Shokushu High School

Three Days later (for Vex)
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Author:  Daphnee [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Three Days later (for Vex)

Follows Gossip

If she had not seen the way she met him at an ordained spot for such a meeting. He would come upon her listening to her iPod, a back pack at her side with a great deal of goodies no doubt. Afraid but trustworthy she showed back up, the black leather wrist guards on her arms though obviously not the ones he had destroyed. Her purple hair had been tied in a pony tail, her blouse had been green, stripped dark and lighter green and she wore a black and green checkered skirt.

Sitting there with her back pressed to a tree and listening to her music when he came upon her again.

Of course she did not know what to expect and was nervous her though she tried to display a measure of calm. Glancing at the beat up wrist watch she wore she had taken her old one on the premises it could be destroyed. Her clothes too, though she liked them they were were some of Karen's things she “borrowed” and since she did not get along with her roommate well, there was no loose in loosing them though she was not looking forward to returning naked not that she had last time, he allowed her to use the simple back up clothes she took to carrying with her should she be attacked.

She had more snacks this time, seeing that she was going to be here for the next two days. He had devoured all her chocolate chip cookies, potato chips and the like. She took more, a few sandwiches and about three times as many chips and cookies though he would probably eat a fair share she didn't think he would devour them all this time least he have to brake off from matters though she had figured that he could refrain from granting her any food or drink, she wouldn't die but would feel miserable.

Lots of unknowns here, was she doing the right thing?

Author:  Xel [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

It had been a weird three days for Vexces. While each individual day had seemed long, dull and drudging, by the time all three days had passed he was wondering where all that time had gone. The alien monstrosity had originally captured the Shokushu campus student, Daphnee with the intent to rape and punish her for wandering too far from the school. He had laid a trap for her, which she had then cunningly overcome.

Vexces had caught the girl before she could go too far, dragged her off to his hidden lair and forced himself upon her fine body several times. Yet, their meeting had not ended the way he had imagined it would. Somehow, in that hopeless gloom, Daphnee had been able to connect with the monster and negotiate a temporary leave for a stay of longer duration at a later time. There had been no reason for Vexces to have let her go, as she wished. If he had wanted her for two full days, he could have done just that. If he had wanted to return for her again at a later time, he could easily do so.

Yet, he had agreed to her terms. The past three days had been primarily committed to finding out why he had done this. Had he been tricked, or manipulated somehow? Perhaps, but Vexces felt the subject deserved further study. Such a thing could not be done without recreating the scenario from before. For that, he needed Daphnee back in his lair. Lucky for him, that was exactly what their earlier negotiation had arranged for.

Now she was here, waiting for him by a tree in the area they had agreed upon. He was impressed by her ability to find her way back to the exact location of his trap. He made a mental note to inquire where she’d gained such skills. His dark gaze drank her in. Her clothes outlined her shape perfectly, and the colors and patterns moved the eye to the natural curves of her body. Her purple ponytail nearly drove him wild with carnal desire. She looked so clean and beautiful; he couldn’t wait to get her dirty again.

He moved up slowly behind her, sure to not make a single noise. Like a creeping predator, he snuck up to within striking distance of his prey. His opening move was made with his tentacles, which whipped out to ensnare his target. In an instant, they had enveloped themselves around her arms, legs, neck, waist and even her eyes.

He pulled her back against his hard body, and slipped two arms around her slender frame. One arm just under her bust line, and the other around the flare of her hips. A third hand came down to take her backpack away from her. With his long, agile tongue he pulled one of her earbuds out so that he could whisper to her, “Welcome back.”

Author:  Daphnee [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

One moment she had been listen to some of her favorite tunes, which might have been a bit of a surprise should anyone heard with the next her arms and legs being entwined as were her eyes … that ha given away the identity of her attacker even if she had failed to see him not that she really had last time as she was drawn back against the hard planes of his body, an ear bud slipping loos, the sound of music blaring out o it.

