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 Ocean workout (for Aegir 2) 
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Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:30 pm
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Post Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Ariadne had been shown the pools, but nothing beat the allure of nature. Heading down to the beach, Ariadne put her towel on the ground, made sure her two-piece was strapped on properly, and, leaving her clothing on the sand, she walked into the water, a shiver going through her, and dived under the water, her body slicing through the water. Her arms moving her through the water, she started swimming, her mind occupied by her swim, not letting any thoughts into her head.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:49 am
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Aegir had lazily basked in the tree tops read to descend down upon and unsuspecting victims his coloration changed to match the trees that he had been in as a natural camaflague. Stirred by the sounds of water he peeked his head up and cast a glance to the ocean. It had been like a second home to him, the water both cool and refreshing against his rubbery flesh.

In little time he had found himself descending from the trees to make his wa towards the water's edge. White eyes took a quick look around before spying a swimmer. He had been unnoticed from where he had been and thus decided to creep towards the water's edge where he had felt more at home.

Sluggish on land he had been rather gracefful in the water finding it like a second home as he slipped into it vanishing from sight as he sank beneath the water as soon as he had been able to do so.

Aegir had followed the sounds as he had shot forth like a jet to cover the ground between them using his tentacles like flippers. Lurking beneath the waters he took his time sizing her up, searching for any signs strength or weakness before commiting himself to any form of action. He let a moment or two pass before he had tossed himself into the fray using his tentacles to lash out at her legs almost in an attempt to pull her under.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:16 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
She kept swimming, her long dark hair swelling out around her in the calm water, still not paying attention to the world around her. Surfacing and looking around, she sighed, pushing her hair back, and rubbed her eyes. After a bit more swimming, she resurfaces, looking around again. Thinking she should head back to shore, Ariadne started to turn in the water when she felt something touch her ankles. Barely having enough time to react, Ariadne took a gasp of air as she was pulled under the waves, struggling.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:33 pm
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
He had let her struggle exerting little effort in return as his tentacles coiled about her ankles almost like serpents stranguling the life out of their prey. He didn;t have to exert much force or energy as he surfaced rippling the waves of the waves off of his body.

As he had surface, breaking the sheen of the water he had pulled using his securing tentacles he had tugged on her legs to get her to surface as other tentacles reached out towards her in order to secure more holds upon her lashing out towards her arms to get a better grasp upon her.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:47 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Ariadne continued to struggle as he held her under the water, trying to kick her legs, but realised that it was no use as her lungs started to complain about the lack of air. Feeling herself being dragged to the surface, when her face broke the surface, she drew in lungfuls of air. Feeling more tentacles touch her wrists, she started struggling again, her neck craning as she tried to see what creature had sought to capture her. She couldn't see anything for the moment, salt water stinging her eyes.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:47 pm
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Like a fly his quarry had made it's way into a spider's web or so it had seemed. For a quick moment he had regarded her for the first time. His white eyes had moved to inspect her. looking over her as he held her in his grasp.

For a moment he simply digested this as he had floated in the cool waters. Once he had satisfied his eyes he had allowed spare tentacles to go to work as he used them to reach out towards her in order to grasp at her bathing suit.

With a single tug he had divested her of her top, shreading her top while others had dove beneath the waters to the same to the bottoms, He had made quick work of her clothing so he could get at her with ease, like a starfish cracking open a claim or other shell fish.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:36 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Ariadne struggled as she was held in place, the waves washing over her head as she was held prone. Feeling the tentacles move towards her sparse bathing suit. She cried out as the tentacles ripped her suit off, choking slightly as water spilled into her mouth. Struggling for all it was worth, she was afraid of what would happen.

Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:35 am
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Things had been going well. He had been capable of wielding the water as a weapon as she had choked on the water.

As he had affixed his grasp upon her using the very waters that have served as a recreational purpose against her as he took command of the situation at hand er tentacle. Already he had been overcome with the very stimulus generated by the nearness of her body.

His trio of cocks had solidified as blood flowed through them. Extracting themselves from beneath the mass of tentacles that consisted of his legs. Each had been eager and came alive as they had worked there way forth through the concealing waters.towards her.

He had used her struggles against her as he latched onto her as he had virtually fell upon her. The central shaft, by far the largest, had pressed against the outer folds of her body as he positioned herself against the heat of her body preparing too slide his thick member into the soft folds of flesh before him.

Spare tentacles had wrapped about her breasts as they had given her a squeeze whike the tip of another had submerged beneath the waters to toy with her clit.

All the while his compound brain had gone to work as he had summoned forth his telepathic abilities though he doubted that he would have any need of them it had been best to err on the side of caution.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:31 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Ariadne felt the water move around her as Aegir moved around, and struggled more, screaming for help though she knew that noone would hear her. The whole point of her being out there that day was to be alone and not worry about anyone being around. Shaking as she felt something press against her nether areas, she gasped, guessing with a gut-wrenching pang that this creature, whatever it was, had more intimate ideas in mind.

Feeling the tentacles wrap about her breasts, she cried out as they squeezed the ample orbs, then gasped as she felt something against her clit, feeling it start to tease her, to arouse her, and, though a part of her was content to allow it to continue, she knew, deep down, that this was disgusting and wrong. She started to struggle again, trying to twist her lower half away from the hard thing pressing against her nether lips, trying to pull away from the tentacle teasing her clit. She bit back a cry of pleasure as she fought to get control of her own body and of the situation.

