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 Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia) 
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Post Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
Lazily his white eyes roamed across the sands, It wasn't like him to be beneath the harsh rays of the sun though he grew lazy as he moved closer to the edge of the forest, his usual haunt giving that it was often darker there save for clearings and his sensitive eyes were spared but he was unhindered by it today based on where he had been and the light wouldn't be much of a bother to him.

He had dozed off, his skin tone a sandy coloration, sand drawn up around him and his tentacles buried into the cooling sand. He opened a single eye upon hearing voices. Students? He had not expected to get much done today, hell he did not even get too far from his watery lair today, and he lacked the motivation to hunt.

But he sensed a large gathering nearby, at least five indistinct minds, possible more and they were close by too. He read their surface thoughts as they gossiped about trivial things though not more than 5 yards away he witnessed blankets unfurled on the sands.

Some wicker baskets contained bottles of water and a few sandwiches. 15 feet ... He gave the matter a degree of thought knowing he was not the most agile of beings he figured that he could get one of the pair by surprise for he saw but two, the other minds were close by in the forest, his body was elastic enough, he could reach them from here if he wanted though the others he assumed would run. But where?

To the south was the water, clearly not into the ocean. He had been to the west so not toward him he assumed which left north and east left. The beach gave way to a forest to the east, to the north was more beach but going that way would keep them out in the opened so it deemed likely that students would flee from him to the forest to get cover and hide from him perhaps.

Hiding did no good since he could sense the mental patterns within them so he assumed, not knowing this, they would flee there and attempt to loose him or hide. He thought about matters, he often took a lone student and gave them his full attention though there were a few times were he entertained two, never more than that though. But today he gathered that he would partake of a little "chase" as slow as he was he had the tools to easily hinder a pair of students, he was prone to using telekinesis though he could use a mirrade of others such as illusions and dominations but he not chased down anyone in quit some time. He preferred to as a rule, he had other methods, but today he felt nostalgic, back to basics so to speak.

The thought of doing so now appealed to him seeing that it was something new. But he figured he was guarenteed only one target falling into his grasp, maybe two if the others gawked in surprise or attempted to assist their friend so unless the second did anything foolish he considered letting her flee to the forest and giving pursuit in order to make things interesting for him.

So for a first target he selected a Kat, the juicier of the pair he deemed so if by some fluke the other managed to elude him he would not be so disappointed. But what were the chances of that? Still he was no cat toying with a cornered mouse that could slip away from the claws of the careless.

But something caused him to pause, his muscles tense as he prepared to strike but relaxed a little. He saw an image in their minds. Fiona. A red head ... he preferred red heads and found them particularly delicable. He ran his mind over things figuring that he would get his tentacles on Fiona should he be a bit patient.

Now he was no stranger to waiting and honestly could be patient when he needed to or wanted too and since the others were waiting for her it only made a degree of sense to still himself to get a hold of the Irish girl. Yes, he would wait.

He debated on lashing out as soon as she arrived but he thought better of it, taking no chances in that Fiona would elude him at all ...


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Last edited by Aegir 2 on Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
Earlier that day...

Kat's shoulders shook as she quickly walked through the doorway of her dorm room, slamming the door shut behind her and then throwing herself flat against the wall, panting heavily and trembling with fear. Her eyes darted back and forth nervously, terrified that some nasty tentacled creature to jump out from some carefully concealed hiding place and attack her the
moment should she make any sudden movements. Tears were streaming down Kat's face, sticky with disgusting green slime and foul-smelling demon cum that covered the quietly sobbing girl's petite body from head to toe.

"He-hello, is anybody home?" Kat asked in a cracked voice as she glanced around the room, hoping that a response would come from one of her roommates and not from some terrible monster or other. But there was nothing but silence, which in a way was even worse.

Could there be another trap waiting for her somewhere? Some frightening tentacle-thingy hiding under the bed, maybe? Or perhaps there was some creepy demon or other lurking somewhere in
the closet? Either way, she couldn't just stand there forever, and there was no way she was leaving her dorm room again. At least, not alone...

Slowly, and with great trepidation, kat walked across to the bathroom, where the cum-covered student dropped the flimsy gym towel that covered her otherwise naked body and stepped into the shower to cleanse herself of the nasty gunk that clung stubbornly to the voilated girl's battered and bruised body. "Ugh, this stuff really smells. It's no wonder all the other girls avoided me like the plague on my way here..."

