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 Harrowing (for Eve) 
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Post Harrowing (for Eve)
Oh, he loved blonds! He also loved this new body! It was taller, about 5'4” and an onyx black. He had the innate abilies in becoming smoke and he had some fire based tricks now among other abilities that he had developed. They may not have been as potent but he possessed telepathy and with that he could influence an unconscious mind better.

He had knelt, head bowed as he viewed the shadowy image before him and got his commands.

He had to deal with this Eve and thus got the run down … she was looking into the slave trade but his Master thought it would be a fun idea making her a tool to get her father to behave, to control him and get even more girl's enrolled in this God forsaken island.

She was untried … her conquest would be delicious for him. Secure her, well torment her and show that they could get at her. Demonic images of the girl's torment would go a long way to influence the man though it was not just the slave trade that they wished to influence here.

But he was shown an image as his Master used his magic to generate on.

Slarr liched his lips in delight. A blond! He felt a stirring in the pit of his stomach. He was going to have fun. For a moment he considered acquiring that giant Thudd or the plant guy, Birch he tended to work with and if she wasn't a blond he might have shared her though he did not like sharing his blondes. So he went to the classrooms that night and got some fermeldyhide. This would help knock her out and then he could use his dream influencing abilities on her.

He then waited for her plane to arrive and trailed her from afar seeing that he had no disguise other than turning into smoke whidh he did incase he was spotted it wasn't as unusal as he followed her about.

He had the chemicals should he need them and if not there was always the dorms tonight and thus from the first oment she got off the plane to the island he began tailing her.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:42 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Stepping off the small plane was a relief to her.. having spent what seemed like hours upon that small plane the Island had finally come into view. her father had tryed to get The piliot to tell her father the location of the island so he could personally fly her there himself... as himself on his own private sea plane..

Of course this guy here.. older looking man gray hair and a shaggy bearn had outright refused saying he would get fired if he had even remotely attempted to tell her father the loctation of the island. After all its hard enough to keep the boys out of a all girl school.

Her father had finally relented after giving her a goodbye hug and seen her off. She had gotton into this thing engine plane.. and had spent several hours within it.. even had fallen asleep at one point cause the trip was so boring.

She had pressed the gray haired guy suttly to see if he knew anything about the rumors but about all she could get him to say was, "This ia fine school.. were you will learn to be a prodective proper how the world truely needs you" he chuckles softly after saying it. and didnt really say much after the point.

She sighs a bit shaking her head. after traveling for several hours the island had come into site. from this view point as they came in close right before landing. it was all it was avartised, a tropical island.

Having finally steped out of the plane she came to a rest upon the dock... Raiseing her hand to her eyes to shield herself from the sun she looks around the dock area. Not really seeing anything special. She turns in time to see the gray haired man eyeing her up and down. She was used to that. Lots of people had eyed her over the past few years. She had devolped into what others would deem a nice hot innoncet blond. Right now she was wearing a mid thigh black skirt.. with a yellow loose fitting top. Nothing top notch at the moment. She was dressed for comfort.

She figured the faster she could make contact with whatever.. was in charge on this island the better. She could prove to her father she was able to help out. She fighting skills had vastly improved over the years she could handle herself in most fights now. Though she might not overly look it she was increadly agile and light on her feet.

Looking at the man again she shakes her head slightly and reaches down picking up a bag.. slinging it over her shoulder.. and the 1 suitcase..

"What about my trunk?" she says as she looks at him..

He growls gruffly.. "Theres a guy that comes down in a bit.. i will have him toat it up to your room."

She nods a bit and places her suitcase back down with it.. but keeps her larger bag over her shoulder.. "Ok then.. have him diliver this too then" she nods a bit and turns around and starts down the dock heading down the path.

The school had sent her a letter telling her the basic stuff she was going to be expected to do.. and the need to know info. One being where she was going to be staying.. another one was informing her of the rules for the school uniform.

She figured the school uniform had to be a rule made up by one of those males that simply enjoyed girls being in those short little helpless looking skirts. She shrugs slightly.. well it didnt matter. She was here for one thing. And somehow she had to find out if thse rumors were true and find the leader of them.

Mentally doing a check list, she would have to see the Uniform person later to get her school uniform. But now she just to see about trying to find her way around. Desideing to head to the dorms to find her room she starts up the little village so to speak here heading for the school proper.

