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 The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge 
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Post The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
I was sitting outside the dorms as I had been the last couple days, various young girls always pestering me as I was used to it by now as I smile with them and continue to pay them heed. That is until she came around.

Yes I just figured it out a couple days ago. The strange powers that set my druidic powers aflutter from some reason. The girl with the maroon and blue eyes. And the long flowing blue hair. She was quite a beauty but it seemed quite shy as I'm sure she's going off to train after class. I just caught her scent and acquired it yesterday but was cut off by some girls.

Not today though. As I see you go into your dorms. I excuse myself and walk away, knowing you'd be out soon enough and that would be my time to follow you. As my nose picks up you scent as do my ears of your unique heart beat as I focus intently on you and follow you, as I would confront you this day.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:33 am
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
Taisie was one to become much of a work-a-holic as they say. Boredom was the least of her worries as classes finally ended for the day and she was off to play... in some sorts. Her training in martial arts was something she enjoyed after all. The power, the agility... the boosting of her pride as a fighting mage. She cared very deeply for her art and would do all she could to make herself better at it.

But lately her mind has been wandering to her back as she moves from place to place the past few days. Whether it was her magical senses or her more attune nature, she couldn't help but feel she was being watched from time to time. Though she has never once caught the perpetrator red-handed, her senses of presence was alarming. Someone... or something was watching her and frankly she was growing tired of being stalked like prey.

Even now as she passes a large group of girls and their loud, high pitched voices she could feel this presence once more following her every move as she enters her dorm room. True to form, she exits in her gym clothes to go and train her muscles at the gymnasium. But perhaps this time she was a little more prepared then to just kick at open air. She had no premonitions and she was not a seer of time, but it would stand to reason this uneasy feeling would make itself known when she was by herself. The trek to the gym was fairly long on foot from her dorms and she would be alone halfway.

She could only assume it was one of 'them' as no human would really escape her eyes as she would turn to try and catch them looking at her strangely. But even now as she began her walk, her eyes restrain themselves from looking around suspiciously. If she dared to act in such a manner then the stalker would be even more careful and cautious in his hiding. She figured this watcher would act sooner or later upon his fetish or interest. Until then she would be only able to assume something that may or may not be there. But even she who varies on paranoia these days would think that there was something different in the air. She could at least not be caught off guard.


Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:15 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
Hmm, how to approach her, subtle, or forcefully, snatch her, talk to her, hmm, I think I should go with the direct approach, see how that works I think to myself as I put my hands together as you walk as the area around you changes drastically as a wall of trees appear around you I choose a place near the forest so that it would blend in well with the back drop as you are in the middle of this small groove.

“Hey there.” I tell you as I sit on one of the trees looking down at you as I smirk giving you an interesting view as my left side was human and the other half my truest form of the white wolf who now looks down at you. “Ha, ha your an interesting human, so I'll be upfront right away. How do you want to talk though would you prefer my human appearance or to see me how I really am?” I ask you as I then jump down about ten feet and land before you as I stand before you still in half half mode waiting for you to make your choice. “I have a proposition for you.” I tell you.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:42 am
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
She could almost feel power pressing around her chest, squeezing the air out of her and making it much more difficult to take it in. She could already assume this to be a creature of some sorts and perhaps the very thought of being caught in a trap again either quickened her pace or she decided to get a jump start on her training. Sadly enough, it seemed her instincts were proven correct and her quickened pace did little except perhaps bring her to the trap all the more faster.

She freezes as the scenery splits before her eyes as she somehow finds herself surrounded by plant life and trapped as it would be assume by the change of background. She takes in a deep breath and releases it in a sigh to keep her anger in check. It was almost like these creatures were a swarm of bees you happened to come upon. Get stung by one and the rest suddenly come after you as well…

Her body flinches very obviously as a male voice began to speak behind her… or maybe above her? Whatever the matter was, she didn’t even look up yet as she continued to stare daggers into the now thickly heighted grove before her. The being’s voice was not ignored but rather she chose to not acknowledge him yet. Briefly she tightens one fist and in a quick motion, she sets her balled fist into a flaming punch with very few Japanese words and sends it straight in the dense plant life to try and maybe perhaps find a sign of weakness. She could briefly sigh as the now slightly burnt and dead plant life is taken over by new vines. The male voice shouldn’t take much offense to her at least trying to escape his grasp. Seeing as how she had no choice now that she at least tried, her fist unfolds and the fiery wrath upon which she had called upon dissipates completely and she turns to face her capturer.

