Shokushu High School

Science Field Trip (Sable Stealer)
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Author:  Obsidian [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Science Field Trip (Sable Stealer)

Takeru, dressed as always in his formal clothes despite the slight heat of the day, followed the students from behind as they followed their science teacher on this surprise field trip into the island's outdoors. It had been entirely by surprise for the class, but an additional chaperon had been requested by the teacher, and Takeru had volunteered for it. While not entirely a teacher or anything like that, but as the administration knew the truth about him, and had allowed him to masquerade as an adult on their faculty even though he really wasn't.

The teacher stopped once they had all gone far enough into the forest, and turned to face the students. "Okay! For today, I want all of you to pair up and go exploring around this area. Your job is to find something interesting to bring back to school. Once you have found something interesting, you will work together on researching whatever it is you have found, and then give a class presentation on it next week! Please pair up, girls!"

As the girls began pairing up and began their search for their new class project, Takeru watched as one student remained without a partner. The teacher signaled him over and spoke to the girl. "Since there isn't anyone else, you can partner up with Mr. Nakamura here. I'll give you extra credit since you'll likely have to work on the project alone, as Mr. Nakamura here would make it too much easier for you." The teacher chuckled and then resumed on walking, leaving the two alone.

Takeru looked at the student. "Hey there, you can just call me Takeru. Mr. Nakamura is too much formal for today." The Japanese man spoke, a gentle smile on his handsome face. "What's your name?"

Author:  Sable Stealer [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Science Field Trip (Sable Stealer)

Sable listen to the teacher as she fold her arms and looked around she wasn't really to interested about it after all she would rather be inside her dorm watching anime or hentai and playing her video games she looked at the other students paired up she then notice she was only one without a partner as she frowns

"Figures...." she said softly to her self as she folds her arms she then looked over at the teacher and told her she could pair up with Mr. Nakamura she still had that frown on her face she wasn't to happy about being paired up with a guy but the thought of getting extra credit didn't sound to bad she would look up at him and try to put on her best smile "the names Sable.."

Author:  Obsidian [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Science Field Trip (Sable Stealer)

"Sable, it's nice to meet you." Takeru bowed then smiled at the girl again. "Shall we get moving and find you something interesting to research?" The man looked around, searching for a path that hadn't been traversed by other students already, and found one just behind Sable. "If we find a new species or something, you can have all the credits, hehe." Takeru laughed softly, hoping to break the ice some more. "...but if it's a soda, I'm taking it." The man went past Sable and began walking down the wild path, anticipating the fun he would have soon.

Author:  Sable Stealer [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Science Field Trip (Sable Stealer)

she would chuckle at the thought finding a new species in this dump she would follow him wearing her school uniform and her hair in long pig tails as she yawns softly while looking up at him "so... how long have you been here?" she ask while looking around

Author:  Obsidian [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Science Field Trip (Sable Stealer)

Takeru stopped for a moment, and looked back at Sable. "Hmm, a week, actually. I'm quite new to the school myself. How about you?" The man replied, turning back around to continue walking on the new path, catching sight of a place that held some promise of being a suitable location for his newest victim, a small gathering of trees, full of leaves and bushes, making it rather dense for anyone to peer into it from a distance. 'Perfect. Now to find an opportunity to 'become lost', fuuu' The evil man laughed on the inside even as Takeru remained quiet, waiting for Sable's answer.

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