Shokushu High School

Psychological Assessment(Saira)
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Author:  Christopher [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Psychological Assessment(Saira)

It was a comfortable day out on the island itself, students enjoying the day could be heard all the way up to the office where a young man stood at the window. Christopher had been looking through files of students of his own accord lately. Both in an effort to locate his Pandora & find likely targets. He'd been lurking the island for well over half a year now and had yet to attack a single student however. It was more than obvious he was both nervous and hesitant. He was now knowns as a rumor about a young man's ghost wandering the halls of the class building after dark.

In his wandering of the school, he discovered an unused empty office with the plaque of 'School Psychologist' on it the office over looked the beach & the ocean. There had been no name when he arrived at it but, that didn't stop him from adding his own for now, he could always return it to normal later, even the gold plated steel had mana holding it together and could be twisted using it's natural laylines.

”LCSW Christopher B. well it isn't exactly a complete lie, I did have a masters in psychology...”
he muttered to himself as he watched the world outside continue. The view was nice from the window really.
No human over the age of thirty would even notice the door any more, it was a way to make sure no one bothered him though he did make sure the administration would admit there was a school psychologist just nothing else about him.

Finally looking through the files he found something that caught his eye. He leaned back in the black leather chair scratching behind his ear, the transparent young man looked curiously on at a 4 words on the page he was on.
”Complains of missing time...”
he muttered softly to himself. He turned another page and the file photo fell out. She looked so similar to someone from his past, so beautiful, though he was now assuming these files were specifically for the more intellectual monsters rather than for students to ever see; the picture was on her bare figure in the shower; the steam kept the image tasteful though. It was then he decided. He had a letter sent to the dorm of Saria Nejem.

'Miss Nejem, due to recent complaints reported that you say your memory has large gaps in it the administration has decided that you should have a mandatory psychological evaluation conducted by the school psychologist. Any further action to be taken on this matter will be decided based on this evaluation.

The time & date of your appointment will follow, Missing this appointment will result in an immediate week of detention. Lateness will result in detention'

the appointment was in exactly one hour after the note arrived at her door. He smiled looking out the window now at the beach & the bikini clad students with a sigh to himself once again.

Author:  Saira [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

Saira found herself heading to the... rather out of the way office with more than a bit of trepidation. A psychological review, based on her most troublesome issue... and a 'special' one at that? This made her feel... highly uncomfortable, but given that it was purportedly official business, she also had to conceal that. So the girl went in in school uniform, seeming almost overdressed compared to the various scantily-clad girls enjoying the beach (No mean feat, considering how skimpy the uniform is). But, she had to do this. Detention would be a known rather than an unknown, but it is a sufficiently terrifying known.

Knock, knock. Saira'd knock, and then if allowed... she'd just enter. Best to get it over with.

Author:  Christopher [ Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

He sat there wearing a simple white collared shirt and black slacks though he'd been somewhat transparent before she knocked on the door a second of focus brought him to be as solid as any other person. Taking a look to the clock he called out to the woman behind the door.
”It's open, do come in Miss Nejem. You're late you know.”

He sounded quite pleased as he spoke to her, the door opened and she stepped in. Christopher himself looked like he was no older than herself even dressed as he was the thought of him being an actual licensed therapist was hard to believe though his name was on all the documents on the walls of the office; documents that he had forged but, matched the true originals that he had when he had once been human.
”But I'll over look the lateness, no one needs to know you weren't here at 3 O'clock on the dot after all. 5 or 10 minutes is so insignificant. Though I do have to ask, why wear the uniform when you were given permission to wear whatever tasteful outfit you wanted to my office?
He walked to a chair that he'd placed next to a simple sofa taking a seat, he didn't have any notepad on him.
”But, I suppose I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Let me introduce myself I'm Christopher Belmont. Though feel free to just Call me Chris if you'd like, so take a seat lets talk a bit. I don't know quite what they told you about what I was going to do.”
with that he gestured for her to take a seat on the sofa, the young man seemed gentle and unimposing enough.

Author:  Saira [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

Saira went ahead and took the seat, looking at Christopher more than a bit uncertainly. But... with a sigh, she decided that, for now, she'd leave well enough alone. "I'll be honest, I don't actually remember anything about dress code - maybe I didn't look at the note that closely. So I just went with the safe choice. The threat of detention created a... rather 'strict' impression, so I acted accordingly." The tone in the girl's voice clearly showed her discomfort - clipped, businesslike. That and how she folded her legs as she curled up on the sofa... definitely a defensive posture.

