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 Run in the woods (open to anyone) 
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Post Run in the woods (open to anyone)
Yawning a bit as she opens the door to the dorms.. stepping out into the early morning sun. A slight chill to the air as she raises her slim hands above her head streching. Her bright red hair tied in a thick braid down the length of her back. Her piercing green eyes flashing softly as she looks around at the early morning.

"Just what i love" she mutters toherself feeling the bit of chill to the morning air.. "Allways cold when i deside to go out for a run" Giving a bit of a shake of her head, her youthful features allmost glowing a bit as the rush of blood come to her cheeks at the chill within the air.

Wearing her light colored red sweat pants and shirt she starts out down the parth heading for the woods. Jogging her normal morning run, just a bit earler this morning, seeing that she had things to do earler this morning before class.

Contuneing down the path starting up a good rythem panting softly as she runs, she desides to take more off the beaten path this morning for a bit more of a workout as she takes off down a side path heading threw darker side of the wood,.

Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:32 pm
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
Though the morning sun was steadily on the rise as the young woman turned and begun down the nearly unused side path, it's light was quickly obscured by the deepening and darkening wood as she traveled further down the path. Hardly the first time the girl had taken this path for her morning runs, yet as she went deeper in the forest itself seemed to take on an even darker edge...and then all was silent. The usual sounds of the wood land creatures faded to nothing and even the tree's themselves took on a grey distant apperance, not even the sound of the wind rustling in the leaves was audible anymore.

The early morning air which had begun to warm had grown cold once more, chilling even. Little was the girl aware her running had attracted the attention of one of the darker denizons to stalk within the shadows of the woods and with such the creature of shade remained hidden and out of sight, watching and waiting to see the girls reaction.

Like the shadows themselves the creature stood, his wicked wheels spinning behind his unseen eyes as he pondered and thought of all the things he would do to the athletic and trim redheaded woman. For now however, he would just toy with his new ...plaything.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:40 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
She doesnt notice anything for a while as she contunes to jog threw the quickly growing cold forest. her breath comeing as her rosey youthful features contune to reden.

She shivers a bit feeling the colder air. Considering to herself that perhaps that she might cut her run short this morning seeing that its colder then she thought it was even with herself heating up from her run. taking another side path she had before in the past she started back toward the school.. not really noticeing the lack of the "sounds" of the forest.. too intent on her run and the controlling of her breathing from her foot steps.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:10 am
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
The path itself hadn't changed yet after awhile it seemed as if she had gone in a circle, finding herself at the same spot in the dark woods in which she had initially decided to turn around at the first time. It was no illusion or mental trick, the dark trees and surroundings looked the exact same to either side of the path. The path should have re-converged with the main by now but yet here she was still running, perhaps even unaware of the little traps of shadow the creature had put into place to ensure the girl wouldn't escape the dark woods and find herself back in the protective rays of the hated star that warmed this planet.

Even if she didn't notice, the dark being enjoyed watching the nubile redhead run and jog, his eyes ever watching how her athletic yet shaply body jiggled and moved behind her clothing. Besides the creature figured the more she ran, unware of his dark intent or even presence the more entertaining it would be to see her try and flee from him once he revealed himself to her. In the stark silence of the woods, the creature let out a piercing horrible howl to echo...hoping to at least maybe cause the young woman pause for concern or at least maybe to get her to start noticing the trouble she was now in.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:58 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
She didnt stop her running as she contuned her way threw the paths. Though after a few minutes thouhts did start crossing her mind that she should have reached the main path by now.

Her chest raising and falling below her tight long sleeved tshirt.. she slowed down a bit to start to look around her more making sure she must be on the right path.. know she had come this way before in the past knowing.. that she must be near the main path.. maybe just another 5 minutes run from it.. She shrugs toerself as she keeps up the run expecting and hopeing to make the path.