Her hands clench into firsts, her heart slamming against her chest as it beats steadily against her chest as she is reminded of the start of their first encounter … no wait, he was being possessive. Eager perhaps.

Daphnee wore simple green fake stones as studs in her ears as she shudders. She dreaded bondage now but since thy made no arrangements against it she said noting. Not that she had forgotten but ensuring that events with her Mistress took priority she did not secure such arrangements.

Finding her way back to locations that she had been attacked at was more the product o goo memory than anything else. Noting what places to stay clear o had been a defensive mechanism that she live by. She could hear the back pack being moved though not rummaged through. There was only a xerox copy of a simple map of the island from above that only for her to extrapolate a lot from that picture to form a whole in her head. Making her own maps had been a necessity given her exploration of the island.

She heard his voice within her ears.

“Vexces I'm assuming, who else? I recognize the voice … I have returned as per our agreement. Once we get back to your lair will can start the clock on the two days, but if you start before then then I will start the clock and since I can't see my watch I';; use the last time I had check it, it was probably not too long ago but you'd be wasting minutes no doubt.” She offered by fair warning, though she knew that he had all the power her, but from the two days from whence time began she would be compliant though beyond that, well, that depended on the situation ...

Author:  Xel [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

Oh-ho! A sexy little lawyer in the making. Vexces secretly adored how, despite her predicament, Daphnee was all business. Her tone took an authoritative stance, even though she was really in no greater position than when he had first captured her and dragged her off. He was beginning to very much like the woman that was beginning to blossom from this student. He would take care not to damage this aspect of her; it would be a shame if she ended up as just another broken toy on the alien slave markets.

“Very well, Misses,” Vexces’ tone was pleasant, if a bit sarcastic, as he turned the blinded girl about and hefted her onto his shoulder, “Won’t be touching the goods until we’re back home. Good idea bringing the watch, it’d be damn hard to keep track of two days’ time otherwise. Would hate for us to accidentally go on for three or four days over schedule.”

With the girl over his shoulder and her pack in one hand, Vexces took off at a quick pace back towards his lair. It was a similar route as he had taken last time, with plenty of round-a-bouts and double-backs to throw off Daphnee’s sense of direction. By the time they reached his bunker, it had once again taken him a good hour’s march. That didn’t bother him any, however. By the sound and weight of the pack, the student had thoughtfully packed him some food to restore his energy.

Vexces went through the same motions as when he had first brought his captive here. Inside the bunker, Vexces took one of the ominous hallways, and entered a seemingly abandoned room. Under a hidden panel, he climbed down a long ladder to a featureless, cramped well at the bottom. His thick, agile fingers danced over the blank surface of the wall in front of him, and the hidden door slipped open without a sound. After he had entered, it slid back closed so seamlessly that it became one with the walls around it.

The room itself would have looked the same if Daphnee could have seen right then. The alien set his prize down in the center of the room, and promptly left her standing there alone with nothing but the tentacle around her eyes as he took the backpack over to the desk where it had been before. Vexces spoke as he rifled through the contents of the backpack, “So how were your three days off?”

Author:  Daphnee [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

“Well, I was unsure what to expect, two days is a long time and by the end of it I could be just begging for the end to come.” She shrugged. “What happens from her is pretty much up to you so there's a lot of gray area here where I could have made the worse mistake of my life …

[color=#BF00FF]“Why'd you accept? Curious to see if I would come back? I mean you had me and could have just had me for two days if it pleased you. Compelled to take up bargains? Having a victim that was complaint for a change?” [/color] She was curious and they followed a route that only he could see.

When he set her back down she was in the center of that room …

“You know if I can't actually see the watch I can't track the passage of time so I guess it wasn't such a bright idea. I can set the alarm to go off tomorrow and set it again tomorrow.”

How had she been? “Well, on and off there is the worry of just what would happen on these two days but I would say they've been well. I got a few things shifted around and while I'll probably be a little behind in the Academics region I doubt that I can't get back on top of it and if I can't well it's not as if I'm going to end up back in Boston.”