Of course she blinks at the sight of a human like side and a wolf like side smirking down upon her. She found the sight a little unsettling, but she would not dare show this thing her weaker emotions and sternly narrows her eyes upon him. The proposal of a proposition makes her question and become very suspicious of this wolf man and what he could possibly offer except for maybe a one night fling of arousal and leave her for the next horny soul. But it wasn’t as if she had a choice in the matter any ways. She was undeniably trapped in the creature’s clutches and would either seek more information of the creature’s proposal or refuse and perhaps be brutally ravaged for her defiance. She wasn’t ignorant to think that her refusal would be license for him to set her free for he would not go through so much trouble of following her and surveying her ventures of the dorms to simply pass off her refusal and let her go. That would be like asking a robber with a gun what would happen if you refused to give up your purse.

She was sensing great threat of herself as the creature jumps just a little too close before her. But bravely or perhaps stupidly, she stands her ground and looks up to the wolf man without making a single step back. She would not be intimidated by any monster that was thrown at her no matter how much had come to be a tad fearful of them. But bravery was standing up even though one was afraid as anything.

“Neither of your forms frighten me whatsoever, creature. Whatever you decide is up to you for your own comfort.”

She did not fear his forms but rather this power he seemed to wield that was tightening around her chest like a snake’s coils. Or maybe that was just her body bracing itself for whatever the wolf man decided to do. But one thing was for certain; she didn’t really have much choice but to regard his proposition and see for herself what this creature had to offer.

“… what proposition are you speaking of?”


Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:03 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
She was brave. I liked that I think to myself as I look over the girl as she stands her ground in the face of such overwhelming power. All her instincts were telling her to run away. To flee or to fight, to strike, I could smell it, hear it, sense all these emotions from your body. Yet you kept yourself in check, calmly looking over the situation and dealing with it appropriately, already coming to the conclusion most likely that such things would be meaningless before this power of mine as I take on my full wolf form as I smile at you, showing off my sharp teeth as I speak.

“What I want is to train you. To offer you a chance to further expand your power, since you see I find your powers quite interesting. Unique even, something I've only read about, but never seen.” I tell you as I reach into my robe and pull out a scroll giving it to you. When you look inside it's in an older Kanji fully translated and broken down already. These were ninja techniques. “I've studied many magics and practices of humans, but this one I thought long dead. I'm curious about them. I want to see them in action, to see how they work and such. I want you to show me how they affect the human body and such.” I tell you as I reach up and cup your chin. “In exchange you'll became more powerful and have access to scroll like this that would take a life time for you to find.” I tell you as I stare into your eyes with my glowing red ones.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:25 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
At least this creature didn’t beat around the bush. Seeing his sharp teeth wasn’t something that she would back down from or rather she felt her adrenaline keep her footed in front of him. The man stood quite a few feet above her and perhaps her bravery would be considered foolish if not suicidal. But at she had nowhere to run in the first place. Might as well die with some dignity although she highly her life would end because of this creature.

It seemed that was the least of her worries as her body tenses briefly upon the wolf’s hand cupping her chin gently. She didn’t appreciate being handled as a simple girl but to anger this wolf man would no doubt cause issues of rough management. And she knew it despite her front of speaking with this creature as if she were on the same level.

What the wolf spoke of was blunt to say the least, but she took in the quickness of this proposition before it overwhelmed her mind as to the fact she was still on being caught by this wolf creature of who was obviously not of this world at all. She wondered briefly on who else she would meet on her time in Shokushu. But to take this so lightly was not something she would do. She was fighting full force to not step back defensively. Trying to remain fully composed was difficult to say the least.