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:57 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
She got off of the plane and Slarr had to admit to himself that she looked better than the image that his Master Tarc had shown him. Mm, yellow … well his claws would shread through the material of her blouse and he could wrench that skirt down bending her over a log and …

He had to remain focused here and thus watched her interact with the pilot. He knew what went on, he knew that they were not on Earth any longer and he watched the brief interaction between the two. He could respect the man for admiring the girl too, she was gorgeous and he would have her nevertheless though he could hardly wait.

Had he been in his corpreal form he would have been stiff just thinking about all the things that he would do to her. Tarc had given him a few details about the girl too that further enticed him, not really caring what he did with her (or how often).

He drifted along following her to the dorms, sensing up as he crept beneath the cracks in the door. He had to become solid when he wasn't observed and went on invisibly. One could say that it was boring watching her unpack though Slarr too particular delight in watching her do so before Eve would fully bonder her next move.

Slarr, a bit impatient, considered drugging her here and simply having his way with her but like fine wine she needed to be saviored. He even considered a rather ironic twist to her investigations into this rumored slave trade. With a small number of the girls not returning home even the vast powers of Shokushu couldn't keep the lid off of a few rumors being leaked through the proper channels.

Little did Eve or her father realize that Shokushu knew of Eve and wished to add her to the mix. And knowing her father's mind things were leaked out to him about “slaves”. Knowing the conviental means to infiltrate Shokushu had not been possible he would likely send his daughter to get said iformation the old fashioned way.

She would need to check on her uniform later though Slarr filched one of the brocheures about the island, it going invisible as well as soon as he picked it up. When he released it or became visible it would return to it;s orinal state.

But he though and planned. His equipment being in the satchel at his hip. He could not resist running a hand over her golden locks but once before stepping back away from her, no he would play with her later.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:44 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Contunes to make her way threw the island.. following the path right right up threw the schoo grounds. It doesnt take much of a effort to find the dorms. Her eyes roaming over the assorted buildings around the general squarqe before shemakes her way inside.

Looking down at her notes for the school she notes she is on the second floor.. of the east wing. Making her way to the stairs she slowly climbs up them.. getting to the second floor as she stops. Brown eyes scanning the empty seeming hallway.

"Thats odd.. you would think.. that there would be other students out and about at this time of morning" she hmms softly to herself standing there for a few moments.

Giving a bit of a shrug and another look at her paper. She turns down the hall. The sound of her soft running shoes echoing within the empty hall as she starts looking at the numbers upon the doors. Finally finding the one she was looking for she stops before it.

Reaching forward she pushes her way inside.. stopping just within the door looking around. Her eyes scanning within the room.. unsure if she would or would not have a roommate at the school... nothing haveing been told her about it at the outset.

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:00 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Juniper looked up as the heard the door out into the hallway start to turn. She'd been leaning back in her chair with her feet propped up on one corner of the desk, a book propped up between her knees as she used her other hand to scroll through menus on her desktop computer. She'd had the room to herself for the last few days since her old room mate had put in for a transfer, so the sound of violins filled the small shared space free of the prison that was her cheap headphones.

She looked up a moment at the blonde standing in the doorway. Whoever she was, she came from money, she might've been wearing the school's uniform but there was no mistaking the quality of the luggage she was carrying with her. Her skin was a little too clear, the hair used to devoted care from a personal stylist. Perhaps most telling, she was wearing the same kind of impersonal mask that Juni herself was used to putting on in public, but hers was on even as she roamed the empty halls of the dorm during class hours. She was someone used to being watched all hours of the day.

"Can I . . . help you?"
Juniper asked, putting up her own buffer reflexively. Cordial but intrigued, she kicked her feet off the desk and brought her stocking-clad legs down, politeness making her uncomfortable sitting while someone else was still on their feet. Modesty also came into the equation, not wanting to seem improper enough to not care who got a look up her skirt just because she was comfortable.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:36 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Slarr followed into the dorm room and his eyes lit up for the second time that day. Two blonds! Well this one was more a dirty blond but still it fit his criteria. He filtered into the corner, still invisible as he looked over the “new” student.

