Shokushu High School

Drinks on Me ((YukiDemon))
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Author:  Ry-kun [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Drinks on Me ((YukiDemon))

Pincer was lazily wandering through the forest. He was parched, and hadn't found a drink in almost a day. He made soft insect like clicking noises, which startled away the birds and any other animals nearby. It looked around with its 6 dark beady eyes, looking far and wide for any signs of a wandering girl. Nothing so far. It began to dig into the ground till only its hard shell was seen. It stayed like that, looking like a strange black rock jutting from the ground. It waited for some type of prey to come by. It could wait for many hours without moving if it wanted to.

Author:  YukiDemon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:37 am ]
Post subject: 

She yawned lightly it was a nice day out so she decided to go for a walk, dressed in her school uniform still she left the school going to the outter parts of the forest when she came across a strange rock. "hm..thats odd" she looked it over seeing the earth had just been disturbed. shruging it off she walked past it.

Author:  Ry-kun [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Once it felt vibration above it, about the size of a human, it snuck its head up and saw a pretty girl, studying his shell. Once it saw her start to walk it, it did not waste any time. Its 8 clawed tentacles quickly shot from the ground and after her. Two aimed for her ankles and another two aimed for her wrists, while the others were aiming for various areas of clothing.

Author:  YukiDemon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:53 am ]
Post subject: 

By the time she spun around she was caught, letting out a cry she struggled to get the tentacles off her arms and legs "What th.the hell?!" she yelled out.

Author:  Ry-kun [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:57 am ]
Post subject: 

It came from the ground and shook off any dirt it had picked up. It turned towards her and brought her delecate body towards him. It got a good look at her, studying her body. It didn't get to see much because of the clothing. One of the claws went to her collar, and tore down, shredding her uniform in half. Then it easily did the same to her skirt. Now it studied intently at her beautiful body.

Author:  YukiDemon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

She let out a loud scream kicking her strong legs to get free, she didnt know what this creature was but she knew one thing, she had to get away.

Author:  Ry-kun [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:24 am ]
Post subject: 

It made clicking sounds and stood up, revealing its underbelly. Slowly small pinky sized tentacles slithered from his belly. There were too many to count. They began to race towards her, rubbing against her soft body. They began to inch closer to her panties and bra.

Author:  YukiDemon [ Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:35 am ]
Post subject: 

She let out another scream breaking one arm free trying to smack the pink tentacles away from her body hitting most of them with her quickness, what she could really use was the staff that was hidden in her torn clothes that were now on the ground, her foot tried to reach for it.

Author:  Ry-kun [ Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Pincer hissed and two more of his larger clawed appendages wrapped around her legs and easily manuvered her in the air. He had two appendages wrapped around her legs and two around her arms. He took her arms and pinned them to her sides, and wrapped one tentacle around them, pinning them to her side. He started to spread her legs easily. His large tounge slithered from his mouth and began to slithered up her theighs.

Author:  YukiDemon [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

She bit her lip gently struggling still, even as her arms were held hard in place, she tried with all her might to keep her knees touching and that tongue away from her. Glancing to the ground at her staff she groaned if only she hadn't dropped it...

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