"But... no, they didn't really tell me, other than the nature of the complaint..." At which her already-awkward demeanor became downright paranoid. "Which is certainly strange enough that I... can only begin to wonder what it is you plan to do about it. It's certainly a... 'special' problem."

Author:  Christopher [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

Christopher listened to her and softly sighed to himself when she mentioned they'd threatened detention. He pinched the bridge of his nose when he heard that.
”Sincerest apologies about that. With warnings like that I'm sure any students with possible anxiety disorder will be getting better sooooo much quicker. I didn't send the letter I'm just another time card lacky to them I guess, their secretaries listen about as well as brick walls.”

He noticed her discomfort and defensive posture despite his calm tone and relaxed posture and listened simply to the way she was speaking.
“Well, it's pretty simple really, I might be here as a therapist but, I am a licensed psychiatrist as well I just refuse to be a drug peddeler like my peers...”
a small joke he hoped would help relax her though, just in cased he closed his eyes, behind them he used just a faint bit of energy to create a more comfortable atmosphere in the room, something akin to a massage though she'd feel no hands, just a gentle gradual relaxing of her tension.
”I'm just going to talk to you, maybe do a few minor psychological tests. Try to find the root of your problem since they assure me it's not physiological. Oh and don't worry Doctor patient confidentiality is covered here so unless you say something that endangers yourself or others I can't say a word; if I do I loose my license to practice. So do you have any questions for me personally to start? Balance the playing field I mean since I've read your file, I find that helps people open up.”
He'd already noticed anxiety and paranoia, classic signs of generalized anxiety disorder... if it wasn't for the monsters on the island of course, he knew very well there was a reason to be paranoid.

Author:  Saira [ Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

Saira kept relatively terse, all the same. While the relaxing atmosphere was seeming to have an effect on her, she was possessed of a resolute mind. One that didn't dare stop trying to protect herself. The compromise was visible, too - the posture relaxed, but she now stared intently at him. But in all of that... she would ask, nonetheless.

"That depends rather greatly on what kinds of things... other than the 'normal', could be seen as a danger to myself or others." She reclined a touch on the sofa. "If you've truly had enough time as a therapist here, you'd have heard of the 'monsters' by now, right? Or for that matter, any number of things related to them - the actions of the administration, the ultimate fate of those 'chosen'... The works." Despite the intensity of her stare, Saira still found it in her emotional state to fold her arms nigh-smugly. "I really don't have any questions about you personally, it wouldn't really matter if I knew what you did as a hobby or what your favorite color is or the like. And you've already stated your feelings. So... All I must ask? Is for you to be ready to just take the 'secret world of the island'-talk seriously. That's all."

Author:  Christopher [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

He noticed the slightly unusual effect his bit of tampering with the air in the room had done, the intense gaze was a bit unnerving to the creature before her. He let her speak until she was completely done, the slightly smug expression and posture brought out a bit of a subtle sigh.

”Well, I haven't been here for very long actually, I've just come on as the school therapist as a favor in fact. I'm not even being paid in fact. Though I have heard about these 'monsters' you speak of. A student I passed when I took a walk on the beach to relax insisted that I was aware of them and my entire appointment was just a plot by the school to cover their tracks... well for awhile anyway, she walked with me down the beach and by the end she was swearing up and down that I was one of these things.”
Christopher offered just a faint dismissive gesture at that.
”But, she was a bit hysterical... and for that matter she was topless now that I think about it which I'm sure is against school policy. So I'm willing to hear you out since you appear to be a rational woman.”
His tone and posture was relaxing, almost trusting as he sat back a bit in his chair folding his hands together. Though as he did, he tweaked the mana around her clothes, the material shifted and pressed tightly against her as though their mass had doubled even her panties were pressing tightly against every inch of her body, the sensation lasted perhaps half a minute before the guilt of it got to him. He still kept his gaze calm though in his mind the reality of this situation was settling.

I'm going to have to rape this beautiful, intellegent young woman... & I have to lie to her...

Author:  Saira [ Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

Saira leaned back a bit more into the sofa, but nodded. It was, yes, an affirmative, but... it did have the slightest knowingness to it, too, mostly reflected in her eyes. "In all likelihood, she actually was attacked by them. And while we do have male faculty, most of the monsters are male, and capable of taking on humanlike forms, so... Caution is necessary - and paranoia, only steps behind it." Her eyes were a bit critical... but then suddenly widened! The girl's slight uncomfortable squirming, though, was a fairly clear proof that it was from his alterations - though she didn't seem to suspect that was the cause.