His eyes flickered around for any signs or clues about this one. Tarc had told him that Eve was a virgin but what about this new girl? Was she straight? Classical music? Most of the students he had visited didn't have this sort of taste from what he found but Slarr look over this other student and reavised his plans.

Perhaps it was best to come back and include this new one in his plans? When they both slept he could draw them into that dream … for now though he wandered around the room searching for clues that existed her about this other student while entertaining some lewd thoughts about having them both.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:59 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Stops allmsot as soon as she opens the door.. her ears not having hurd the music from even outside the door.. Strange at that. The walls must be sound proof. Or at least the next back thing.

Her eyes roam over the girl that was sitting in the chair before the desk top computer.. they stood watching each other for several moments. She really shouldnt be surprised.. it was a all girl school and her father wasnt able to make sure she had a room alone.. but then again. Perhaps she could get some of the info she needed out of this girl here before her if she had been here long enough to hear about some rumors that was. Who knows perhaps this girl was a slave before her and jsut trained to act like a student to throw new students off.

"Greetings." She says after a moment as she lets her eyes roam over the girl for a moment or two. Noticeing the girls sudden being uncomfortble around the appearent strange girl that had just let herself into what she had thought was her room.

"I am going to guess that you are to be my Roommate? Im Eve Sterling.. You may call me Eve" she says as she enters the room... placeing the bag she had been carrying down beside her onto the floor.. and shutting the door behind her.

Unknowly that there was a invisible creature stalking about the room.

"I just arrived upon the island, and according to my paperwork this was to be my room" she says after a moment.. her appearence pon her face was like second nature.. even as she spoke to the girl she got the look of that sweet innoncite girl.. someone that anyone would like to get to know.. of course it was all the personal she had invited for herself.. it helped when one wanted to get info.. so she played the part as it were.

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:16 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
While Juniper herself was not much of an open book, she had a tendency to leave things out, particularly when she was in the middle of research. Underneath the desk, a fairly expensive digital camera was plugged into the back of the computer, a red light signifying that it was recharging at the moment. The monitor itself was mostly showing landscape shots, pictures of the Shokushu island, unremarkable to the untrained eye, but many of the shots were taken from places students were not allowed to roam, or from points far beyond the edge of the campus. She had a significant chunk of the coast mapped out, a zoomed in picture of the distant NICE Labs platform poking up out of the sea, and a picture of a lake whose waterline had receded more than a foot, it's banks looking like they were made of baked clay.

Moving beyond her desk to comb her personal effects, it seemed she kept plenty of photos. Two full albums were stuffed in a box under her bed, one with a dignified leather binding, the other was a glorified binder with pictures of barbwire, demon skulls, and other rebellious adolescent paraphernalia and was labeled simply enough "The Bad Old Days". Three pictures were sitting out where anyone could see them, one of a young woman who could've quite easily grown up to be Juniper and another man and a woman, all sitting on the front stoop in front of a red stone building. Another was of her home in the 'burbs, she was crouched down on the front lawn hugging an aging golden retriever around the neck as her mother stood behind her with a kindly smile. The last was of an older man, white peppering his blonde hair, he was scruffy and distracted looking, with a clear bottle off to one side and the glow of a computer monitor in front of him. He hadn't even looked up when she'd snapped that picture, simply told her to make sure none of his work ended up in the shot.

Beyond that it was curious odds and ends. A dog-eared copy of the Maltese Falcon, a series of CD's labeled in black marker "Black Jack Justice - Martin Bracknel", a respirator resting on top of a pair of black gloves, an open sketchbook that had a strange jagged pattern along one edge that lasted as long as it took her to get tired of it, and was then taken over by hastily drawn images of strange . . . creatures. Notes were scrawled alongside each one, most of them written under scrawled red header "SPECULATION!" though it seemed she'd managed to get a handful of "Sources" also.

Juniper had closed the book in her lap and minimized the windows open on her computer as the other girl had issued her salutation, rising smoothly to her feet. No accent, speech classes then. Tricky to judge her nationality while she was making such a point to be polite, but by the way she walked into the room Juniper was going to guess a Yank.

