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 Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede) 
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Post Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
This island had been everything Shareta expected and more. She had arrived right in the middle of the winter break, earning her time to go out and explore the island before classes started up again. In many way this place reminded her of pictures she had seen of Hawaii. A beautiful beach and yet hundreds of yards away a darker, tree heavy bit of land. The weather was warm for winter, allowing her to go out in her school uniform, getting used to wearing it and liking the breeze against her legs. The uniforms had been a bit of a surprise, skirting the line of skimpy by mere centimeters in her opinion. But rules were rules and she could deal with some exposed flesh for being able to be kept away from her family. Besides, it wasn't as if there were any guys around to stare after all, it was an all girl's school.

She wasn't yet sure how she felt about the women that she shared her floor with, glad that for now at least it seemed she was getting a dorm room for herself. Another surprise given she was here purely on an academic grant. She would have to make certain she did nothing to threaten that. She was admittedly antisocial and the women on her floor... well they weren't. She hadn't fended so many questions off in sequence in her life so rapidly before. That single room might prove to be her only sanctuary on campus. But, finally the excuse of being jet lagged had come up and she had escaped them, slipping out of dorms later to explore and had brought her to where she was now. What had started off merely as a tour had turned into a relaxing stroll, and before she knew it she was within the shadows of the above trees' branches.

The forest was denser than she expected, but a fairly good trail led her deeper into it and she followed it, the sounds of girls at the track field and beaches soon fading away. She liked this, she might a habit of coming here. The gentle sound of just the wind and the sight of light playing out it's constant battle with shadow was immensely relaxing. The deeper she went in the fainter the trail became and she finally paused as she could no longer truly see a path before her. She did -not- want to start off her time on the island getting herself lost. She looked up, seeing the sun almost directly overhead. She could always follow it back towards campus, if worst came to worst. Still, better safe than sorry, she turning herself around to head back down the path.

Shareta's Profile

Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:22 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
The island was indeed more then expected for both the students and other "residents" alike and more then one of those other "residents" had stirred as the young student had wandered into the forest as a leisurely stroll soon lead her deeper into the forest....Where many unspeakable things happened to foolish young women to wander alone into the densely wooded depths.

One of the "residents" to stir was Kaede, the Florae woman sensing a delicious young morsel nearing her domain, and unbeknownst to the student she was already falling into a trap as several of Kaede's smallest flowers, hidden from sight in the brush beneath the trees, spewed forth a perfume newly designed to delude the senses and lead its victim towards the voluptous plant woman.

Soon enough even as the student followed the path she still firmly believed would lead back towards the campus she would find herself walking between several thorny walls with a flower unseen by most humans growing on them. And as she walked down the thorn enclosed pathway pollen from those flowers continuosly fell down upon her settling deeply onto the new school uniform.

After several minutes of walking the student would see a lighted area and soon come upon a small field boxed in my solid walls of thorns and if she looked towards the center of the field she would see what appeared to be a brown skinned woman lying motionless in the center of the field and if she approached further she would also find that the woman was completely naked!

Kaede's Bio

Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:33 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
Shareta hummed softly to herself as she walked back towards campus, or at least in the direction she thought the campus to be. Steady breathing had her taking in several lungfuls of the disorientating perfume, altering her sense of direction and having her veering away from campus in actuality. She was entirely unaware of having fallen into a trap, continuing at her happy and steady pace, even as she began to consider this might not have been the way she had come. She was new to the school, both its denizens and the necessary precautions one needed to take in this place were entirely unknown to her.

Her walking slowed as she came upon hedges of thorns, confusing crossing her features. She hadn't come this way had she? No she was certain she hadn't... she would have remembered these wouldn't she? She found thinking about such rather difficult though, the pollen making her memory questionable and she finally decided to continue. She had been watching the light play over the ground for much of her walk, perhaps she had just been oblivious to these thorns as she first past them. Yes, that was probably it. Steps became more confident and even though she was now paying attention, she did not catch sight of the flowers that were now showering her with pollen.

Finally she came unto a lighted clearing and she paused, confused again as her eyes traveled over the cul-de-sac surrounded on all sides by thick thorny walls. A frown broke across her features. Ok, this most defiantly hadn't been on her path before. Had she gotten turned around somewhere at a fork in the road? She should be able to see signs of the campus buildings by now! Or hear some of the girls on the track fields. She was just about to turn around when she caught sight of a woman laying in the clearing. She hurried towards her, worry reaching her face as the woman lay motionless and was naked. She knelt down beside her, hand pressing to her shoulder and a faint nudge given asking "Are you alright?"

Shareta's Profile

Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:12 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
The nudge seemed to stir the unconcious woman somewhat as her eyes fluttered and the concerned student would hear a groggy groan of "Uhhhh...Be careful... of the flowers." And with another nudge to her shoulder the unconcious woman, in actuality the lovely Kaede in disguise, her eyes cracked open and she shot up in feigned surprise as she saw the woman kneeling above her.

