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 Down Once More (for PlagueBearer) 
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Post Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
The afternoon was calm. The sky was already turning slowly into other colors from the simple, clear blue it had been all day. The waters around the island were glittering red, pink and orange, while the island itself was basking in a simple warm glow. Even deep within the foliage and canopies of high leaves, the light of early evening managed to be filtered through, coloring the ground in soft orange rays. The air was warm and had a salty scent to it; the breeze carried with it the familiar smell of the ocean and gently rustled the flora of the island.

Little wildflowers shivered in gentle delight as a tiny gust passed through them, causing them to sing silently. To normal ears, none could hear the music that nature being played at the moment, but for special ears attuned to nature itself, it was an easy task.

Persephone had had an affinity for nature ever since she was small and ever since coming to Shokushu, it seemed to have been heightened to a greater degree. What was simply wind before was like the caress of a lover's fleeting hand on her cheek now, a gentle touch she cherished. She could hear the voices of the flowers beneath her as she tended them, singing along with them. There were no words, of course, but her voice was well-trained and lovely and resonated within the woods where she was currently.

The young lady had been out all day, taking care of her beloved flowers, which had bloomed so well since she first planted them a few years back. They sang under her fingertips, their mingled voices all joined together in a simple harmony while she tended them. She didn't do much. Much the earth a bit, separate blooms from each other to give them space, water them during hot days...It was a simple existence, but both girl and flowers didn't need much during their time alone.

It was getting late though and it was time to go. As usual, Persephone cheerfully bid her flower friends farewell and they told her good-bye as well, but then...they suddenly went absolutely silent. As if they had been seized with fear.

But that was silly, Persephone thought. Perhaps they only wanted her attention.

"Alright then. Shall I sing you farewell, then?" she asked the flowers. Music and speaking to flowers did well for their growth, she had learned and her precious blooms did love to hear their 'mother' sing to them. "What shall it be today? A ballad? An aria? A rap?" The last part made the girl giggle softly to herself. Like she would ever be caught dead doing a rap of all things! In the end, Persephone decided on a simple love ballad for the flowers and sang for them.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:21 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
It's the singing the catches Kohryu's attention.

The strident light of midday summer began to slowly fade to a murky amber as Persephone entered the forest, the light moving in its never-halting march towards evening as she sang lightly, the sound carrying through the clustered and perilous labyrinth of the huddled trees.

It is more than enough to prick the ears of a few passing crows that Kohryu's souls happened to inhabit. They found great joy in taking possession of the murder and flying out in the middle of the night, moving as one like some great swarming beast and settling like a shadow across the landscape to a cacophony of echoing caws.

It's only one that lands at first, letting out a raucous call as it settles on the edge of the clearing in which Persephone sang. It strutted back and forth, pecking idly into the grass and fixing an appraising glare at her with those odd emerald eyes.

It's brothers and sisters soon joined it, more and more flocking to the spot within the next quarter-hour or so, eventually filling a whole half of the field with their strutting black bodies.


One lone crow, however, did not join them. It flew to the base of the mountain and cawed loudly into the cavern. When Plague emerged, coat on and fedora in hand, the bird took off and winged towards the clearing. Plague followed, sensing a hunt.


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:56 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
Well, this was unnerving, Persephone thought to herself, staring at all the eyes she could feel staring into her very being. The young woman of nineteen had sung to her flowers as promised, occasionally interrupted by an ominous caw that the student eventually learned to just ignore. Even when she could hear more and more of them, she ignored them and continued in her usual pace, her lilting voice filling the clearing where her flowers grew. She paid them no heed, until she stopped singing and simply looked.

"I've never seen this many crows before," she mused aloud, more curious than afraid of this strange occurence. It felt weird having so many eyes stare back at her like that, but no worse than having a whole auditorium of her judgemental peers from school during a formal performance. They were, however, blocking her usual path back to the dorms. "Well, crows, I have to be going. Maybe we could play some other time, hm?"

She laughed, albeit, a tad nervously. She was used to rabbits and deers and all sorts of cute and cuddly animals getting close to her (her affinity to nature had originall started with rabbits before anythign else); some animals even felt comfortable enough within touching distance of her. But this was just plain...creepy. Her round blue eyes cast themselves upward, to the slowly changing sky, wondering what she should do. She had a feeling the crows wouldn't move just yet.

" about a song before I go?" she said, hoping that it would appease these strange birds if she sang. Perhaps they would fly away at the sound of her singing voice? Well, no...if that were to work, shouldn't they have taken off the first moment she opened her mouth? Ah, well...