"Well, if the paperwork says this is your room, that makes me your room mate." Juniper said with a bit of smirk, extending an hand to shake, "Juniper Modnar, Juni if you're feeling personable. You want any help getting set up?" Of course, Juniper was looking for an angle on the new girl as well, a chance to peek in her bags would give her enough to start sketching out the basics. Juniper's face told the biggest lie she knew, that she was an open and friendly person, the sort happy to have met a new person. She could always steer the conversation a bit, after all.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:52 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
He paused Slarr recognize some of the snap shots that had appeared on the computer as he had been at most of these places so he had been delayed in poking about ther om for a few seconds. A red light gathered his attention and he looked under the desk noting the camera charging there. It looked expensive there were so few digital cameras here on campus that he knew of and for a second he had considered the image of taking snap shots of the two girls while they were covered in his semen.

Slarr taking image after image though the fantasy had been dismissed after a second and he cotninued to look. Most of her things were boring for him though Slarr paused upon the sketch book. Now that was interesting. He waited before stealing the object the book vanishing once he was in the clear. He snuck into the adjoining bedroom where he asually leafed through it. No images of him! Well he would change that, Thudd was there, even Birch though not he! Slarr was a little jealous though he might have beeh lucky to dismiss out of hand. He went page leafing through the book and it looked at if Thudd and Birch were seond hand sources not first hand and that appearde him a little in that the others weren't having fun without him.

He smiled to himself as he thumbed the rings of the stetchboook. He wondered about the source that gave her all the second hand information and just assumd that it was another student but the sketches were spot on too.

This was doublely effective. He love that English accent that he could hear from the bathroom though he could not stay away from the blond beauites for long as he carrefully returned the skethbook even if it wasm;t left opened to the right page. He went back to watching the two as he grinned at thenm eeding to remain focused.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:03 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Standing there just inside the door she lets her gaze slowly move about the room. Her gaze seeming to pass over everything without staying, but she was taking everything in and remerbering it just at a glance.

Even though they didnt know it.. both of them had simillair talents for hideing what they were truely thinking.. but for both of different reasons. Eve for being a mob Kings daughter.. and Juniper for being the reporter she was. Two intresting talented people and unknowing stuck on an island they would never most likly be able to leave.

She puts on her smiling.. most innonicet cheery face.. as she steps forward.. pushing the other girls hand out of the way as she wraps her arms around her.. giving her a surpriseing hug.

"Oh HI!" she says cheerfully as she rubs herself agains tthe other girl as she hugs her tightly for a few moments before letting go to step back. "I was worryed that i would have a room all to myself. It wa such a type here.. very Boring" she nod nods. As she looks around the room and toward the empty bed..

"I assume this is where i sleep?" She says as she doesnt wait for a answer as she drops her duffle bag down upon the top of it as she turns toward you again.

"Oh i dont know.. i dont have much at the moment. That gray haired man that flew the plane said someone would be around to drop off my traveling trunk and suitcase later.. So when it does get here i suppose i could use some help!" she grins widely.. her eyes peering over the girls form a moment.. trying to judge any suttle hints or anything about her movements that might give her away. or she could simply be a girl at a school for all she knew. The rumors her father had hurd could simply be false and there was no slave trade happening here on the island. If that was the case she was simply waisting her time going to this all girl school when she could be still training at home.

"So Juni, How long have you been going to this school?" she says as she contunes to give the other girl that award winning seeming disarming smile.

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:12 pm
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
As Slarr paged through the book he found that most of the entries were crowded two or three to a page, but there was one. He had a mini-entry as well, nuzzled in between a sketch of a red-faced nurse and a formless pile of dripping goo that extended upward in a pseudopod, it's colors switching from brown to green down it's length. As he turned the page, however, the mauve octotaur was rendered again, this time with much more detail, and with few extra angles and isolated close-up details. More than half the page was given over to script as she'd tried to sort out what he'd said in passing from what she could confirm through secondary sources and what she supposed he wasn't saying. Apparently, she'd put a lot of thought into this one compared to the others.

Juniper stiffened a bit as the other girl stepped passed her hand and slipped her arms around her. It took her a moment for the gears in her head to click forward, her brain wondering if she could feel her piercings through the shirt and bra. After the first moment, she let her arms slide gently around Eve as well. She didn't want to put her off, but she wasn't entirely comfortable sharing such intimate contact with a stranger, even if they would be spending plenty of time together in the future.