After washing and rewashing several times until all the nastiness had washed away, Kat got out of the shower and dried herself off on a clean towel from the nearby rack before drying and brushing her hair.

"Finally all nice and clean again. I thought I'd never get that gross stuff off me..." Katrina left the bathroom and walked into the nearby closet to find something to wear. As she looked through the racks, Kat's eyes went wide with surprise when she saw a very unusual (to Kat, anyway) outfit.

"Wh-what kind of outfit is this?" Kat stammered in disbelief as she picked the strange thing up for inspection. It was made of a shiny black material, maybe latex or vinyl. But for some reason, it looked incomplete, as if whoever had made it had run out of material before they had a chance to add the area that was supposed to cover the crotch area.

"Strange...this...this...thing looks like something that Sondra would wear..." Kat looked into the mirror on the far side of the closet as she held the suit up against her body. She was amazed at how...good it felt against her skin.

"But it's much too small to be hers. It's more my size. But why...and why is it here beside the rest of my clothes?" Kat closed her eyes and ran her hands across the front of the outfit as these questions went through her mind. It really did feel very nice.

Sooo niiice...sooo smoooth.

It was almost as if the outfit was calling out to the entranced Kat, beckoning to her, begging her to try it on.

Well, why not? Sammy and Sondra are always encouraging me to be more adventurous and try new things...

It took Kat a few tries before she managed to figure out how to put the suit on, but manage it she did...

"Oh, w-wow! this thing feels so wonderful,'s no wonder Sondra loves to wear this kind of stuff..." Kat ran her hands up and down the material once more as she turned about a few times to inspect herself in the mirror. She just couldn't help herself. It felt better and better every time she felt it...

"S-so, this is what I've been missing out on all this time. I'll never doubt my roomies again..."

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:00 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
It was as if the suit was made for her, tailored for her, it hugged every curve and crevice of her skin, cupping her like so many hands and as she moved it was if the fingers of those hands stroked over her flesh, cupping, and holding her breasts away from the nasty, cruel clutches of gravity, caressing along her spine and over her stomach hugging her hips and teasing along her skin with every single movement she made. But of course it was only a suit... even if the fastenings had vanished, even if she panicked and tore at the material her fingers would only pass through it as though it were liquid, passing through and not able to capture even a part of it! It was a terrifying experience for many but it wasn't hurting her at least, nor was it bursting with life or raping her within an inch of her life! So it wasn't much of a threat now was it? best of all it could be covered with everyday clothing, so it was not much of a hassle in that way it was almost as if it were TRYING to be convenient.

"Oh wait, aren't I late for something?" The voice tickled into Kats mind gently, in her own voice no less, the picnic! She had to run or it would be too late!

A mind is a terrible thing to waste...


Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:24 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat, Kim and Ilixia)
"Such a beautiful day today..."

Samantha mused as she stared out into the crystal blue sea, while in the distance, leaves rustled lightly in the trees as a gentle ocean breeze drifted by. Although the sun was shining brightly in the sky above, it was not especially hot outside today for what might typically be expected on an island like Shokushu. It was a little under eighty degrees Fahrenheit, and the breeze was just right...strong enough to keep the girls from frying in the sun and gentle enough not to send their plates and stuff flying away.

Of course, Sam still didn't take any chances when she'd set up for the picnic. The area she chose was a little further away from shore than where she usually hung out during her beach visits, for the practical reason of keeping the waves from crashing their little party. For added protection, Sam had found a nice spot between two rock faces that aided in keeping the wind at bay.

"I wonder what time it is. Seems like Kat should be here already..."

Sam checked her watch. It was half past four, thirty minutes past the time her sister had promised to show up.

"Damn it, sis, where the hell are you?"

A text message on Samantha's PSP had confirmed that Sondra and her cousins were on their way, and Kat was supposed to be there already with the other stuff. Fortunately, Sondra usually had the foresight to bring enough food and entertainment to go around, so they were probably still in good shape as far as all that went. And, according to her friend, a note had been left on the door for their other roomies, inviting them to come join their friends for a fun little picnic on the beach.

All that was left to do for the moment was to wait for the rest of the group to show up. But, damn it, the waiting was always the hardest part...