Grabbing her hand between both of her own suddenly, the motion leaving Shareta's arm pressed between her rather large breasts, she said "Oh I'm so glad someone found me. I thought I'd be lost out here forever. But...." she looked confused for a moment before she finished " did you get in here? When I collapsed this glade was enclosed by walls of impassable thorns."

And almost as if the thought of the words sprung them into action the path Shareta had followed into the cul-de-sac was quickly growing shut. As Kaede watched with feigned horror she looked up at Shareta and said "It's exactly the same as what happened to me..." She looked away suddenly and said softly "And if it is the same you might want to cover anything you don't want me to see."

As soon as her warning had left her lips the effects of the devious pollen that had settled deeply into every inch of her school uniform and even into the undergarments beneath it began to work and caused the fabric of the skimpy outfit began to sizzle and pop as the molecular structure of the uniform itself began to fall apart.

Kaede's Bio

Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:41 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
When the woman awoke a relieved sigh escaped Shareta's lips. She had for a moment thought the woman dead. But despite that relief she couldn't revert to her usual dispassionate demeanor. The woman's cryptic remark about flowers was probably just her murmuring from waking up from a dream or nightmare. But she was still lost, her hand was caught against the other woman's breast and the woman was clearly panicking about something. Made for a rather tense moment for a multitude of reasons. She blinked in confusion as the woman spoke about the glade being cut off and gestured back towards where she entered from saying "It's alright, there is an exi.." Her words falling short as the hedge suddenly closed shut, leaving them both surrounded on all sides by walls of thorns.

She would try and pull away from the brown skinned woman then, panic coming across her own features, claustrophobia threatening her. She barely caught a word of the woman's warning before the pollen did what it had burrowed into the fibers of her clothing to do. It ate the very bounds of the fibers at the molecular level, dissolving them, hems and points of her outfit that were sewed together coming apart first. A little squeak was all she was able to manage as she watched her outfit fall apart, left arm brought forth to press to her breasts, falling to the ground in a kneeling position as her other pressed above her thighs to cover herself and asked rapidly "What is going on!?" Seeing the material of her outfit withering away to nothing. She found her mind going to, of all things, 'now what I am supposed to wear to class next week?' Odd where one's mind went when frightened.

Shareta's Profile

Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:58 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
Kaede looked away from the student in feigned embarassment as Shareta's uniform withered away into nothing only taking the sidelong glances a curious friend would take. She muttered quietly with a flush on her tanned face as she turned back toward Shareta after the student had covered herself "You have a nice body." Clearing her throat to get that apparently embarassing admission out of both their minds she asked "You walked through a pathway of thorns with lots of flowers to get here right? That's what happened to me... Well as far as I can figure all the pollen that fell on us when we walked through there seems to dissolve unnatural fibers. Namely, our clothes."

"Does that make sense?" she asked her fellow captive, cocking her head to the side cutely. While Kaede had garnered the student's attention her plants had moved to the next step of the plan and thin, leafy, but strong vines had begun to worm their way along the ground and gently wrap themselves around both Kaede's and Shareta's wrists and ankles. Using their master's own body as a way to play with Shareta would remove suspicion from Kaede until she revealed herself to the student. And waiting only the few moments needed to make sure the vine's grip was sufficiently tight the vines yanked on both Kaede and Shareta pulling the student backward to lay flat against the soft ground, her arms bound together on the ground above her, and throwing Kaede "accidentally" to land with her face buried in Shareta's thighs, her warm breath blowing against Shareta's cunt, while Kaede's rear was raised leaving the light breeze blowing through the glade tickling across her bare nethers.

Kaede's Bio

Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
"" Shareta stammered out, the loss of her clothing unnerving her and the other woman's compliments obviously catching her by surprise. All vestiges of her usually placid and cool regard were gone, replaced with fear, confusion and no small amount of disbelief. She was dreaming, she must be. In a few moments she'd wake up and be back in her dorm room... ... ... yes any second now... She pinched at her wrist and flinched faintly. No... this couldn't be real... she looked to the other naked woman and blinked merely blinked at her musings regarding how these events occurred. "Yes of course!" She exclaimed as she woman asked if it made sense. "The plants are alive and want us naked! There can be no other explanation!" She was panicky, but still sarcastic in her responses. She couldn't think of a better explanation but still... pollen that ate clothing?