Shrugging to herself, she started to sing Bizet's famous Habanera from his opera, Carmen.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:02 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
Their wings fluttered and they continued to caw, silenced by the sound. All those beaked heads turned to watch ever-so-intently as the song began, following her words with those oddly human gazes. It was when the last crow joined the murder that they seemed to flutter slightly, a wave of agitation moving through the flock. Still, their attention held on the girl and her lovely voice.

It was when another figure entered the clearing that the birds scattered.

They took off at once, the whole collection of winged beasts twisting and wheeling around one another in the air, the view of the forest beyond the birds lost in a maelstrom of ebony feathers, beating wings, and the occasional flickers of the emerald gemstones of their eyes.

Plague strolled through the mass of fleeing birds, applauding politely, the sound slightly muffled by the bandages that wreathed his palms.

He fixed his gaze on Persephone from beneath the wide brim of his hat, that one eye burning a playful but sadistic amber, "Well done, my dear, you have quite a lovely voice..."


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:49 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
As the song swelled to a spectaclar finish, the pink-haired girl's skirts were caught up in a flurry of wings and feathers caused by many black birds fleeing the clearing in which they had stood, listening to her sing. Persephone was in awe of the rather wicked looking sight, just staring at the retreating figures of the avian creatures. Reaching out, she caught hold of one of the falling dark feathers in her hands, her fingers quickly grasping around the feather.

Amidst the acaphony and cries of the startled birds, she heard something foreign within the forest setting. It sounded like..applauding. Was someone else out there in the forest with her? Had the presence of a newcomer truly disturbed those birds where hers hadn't at all? How curious indeed!

Hand still outstretched where she had caught hold of one crow feather, Persephone could see beyond it where a strange man stood opposite of her, clapping politely, as he congratulated her for her singing.

"Um, thank you, sir," she replied, not at all perturbed by his sudden appearance in her flower field. Opening her hand, the student allowed a passing breeze to pick up the feather and let it float along in the air. The clear blue eyes of the young woman followed along its path towards the sky, then settled back down to the stranger in front of her. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I must be going now."

Sketching a quick curtsey--"Manners, Persephone! Manners!" Inner Freya would yell at her--Persephone made to leave the clearing, anxious to be back in the dorms before nightfall.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:24 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
He sidesteps gracefully, almost floating as he moves in front of her, not letting her pass on here way back to the dorms. He doesn't rush the movement, it seems perfectly natural for him to move so quickly laterally, blocking her way.

He tuts softly, shaking his head, "Oh no, no, no, my dear, I'm afraid not. You'll never make it back to the dorms before nightfall, don't you know how far out in the forest you are?" he lofts a ridged brow, tilting his head curiously to the side.

It was the truth, actually. She was very far out in the wilderness, whether she intended to be or not. A few missteps would be all it would take to strand her in the foreboding forest in the middle of twilit darkness.

"As you can imagine, I know these woods very well. There's no way you'll make it back to the campus before the sun sets. You'll be hopelessly lost, probably ravaged by the horrid beasts that lurk within and left within an inch of your life in the underbrush. Or... you could come with me, be horribly ravaged in a much more comfortable setting and I'll bring you back to the dorm come morning..." he chuckled.

With a slightly flourish, Plague turned on his heel, stalking off, "Your choice..."


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:48 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
He was in front of her, getting in her way, before she could take a single step further back into the forest. The move is quite graceful; elegant in a certain lethal way, like a panther's calculated steps. It amazed her more than intimidated her.

"Oh no, no, no, my dear, I'm afraid not. You'll never make it back to the dorms before nightfall, don't you know how far out in the forest you are?"

Of course Persephone knew--this field of flowers was her own sanctuary; a place she had made herself for herself. It was an escape from every day activity where she could simply enjoy the simple task of tending flowers. And these flowers especially only wanted her to look after them. However, the young woman did not say any of this and merely nodded to him, silently telling him she knew the distance between herself and the school dorms ell enough.

The pink kaired student knew for a fact that it would be dark before she ever reached her bed.

"As you can imagine, I know these woods very well. There's no way you'll make it back to the campus before the sun sets. You'll be hopelessly lost, probably ravaged by the horrid beasts that lurk within and left within an inch of your life in the underbrush. Or... you could come with me, be horribly ravaged in a much more comfortable setting and I'll bring you back to the dorm come morning..."

Well, if that wasn't an ultimatum, Persephone didn't know what was. And it was one of those lose-lose situations. But he had to be jesting, didn't he? This stranger she only just met? Deep down though, part of her bristled--something was not quite right with this person hidden in bandages.

