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 Double date (Fiona/jezebel) 
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:09 pm
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Post Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
It was a nice summer day at Shokushu, like most days. It was warm, with the sun beaming down, letting the island glow it its rays. The only thing that kept the temprature from rising to the unbearable was the light afternoon breeze coming in from the sea.
It was Saturday, no classes, and lots of girls used the chance to go outside. Most were flocking to the beach, lapping up the sun or swimming, but not all.

One girl, a blonde one with pigtails, was walking from the campus to the dorms. She was carrying a bag with books and writing materials, obviously having used even this day to study, but she was not wearing the school uniform, instead wearing a yellow summer dress and a straw hat. Sudenly she stopped, perhaps distracted by the sweet smell of a nearby patch of flowers.

The blonde girl seemed to hesitate, then leaned closer. Perhaps she planned on picking one. SHe was met with a sudden spurt of sleep inducing pollen, and promptly keeled over.

"Well, that was easy!"
The voice belonged to a tiny being, a pixe to be more exact.
"Oh, You make sure she is hidden, then fly and tell Jezebel we have the girl she wanted!"
but I want to go look for the redhead.."

"If you are quick, you can go look for her. Or you can play with the girl and the demoness. Hurry!"

Meanwhile, the other pixies were spreading out. They were aiming for one quarry, a new student named Fiona MacBeth.

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

The Shokushu Pixies

Striktor, undead pirate.

Astrid, red scarf of the Tramps.

Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:58 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
In the 1960s, a group of people journeyed to Findhorn, Scotland, a barren, cold, and windswept place and decided to conduct an experiment. Not much could grow in such an environment, but they planted a garden anyhow. And then they did something few humans have ever done before, they communicated with the spirits of the plants they planted and history was made. The love and appreciation and encouragement they sent to these plants was returned a thousand times over and these plants grew to gigantic size.

Today Fiona would be attempting something very similar right here on Shokushu Island. Growing things was not Fi's only objective, however. The main focus of the solitary Pagan this day was to commune with the Earth Mother and the spirits of the forest...

The young Scotswoman was currently cleansing her body in the hot, soothing mineral water of the island's only known natural spring, located in a remote location deep within the forest of Shokushu Island. Not many students knew the spring's location, and fewer still were aware that it existed at all. That suited Fi just fine; it meant that she would be able to practice her Craft without any interruptions...Or so she thought.

To one side of the spring is Fiona's green cloak, the only piece of clothing that the young druidess had worn that day, laying on the ground alongside several items, both magical and mundane. Resting on top of the cloak are a silver Irish pennywhistle with blue Celtic symbols engraved in the metal, and a small wooden hand-carved statue of Mother Earth, both items radiating an aura of power, as is the silver Tree of Life pendant that is attached to the thin chain necklace hanging from the Fiona's neck.

Fiona sighed contentedly as she laid her head back and closed her eyes as she submerged her body deeper into the steaming pool. Today, she knew instinctively, was promising to be a most interesting day...

If only she knew...

Free-spirited nature lover & budding mage.
(Render by Calidare)
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Macbeth Tartan
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Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead. --Scottish Proverb

Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.
--Marilyn Monroe

You can sleep with a blonde, you can sleep with a brunette, but you'll never get any sleep with a redhead!
--Jamie Luner

Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:58 am
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Post Re: Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
About the time Fiona was fully submerged, the pixies had already spotted her, and several of them were watching the redhead beauty from hidden positions. They duly noted that she was a fine specimen of human.
Her fiery red hair was enough to set her apart from the rest, but there was something else that attracted them as well. She seemed to have some sort of gift, or at least she radiated some sort of power. This was rare enough amongst humans in the first place,but in this case, the power seemed to have certain flavor to it that the pixies liked. It was heavy, rich and earth-like. Not exactly the same as the pixies' own magic, but still quite compatible.

As soon as the pixies had felt the tinge, they had began searching for the source, and since then they had been keeping tab on Fiona on a regular basis. They had also noticed she seemed to be ever interested in the land, in a mystical sense.

Now pixies do not have religion in the same way as humans. Many humans feel the need to reaffirm their connection to something bigger than themselves, be it gods, or God, or Nature or perhaps a more abstract philosophical concept. The pixies, on the other hand, are always connected to nature. Remove their link to their surroundings, and they will likely wither and die. So what for humans is a matter of faith is for them very solid and real. Most of the time, they could not care less what humans believe or do, but sometimes one or two of them stumbles upon something overlapping the interest of the pixies. They had found one such priestess on this island already, maybe they had found another?