Her hands had been thrown upwards in exasperation at the other woman's comments, and she caught sight of green, leafy tendrils wrapped about her wrists. How had those got there? Suddenly they would tighten and pull, a soft eep escaping her as she was drawn back down onto the ground, her arms stretched overhead and her legs drew apart, leaving the woman helplessly immobile. She was so caught unaware by the sudden change in perspective, she didn't even realize the same had happened to the other woman till she felt her breath running across her bare nethers. She tried to squeeze her thighs together, failing utterly and blushed a furious shade of crimson as shame was added to the plethora of emotions she was experiencing. "Wha... how... why..." Questioning words escaped her as she breathed rapidly, breasts rising and falling with inhales and exhales, looking to the other woman as if seeking answers to her unfinished and mostly unstated questions.

Shareta's Profile

Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:24 am
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
Even though Shareta was obviously uncomfortable with Kaede's face buried between her thighs the better position would allow her to see that the other woman's arms were bound behind her back and that her firm round bum was raised up into the air. She tried to move as Shareta stumbled over a barrage of questions to no avail other then burying herself closer to the student's pussy and finally said, her words muffled by Shareta's thighs "How should I know? I think in terms of positions I have it worse off though."

As if in response to her statement a thick suspiciously phallic shaped vine extended from a tree branch high above stopping above Kaede's nethers and making sure to catch Shareta's attention as it moved up and down, seeming to be nodding in a reaction to the student's earlier sarcastic comment before moving downward to Kaede's body roughly drawing a line down from her ass down to her clit. "Eep!" she squeaked in feigned surprise, knowing that if Shareta thought she was a victim as well the shock would be all the greater when she revealed her true self.

Meanwhile the tentacle had begun to focus solely on Kaede's pussy, corkscrewing against the entrance but teasingly avoiding pushing inward, and soon enough Shareta would hear the brown skinned woman moan between her thighs and taking that as their master's ok the phallic shaped vine powerfully thrust inside Kaede's pussy, rocking her body and coincidentally shoving her face right against Shareta's nethers. And as the phallic vine took up a slow but powerful pace and Kaede continued to moan the voluptous woman stuck her tongue out and began to lick at Shareta's nether lips almost seeming as if the pleasure was making it so she couldn't resist what the vines had put so close to her anymore.

Kaede's Bio

Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:26 pm
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
Shareta continued to pull futilely against the vines that kept her bound and spread on the ground, hazel eyes searching about frantically for... well anything. A knight in shining armor was what she wanted, but even a sharp rock would do. Supposing she could grab it which she couldn't... Finally she seemed to recognize that the other woman was indeed most likely in a worse position than herself, but what was the point of all this? Who was controlling these vines? And why? Her questions were still answered, that was until another vine descended. And while still a virgin and for much of her life sheltered, Shareta had vastly expanded her knowledge base outside of her parent's overprotective shadow. And the shape of that vine reminded her very much of a certain part of the male anatomy.

She watched as it dropped down, making an odd vertical wave as it neared the other woman's raised bottom. It's tip vanished from sight, but the undulating motions she saw and the squeak from the other woman told Shareta enough. She was stunned silent, unable to say anything as the vine suddenly thrust into the other woman, Shareta feeling her face rocked up against her sex with the forward momentum of the thrust. She was watching someone get raped by a plant... she just couldn't accept what she was seeing. The rocking grew rhythmic, the other woman's face pressed up against her sex with each thrust and Shareta grimacing at the lewd contact. Soon though she felt and heard something else entirely, the woman was moaning. No it couldn't be... she was enjoying this!? And then she felt her tongue slip along her sex. Shareta had little experience with even pleasuring herself; feeling the other woman's tongue on her was a brand new experience for her. She gasped, trying to squirm away from the wet contact, but only succeeded in rubbing herself more against the other woman's mouth.

Shareta's Profile

Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:38 am
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Post Re: Stopping to Smell the Flowers (Kaede)
It would seem to Shareta that the woman she was watching was indeed enjoying being raped by a plant as Kaede's tongue continued moving along the student's virgin folds in time with the powerful thrusts of the thick phallic vine into the brown skinned woman's body. After several minutes of this however Shareta would hear the woman between her legs cry out suddenly and the vines holding her would recede leaving the student the only one bound as the thick tentacle pulled of the seemingly unconcious woman.

The vine then moved towards Shareta and as it got closer to her face she would see that the phallic object was shiny with it's masters juices and ready to move on to its next victim. It was only as the vine moved towards Shareta's mouth, wanting the innocent student to clean it off before it took her that Kaede sat up again her face completely blank and emotionless. It would seem as if her humanity was shattered as she sat there with Shareta's legs draped over her shoulders from rising from her position between the student's thighs.

As the vine noticed this it moved to push against Shareta's lips, trying to force itself into her mouth, while the seemingly dazed Kaede wrapped her arms around Shareta's stomach holding her still. And with the student looking on at her own nethers past the vine pushing its way into her mouth Kaede lowered her mouth to Shareta's nether lips pushing inside the virgin tunnel with her tongue.

Kaede's Bio

Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:08 am
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