"Hmm...the cricket or the scoprion, I suppose then? Either choice is mine to make, but both would doom me in the end," Persephone mused aloud. She smiled though, unafraid, though she had every right to be. She clasped her hands and stepped forward. "Is it quite proper to make such an ultimatum, when we haven't even been properly introduced yet?"

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:08 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
He turned once more. The movement so quick, like he swiveled on a hinge. One moment he was walking away and then the next it was as though he had never turned his back on her. He approached without any sense of haste, seeming to have all the time in the world. And in fact, he did. He really had no doubts that he wouldn't have the slightest bit of trouble in the forest after dark. It was really the girls one had to worry about, after all, they did so little worrying about themselves.

"I am neither scorpion nor cricket, but I'd ask you to step into my parlor..." he laughs airily. The crows returned to the field, reassembling into a black cloud and settling behind him, three or four finding purchase on his shoulders.

"And no, I doubt that it's very proper. However, with a millennium of life behind me, I find myself paying less and less attention to what is proper and so much more to what is fun," he bowed slightly, "However, if it will make you feel any better, introductions shall be made," the bow dropped, now a sweeping grandiose gesture, "I am known as Plague, from the Latin 'Plagere', meaning to lament or to beat one's breast in sorrow."


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:23 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
Persephone laughed a little herself, her voice the sound of merry Christmas bells jingling. A deceptively sweet sound it was--some were even a little entranced by it at times.

"Cricket, scorpion or not--I'm basically submitting myself to you, aren't I?" she asked, not seeming to be fazed at all by Plague's grandiose mannerisms. Considering she lived with a cold as the artic woman with behaviour patterns reminiscent of an overdramatic noblewoman, she was able to take it all in stride. And so, she smiled and did a curtsey that would have made her elder sister quite proud.

"And I am Persephone...I suppose it means 'Bringer of Destruction' in old Greek," she replied in a gracious manner. "And if you want to 'ravage' me, as you say, I'm afraid I cannot allow that so simply." The young woman knew she shouldn't be egging this man on--whoever he was. If he was serious in his plans--he was serious, she thought to herself while looking straight at Plague--then she shouldn't be antagonizing him and, instead, should be running for her life.

Thennagain, the young woman lacked what most humans knew as 'common sense' and was abundant in the human feeling known as 'curiosity'. She was curious about Plague, especially since he had appeared so suddenly to her and applauding her singing. The fact that he seemed to be male also piqued her interest--she thought no males--besides faculty and staff--were allowed on campus. You live, you learn.

"After all, my body is precious to me and what lies within it even more so." She smiled sweetly. "I do know my way around this forest, Sir Plague--" There she went being voerly polite again. "--Even at night. This island is a part of me and I am a part of it, whether I like it or not. However, to make it fair to the both of us...why don't we play a game?"

Stalling for time to escape would be difficult--as would the concept of escaping itself. Why not try to win her freedom? If she wopuld be taken down either way, why not try to fight back in her own way?

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:45 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
He chuckled briefly after her insistence that she knew the island's forest even at night, crossing his arms before him, "Certainly my dear, I have no doubt that you know the forest, but then you also know the things that lie within it. And while you may have made it most of the way out of the forest by nightfall and minimized the time you need travel in the dark earlier, because of your dilly-dallying with me you'll be struck by darkness at about the half-way point, making your journey that much more dangerous"

"Besides..." he looked back over his shoulder and gave a signal. Each of the crows tilted their heads up and opened their mouths. From within came a green gas, each little wisp holding within a screaming skeletal figure. They formed into a gaseous ball, huge and bristling with those humanoid shapes caught in the throes of agony. Waxing and waning behind Plague for a moment, they split into a thousand pieces and as many directions, burying themselves into the trunks of the trees that surrounded the clearing.

The trees suddenly took on a menacing caste, twisting and reshaping the geography and available exits of the clearing in an unnatural dance, "... the forest's on my payroll."

However, it was her next suggestion that stopped him, "A... game?" he actually looked somewhat hungry now, his voice barely restraining excitement, "Oh, how delightful! What sort of game do you suggest, my rosy little avatar of the goddess?"


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:55 am
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
It surprised the girl when those stranges green wisps of something came out of the crows, forming into one massive ball of living green gas. Well, living wasn't the correct term for it. They were animate, yes, those bodies within the sphere behind Plague, but they weren't living. Not as far as she was concerned. Quite suddenly, it broke apart, pieces zooming into all directions, startling the flora and fauna around them as they entered the trees.