Taisie gives a raised brow to the wolf’s statements of unique skills of magic and perhaps her fighting capabilities. The word ‘unique’ made her fully understand that this wolf was looking through examples of her work to understand the Japanese arts apparently. But she had to wonder why the rush into this, but perhaps asking would make this creature impatient. She was on his terms for now and had little choice although he gave the façade she had one in any case.

“I see…” was all she could really muster at the moment as she looked over the scroll she was handed. The translation was amazing and she found herself almost completely drawn into the writing until the wolf broke her focus. It seemed like a rather good deal although she doubted that was all there was to it. She didn’t see much else to say to the wolf except for the obvious.

“… can I at least know who I am dealing with?”


Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:13 am
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
She was strong willed indeed. Never flinching in my sight always looking at me straight in the eyes. Determined to stand her ground. She was indeed a very strong girl and quite pretty I think to myself as my claws can't help but release an odorless gas for you to breath in for a later date for me to use. I smile at you.

The trees around us disappear and flow back into the forest as if the path had never changed as I let go of your chin and smile. As I'm back in my human form now that were back into the open. “My name is Keemari a Berry Lin. Berry Lin is a title from my world of a class of druids who have mastered all six natural elements of fire, wood, earth, water, wind, and metal. Some more arrogant druids who carried the title consider themselves gods of the elements. I am nowhere near that arrogant.” I tell you.

I then smile. “Did you need some time to think about it? If so you can be on your way for now. Go ahead and keep that scroll for now to help you train. I'll check back in with you tomorrow if you want?” I ask you as I give you a way out, a way to walk away if you really wanted to, but in the end would you have a choice. Well to be my research subject yes. I needed you to be willing. To escape what all pretty girls deal with on the island. Ha, ha well then I was no saint.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:22 am
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
“I would appreciate time. I’m never one to like being rushed into things.”

It was as simple as that. She would take the way out however she could, whether or not she noticed the strange alien like pheromones penetrating her body in any way. There was no reason for the moment so she remained perfectly steadfast on getting out of being caged by vines. But the creature’s suggestion did not go un-thought of especially since she had more to gain then to lose if she took the offer.

“I would like to thank-you for allowing me to read and borrow this scroll, Keemari-senpai. If… you don’t need anything else at the moment, I suppose I shall see you tomorrow and give you my answer then.”

She looked at it as a business proposition. And with every proposition there came time to mull it over and see any possible… loop holes in the agreement. She doubted that this suggestion was all there was to be agreeing to so she would certainly need the time to think of questions for the next day. She wasn’t about to rush into things after all.

Her body sways side ways to the blocked exit and looks him waiting, since she had nothing more to say at the moment. She wanted some form of peace when she could get it and to think about meant she had at least until tomorrow to do everything ahead of time any ways. If she agreed then she would assume the teaching would begin immediately.


Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:58 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
Things were going well I think as I the poison so to speak was in your system, you were even being quite polite calling me Senpai. Addressing properly, hmm very good I think to myself. “You are quite welcome Taisie. I look forward to your answer tomorrow. I'll meet you back here on this path to hear your answer.” I tell you. I smile as I bow lightly to you and step aside allowing you to head back onto your way onto the gym.

“You'll make the right decision, whatever the decision that is right for you, ha, ha, but before you go let me make one thing perfectly clear which separates me from the other creatures of the Isle, I'm a man of my word and expect even a ninja known for there treachery to keep there word when they enter into a contract with me. So I won't double cross you, as long as you won't double cross me. Take my word for it or not, the choice is of course yours. I'll see you tomorrow.” I add as you head to do your training.

The next day I sit on the path leading to the gym in my human form book in hand apparently waiting for you to walk by, ambush me, whatever you decided. Ha, no matter what you did I was prepared I believe for the most part, would I have a willing test subject in the long run and was the shot I gave you starting to stir in your system or would it be flushed out by other poisons. Doubtfully, but then again I had discovered some potent poison combinations with my research into the ninja world. Oh well, all I can do is wait as I turn the page.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:59 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
There were smart ways and there were foolish ways. Whether by simple self-confidence or her uprising, Taisie thought of herself as never one to take foolish steps to escape business deals because of inconvenience. Even the wolf's word and his overzealous want to let it be known that she could trust him were taken to heart... to some degree. Although, the comment which was moreover insulting to her practice of the ninja arts was a bit of a sore spot.