((I ended up getting too tired and lazy to find anything for Sam to wear tonight (not that anything that she or anyone else is wearing will be staying on for very long :wink: ), so we'll just say that she's wearing the outfit in my character's sig below, with the ribbon and locket and all that.))

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Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:22 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
Ilixia wrote:
It was as if the suit was made for her, tailored for her, it hugged every curve and crevice of her skin, cupping her like so many hands and as she moved it was if the fingers of those hands stroked over her flesh, cupping, and holding her breasts away from the nasty, cruel clutches of gravity, caressing along her spine and over her stomach hugging her hips and teasing along her skin with every single movement she made. But of course it was only a suit... even if the fastenings had vanished, even if she panicked and tore at the material her fingers would only pass through it as though it were liquid, passing through and not able to capture even a part of it! It was a terrifying experience for many but it wasn't hurting her at least, nor was it bursting with life or raping her within an inch of her life! So it wasn't much of a threat now was it? best of all it could be covered with everyday clothing, so it was not much of a hassle in that way it was almost as if it were TRYING to be convenient.

"Oh wait, aren't I late for something?" The voice tickled into Kat's mind gently, in her own voice no less, the picnic! She had to run or it would be too late!

Oh crap, this feels way too good! Kat thought as she felt the invisible hands stroking her silky-smooth flesh, the purely sensual sensation of the suit hugging and caressing her ivory skin causing Kat's entire body to tremble with pleasure. Katrina's rapidly hardening nipples began to poke through the fabric after only a few seconds of trying on the suit while her breasts swelled up with arousal and desire. Oh my g-god! I...I think I'm falling in love with this thing!

Was it possible to fall in love with a suit? Until today, Katrina never even considered asking herself such a question. Of course, until today she never considered wearing a...what did Sondra call these things? Crusats? Cossets? Corsites? Whatever it was called, Kat was relieved that she was alone when she put the suit on. She never would have had the guts to try the thing on if she were around any of her roommates...

And then she remembered...

"Oh, crap! My roommates! The picnic! I was supposed to be at the beach already!" Kat's hands tore at the fastenings in a panicked frenzy to remove the latex suit...but the fastenings had vanished and her hands went right through the material as if it were made of some strange liquid, and she touched nothing but her own pale skin.

"What...What is this?!" Kat frantically searched for a way to remove the suit, but there was no way to remove it. "What should I do? I-I can't let them s-see me in this..this corsey thing!" Kat fell backwards onto the closet floor as she began thrashing about in her panic to remove the offending garment. Nothing Katrina tried would work. Any movement she made, no matter how big or small, caused her to moan out in pleasure as the latex worked its wicked magic on every one of the highly sensitive girl's sweet spots at once.

"M-mu...must...g-get...up..." Struggling valiantly against her own rapidly-growing arousal, Kat slowly crawled on her hands and knees towards the doorway, fighting every step of the way to keep herself from giving in and thrusting her fingers into her own hot, gushing vagina and pleasuring her tight little cunny until the desperately horny girl finally achieved the sweet, sweet release that she needed so badly...

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Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:41 pm
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
The Suit itself was not silly it knew that if Kat were to go out wearing it like this then everything was over then its teasing and its poking could not continue, it was touched, honestly as it felt the first stirrings of love within the heart of its wearer and it reciprocated with a small touch of warmth in the back of the girls mind. Just a small touch as she realized how much she was coming to love her outfit, but words too spilled into her mind, in Kats own voice, "I should put my uniform on over this... If I can't take it off at least I can hide it..." It didn't want to be found out just yet, it intended to have its fun while Ilixia was away and unlike many monsters it did not believe in instant gratification, it wanted Kat to break, to love it, to beg for it, even before it granted her what she wanted.

She was going to have to be careful during their picnic, or else they would know what she was hiding under the uniform, she was going to have to be careful, or they would know just what she was wearing, it was time to go! but she had to be appropriately dressed!

A mind is a terrible thing to waste...


Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:23 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
He lazily watched from his place under the sand. Of course at this stage he had been covered and appeared as little more than part of the sand dunes here. He did most of his surveying by scanning the minds of those present.

While he tinkered with immediate gratification and prolonging his pleasure he found that the later was more rewarding and thus waited. While he waited though he drudged through memories that the girls had of Fiona, his primary target he decided on this day.

He stored what he found of her in a region of his brain as he multitasked on events. He studied each in turn ... well at present he wasn't feeling too much life out there but knew that the others would be joining the fray anytime soon.