All fell silent to Persephone's ears. Oh, there was sound filtering in through her ears. She could hear the sounds of crashing waves in the distance, the ominous caws of the crows from earlier and even the wind whistling in her ears. No, what was missing was the sound of life she was so used to hearing from the forest of Shokushu. She couldn't hear the forest anymore. She could hear the flowers she still tended to--their voices had not been silenced since only the trees had been taken over. However...

Persephone felt a bit disturbed, buit did not let it show and pressed on lest she suddenly lost her nerve.

"Yes, a game," she repeated. He seems a bit...too excited at the idea of playing a game, she mused quietly. Nevertheless, it was time to lay down the rules. "It'll be a...race against time. You've turned this forest into a labyrinth of sorts, haven't you?" It would seem so, those trees were now in places she didn't remember them. "Well...You name the time, I'll determine the place within the forest. If I make my way there within the time limit, then you may kindly escort me back to my dorm. However, if you happen to win, then I'll come with you quietly, no complaints. And to make it perfectly fair...we may both use whatever we may have at our disposal to win. Which means you can do whatever you must so that I don't reach my destination in time. However, I have to ask that you not cause me any physical harm."

She paused.

"However, if you don't want to play that game with me, then I suppose we could just play a few rounds of poker..."

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:47 pm
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
Plague laughed softly as he snapped his fingers. The obsidian claws poked through the bandages, clacking together softly as he turned towards the forest. A few of the bright green agonized souls flew out from the trees that surrounded the clearing, burying themselves in the trees further on.

"That sounds like a good bit of fun, my dear..." he droned, his voice dry and raspy, "You said I should pick the spot then?" he tilted his head to the side curiously.

"I must warn you, I can get anywhere in this forest in twenty minutes and I should expect you to do the same, even with the labyrinth hampering your progress. That will be our time limit. You have twenty minutes to get where you intend, and I will be there to harry you at every chance I'm given..." he stood within the nestled grove like a statue, watching her with that single amber eye.

"Poker is another game I enjoy a good bit, but this task sounded much more interesting..." he laughed, "Shall we begin? Please designate your chosen destination, my dear..."


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:07 pm
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
"Hmm...where to choose..."

Twenty minutes? That wasn't much time for Persephone to get anywhere, but she was determined to pull through somehow. The young woman knew that it would be acceptable--nor very fair--if she chose a destination that would take her less than five minutes to reach. She could be a bit tricky and suggest someting like Plague's own location, turning a game into a demented version of hide-and-ho-seek. However, that might prove to be too much of a challenge for the pink haired girl, so she quickly decided on a destination not too close, but not incredibly far off either.

"There should be a lake close by here with a small waterfall," Perssephone stated, remembring the place quite well. She had come across it a few times in her first year and had started using the water to take care of her flowers in the field during the hotter days of the year. On a a slow day, she could make it back and forth in 30 minutes. If she ran for it, she was sure to cut the time in half. That would leave her a five minute margin, at the very least. "That'll be my destination. Is it alright?"

Here her body was on the line and she was still courteous enough to ask if Plague agreed to the destination or not. The girl was much too considerate for her own good.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:16 pm
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
Plague stepped backward as he listened to her finish, the trees shifting to a different position once more, the creaking of their possessed wood filling the clearing like a chorus of screams as they did so. He shook his head roughly and the changed again, twisting apart and together so that six distinct exits formed in the circular clearing. He nodded softly and leaped backwards up into the branches of one of the trees from the forest floor.

"I know of it, yes. If that is to be your destination then let the chase commence. I wish you all the luck in the world, my dear, because I assure you it will be necessary..."
he laughed a little before slipping behind the trunk and disappearing completely, leaving her alone in the clearing.


Simple folks never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats.

Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:40 pm
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Post Re: Down Once More (for PlagueBearer)
All the luck in the world.

Persephone remembered back in the day, when her luck was quite legendary and often got her out of tough scrapes. They called her both lucky and unlucky, for she always found a way to escape or flee the prowling rapists and then doomed someone else to take her place. She still had it here and it had served her well before, but perhaps, her luck had finally run out?

Plague was off and away; the game was to begin.

There were six exits now in her clearing, all leading in different directions. Although it may seem impossible right now, what with the changed geography of the trees and the time limit, it was actually still quite doable. Even though the trees had changed, the destination would still be exactly the same. She just had to make way in the right direction.

"The lake is northeast so..."

Looking around the clearing, she picked an exit and dashed into it, hoping it was the right one, ignoring the 'silence' still ringing in her ears emanating from the possessed forest.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:14 am
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