Elsewhere, a few pixies were buzzing through the air, towards the abode of one of their few allies.

"Jezebel! Jezebel! We found one!
", one of them shouted. "We got one! She is sleeping now, ready for you to play with!"

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

The Shokushu Pixies

Striktor, undead pirate.

Astrid, red scarf of the Tramps.

Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:31 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
Fiona cleared her mind of all distractions, focusing her consciousness entirely on the moment. The woman's breathing deepened, chest rising and falling under the hot, bubbling water as the young redhead gradually slipped into a deep meditative state. It is generally advised not to attempt meditation while laying down, as Fi was doing now, for the simple reason that doing so might cause one to fall asleep instead of meditate. But Fiona was well enough practiced in the art that she could manage to concentrate on the act in her current position without dozing off.

For one as constantly hyper as Fiona, it might seem like a somewhat difficult feat to calm down and stay still long enough to perform even the simplest of meditations, but any practitioner of magic with half a brain knew that at least a certain amount of patience and self-discipline was necessary if they wished to perform their Craft in an effective and above all safe manner, and even one as wild and care-free as Fi was equipped with enough of both when and where it counted.

Fiona's breathing was slow and deep. With every inhale, she felt her body flood with a beautiful sparkling refreshing light. With every exhale, the woman felt everything stale, old, negative, leave her body. At every inhale, Fi could feel the light reaching right throughout her body. Right down to the tips of her toes and the tips of her fingers, deep into the crevices of the ruby-haired Pagan's body, All the hidden or closed off areas, dark corners as she opened herself right up to the light.

A woman's voice, with a rich, earthy tone, spoke inside her mind...soft, gentle, soothing...lending words of love and compassion to Fi as she continued to lay their in the warm, soothing waters of the hot spring. A smile crept across her face; the young nature mage had known the voice since the day of her Initiation, many years ago. It was the voice of Gaia, the Divine Mother.

Moments later, the Earth Priestess's body began to tingle with the familiar stirrings of power that slowly began to awaken from with within her womb. A sparkling emerald-green light surrounded Fiona, seeming to glow from within the woman's body. The brightly illuminated mage's body rose to the surface, where she floated spread-eagle.

As she concentration further, the sky-clad Scot's senses grew sharper, the awareness of her surroundings becoming stronger and stronger. Soon, Fi's connection to her surroundings became strong enough that she could hear the beating of the earth's 'heart'...she could feel the wind's gentle breeze as it rustled against the tree's leaves...she could see the birds as they flew across the bright blue sky and the bees and butterflies that buzzed and fluttered from flower to flower...

Fiona decided to try something fun that she hadn't attempted before, just for the hell of it. Clasping her hands together as if in prayer, Fi sang a short, cheery little tune in her native tongue. Once the song ended, the young druid's hands unfolded like a blooming flower, and resting in her hands were hundreds of pedals from what was in Fi's mind the most beautiful and breathtaking of all flowers, the Scottish Bluebells (also known as Fairy Thimbles). Not only are they lovely, but they have become a part of the culture and myth in the UK. The bluebell flower has long had a connection with fairy life. It is thought that growing a garden full of bluebells is an invitation to them, and creating wreaths of this blossom – which you would place on an alter – puts you in their favor.

Bringing her hands to her lips, she blew on the pedals, which flew far, far up into the air until they reached the sky. When the pedals flew beyond sight, something truly magical happened: each petal that Fiona had released into the air became whole flowers (minus the stems). As Fiona finally opened her eyes, the mage's expression was one of pure pleasure as hundreds of pinks and whites and blues...gently rained down from the sky...

Free-spirited nature lover & budding mage.
(Render by Calidare)
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Macbeth Tartan
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Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead. --Scottish Proverb

Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.
--Marilyn Monroe

You can sleep with a blonde, you can sleep with a brunette, but you'll never get any sleep with a redhead!
--Jamie Luner

Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:32 am
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Post Re: Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
The pixies could not help but smile as the redhaired beauty lay there, singing and then showered in flowers. Bluebells, even. The pixies appreciated that. Granted, pixies love all plants, not necessarily just one species, but the notion of mortals growing pretty things to their benefit pleased them.

But with all the flowers, just watching became unbearable.

"Purty blossoms!"
Suddenly, a diminutive woman entered Fionas field of vision. She was flying, speeding though the air with her wings close to her back, making a twist, snatching a flower, then beating her wings to gain altitude.
"Got one! And another!"
The little pixie, wearing a short skirt, had a mop of rose pink hair and matching wings. As she had gained height, she beat her wings furiously, hovering like a hummingbird, while affixing a flower to her hair.