She didn't know what awaited but had somewhat guessed and had to face the fact that her future looked abysmal. “But all in all not too badly.”

Author:  Xel [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

“‘For a change?’” Vexces mocked incredulously, “Just how many victims do you think I cycle through this hole? I’m only one monster, darling, I can only ravish so much.” Then his tone went serious, and his voice hushed reverently.

“As for why I accepted your must not shirk their duties to one’s master. Even mighty Xel would approve of my decision to let you go to your mistress. I just hope you were not foolish enough to allow any other schedule conflicts to interfere with our play this time around. You are taking quite a leave of absence from the school in order to attend this self-inflicted obligation.”

He lifted his tentacle from the girl’s eyes and turned around to take another hard look at her, this time from the front. He casually ate one of her sandwiches as he memorized every curve, every inch of that tight young body before he put it through two days of sexual hell. “My, my, but you are a pretty thing,” he purred, “I noticed you were listening to music while you waited for me. I know you can sing, but can you dance as well?”

Author:  Daphnee [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

She did not know if his tone was playful or serious for she had not known him long enough. She was worried of course about the days ahead as she was spun around, there was that fear in her eyes though she gave his first question some serious thought.

“No more than seen a week. You indicated last time that I was going to spend the evening here with me, so from that I can infer you take your time, then from that I would have to cut the number in half for eating, sleeping and resting then half again, some times the fish aren't biting.”

She studied him in the dark though. With him being so close she drew in his features with her own. “Which would give me the figure of about two per week and that isn't factoring in other interests.”

Daphnee never really considered this before, she never had too but when she did she tried to analyze it rationally.”

There was a stain of color on her cheeks though when he mentions her attractiveness. She has only heard this a few times before given her isolated nature … her eyes drop not sure if she comment on that or how.

“Should I set the alarm?” She anxiously states, that was perhaps safest given his recent direction in thoughts. “But I got everything covered this time around, you know we don't have to, but I know we will.

“You found the sandwiches I see. There's a ton of other things in there too.”

Author:  Xel [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

Alright, he had been kidding, but Vexces was highly amused that the young woman had apparently put so much thought to the idea of his promiscuity. Truth be told, it was geeky-adorable that she even told it by way of a formula. He decided not to pursue the subject any further. He didn’t want to reveal too much about his traits and patterns that the girl could then use against him in any manner. Besides, it was cute how confident she sounded about a subject as seemingly disturbing as the predatory patterns of a ravaging monster.

His brow creased hungrily when he noticed Daphnee’s shy reaction to his compliment. She was no innocent, but he was constantly surprised by the way she reacted to him. This universe truly was a dark and damned place if a dish like Daphnee could go this far in her life without realizing what a beauty she was. He would never fully understand the insecurities that plagued the human female mind.

That thought passed when she inquired about her precious alarm. It was her symbol of hope, something to strive towards. Her light at the end of the tunnel. For Daphnee, she would only ever be looking for the end of this encounter. In a stupid sort of way, that hurt Vexces’ ego. He wanted to take the watch from her, and hide it or smash it. However, he restrained himself with great effort. Such an action was exactly against what he was trying to accomplish.

“Yes, please start your watch now,” he replied with a soft voice, hardly even a whisper, “In no time at all that alarm will sound your freedom, and you will be gone from this place, Daphnee. You’ll see.”

The humanoid alien contently finished his sandwich while he waited for the girl to set her watch. That was her hope, her strength. He would not break that here in this place, now that he knew how fragile this girl was in those areas. Instead, he would aim to strengthen her for the dark trials ahead. Oh, and he would tend to his carnal desires, of course. That was ultimately the reason they were both here in this room together.

When Daphnee finished playing with her watch, Vexces sauntered up to her. He got close before he stated, “You never did answer my question, darling. Do you know how to dance? A pretty skirt like that was designed to show off those hips, and those hips would look very nice shaking to a...steady rhythm.”