"Crazy as it sounds, they're definitely real. As is magic, as are psychic powers. Students, marked off for their pleasures, to be sent to slavery on 'graduation'... All those rumors are, in at least some effect, true. I've had things done to me in my time, too." Her face darkened. "Unnatural things. I've had my share of rapes, but I've also communed with an extradimensional being, had my mind probed inside and out, been slowly changed into a monster and back again... That lost time? Probably some kind of... other thing. I know I had been taken to those labs they keep talking about, but then blank. 2 years of blank. Do you even have any idea of what all of that feels like? Do you?"

Author:  Christopher [ Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

As Saira's eyes widened and she began to squirm just a bit, Christopher looked a noticably worried, he was a good actor luckily.
When she began to explain about the monsters though he would offer a serious contemplating gaze, his hand cradling his chin as he seemed to think it over. Though his thoughts weren't quite as innocent as all that.
I really don't want her to hate me... She's such a sweet girl... damn it if I was still human I'd be using all my power to stop this damned place... damn spark.... damned Cleo... Damned needing the insane blend of emotion! For now I guess I'll just continue with what i'm doing...
he cursed himself and his situation he offered her a faint nod.
”Well, I did know some about the magic and psychic powers, I've been studying the recent stories of it. But, as for these other things. I'm not quite sure what to say about them. It sounds almost like a delusion but, It's too close to what that hysterical girl told me, well the rape and probing anyway. As for what it feels like to have two years of a blank...”
he paused for a moment his eyes turned down, the total darkness, the gap of time between his death four years ago and his reawakening as this energy being two years ago had always bothered him, he never knew what he had done in that time frame.
”Yes unfortunately I do, horrible feeling not knowing. It always is.”
Saira would feel something brush against her, pass though her clothes like air and brush against her chest, before brushing over her nipples lingering there for several seconds before it faded away. Christopher needed to take a moment to focus to keep his solid form and was successful for now. The unseen groper moved continuing to feel as though she were floating naked in the air until it reached her supple bottom where it would stroke and kneed for a moment before brushing down to her sex and finally snapping her panties silently & disappearing completely as though treating her to what was to come the second she left, a voice would drift into her ear

'can't wait to get you alone'
Christopher turned to her suddenly at that looking on with a bit of surprise, apparently the voice had been loud enough for him to catch, or that's how he wanted it to seem.

”I think your story just got a bit more credible.”

Author:  Saira [ Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Psychological Assessment(Saira)

For a fair while, all Saira did was listen intently to the responses. There wasn't too much she could say back, since it was all in answer to what she herself had said. But right when he was probably about to bring up a new subject...! "Aaa... ah? Aah! What the hell?" Violet eyes flitted about the room, obviously startled, before eventually leveling back on the one person with her. While she didn't seem angry at him, Saira nonetheless sounded miffed. "See?... s..." The anger chilled into a far more insidious form, cold and buried under calculations - the girl was quickly moving into a somewhat peculiar form of adrenaline reaction.

"They... they usually don't do this. I mean, mess with a girl close to someone working with the school. And to end up messing up so much that the staffmember catches wind of it... And yet is, supposedly-" A word spoken bitterly. Perhaps her suspicions were rising. "-not one of those 'in on it', who'd rather find that normal." Almost immediately, Saira stood up, the cold anger shifting into a blisteringly fast run-through of the situation. "Okay. It's invisible. It speaks audibly, rather than telepathically. Not a single one of the monsters are interested in the faculty - I think because the students are actually reserved for them. The chosen few, like me. So if it had spoken telepathically, it would not have contacted you... which is good, one of them with mind powers like that would be hard to combat."

Now aware and ready to fight, she actually started looking through the office, appraising parts of it as if sizing up options in an emergency. Oh wait. That was precisely what she was doing! "So either it has advanced technology and is cloaking itself with some kind of machine, or it uses magic and has an invisibility spell. A technological foe is probably more manipulative, but not as adaptable as a magical opponent. Even so... you may want to arm yourself. They may not have any reservations about killing a male. Do you have any actual weapons in here, or will I have to make do?" ...Compared to her reserved and insecure posture from before, this seemed a drastic reversal...

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