"Ha ha, forward aren't you?" Juniper said with a bit of a smile, "It is kind of a long trip, isn't it? And nothing to do but watch the waves go by, you didn't fall asleep did you?" she asked with a bit of a smile. That was part of a tangential theory she was working on at the moment. She'd started by asking around to see which students had seen the island from above . . . but no one had been able to tell her anything. Every single one had fallen asleep during the flight, curious that.

"Sure thing, let me show you around a bit. That's your bed, you already found that, that's your desk, the one by the window, the closet's shared, but there are a pair of waist-high dressers. The one on the right is yours, though if you run out of space, I'm not using the bottom drawer on mine for anything. There's a little kitchenette over here in the corner, in case you want to cook up something special. Mostly I eat out of the cafeteria, so you can consider it yours so long as you don't burn the place down. Bathroom and showers are down the hall, it gets enough traffic in the morning that there's no door, so just look for the tile." despite her best efforts, Juniper wasn't entirely without tells either. When they'd been hugging, Eve could smell a strong wiff of mint on her breath. She had a slight lilt to her voice, European accent, though apparently she'd gotten some coaching somewhere along the way (broadcast news frowns on rural accents, and the print news was dying a little more every day). She liked accessories, there was a clip in her hair and a few more arranged on the desk, but everything she had was cheap mall fodder, not the sort of thing one would bother with if they could afford better.

"Oh, I've only been here about a month." she said still smiling as she closed the door, not particularly wanting to put on a show for whoever happened by, the man with the trunks would knock, "But it's certainly been busy! Classes tend to start early and run late around here, there's so little to do that they don't want us wandering around causing trouble, you know? On top of that, I've been dabbling with the gymnastics team a bit, working on my own little projects, and surveying the island a bit in my spare time. It really is a beautiful little stretch of land, although," Juniper paused a bit to put emphasis on this next bit, "You really shouldn't go wandering around by yourself if you can avoid it. It isn't safe." She plastered the smile back on full-force. It was weak, but it was about as close to a warning as she could manage without tipping her hand.

"So, what've you come to study?" she asked, bracing her palms on the edge of the desk and lifting herself up to rest her backside on the edge.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:44 pm
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Oh, he perked up from the backroom floor he had been sitting on looking up from the sketch book as he heard the slap as Eve knocked the hand away. He keenly watched that embrace and could barely see it from here for he came here to be out of sight while he thumbed through the sketch book though he eagerly stood moving to the doorway to watch.

Could it be that he might witness some chick on chick action? He grinned. He found himself growing excited and had to tell himself that he did not wish to swoop in just et, that he was going to toy with them first. Yes, them! He included Juniper in this now.

He wouldn't have expected Eve to be so bold and had assumed if either was into the same sex it would be Juni, she just had the feel of that though he could not place his finger on the exact reasons why that occurred.

He watched until he was certain that the pair weren't going to dyke out then and there and went back to the book. He overlooked a\it at first and smirked when he saw the entry of himself. He had never had the pleasure of knowing her but looked forward to helping her update her book … he had been promoted and was no longer the lowly imp he had been though he was still fairly low in the grand scheme of things.

He recognized a lot of the entries. There was the blob, Ortix though Slarr generally avoid it. He almost chuckled when he saw one of Rena, a former superior … poor Rena!

But he had paused at the entry of Aegir. Squid face! Squid face got this much attention from the beloved blond! His blood boiled, he hated the guy, in fact he drove him, Birch and Thudd off from a blond once and he would never forgive him for that! He fumed and read, partly in anger, partly in jealousy, partly in interest as he noted what abilities were surmised for the ancient being.

He would put the skketch book back once he read up on this Aegir charater, notably any weaknesses he could exploit ...


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Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:14 pm
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
She contunes to smile as she finished the hug from the other girl stepping back.. She had indeed felt something whiled pressed up agaisnt her.. but she didnt know what it was.. it could have been something as a overly lumpy bra straps.. But of course she didnt think so.

Her eyes scan around the room slowly, still smiling as she looks. "Oh yes.. You know the best way to make friends is dont hold back.. Show someone just how you are from the biginning and that way it leads to true friendship. Besides if we are going to be stuck in the same room togeather for the next few years.. Its best we get along isnt it?" She grins as she nods to the other girl.

She arks an eyebrow as she looks at the other girl.. What a odd seeming question.. not so much the question being odd... but how she had asked. She had fallen asleep but she figured it was just because she had given up on on trying to question the guy about anything he might have hurd.