As it were one was running later then she said she would. An encounter with one of the other denziens of the island holding her up? That was just as possible as anything else though and for a second he hoped that her tardiness would disband the others before his target arrived here.

But no, they would not disband. He sensed that they would. The day was a nice day for a swim or lounging around on the beach and while he got a sense of the player's here he assumed that they would just confront Kat later as to why she was not here, or what the delay her.

No, the others would still come. Things would not be canceled on the account of one of their number not showing when there were so many coming here as it were. So all he had to do was simply wait but as he did he pressed into their memories to get better acquinted with his playthings ...


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:04 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
A beauteous day it was on sunny Shokushu Island, and Fiona Macbeth was spending in the best way she knew how: by spending some quality time with her two favorite cousins out in the great outdoors. Today, their plans included going for a pleasant little stroll through the woods and then taking a trip to the beach for a little rest and relaxation. Fiona being Fiona, she had chosen to take the longer path through the woods. Nothing wrong with taking the time to enjoy all the wonderful gifts that Mother Nature has provided for them.

"Wha' a spectacular place bae this enchanted forest!" the highly excited redhead exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder as she danced and skipped her way along the narrow, winding path. Fiona felt at least as deep a connection to Mother Nature as any human possibly could, if not deeper, and here, deep in the lush, fertile forest, the ecstatic, nature-worshiping Scotswoman felt more free, more alive than anywhere else she could possibly be.

Of course, the forest was not their final destination, so there wasn't as much time to spend here in the woods as she would have liked. So the trio pressed on towards the beach to meet up with Sondra's roomies for a pleasant little picnic and some fun times all around. Fi was dressed for the occasion in a white crystal crop-top a pleated mini-kilt with the Macbeth colors ('modern')and a pair of black leather shoes. ((Fi's tats, four of which are currently visible, can be found here)) The shoes perhaps weren't as practical for wearing on the beach as, say a pair of sandals, but Fiona had been out that day and didn't have time to change when she'd heard about the picnic...

Fi turned to Sondra with a bright smile as the trio made their way to the beach entrance. "Sae, blondie, wha can ye tell mae about yer roomies?"

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:49 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
He stirred. He sensed her presence as she arrived and had to fight back the urge in erupting from the sands. Right now he was unaware where Fiona was but he did have strength of emotions to go by indicating that she had, indeed arrived.

By her own brain waves he sensed that Fiona was drawing closer with each passing second to join her friends. God, I just love those shoes, I wonder where she gets them ... Just one of the wayward thoughts that had crest someone's mind.

The sand about him slid some and even crackled in some places due to his minute movement. It was as if someone submerged in the sands tried to squirm and free themselves but had been unsuccessful. He stirred but halted himself for now ... fortunately no one was paying the sand dune any particular attention and thus the cracks in the sand went unnoticed.

But what he could not hid was his own arousal. The stiffening of all three of his cocks and the musky scent, the pheramones that he exuded when highly aroused. The smell was dulled somewhat by the sand he was beneath but still evident despite not being effective otherwise against humans, an evolutionary though back if you will.

But only a few seconds passed before he touched those minds present and scrub their mind of his sense, altering their perceptions just enough where they failed to notice the scent any further though with it he pushed a suggestion into their minds that perhaps the inhaled some rotting sea weed or dead fish that was washed in by the tide and quickly washed out on it.

Patience stilled him before he decided that he could have a little fun before emerging from the sands ...


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:07 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
Sara's outfit was not quite as sparkly as Fiona's with the crystals that adorned her cousin's shirt, nor as colorful, with the blues and greens that were woven into the redhead's tartan skirt. Her own attire consisted of a red and black dip-dye v-neck tee with a 'peek-a-boo' tie front and a faux belt detailing around the hips, a form-fitting black stretch-spandex micro miniskirt with a side-slit, and a pair of strappy black slingback sandals.

Shokushu Island certainly is an interesting place, Sara mused as she walked along beside her cousins Sondra and Fiona through the wooded path. This island had everything...beautiful wide-open fields and slightly eerie yet no less beautiful densely-packed forest land...bright, sunny beaches and dark underground caverns...There were more interesting and exciting things to do and places to see around here than Sara could hope to explore in one lifetime. Shokushu was truly an adventurer's paradise...