Her ears echoing a bit as she hears the howl from around the forest.. though the sound only slightly making her heart beat faster, having been around the school a while now and knowing things lurk in the forest that seem to like howling all the time... but the howl just making her pick up her pace a bit more as she trys to hurry further for the main path unaware at least yet that she is running in circles.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:14 am
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
From what The Nightbringer could tell the young woman's dark surroundings were starting to have an effect upon her as her pace quickened most likely trying to make her way back to the false security of the warm morning light. Following her lazily he continued to ponder exactly just how he wanted to proceed, so many different methods one could utilize, so many different games. What to choose?


Hidden atop the tree's and looking down at his lovely young prize, the creatures dark will manifested once more. His red eyes burning to life as the shadows began to deepen and darken all around the girl, the air seeming to take on an unnatural chill. Within the woods themselves and off the path, the pools of shadow began to coalesce together as horrid forms of vaguely humanoid things began to push and pull at the shadows like it was some sort of film, blocking their entry into the physical world. Another loud howl pierced the silence, the howl was one of madness though clearly not belonging to any of the forests natural inhabitants.

Ever watchful was the dark entity whom had created this little trap, his red eyes disappearing back into the darkness of the void. Had the creature been in the form of his host, or his own human guise a smile would have been seen upon his lips.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:07 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
Even as she contuned her pace she soon relieazed that something.. something had to be admiss, her 5 minutes back to the main path had come and gone and no matter how much faster she ran she seemed to be getting no closer to the safety of the main path.

Even as she hurd another piercing howl.. she did the only thing that seemed logical... Stopping quickly she spun around on one foot.. her knee legth bright red hair swinging behing her as she turned around and started to run back the way she had come, knowing that it will take her longer.. but at least she had allready been this way.

Her eyes scanning the woods around her as the air seems to get even colder still, not sure what she is seeing.. maybe her mind just playing tricks on her as she could allmost swear she see's shapes within the shadows of light within the woods.... shaking her head again she trys to block it out as she picks up her pace contuneing back the way she had come.... Her braid fairly streaming out behind her.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:46 pm
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
What would have been the dark monsters smile soon turned into a wicked laugh as the young woman came to a quick stop and turned around quickly and began trying to head back the way she had came. It amused the creature to see the girl speed up once more as she continues to make her way back out of the forest unaware that her efforts like the last would only further serve to tire her as the cruel monsters manipulations continued to send the girl running in circles. Ever just out of sight and in the corners of one's vision the dark shapes moved through the woods along side the girl as she ran, matching her pace and effortlessly manuvering around and through the thick brush. Perhaps it was just the wind blowing against the tree's that cast the illusion of movement inside of the shadowy veil off of the path and into the tree line.

A feral growl seemed to emit and echo from all around the darkness unable to be pinpointed as to the source yet seemingly surrounding her as she ran down the path. It was time the being thought to himself, time to give her a real work out.

Suddenly, three black shapes with solid blood red eyes burst from the woods, sprinting towards the young athlete as they run upon the ground on their hands and legs trying to close the distance and do who knows what to her.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:05 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
Even as she contunes to run back the way she had come.. she contunes to ingore the growing shapes around her, her mind trying to play them off as mearly shadows of the early morning, though in the back of her mind that tiny voice was telling her something was wrong.

Her head turns to look over her shoulder suddenly as the howls erupt again as the shapes burst out of the woods chaseing her. Her breath catching in her thoat for a moment before she takes off running faster.. a red streak suddenly as her hair bounded down behind her. Body flowing as her feet pounded upon the dirt as she ran faster from the things trailing behind her.

Muttering to herself as she shakes her head... "gotta be kidding me" as she contunes to run.. her mind whirling.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:23 pm
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
The dark monstrous beasts continue their pursuit, snarling and growling the whole while as they bound after the red-headed woman, gaining ever so slowly as they chase. The Nightbringer ever just watched as he sent the mindless puppets of his own creation forward, chuckling to himself once more amused at how much quicker his prey moved with the right motivation.

The relentless creatures spread out as the ran, as if trying to anticipate her movements to keep her boxed in and unable to escape. From the corners of the girls eyes it may have been obvious that from within the woods themselves more of these creatures lurked, chasing her as well but for whatever reason remained out of sight.

