Shokushu High School

“In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)
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Author:  Allirabeth [ Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

I couldn’t sleep. These days my dreams would be considered nightmares to most. Demons and monsters appearing out of the darkness to capture me, and ravish my body for their own purposes. Flashes of my pussy being stretched by blackness, tentacles molesting my large breasts, and as if I was able during my attacks to watch from outside my body, I could see my own face in blissful torment, but with a hint of resentment in my eyes.

I woke up aroused, pulse racing, and craving to be handled roughly to the point of my own pleasure. Glancing the room as if to be sure of where I was, I saw my dear cousin, roommate, sound asleep next to me. There had been nights where I simply went to the bathroom and rubbed my own clit till I orgasm, but tonight I wanted more then that. Arousal mixed with a courageous stupidity, I knew if I went outside I would surely be snatched up by some monster of the night, so I quietly sat up and prepared to do out and face them. I put on my sandals, and wrote a quick note for Alli, “Don’t worry cousin. I couldn’t sleep, so I’m staying the night at a friend’s. Ana” I grabbed my pillow and a spare blanket so it would be believable.

My heart started pumping before I even left the room. “Maybe I’m being ridiculous,” I whispered to myself. I started to question my motives, but I kept walking, and then the door closed behind me. “I’m sure no one will bother me, probably no on will even show themselves,” I tried to console myself as I walked down the hall and out the front door of my dorm. The air was as warm as any summer night, and the sky was clear as a bell. I could see every star, and my exhale released all the anxiety. “I’ll just sleep in the grass clearing not far from the school, it will be beautiful to sleep under the stars,” I said out loud to myself with a smile on my face, and I walked on.

Author:  alexvano [ Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Slimer was busy enjoying the night, lost in contemplative thought. He was thinking back to times on his home world and how different things were here. A job of inventing designer chemicals for his demon overlord, versus here on this tropical paradise, he was corrupting lovely human ladies through blissful, and deranged sex that only the deprived mind of a demon could envision in the first place. It truely was a job worth doing well. Tonight was simply a night like any other the air calm and peaceful, almost perfect, like most nights on the island. He could think of one thing that would truely make it perfect, and set off in search of new prey.

He decided to start a new hunt, he preferred to stalk his prey gaining insights to their psyche, that allowed his complete corruption of their mind, body, and souls. Moving silent and invisibly, his form only causing a shimmer in the air as light is deflected around him, Slimer heads to the dorms. As he begins to travel around the side of the building to begin peeking in windows to select a new victim, the strangest thing happens. The front doors to the dorms open up and out walks a delicous student. She is definitely alluring with her slim physique, dark skin, and offsetting long white hair. *Wow, wishes do come true* Slimer thinks to himself. His curiosity peaked he changes course and begins silently following her.

Author:  Allirabeth [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

The walk to the clearing was wonderful and refreshing, the sounds of “clip-clop, clip-clop” from my sandals leaving an auditory trail behind me. By the time I reached the small grassy opening in the woods, I had almost forgotten why I was inspired to come out here to begin with. Angry words put away, and playful words left my mouth as I shook the blanket in front of me to catch air before hitting the ground, “I should come out here more often in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. I bet Alli would even like it, but she is such the cautious one”.

Kneeling down, I placed my pillow at one end, and I positioned myself to fit on the rest of the cozy teal fabric that almost blended into the color of the grass in the moonlight. Last but not least my head hit the pillow just as I was pulling my sheer nightgown down to cover my knees. My full breasts pressed between my arms as I curled up to get comfortable.

Then, a huge sigh of relief filled the air around me. All craving to be ravished, encouraged by my nightmares, had reseated back into the depths of my psychy. “Now …”, my eyes began to drift closed in the calming sounds of night, “… I can get some sleep”.

Author:  alexvano [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Slimer could not believe what he was seeing, the beautiful girl had set out on this beautiful night and decided to setup camp in a clearing. Her demenor over the short journey seemed to change from a skulk to more of a happy jaunt. As she setup her blanket and pillow she seemed satisfied and it appeared she planned to sleep out here. Slimer couldn't recall seeing her before and was sure the long white hair was something he would remember. Maybe she was new to the island or simply lucky to never have been attacked by monsters before, although he quickly dismissed the first thought as she seemed to know the spot she now occupied. Whatever her reasons, Slimer was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Deciding that it could possibly be a trick or trap Slimer decided caution was in order. He quickly surveyed the scene, and moved out scouting the surrounding area. Finding nothing he returned to the clearing to check on the student who was curled up under the blanket seeming to be enjoying the warm summer night. Slimer decides to wait a few minutes and if nothing raised his suspicions, he would enjoy more than just the clear night...