"Sae, blondie, wha can ye tell mae about yer roomies?"

Sara snapped back to the present at the sound of Fiona's voice. Upon hearing the redhead's words, she turned a curious eye Sondra's way as she threw in her own two cents. "Yeah, I'd like to hear about your roomies as well. Rumor has it you've got quite a full house in your dorm. What's it like sharing a dorm room with so many people?"

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
Today was turning out to be a rather fine day, and there was no better way Sondra knew how to spend it than by enjoying some quality time with her two favorite cousins and a few dear friends. Nothing in the world could be finer than enjoying a pleasant outdoor picnic with some good friends on a hot, sandy beach...Well, nothing except for a pleasant outdoor picnic followed up by a wild evening of sweet, sweet love-making with a group of sexy young women perhaps...

Sondra's choice in outfits for this occasion didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. The top worn by the busty blonde was a sheer black tee with a floral lace pattern and a key-hole neckline. It would take but one quick glance for any nearby onlookers to notice that Sondra was not wearing a bra underneath her top; the only reason that the woman's nipples couldn't be seen clearly through the fabric was because of the black flowers that were in the way.

Completing Sondra's attire was a short, black figure-hugging miniskirt and a pair of comfy black leather loosed-toed sandals with tan Pillowtop comfort footbeds, along with her customary black cat ears and tail.

"Sae, blondie, wha can ye tell mae about yer roomies?"

"Yeah, I'd like to hear about your roomies as well. Rumor has it you've got quite a full house in your dorm. What's it like sharing a dorm room with so many people?"

"Living with a large group of girls is a lot more fun than you might think." Sondra grinned. "Especially when you happen to be sharing a dorm room with six very sexy ladies."

"Six?" Sara gaped at her cousin in disbelief. "You live with six roommates? How do you manage living in a dorm with so many people?"

"Well, when you're used to living with five brothers and sisters, sharing a dorm room with six other girls is a nothing. The only difference is the amount of space available. As for the girls themselves...well, you'll see for yourselves here today...Ah, and here we are!"

Sondra waved at her roommate as the trio finally made their way onto the beach. "Hey there Sam! Sorry we're late, hun. We decided to take the scenic route today."

There was a strange odor that drifted by as the girls unloaded their belongings onto Samantha's beach blanket. The smell was there for a brief moment before it dissipated. They all put it down to some bad seaweed that had drifted ashore momentarily before being dragged back in by the receding tide...

((Not to worry, folks...Kat will be joining the rest of the group momentarily. It'll just be a post or two more, three at the outside. I'm working on her response now. Also need to work on a decent entrance for Jezebel. Not sure which disguise I want to use yet.

Kimmy, you can now bring your girls in whenever you're ready. :) ))

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:23 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
Ilixia wrote:
The Suit itself was not silly it knew that if Kat were to go out wearing it like this then everything was over then its teasing and its poking could not continue, it was touched, honestly as it felt the first stirrings of love within the heart of its wearer and it reciprocated with a small touch of warmth in the back of the girls mind. Just a small touch as she realized how much she was coming to love her outfit, but words too spilled into her mind, in Kats own voice, "I should put my uniform on over this... If I can't take it off at least I can hide it..." It didn't want to be found out just yet, it intended to have its fun while Ilixia was away and unlike many monsters it did not believe in instant gratification, it wanted Kat to break, to love it, to beg for it, even before it granted her what she wanted.

She was going to have to be careful during their picnic, or else they would know what she was hiding under the uniform, she was going to have to be careful, or they would know just what she was wearing, it was time to go! but she had to be appropriately dressed!

"Can't g-give in...N-now! M-m...Ngh!Must...G-get...Up!"

Using a nearby storage chest for support, Kat managed to pick herself at least part way off the ground, and with the aid of the door frame as leverage, she slowly pulled herself the rest of the way up. Kat was more than a little unsteady on her feet, but somehow she managed to keep from tripping over herself. A warm fuzzy feeling began to form in the back of Kat's mind. She wasn't sure what had caused it, but there were more important things to be thinking about at the moment, like getting to the picnic on time.

"I gotta get going now before, the others start to worry about me!"