"That was quite good.. for a mortal. Actually, that was quite good for most ..beings". While the first pixie had spoken in English, the other actually spoke in Gaelic, although with an accent that sounded rather old fashioned, and a few pauses, like someone catching up on a foreign language they have not used actively for a while.
The speaker revealed herself as another tiny woman, now landing on Fiona's chest. She had long, evening sky hair and purple wings, and wore a short dress of shimmering gossamer. Dainty feet trod on Fiona's skin.

Other little beings could be seen circling the scene, darting through the air so fast they were hard to see properly.

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

The Shokushu Pixies

Striktor, undead pirate.

Astrid, red scarf of the Tramps.

Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:38 pm
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Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 8:37 pm
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Post Re: Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
Another lovely day on the lush tropical paradise that was Shokushu Island. The sun was shining brightly in the sky. Leaves rustled and branches swayed gently in the breeze. Birds were singing in the trees. Bees were buzzing all about the not quite completed garden, collecting pollen from the beautiful exotic flowers for their hives....

And in the midst of it all, a very relaxed Jezebel took a sip of her hot lemon tea and then laid her head back against a fluffy white pillow as she reclined lazily in a cozy handwoven string hammock, basking in the warmth of the sun's rays that beat down upon the naked demoness's fair skin.

The hammock was tied up in between the thick trunks of two very...'special' fruit trees that were themselves part of a large grove located nearby the succubus's woodland home.

Beneath the demon's hammock was a picnic table laden with an assortment of goodies for both her diminutive allies and her two 'guests' to enjoy once they arrived. Apart from the various fruits and nuts, most of the items were made with honey and/or other sugary-sweet ingredients (pixies aren't the only ones with a sweet tooth) and all were laced with a special blend of very powerful yet subltle and slow-acting aphrodisiacs.

It had become a force of habit for the succubus to use aphrodisiacs whenever and wherever she could. it wasn't really necessary of course to use them in every encounter with every mortal, but the results always entertaining to watch...

PiaM. wrote:
"Jezebel! Jezebel! We found one!", one of them shouted. "We got one! She is sleeping now, ready for you to play with!"

Jezebel's ears perked up at the sound of a very tiny voice shouting her name. As she turned her head towards the voice, a wide grin spread across the succubus's face as she saw the small group of pixies flying towards her location.

"Ah, my old friendsss!" Jezebel exclaimed jovially as she hopped off the hammock and landed lightly on her feet, "It iss sso very good to ssee you again!" It had been quite some time since the red-haired she-demon had last seen the pixies, and she was well overdue for a second encounter with her tiny winged friends.

Jezebel had recognized the speaker as the pretty blonde-haired pixie that the demon had so much 'fun' with during their last meet, and the lusty succubus felt a stirring in her loins from the memory of the sexy little fairy riding her hard, throbbing member...

Jezebel shook herself from her thoughts. As much as the succubus was looking foreword to 'playing' with her pixie friends again, it would have to wait for another time. For now, she would just have to settle for toying with her two sexy guests, who had not yet arrived for the big day that was ahead of them.

"Sso, my friendsss," Jezebel continued, rubbing her hands together in a very business-like fassion as she strolled on over to the pixies, "what have you got for me?"

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:20 am
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Post Re: Double date (Fiona/jezebel)
Yellow did a couple of circles in the air around the succubus. She was quite happy to see the demoness again, and was now over her disappointment at not being with the ones chasing the beautiful nature mage. Besides, now she could claim credit for everything.

"I found a girl for you.. Actually I found two, but the others are fetching the other one."
The little woman hovered in front of the succubus. Yellow thought the she devil quite attractive and fetching. Of course, she would never have been seen with an ugly demon. Yellow was in her own way a little snob. And Jezebel had an appetite for sex the pixies appreciated. Yellow hoped she would get a chance to see Jezebel ravish one or both of the girls.

"One is a blonde. Not as pretty as me, but nice enough. She is sleeping now, 'cause we gave her a dose of slumberpollen. The thing is.. She has some kind of.. power to her. Some of us sensed it while she was being fucked by a biggie creature. It flared up. So we thought you might want to play with her."

"Yup, that is right, Sugartits! She is resting on a patch off moss right near here." One more pixie, a young male, entered the conversation. He landed on the succubus shoulder. "So, how are things with our favourite demon bombshell? How is the garden doing?"

Pia Marie Hov - Sophomore, just realizing how much trouble she is in.

The Shokushu Pixies

Striktor, undead pirate.

Astrid, red scarf of the Tramps.

Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:28 pm
Profile YIM
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