"Well now that you menchen it.. Yes i do think i did... It was a boring trip after all... and that guy wasnt much for talking. My daddy wanted fly me here himself.. but they wouldnt hear about it" she nods it was allways a fine dance.. give just enough of the truth to make it sound true.

She smiles and nods at the other girls offer to show her around the room.. though, considering the size of the room there really wasnt that much to see. To be honest... the intire room was smaller then her 2nd walk in closet. She follows the girls finger around the room as she points to the assorted area's what was hers and what wasnt. She nods every step of the way.. just contuneing to smile. It actually was a good thing she didnt pack heavy and only brought 3 bags.. if she had broungt more she wouldnt have had the room.

"Oh i do thank you for willing to be So nice to me.. dont you just hate it when you go to strange places and you dont know whats what when your new there." she smiles and nods softly. "Acutally i dont cook.. so you dont need to worry about me useing that... what you call a kicthen?" she forces a bit of a giggle.. if that is what passed for a kicthen outside of her fathers house.. then her name was fred and not eve... She shakes her head slightly eyes returning to the girl.

She studied the girl a bit.. She did notice the tell tale signs of.. cheep mall items upon her person.. She would never wear them of course.. even her.. casual clothing was baught at high end stores.. right down to her ruby studded hair ties within her flowing locks of hair.

As the girl starts telling her about how long she had been here.. she hmms softly to herself. Only a month. The perhaps this girl wasnt a slave here, or if she was she really was hideing it well. She watched as the girl walked around her to shut the door behind her.

"oh?" she tilts her head as the girl explains about classes and whatnot.. her comment acutally came out as she told her she shouldnt go out by herself...

"I was told this island was perfectly safe.. it doesnt even get the normal storms to speak least thats what was told my daddy and i I when we arainged for me to come here." She answers after a moment.. Perhaps this is what she needed.. maybe this girl had hurd some rumors about what was happening on this island.

"What, are there like rogue teachers that go about grabbing students for secret study groups or something" she asks as she giggles a bit.

"Oh i suppose acutally im a pritty good at gymnastics myself, Like i make it look like a art form in the way i can dance with that ribbon.. my daddy was really prooud of me" Demeaning herself by saying she was a ribbon dancer gymnist was allmost too much for her to bear.. but.. she had a cover to keep and being a gymnist was the best way, not to menchen if there was a slave trade on the island they would be more tempted to take her.. by looking at her jumping and waving a whimpy little ribbon about.

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:40 pm
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Location: Where she's not supposed to be...
Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
Her little journal was still pretty rough in some ways, she was still fighting to find a format that could contain all the variances she was finding in the island's inhabitants. Aegir's larger entry had been a bit of an experiment in that, including such details as his "type" (Xeno), height, and some kind of "threat index" which in his case had a slash through it to denote his potential threat vs how threatened she actually felt by him. She hit the high notes on his abilities, telepathy (a projected maximum range based on the distance between the school and the nearest coast), mental illusions (subtlety underscored, no recurring themes or glaring gaffes and he seemed capable of tuning in when someone began to disbelieve and adjusting on the fly), telekinesis (maximum weight ??? : "Enough"), and a note of something called "implanted nodes" which she explained as a range amplifying symbiotic/parasitic organism. Weaknesses had a few, she specifically called out that his physiology seemed less rugged than most of the other creatures she's seen, simple blades might work though she expected bludgeons to be useless against his boneless form. She mused about the membrane that kept his body moist, writing "Salt?" before crossing it out three times with the note that he was evolved deep-sea life. She mused that his moistness might conduct electricity particularly well, and explain his interest in NICE's shock-resistance experiments, but also mused that the experimentation may have allowed him to close that particular vulnerability. And if not, trying to exploit it would likely just make her the next lab rat in his independent study. Any attack against Aegir had to contend with his telepathic abilities, if he sensed someone approaching with intent to do harm, he could pluck their plan of attack from their minds and mislead them with illusions, or watch them fail and then flatten them with telekinesis. She'd looked into psionic interference a bit, but had come up empty "Tin Foil Tests Inconclusive".

