Shokushu High School

Roaming around... (For Steel)
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Author:  Jenny Chantel [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Roaming around... (For Steel)

Jenny, having just arrived, was walking slowly around the campus, getting to know where everything was. Noticing a number of shops in the distance, Jenny smiled and picked up the pace a bit as she headed for them.

"Wonder if they've got any good stores..." Jenny mused to herself as the stores grew closer.

Author:  RobSpence3 [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:37 am ]
Post subject: 

It was a cool afternoon, and Steel had claimed a new napping spot- on the roof of a Shokushu building. A quiet female voice caught his attention and he peered down to see a pretty blonde girl walking on a path not far away. "Well, well, well," he thought to himself. He didn't mind interrupting his nap after all.

But how to get her out of sight? Steel hummed in thought for a second, then muttered under his breath and snapped his fingers. A quick illusion spell while Jenny glanced away, and a nearby advertisement changed, pointing her toward a brand new video game store. The sign said there was a shortcut just to her left. If she took that turn though, it would really lead her to a dead-end alley...

Author:  Jenny Chantel [ Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:25 am ]
Post subject: 

(>> <<
::hacks into Steel's post, pulls out the word 'clothing', and replaces it with 'game'::

Jenny doesn't do clothes all that much.
But she's a hardcore gamer. ^_^)

Jenny looked up, noticing the ad pointing towards a new video game store. Her eyes lit up as she read further.

"Finally!" Jenny exclaimed, heading down the path the sign indicated. "I was beginning to lose hope!"

Author:  RobSpence3 [ Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

(Ahaha, duly noted and post edited.)

Steel blinked at the illusion he'd cast. He'd planned to make it say "clothing" store... but the video games seemed to be attracting the girl well enough. Whatever. The demon wandered along the rooftop, hopping up and flying toward the alleyway.

As Jenny followed the path the sign pointed her at, she eventually found herself at the end of a long, boarded up dead end. It was quiet back there, and no one was around. But a dark form was rising out of the shadows behind her...

Author:  Jenny Chantel [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Jenny blinked as the path led to absolutely nothing. "The hell?" She murmured, looking around at the boarded-up windows and doors. "I thought that sign said..."

Sighing, Jenny shrugged. "Must be an old sign." She said, glancing around one last time to make sure there weren't any games hiding nearby.

Author:  RobSpence3 [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:41 am ]
Post subject: 

The demon behind Jenny had a much different game in mind. Now completely risen from the shadows, he reached out and grabbed her from behind, yanking her body up against his. One hand went over her mouth to gag her (although he'd put up a silence spell just in case), and the other arm went around her waist and pinned her arms to her sides. "Oh, you're not going anywhere yet," he whispered ominously into her ear...

Author:  Jenny Chantel [ Sun Sep 30, 2007 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Jenny squeaked in surprise as she was yanked backwards and embraced roughly. Unable to talk or look around due to the hand on her mouth, she took a firm grip on her adrenaline and decided to stay calm until she saw an opportunity to escape.

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