Author:  Allirabeth [ Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Surely I knew the dangers of being out by myself at night, and so far away from the school, but I had come to the realization that all else is really such a false sense of security. The monsters here can seem to take me when and where they want to, so why not enjoy any free moments I have. I lay there so relaxed for a moment or two a sense of true freedom, and I started to drift in and out of consciousness until sleep took hold of my thoughts.

Darkness even darker then the actual night I was laying in suddenly began to surround me like the fog rolling in of the sea. My heart started to race even thought I couldn’t see any reason to be afraid, but I could feel the presence of evil. I started running through the clouds of darkness, looking left and right, then spinning around to look behind me, and I lost my balance and fell backwards. I kept falling, and falling … my hands and arms flailing about to grasp hold of something to break my fall ….

I jerked awake, sitting straight up, looking left and right, and then straight up to see the source of the moonlight shining down on me. “Oh my, thank you God. It was just a dream.”

Author:  alexvano [ Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Slimer watched the curvy student slowly drift to sleep while he invisibly creeped closer. The white haired vixen seemed to be tossing and turning heavily in her sleep, as if having a gut wrenching nightmare. Although being a demon slimer could care less about her inner turmoil, the cause of such anxiety did cause him curiosity, and carelessness.

He had stopped a few paces from her head and was about to release his slime over her sleeping from when she spasmed suddenly, the chemicals in her brains dream like state not allowing complete movement. Slimed realed back pulling his tail back and reshutting the mouth that the 2 foot wide appendage ended in. He quickly went invisible holding still as she jerked upright like a zombie in a bad horror movie not more than 10 paces behind her.

It was a good thing too, as she looks around seeing nothing then turns her gaze upward where only moments before his tail tentacle waited. She confirmed his suspicions thanking her god that it was only a dream, as tiny beads of sweat clung to her forehead. It must have been truely terrifying to illicit such a reaction from her, Slimer wonders if he can ease her sleep with pleasure or would he be adding to her nightmares.

Deciding he could strike now, but in the state she was in she might run off hurting herself and in the process lessening the pleasure he could have from her. Patiently the demon calmed himself waiting to see what she would do next in her adrenaline driven state. Would sleep reclaim her or would she use the energy somehow? Slimer does what he does best watch and wait...

Author:  Allirabeth [ Fri May 06, 2011 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Relieved that this panic I woke up with was unwarranted, I rested my head back down on my pillow. From somewhere in this calm night, a slight breeze rolled passed me before I could pull the covers up, and I acknowledged my nipples tightening. Instinctively my hands went to cup my full breasts to tame the rigid peaks, but my fingers couldn’t resist stroking them first through the thin fabric.

Tender fingertips began tracing the soft skin of my firm breasts taking in every curve as if preparing to draw a reproduction. However the only drawing that took place was that of one hand moving down to trace the line of my own side to my waist, and over to my belly button, trying to resist the pull of my aroused pussy below.

I glanced around with my eyes, not moving my head, “there’s no one around”, I thought. Then with one hand beginning to mold the breast it had been teasing, the other hand reached lower to find the tiny bud rubbing against my panties.

((sorry for the delay :oops: ))

Author:  alexvano [ Sat May 07, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Slimer can't help but silently chuckle to himself as the sexy student begins touching her sensative body. He caresses her firm breasts and traces a hand down to her sex. By the look of pleasure on her face he could tell she was either fingering herself under the blanket, or stroking her magic button. As she continued to stroken Slimer couldn't help himself from being engorged at the sight or her writhing in agony and pleasure.

Deciding he can't help holding back anymore a tentacle slowly tickles up her leg, until it reaches her soft and slowly moistening lips and begins to tease her lovely lower lips while her fingers play with her clit. The phallic ending head strokes against her folds while nher fingers dance over her button. Another tentacle seeks out her firm globes stroking and caressing over her breasts as it slips under the blanket. The last two tentacles hold poised ready to secure her if she realizes the extra stimulation isn't her imagination...

Author:  Allirabeth [ Tue May 10, 2011 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

I had begun to drift in consciousness, eyes closed, fading back into a dream state, hoping this one to be more pleasant then the last. Hoping this one will be full of the lustful pleasures I was inducing upon myself. I could almost feel the sensations of my wet lips being parted, spread for a firm part of a man to push his way inside me while I toyed with the throbbing pink bud. His hands would join mine to molest my large orbs, kneading the firm captives.

Compressed breaths escaped my open mouth to mix with the night air, as my back slightly arched off the ground, but something wasn’t quite right … I passed for a moment. My hands were still, but the tender flesh of my breasts felt writhing strokes. The opening to my sex was exposed, but not at my hand … and my eyes sprung open.