But what was she going to do? Kat didn't want her roommates to see her in this suit, but there seemed to be no way of taking it of...But then maybe she didn't have to! What if she covered it up with something her school uniform perhaps? Katrina detested the uniform that the school made her wear, but since the rest of her wardrobe was mostly over-sized sweatshirts and baggy jeans, it was either the uniform or nothing.

Kat was rather relieved that she had thought of that idea. It meant that she could go to the group picnic without having to reveal her 'dirty little secret' to the other girls. But as her hand was half-way to the hanger, another thought entered her head: What if everybody decides to go swimming? It was a lovely day, after all...and they would be at the beach all swimming would almost certainly be involved at some point.

Kat immediately began to panic. What could she do? The other girls would think she was weird if she went swimming in her school uniform, but if she took it off, then her secret would be exposed, and then what?

But what other choice was there? In Kat's current state, it was hard to think clearly, but think she must. Time was running out and so were her options. Part of Kat didn't even want to leave at this point. Part of Kat just wanted to stay in her dorm room by herself and relieve the 'tension' that was growing inside her with each passing moment.

"Oh, what to do, what to do..."

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:40 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
His presence went unnoticed ad he had hoped the aroma exuding from his rubbery body. He was in the process of rummaging through memories. First and foremost he was drawing images from their thoughts then began to trace though their histories.

No need to do it one by one his mind reached out to all of them at once. The compound nature of it allowing him to multi task with ease as he pulled memories and juicy encounters from their minds.

He felt like bursting from the sands but he knew that they were still waiting on more students to arrive and he desired to savoir this for a bit longer. Thus his mind reached out to his favorite target amongst the bunch, Fiona.

A slow caress, So scrumptous.

The voice was projected into her mind alone, a whisper really but there was no sound that the others could perceive. He normally did not announce his presence before striking and really he had no reason why he did so now but he acted without too much thought in the matter.

He could sense their thoughts and thus did not need anyone to speak to have a conversation with them but he continued his mental caress of her even now. A small portion of his mind dug into her own heightening her arousal slightly. Yes, he found that playing with Fiona a little before hand would be interesting. That and there was so much that he could do here without anyone being none the wiser. Hell, even Fiona might come to the conclusion that she was losing a portion of her mind or even imagining the whole matter and eventual think little of the voices in her head.

And if so, if she sought to warn the others he had multiple ways around that. Suggestions, even commands or suppressing her ability to speak about it all were options. Of course he had yet to decide which one to use or even if one would be needed. He did consider if he was making a reasonable choice here. Was there someone that would be more opened to him? Willing to think little if anything of it? Maybe, but would it be as fun?

He let that dangle there in his mind as he focused on the nature lover though he still kept tabs on the othes his focus had shifted so that it encompassed Fiona.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:48 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
I was already at the beach wearing a AC/DC black shirt and a Black Knit Denim Ruffle Skirt with black flip flops I notice Sondra and two other girls along with Sam as I walk over to them "hey Sondra im guessing this is the meeting place so... who are these two sexy girls with you?" I ask with a grin "I am Kim but my friends call me Kimmy." I then looked at Sable who was playing on her PSP "and this is my younger sister Sable...."

Sable was playing on her PSP and just gave a wave as she went back playing she was wearing a red Hello Kitty shirt and a pair of white shorts and white sneakers as she grins and sees Sam and put her PSP in her pocket "hey Sammy how's my sweeite doing." she ask with a grin



Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:15 am
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Post Re: Leisurely Pursits (for Kat and Ilixia)
What was this? He perked up a little as he felt a familiar presence that he encountered long ago when he first came to this island. Ah, he recalled it perfectly. His arrival into a gym, Dawn Portman back when she was blond and Kim ...

Inwardly he grinned to himself. He once tried to masquerade as Kim once, tried to deceive Dawn but she saw through his attempts. Of course that was long ago when he was out of practice with his illusions not that he still didn't mess up from time to time but he was more polished with their applications.

For a moment his attention shifted from Fiona to the latest arrival given his familarity with her. She was a fiesty on he remembered though an interesting one as memory recalled. If he had a chance he figured that he would snatch her too though he turned a portion of his mind over how he was going to process this all, what he was going to do when he struck but shifting winds could change that and he figured that it would be easier to plan for that thing on the fly.

For a brief moment he considered contacting her too but thought better of it in the event that Fiona could collaborate with someone about matters of course given his options in preventing that it was highly unlikely that this was going to be the case at all. But still ...


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:10 am
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