The next day came quickly since Taisie had all but thrown herself into thinking of this proposition the wolf man had spoken with her about. The suggestion seemed all but reasonable and quite rewarding if she decided to take it. But things were not all what they seemed, and sadly Taisie saw quite a few suspicious flaws in the man’s proposition. First thing was the fact he brought up exactly what she had been suspicious of. Her first encounter with her first inhuman creature had made it clear that monsters on this island were very sexual oriented and had no reason to listen to any form of pleas or to even talk.

She had every reason to not be trusting of the wolf, but until she caught him in the act of going against his word, she would play along… for now. Not that the offer wasn’t at all tempting; Taisie just saw a bigger picture then just a simple deal that would be fully on another’s terms. That in itself set off alarms for this to possibly be a trap.

“Ah, Keemari-senpai, it’s good to see you again... I hope you’ve been well.”

Just as she had thought, on her way to the gym he was there again. Of course during this time there was no one in sight and that’s what probably got her caught in the first place... Thankfully, he had decided not to enclose her into a trap like a mouse and was at least reasonable enough to be out in the open with her. She stops short of a few feet and takes the time to look him straight in the eyes. She was not coy and got right to the punch of looking for deceit in the wolf’s eyes. Even if he wasn’t human, his human form was still human like.

“I have made my decision… but before I give it to you, I would like some questions answered,” she spoke softly, bowing in a greeting fashion though the action seemed a bit delayed since she was very incentive on reading him fully, “I am a business woman, so deals I know too well of. And I want to understand that the scroll you have given me and your terms are what we’re speaking of.

You said something about wanting to see practices of ancient ninja arts. Is this all you wish? You’ll have to forgive me, but I find this deal to be too… normal despite the circumstances. I don’t want to give the impression that I’m so untrusting… but my instincts tell me of a deal… to good to be true. I want to be frank. Is there something more personal you want from me? Or am I possibly going to find out the hard way no matter what?”


Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:15 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
As she came towards me I could see it in her eyes already, she had questions, misgivings, yet she was being very civil. Ha, ha I'm reminded of a saying I once heard. That for battles you send soldiers for new friends you send spies, in this case she was in the right mind frame. A good sign I think to myself as I cross my fingers after I set my book down as I continue to sit against the tree.

I nod my head at your kind comment. “I am quite well thank you Taisie-San.” I listen to her question as I nod my head listening. “Well now, first how are you also, you seemed to be under a bit of stress thinking this over be at ease. I'll answer your questions truthfully enough. Whether you believe them or not is up to you. Also I doubt you've made up your mind entirely if you have questions” I explain as I take a breath.

My demeanor was calm collective, it was like staring at a chiseled vessel, an unmoving statue, if I was feeling anything, it wasn't being shown on my face as I start my answer. “First off you truly think that the deal is normal enough? Having a man offering you to teach you ninjutsu and being a wolf, ha, you seem to be adapting quite well.

Now what I do want is truly to see those ninja arts performed, I can translate the bits, I can even replicate a few, but they are based on human patterns and such, I need to see them done and performed so I can dissect them and learn how I can use them.” I explain to you.

I then look up at you looking right at you. “In this way no Ninja could out pace me and it is look into one of your cultures more obscure type of arts. However that's not what you want to hear, you want some insurances that I'm not going to rape you, chain you up, enslave you, or other such things am I right?” I ask you.

I chuckle at this. “Well you are quite a beautiful creature even among human standards. Would I bed you. Ha, ha, in a heat beat, however there is no need to force that issue upon you, after all there is a type of practice I've seen well documented in Kunochi practices that you will have to learn to keep your end of the bargain, I'll enjoy your lovely body then when your trying to learn them.” I tell you. A smile appearing on my face.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:33 am
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
"I may seem, but I can assure you I have no stress to this proposition. Of that you can be so sure of yourself, Keemari-senpai."

Taisie was unmoved by his civil tone and looked at the way he presented himself to make her assumptions and conclusions. It was a simple enough deal, but the wolf man seemed to find humor in how she referred to 'normal' proposals.