Author:  Daphnee [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

Her Mistress didn't want any mindless drones but seeing that she had no learned of his humor yet or when he was kidding or not it had not served well to anger him and ignore it though it had been done about the question of dancing, her mind had been turning over his compliment and not prepared to answer him at all.

That alarm was a symbol of hope in a sense. Therion had tortured her for the entirety of a night but she did not know how she'd fair for two nights … at least when it chimed it would tell her half the torture was over, if there was torture.

Using the button that shed light over the face of the watch so she could see what she was doing she grinned. “What if I drugged the food this time? It might not put you out for two days but it would eat up some precious time ...”

All that was left now was confirming the alarm. She removes and the last ear plug and shuts off the iPod unclipping it from her skirt to hand over the device.

“I didn't though ...” She started the watch and looked at him as he approached. Of course if she had drugged him or tried things probably wouldn't go so well for her. Was she actually trying to keep him in a good mood by teaching him as to the tricks he had to be wary of? Maybe. Maybe not.

“But I dance as well as I sing, I never got to practice it much so to answer it's just as bad.”

Author:  Xel [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

Vexces couldn’t help but laugh aloud at the girl’s cheeky sense of humor. Drug him indeed. In Daphnee’s defense, she could not possibly know about his self-healing capabilities. The drugs would have worked on him initially, but they’d wear off in record time. It wasn’t like she could go anywhere, either. The entire exercise would have been a waste of time for them both. Not to mention, it would be an aweful waste of so much food. Why pack so much, if you were just going to poison it?

He glanced down at the tiny electronic storage device with attached hearing plugs that Daphnee relinquished to his custody voluntarily. Perhaps she just didn’t want it broken during their more strenuous activities. He shrugged, and then turned to walk over to one of the black walls that lined his sparse room. When he pressed the human device to the wall, it stuck there. Within seconds the device had interfaced with the alien electronics built into Vexces’ lair.

The alien turned and slowly walked back to where Daphnee stood in the center of the room, his attention turned to the leather that covered his second left wrist. He tapped at the material with his first right hand, as he accessed the girl’s musical library. This time, Vexces stopped a few feet short from the student’s position. He remembered the young woman‘s singing very well. She had been naked, and pinned against the wall by his own body. As he had thrust up inside of her love tunnel, she had broken out into a song in a language he didn‘t know. Her voice had been shaky, and the lyrics skipped every time he hilted his length inside of her body, but it had been a wonderful spice to the sex.

“Now, now,” he argued, “if I recall correctly, your singing was positively...memorable. It was in some language I didn’t recognize; what was it you used? Are you fluent in it? And if you can dance, then I would have you show me what you can do, and I’ll be the judge of your capabilities.” He browsed through the girl’s music until he found something he thought would get Daphnee to comply. When he selected the track, it suddenly began to play inside of the room from an unknown source.

Author:  Daphnee [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

Tim was ticking away but there was plenty of it she realized. She still wasn't certain what Vexces she was going to wind up with but it was good that he had been laughing. She did not have the knowledge of what she was up against and the thought of drugging him until now.

That was neat how the iPod fused with the wall, bizarre alien tech that she had not expected. She had though the palm ball was a marvel but this interfacing of her tech and his when he seemed to be interfacing it and going over the music files. She had wondered what language it was in, could she read it? Did a translation program run?

“This language you mean?”

She dropped out of it to English. “Yes, I am fluent to answer your question. Most that use English find it too harsh on the ears … too guttural and bestial.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Sounds fine to me. Back home we use it exclusively in the house unless we have company.”

“Really? You liked my singing?” She was dumbfounded by that though as the music started she pondered for a moment.

“I can't dance but I think there's one dance you might like. Now I can sing in German but it might sound weird with an English song playing. Most of the songs are in English. Some of the Techno stuff doesn't have too many words though but I don't have too much more than a few Prodigy – oh wait, there is one song on their in German ...”

She took him by one of the arms and lured him to the edge of the bed. No torture so far so good but there was still plenty of time. “Bring up anything by Rammstein, it should be near the end I remember tossing a few of there songs on there since I had the space, not what I normal listen to but it works for what I had in mind."