The lead monster, the biggest of the three, lets out another feral roar as thick tentacles begin to explode out from its back, wriggling and writhing in the air.

The Nightbringer simply mused at how long the young woman would be able to keep such a pace or how long until she tried to flee into the woods themselves. What delighted him even more is how even in a paniced state she manages to keep her composure and a seemingly level head. He did so enjoy the willful ones.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:48 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
Contunes to run.. her feet pounding upon the dort of the path.. very wilful as she desides its going to be very hard to outrun these things so her next step.. she starts looking for a place that should could defend herself from these.. wild creatures..

Glancing over her shoulder again was a big mistake.. even as she saw the tentacles erupt from the creature... she missed a root that had been growing out of the ground.. so running full tilt she suddenly found herself falling head over heels and rolling to the ground in a tumbling heap on the ground. The wind being knocked out of her as she came to a rolling stop on her back gasping loudly.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
The three creatures quickly moved, sliding around and in circling the fallen girl as she tumbled to a stop. Feral red eyes just staring at her as each of the lead beasts tentacles hung about in the air dancing like serpents waiting to strike and glistening with a thick black slime and droplets dripping onto the ground and the girls clothing. The tentacles lurched forward from the dark monsters back, whipping and striking the girl tearing and shreading at her clothing as two others lashed out snatching the girl from around the waist, holding her down against the ground.

Having taken physical form, the dark master of the shadowy horrors that now surrounded the young woman, leaned against a near by tree. His nebulous shadowy visage hard to make out from the other shadows within the darkness, but his burning crimson red eyes pierced past that easily. The shadow beasts around the young woman's red eyes were clearly a mirror of his own but possessed none of the cruel, malicious spark that his did.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:35 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
Gasping for breath a moment as she lays there on the ground.. her eyes widening as the creatures suddenly surround her... she only stays there a moment as she starts to get up.

She doesnt get very far though as the tendrils from the creatures rush out to attack her.. she struggles this way and that on the ground as she feels them rip at her clothing.. dripping there slime upon her.. slowly bit by bit more of her smooth youthful body is revilived at her pants are ripped from her body.. showing off the curve of her thighs.. all too soon leaving her in nothing more then her purple satin panties and matching bra. She feels the tendril snake around her slim waste as it tugs her back down against the ground holding her more fermly there.

Yelling loudly she struggles.. her hands trying to snatch at the tendrils to release her.. but seeing there strength she reachs out trying to grab a sharp wedge of rock from the ground and smash it against the tendrils just trying anything to cut them from her.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:47 pm
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
The sharp rock grinds and rubs against the thick black tendril around her waist, cutting the mass at first until seeming to dull as the slimy ichor begins to coat over it. Lifting the panty-clad woman into the air by her waist, the large shadow monster sends two more tendrils as they grab and snake around her trim muscular arms, yanking them painfully up over her head.

All three of the shadow creatures remain motionless for a moment, their unblinking red eyes following her every thrash, kick and squirm of protest. The two other beasts finally stand back onto their feet once more as they begin to step closer to the girl, their arms raising as they reach out to grab hold of the red-haided woman's last bit of clothing.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:21 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Run in the woods (open to anyone)
"No stop it!" she crys out as the tendrils wrap around her wrists.. trying to yank her hands back away as they flex and drag her wrists above her head. Her eyes widen as she growls herself as she gets pulled into the air.. her legs kicking useless above the ground.

"Stop this!!! This isnt fair!" she crys out.. her hair braid swishing down her back as she twists this way and that, attempting to pull free.

Gasping for breath a bit as she ccontuens to struggle.. the creatures stepping closer to her as she watches there tendrils reach toward the satin underclothing she still has on... shaking her head fast again she opens her mouth and lets out a allmost painful piercing SCREAM at the top of her lungs... the scream allmost putting to shame the howls as her voice echo's threwout the woods.

Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:50 pm
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