“I merely look at the deal at hand, not the proposer and not the dealer. The proposition is relatively normal. It’s not as if I’ve never been asked to have some form of teaching to someone before.”

The wolf’s reasoning was very sincere, at least in the wording and though the man may have some form of scheme for the other girls on the school, she only briefly thought about it before a darkened smile crossed her lips. Her eyes fall closed and her arms cross over her chest, pushing her breasts upward in more tightened posture. Taisie had also found some humor in the conversation.

“My dear Keemari-senpai, you plan to use my species’ fighting techniques to ensure your prey does not escape you? Well then… being a slight humanitarian I have to say that that is a disturbing thought in itself. But as a simple business woman, I could hardly care for others as long as what you see and learn does not somehow come back to bite me in the long run.”

It was amusing how she had recently played with her friend Kanoe about being selfish, but here she was, completely ignoring the fact that this wolf man may very well use techniques he mimics from her to catch rather fast school girls. But then again… she never was one to care very much for others.

As she looks up with a more civil and calm posture, her dark smile fades as she simply bows her head respectfully to the wolf man; no hint of an agreeable expression until she opens her mouth, “As long as we meet on mutual grounds, then your wager is most fully accepted. On one condition… I would be even more flattered by your complimenting statements if you referred to me by gender instead of such an impersonal term like ‘creature’. I will do the same to refer you with respect unless I find you undeserving and the same with myself to you. I’m very happy to relieve you of your problems with human flexibility so that you may better understand how the human body works when under physical stress.”


Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:30 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
I couldn't tell if the girl was trying to play me, was just cold, trusted me, or merely meant every word about it. This was just business after all. There are business deals made that will ruin many lives, especially if your in the spy game and traditional that is what Ninja's were. I smile as she explains her position on how I'll use my findings as she becomes more relaxed explaining it out.

She then bows in respect as you would to your master in training as she then speaks. “Very well Tassie-San, the deal the pact is made. I look forward to our time together in the future my dear girl. Now when would you like to start?” I ask you. I hold myself tall as I wait for your reply. Wondering if I could get some data today.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:31 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
"I have a schedule to uphold so after school work and projects, I'm free. If evenings are no trouble for you, I can manage Monday and Friday. Does that sound fine by you?"

She was true to her word, being as she was not about to go against her word and connive her way into trouble if the man was so suspicious of her actions. She could do little to ease his troubled mind so it would only be through time would he come to realize that even ninjas had their word to uphold. They were just as honorable as Samurai... they just didn't fight head on all the time.

She straightens herself up as well, not wanting to show even the slightest hint of weakness to such a formidable presence. She calmly remembered last time she attempted to fight such a creature. That was not something she would want to go through again.

"Seeing as today is Friday and it is after school... I suppose you have me for teaching right now. I was on my way to practice my skills and to keep myself fit. Keemari-sama... being as you're the one who offered this proposition, I will kindly allow you to schedule what you want to see and what you are willing to give me for today. That is if there isn't a problem of any sorts..."


Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:35 pm
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Post Re: The of wolf of Mibu and the Kunochi's knowledge
“Hmm, that seems fair enough. Come with me.” I say. I take you into the forest as I take you to a special little meadow I prepared for you. In this place the power dampeners could be turned off and on at a moments notice. If I wanted accurate data I would need you at 100%, but it was only in this small area, anywhere else on the island her powers would once again be put under the field. It also gave the illusion that under my supervision she was much more powerful then she was without me.

The meadow was filled with many different flowers of varying colors and sizes. “I'll split today's time today in the practice of a technique that helps in battle to the techniques of stealth and infiltration. So lets see about his Invisibility one. That was on the scroll I gave you. I wish to know how precise it is and such, does it just erase your presence or other things like scent as well. How does it work, refection of light, or something else.

Now then lets begin...” I say. Even though you read over the document I had studied it more as I attempt to pass on what I learned from my studies to help you with this invisibility. Also learning about ways to see through it. As I figure 2 hours or so on this particular lesson or until you got it, then we move onto the next agenda.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:32 am
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