" stop please!" She stammered, part from cold of being naked in the ocean, part from trying to stop herself crying out.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:46 am
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
Aegir had continued as he had sensed no one around through the use of his telepathic ability. Sensing no other minds present he allowed her to struggle out against him, the water's rippling about their bodies as he delved into her mind sensing her enjoyment and revulsion at his touch.
His appendages tightened only a little as she fought against his grip in order to distance herself from him. While he had not reeled her in any closer he had not allowed her any measure of distance either.

Rather he had continued to latch onto her as he used his tentacles to caress her body with the intimacy of a lover. Against her sides streams of tentacles had stroked against her while others had continued to administer to her body, squeezing her captured breasts in his tentacles while he continued to toy with her clit by another.

He had been a flurry of movement, his tentacles whirling about as he pushed into the folds of her body with his own, his shaft sinking deep inside her depths as he found his way into her, his thickness caused her to feel tight about him, closing around him as he had pressed inside her feeling the joys of her luscious heat against him.

Feeling.that he had absorbed too many human minds he had been overcome with the sensation of enjoying himself fondly. His mind now had been attuned to this excillerating feeling as he experience the warmth of her body against him in a way that had starkly contrasted the coolness of the water against his rubbery mauve flesh.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:10 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
She felt him continue his attentions, her body still shaking from the cold water, but also from the sensations that were flooding through her. She struggled again, whimpering as his tentacles tightened their grip on her, though she felt her body respond to him caressing her all over. She whimpered again as he squeezed her breasts, but she moaned involuntarily as the tentacle against her clit aroused her like she'd never felt before.

Feeling the water move around her, she didn't realise what he was doing until she felt him start to push into her, and she cried out with pain, though she figured it wasn't as painful as it would've been had they been on land without the water to slick them both down. She moaned again as she felt him push further into her, the appendage on her clit sending sensations through her at rapid rates. She cried out, coughing as water hit her mouth, but managed to bring her head up high enough to be free from the salty water.

" Stop please!" She stutters, the pleasure hitting her, making it hard to talk with all her heavy breathing.

Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:53 am
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
But stop he did not. As his rippling flesh found the solace of her body and his tentacles continued to grip her fast. He could feel her struggles in his grasp as she fought in his grasp against both the pleasure and paon that had coursed over her body.

His mind opened like a flower blosuming before the light of the sun. He had drunk in her ever thought and sensation as if it had been his own, drinking them in as easily as one would consume a beverage. Easily he had mapped out her thoughts as he rushed inside her with reckless abandon.

While his tentacles had continued to administer to her, flowing about her flesh as they had fanned through the waters.

His mouth had latched onto a breast taking it in his mouth as his mouth tentacles wriggled out of the way surrounding the mound of flesh that he now took in to his mouth as he had suckled on her, his tongue wriggling about to slide against her nipple as he arced himself up into her.

His two smaller cocks had pressed together the pair constricting themselves together as one wriggling against the crack of her ass before he had managed to push against her anus with them.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:41 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
She felt Aegir continue, crying out as he pushed into her relentlessly, crying out again as she felt his tentacles all over her, feeling her body reacting to him in ways she couldn't bear to comprehend.

Feeling his mouth on her breast, she gasped with pleasure, feeling herself relax in his grip, her eyes closing as she moaned with the pleasure that coursed through her, realising that her struggles were fruitless anyway, and the quicker this... creature had his way, the quicker she would be let go and able to get back to civilization and to her normal life, though she had a feeling it would never be normal again. She cried out with pleasure as he continued pushing into her pussy, her body reacting by meeting his thrusts, which was hard to do in water, as she constantly thought about keeping afloat and trying to keep a sound mind too.

She felt something touch her ass, feeling it push between her butt cheeks, and she cried out in fear.

"Not there, oh please not there!" She cried, trying to struggle again, her body still enjoying his attentions, but wanting to pull away with all her might from the bulge intent on entering her ass.

Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:04 pm
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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
While his telepathy had allowed her intimate access to her mind Aegir could fell the pain mixing with pleasure as he had continued to deliver himself with the tight folds of her body. He had not been overly cruel in his administrations granting her a small concession as he moved inside the rippling folds of her body.

Instead of penetrating her rear he stimulated those cocks by rubbing against her body allowing her to fight in his grasp a while longer and to generate a small measure of fear within her as he felt her come alive opening up to him as she had squirmed against him.

An arc of pleasure had come over him, the friction of her body rippling against the flesh of his phallus as she began to gyrate her hips against him.

While he had altered his attention of one breast in favor of the other one gobbling it up in his mouth as his attention switched. A pair of tentacles about her wrists pulled slightly to keep her half way out of the water as he brought his attention upon her, his hold upon her had been firm though those coursing over her had been a constrast to those that had held her being almost feather light in comparrison as they rippled over her stimulating her clit and one of her breast stroking the very point of her breast with the tip of his connstricting tentacle that had worked over that orb squeezing it gently in his grasp as he used others to slide against her sides flowing up then down her sides.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:15 pm

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Post Re: Ocean workout (for Aegir 2)
She felt relief as the thing that had been pressing against her anus had stopped trying to enter her, though moments later her body started reacting to the phallus that was thrusting into her pussy, and, without thinking, she cried out with pleasure, the attention to her breasts making her forget, her hips moving in time to the creature's thrusts, looking down to see what had her in its grasp, a scream escaping her as she saw the octopus creature.
"Enough. Please." she begged, now struggling.

Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:45 pm
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