Her doodle of Slarr had been quick, and his name was absent. Instead, the image was labelled simply as "Little Fucker" and her notes read only as "He'll Get His." Apparently he hadn't left a terribly good impression on her before.

"Is that so? I can't say I'd ever heard that." Juniper responded to Eve's professed manner of making friends, tapping her chin as she regarded the ceiling, "According to most behavioral scientists, the best way to make friends is to convince someone to do a favor for you. So the theory goes, it puts the person at ease to have you "owe them one", and they'll self rationalize a reason to like you, since obviously they wouldn't help someone they disliked." Still, she had to admit that it would certainly be easier to just be herself. She'd just found it didn't win her many friends.

"A kitchenette, actually. It's like a little baby kitchen to accommodate people in close spaces." Juniper said, nodding a bit as Eve admitted that she'd fallen asleep on the plane ride. That fit the pattern, she just had to figure out why it kept happening. "Maybe I'll start brewing tea, seems a shame to have the space just go to waste." As she looked at the pins on the desk, an odd detail caught her eye. Most of the cheap ones had had their backs removed, the pins of one particular set were still lying unattended on the desk and they were bent, a sharp, precise tweak rather than incidental damage. In truth, Juniper had bought a fistful of new hair ornaments from the Plaza and was cannibalizing them to start a new collection of lock picks. The fact that one was out half-finished just proved how much Eve's appearance had caught her unaware.

"Well, there are no wild animals roaming the trails, that much is true." she said, scratching the back of her head, "But sometimes students get lost, or they wander off the trail and end up trapped in a ravine or falling into a river or something similarly unfortunate. They usually make their way back by sun down looking out of sorts, but there are records of people going missing for days." she shrugged a bit, hoping she'd managed to make that sound mundane enough, "It's just good policy to use the buddy system, make sure that even if something happens someone can get help."

"Oh? I'd offer to put in a good word for you, but in all honesty I'm new to it. I mostly did track back home, but there's no inter-school competition out here so I just couldn't keep my enthusiasm for it up. The acrobatics are just different enough to keep my interest, ya know?" she shrugged her shoulders slightly, noting that Eve had skirted around the question of her curriculum. She had not, however, picked up on the disdain Eve felt for being thought of as a ribbon dancer, her face not showing an iota of it as she kept up her facade with practiced ease.

"Sounds like your father's doing pretty well for himself,"
Juniper said, changing angles of attack slightly as she reached into her pocket, "I'm having a little trouble placing the name Sterling though. What field's he in?" she pulled a tin of Altoids out, the small sugared candy's rattling around in the container, "Mint?"

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:55 am
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Post Re: Harrowing (for Eve)
He had been in that book after all he found, though there was no name to it and the blond seemed to like Aegir better for whatever reason. She hadn't even met him yet! Well suffice it to say that she would soon enough! And she wouldn't forget him either.

But who to get for help? His powers weren't so great and Tarc gave him his orders not that he would ever pass up a chance to get at a blond id he could help it. But he could only manipulate their dreams while they were unconscious and he most definitely was going to pay … he was go8ing to have his fun after all.

The problem he had was that if he snagged another demon they'd pull rank on him and take the creadit. He could get Thudd and Birch to assist him again but for that he had to lure the two into the forest. There was the pseudo demon but he was down right scary and he wasn't sure that he wanted to deal with him.

And the only other person he could think of was old squid face himself but that was out ...

Slarr had been having too much fun looking at those weakness speculated or real. He had a score to settle with squid face but he was smart enough to realize that he was nowhere near that sort of power level either.

Drive him off ...

Well he did get to have a little fun first but still, he was interupted! His eyes lit up when he noted electrical energy, though he was immune to such a destructive force like most demons he could not command it. He began to think of those that he did know that commanded it. He shook his head slightly and sighed.

He quickly covered his mouth, eyes snapping opened as that sound escaped him! He had hoped that neither of the girls had heard as he quickly snatched up the sketch book making it return to the invisible state.

Slarr waited with baited breath as to what was going to occur. His mission had been to torment Eve a little so that Tarc would have some leverage to use against her father in their dealings. He was a crime boss but there ware still things in the shadows that had been attempting to pull his strings.

Remaining as quiet and as still as possible he had to wait until things settled down before he got rid of that sketch book.

He paid a little more attention to the girls …


Character Listing


Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:28 am
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