I felt no pain, so I had no urge to jump up and run, that never works here on this tortured island anyway, so my escape would have to be more tactical. As if I were frozen in place by some exterior force, I lay still waiting for my sight to adjust in the moonlight to see what is creeping under the covers with me.

Author:  alexvano [ Wed May 11, 2011 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Slimer watches as her hands tenderly caress all the right spots and he continues his ministrations with his tentacles, one rubbing gently the soft folds to he sex, while anothers slips along the soft sensative skin of her breasts. Slimer didn't realize she had stopped due to suspiscion figuring she had drifting back to semi-sleep as arched her back and then lie somewhat still. Suddenly, she looks below the blanket and through the darkness once her eyes have time to adjust she would notice the tendrils as they stroked her most secretive of places...

Slimer stands behind her awaiting her reaction, knowing the position she is in excape would be almost impossible on this clear night.

Author:  Allirabeth [ Sat May 14, 2011 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

I had left the dorm room that night wanting an encounter with some sex craved monster, but now that it was upon me, I had changed my mind. It was too late now. No ways to turn back the hands of time, if there was I’d be lying safely in my bed.

I followed the tentacles from their tips, still stroking and toying with my aroused centers, to see the origin. Slowly my head turned, then my shoulders twisted, one hand left my breast to rest on the ground, supporting my shift in weight, and then I saw the beast towering over me. The moonlight cast shadows painting parts of my body, imprints of his shape shown from behind him. I couldn’t make out many details, but enough to know this was not a man.

My heart began to race, but in this position I felt quite helpless. I was almost naked, alone, in the dark, in the middle of the night … I swallowed hard, and licked my lips as if there was something sticky coating them. “I shouldn’t … be here. If you let me … I can-n … go back to the school, now?” I could barely breath, whispered pushes of air carried my broken sentence to plea for my freedom without really acknowledging any evidence of bondage.

Author:  alexvano [ Mon May 16, 2011 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Why would you want to go now we just started exploring your voluptuos body, Slimer says as his tendril rubs up and down over her wet lips as it slips by her panties, and the other coils her breasts stroking back and forth caressing her lovely mounds.

Your obviously out here for a reason so I'll give you this choice, you can tell me your name and how badly you need release, and what you need for me to give you? Option 2 you try and fight what your body needs and me at the same time, or refuse option 1, although I must tell you it will go badly if you chose option 2.

Slimer finishes with an evil chuckles his hard member standing at attention while he watches the thoughts pass behind her eyes as she weights her options...

Author:  Allirabeth [ Mon May 16, 2011 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Even before he spoke, I was having trouble ignoring the pleasure I was convincing myself I needed to escape from. His invasion of my private spots was tender and well delivered, and I was becoming more and more aroused by the second. I knew I wouldn't get out of it. I knew he wouldn’t let me go, and his words confirmed it.

But something wouldn’t let me just … let him … “No!” Is all I said before I started to struggle. I had the idea to run out here to be “taken”, and now I was sure I would be, but I had to try. His massive body would block my way, and soon the massive cock that I could see in the shadows … would be inside me, I gulped. My pussy throbbed, and my fingers dug into the ground beneath me as if to get a grip for what I would do next.

Author:  alexvano [ Wed May 18, 2011 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

No wasn't one of the options, so I guess its closest to you deciding to risk my ire by delusionally thinking you have a choice of resistance. Best we end that line of thought quickly and return to why we are both out here... pleasuring your body, Slimer chuckles evily, with his low rumble of a voice. He now stands directly above and behind her, his form sillueted against the bright moonlight streaming in overhead.

Slimer continues pleasuring her large mounds and toying with her wet sex lips, while his other two tentacles shoot out at her wrists attempting to secure the one on the ground and the free one and pull them above her head...

Author:  Allirabeth [ Fri May 20, 2011 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: “In the Calm of Night” (Slimer)

Reveled thoughts collided with sensible ones, as I felt the firm grasp on my wrists. As if it were a game I struggled, playing my part in this twisted theater, refusing to just go alone with my own rape. The means to the end for this monster maybe, but it was the cat and mouse folly that I had craved, now coming to pass.

First my hands were above my head, and then my arms like ropes I hung from. “Surely Y-you gain pleasure from this, not me. D-doubtful you …”, his strokes of my sex impossible to ignore as my level of arousal continued to build. “Doubtful-l you attack students-s … only for their pl-le-asure. Mmmm … as if-f there is noth-thing in it for you?” My lips pinched together. The look on my face was one of torture, but deep inside I was right where I wanted to be.

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