She ran over the new girl and asked, "Are you okay?"

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:42 am

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
The girl would look up brown eyes looking over Sachi for a moment before poking her stomach; the poke felt real enough. "Yeah... but... there's something in this damned forest! it... it tried to rip my uniform off... i think it planned to rape me!"

she stammered still apparently trying to catch her breath before straightening her back.

"Liza Monroe... pleasure to meet you... we might want to start moving; the beach isn't far and it'll be easier to run in the open instead of around all these trees."

A new life... opposite my calling

Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:54 am

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
Sachi wasn't sure whether or not this girl is lying, but so far what she said sounds believable. After all, she did hear something coming from the woods. Perhaps that noise was made from that monster. "Hi, I'm Sachi," she told the other girl. Then she followed Liza to the beach.

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:25 pm

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
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Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
The woman lead saichi out into the open panting softly as she looked around before smiling softly catching her breath finally.

"Oh god I didn't think I'd get out of... look out!"

She'd scream pushing the girl out of the way as a large creature emerged from the forest grabing the woman and seemingly tossing her into the woods. .oO(that's enough of using that with this girl...) the nine foot creature thought to herself eyes landing on Saichi now. the tentacles on her knees stretched slightly as she'd wave to her victim.

"Hmm, she was a bother, actually got away the first time but... you look so much weaker than her... I'm sure to have so much fun with you... I'm Exseven."

A new life... opposite my calling

Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:22 am

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
Sachi followed the girl out onto the beach. The sea was quite calm and the clear seawater reflected the moonlight, giving it a bright yellow color. Sachi thought she was safe here. But she was wrong. Very wrong. She was surprised when she saw Lisa was tossed into the woods and was more shocked when she saw a giant monster standing in front of her. "What...what d-do you want from me?" she asked, slightly frightened. She had never seen anything like this in her life.

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:43 am

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
"What am I going to do with you? Well girl..."

the creature paused as the tentacle would dart towards her stopping just short of wrapping around her ankle in order to brush it softly before laughing softly her massive hand brushing the tendril atop her head white pupils upon the woman before her. A thought or two of regret passed her mind but faded as quickly as it had come about.

"Well Hmm, how to put this... We're going to have fun... lets leave it at that alright?"

A new life... opposite my calling

Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:11 am

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
Sachi squeaked when a tentacle darted out from the monster and brushed her leg. Sachi started backing away, but she wasn't able to go far because behind her was the ocean. "Let me go!" she said.

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:22 pm

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
She laughed softly her lure shifting slightly at her head and the tentacle would return to it's place.

"Alright then, leave if you can Sachi. though I doubt you'll be able to."

she would laugh softly, unbenownst to sachi she was ebing held still s by Exseven's mindl no matter how much she;d try to move; the most that would happen was she'd end up on all fours with her ass in the air.

A new life... opposite my calling

Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:18 am

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
Sachi decided to make a run for it. As the monster laughed, Sachi took off, running towards the woods. They were so close. So close. Just a little more. If she could make it into the woods, she was safe.

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:21 am

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:19 am
Posts: 8
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
"Well well... a runner. really you thing the woods are safe?"

she shook what could loosely be called a head as she glared at Sachi. she'd no longer feel ground under her as she was lifted by an unseen forced and brought back to Exseven's face.

"Now I think I'm going to be cruel and tell you what I'm going to do; I'm going to spank you, then I'm going to rip off your panties then rape you then rip your clothes to tatters rape you again and finally when you're exhausted I'm going to take the remains of your clothing and eat them just to make sure you have to return to the school tommorrow nude and covered with my fluids."

she would scowl now shaking her head.

"If you hadn't run i would have been far nicer about it."

A new life... opposite my calling

Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:46 am

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 am
Posts: 70
Post Re: Curiosity Kills the Cat (Exseven)
Sachi was horrified. "Noooo!" she screamed, struggling against the forces that was holding onto her. "Please, please don't do that!"

Please PM if you wish to RP me with. I always enjoy a good RP. :)

Nakamura Sachi

Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:18 am
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