She waits for a track to begin standing about five feet from him as she waited for him to comply.

Author:  Xel [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

So, this foreign language was called German. Vexces stored this interesting tidbit away in his mind, possibly for later use. The alien himself knew no other vocal languages besides what was primarily spoken at the campus. He communicated with his master telepathically, so there was no language to learn. This concept of a foreign language intrigued the alien somewhat.

When the student attempted to lure Vexces towards the bed, he followed her without word. His curiosity was piqued, and it was simple enough a temptation to follow around that short, plaid skirt. He let a few of his tentacles cop a quick coil around her toned legs before he slipped them back. He’d restrain himself a little longer so that he could see the show.

His fingers pecked at his wrist guard until he found the group she had requested: Rammstein. He selected a track from the small library of available media from these artists, and let it stream through the alien sound system in his lair. As the music began to blare, Vexces crossed his arms to passively watch what Daphnee was capable of.

Author:  Daphnee [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

She took the Scrunchie out of her hair running her fingers through the purple mane as he fanned it out. He had learned to restrain himself at least though that was going to be tested as her limbs tingled against the faded touch that had swept away from her she tossed the Scrunchie toward the bed at his side, her hips shifted from side to side, that plaid skirt sway as she spun about in place as she danced to the music singing along in time to the music in her “native” dialect (the girl had been from Boston born the daughter of immigrants.

Pale fingers sweep down her body against that stripped shirt drawing up her shirt just enough to display the occasional glimpse of pale flesh.

She moved to him, her hands trailing down his chest as she knelt before him, the tips of her fingers grazing his length though if he tried to grab her she would slap the back of his hand lightly.

“No touching, not yet.” Though despite this she would allow those touches that didn't restrict her movements. Of course if he choose to be more forceful with his grabs she wouldn't try to stop him either, after all this had been part of the time that they had bargained for so she had been at his say so but if he wished to see her dance then she had to remind him that he had to let her dance unimpeded.

The choice of course was his. It never ceased to be ...

Author:  Xel [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

Daphnee had stated that she could not dance. She had clearly lied. As the brash instruments and growling lyrics of Rammstein filled the chamber, the pale beauty before Vexces moved her body in a primal, seductive pattern. The alien’s large hands flexed with desire as the human swayed to the pounding rhythm and teased him with light touches and flashes of skin.

Still, he minded her warning not to touch her, yet. After she was done, there was no way he’d be able to restrain himself any longer, but that was part of this more intricate dance that had started ever since Daphnee had wandered back to the place he had first captured her. His tentacles writhed like the tails of a dozen cats, all eager to pounce upon their captive. His unblinking stare watched every movement of her body as the dance continued.

Vexces’ alien suit of leather and metal did nothing to hide his genitals, and it was plainly apparent what effect the girl was having on him. His breath was heavy with his desire for the young woman. He began to imaginarily assign his various body parts to the different areas of Daphnee’s frame. Yet for the time being he held himself back. This show was just too good to interrupt before he had seen everything the girl had to offer.

Author:  Daphnee [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Three Days later (for Vex)

She was aware that he wouldn't be able to resist not because she was full of herself or confident but because she understood why they were here. But dancing was far better than being flayed or boiled alive, both rather unpleasant experiences.

Daphnee twirled and danced seeing the obvious effect that the sway of her hips had been having o his. She even made the occasional teasing contact with her fingers one his cheek, chest or even crotch.

Eventually the stripped green shirt had been tossed over his head though once it was removed it gave rise to a green bra that contained her breasts … that plaid skirt had been next revealing that she was wearing matching green panties.

Then in just her undergarments, wrist guards and shoes and socks she kicked off the footwear and quickly pulled off and discarded the socks. Now the moment of truth … she sat in his lap grinding against her, feeling her hardness beneath the metal and leather.

She couldn't dance but figured that this one, even if done poorly might interest him. Unless he grabbed her she was getting back up to continue the dance, obviously she had more to show him ...

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