Shokushu High School

Carvern trial of the fiery djinn(Monigue)
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Author:  Ariana [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Carvern trial of the fiery djinn(Monigue)

I'd watched for five thousand years... since my 18 birthday well... in my years at least. Humanity was fuwled by a limited number of things... Survival, Lust, exploration and last but, certainly not least... Greed! The entire reason humans developed their magicked bottles and lamps to contain the powers of the jinn & jinniyah... so that they could force us to grant their most impossible dreams no mater if the bottles or lamps hurt us to reside within. Selfish That's what humans were. I watched their greed grow contributing to every facet of their civilization everything ever done was done for fortune. Nothing was to advance them their civilization selflessly. I used that against them now I have yet to find one human that has proven me wrong.

Today I decided was another good day to test my theory. in the forest I created a cavern deep underground with a serpent like entrance . within was a sign
"Touch only the lamp; nothing but the lamp... escape then rub it... you will be granted three wishes"
Within the one room cavern was a pedestal with a simple black oil lamp; probably cast iron surrounding it and on the wall were gauntlet jewels gold and various articles of silken clothes as well as every other monetary temptation one could imagine the ground was made of fine Opaline stone and the pedestals made of beautiful geodes. the walls were amethyst and the ceiling made of solid onyx the entire cave had been formed to titillate the sense of greed... One I didn't thin anyone would ever pass, in fact I expected the first person to come across my rather cliche test to take the large diamond that sat next to the lamp in which I rested... however if a girl did however pick correctly... I'd have my way with them after their wishes... though I wished I could skip the wishes all together... with unlimited powers came a few rules after all.

Author:  Monique [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Monique was gathering some flowers to surprise Emily with when she noticed a small cave mouth, she looks at it, and don't remember seeing anything like it before. She puts the flowers down and makes her way to the to the sign and reads it and raises a brow and giggles some.

"Sounds like Aladdin's story..hope I'm not messing anything the drama club has cooked up."

She begins heading down into the cave, smoothing her uniform out and careful not to catch it on any rocks. She blinks her eyes looking around at the vast amount of riches strewn about the cave as well as the jewels on the walls.

She walks slowly into the main cavern, seeing the lamp mentioned on the sign, as well as the diamond..This was some sort of trick, or she was ona hidden camera show the school let in..there is no way the drama club cooked this up.

Author:  Ariana [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:05 am ]
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My first subject for the day... I looked through crack in the lid of the lamp; I watched as her eye shifted between the various items in the cavern I shook my head; how could she resist the diamond right next to the hunk of junk lamp that I sat in. I shrugged in my gaseous spiritual form just waiting for her to fail already; I held little expectation for the species as a whole. the cavern shook slightly as if it was going to soon close; to hurry the girl's decision along so I could move the cave already and watch the next girl follow the patterns that I had watched with this test for millenia.

Author:  Monique [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Monique gives a slight stat as the cave seems to shiver and quake. She looks around some and inhales as she reaches up, the dark skinned girl had read the stories of Aladdin as well as all those as to what happens to people that get to greedy. So she grabs the lamp and begins to make her way out of the cave, not even stopping to pick up a small fragment of a gemstone.

She stumbles a few times, half thinking the cave may just collapse on her, and then she looks around once she is out and calls out...

" all can come out now, I know I need to sign some papers or something to be put on tv.."

She looks around thinking she may just be one one of those hidden camera shows.

Author:  Ariana [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just blinked in utter shock in the lamp. someone... had actually done it. I laughed silently to myself until she said for someone to come out. I shrugged; She had asked nicely after all and I had told myself if anyone ever had to give their wishes with minimal twisting. a dark reddish smoke billowed from the cracks of the lamp slowly forming in front of her a human shape it took form and color slowly before I cracked what one might consider my bones and stretched as the cave sunk into the ground behind her a tree grew instantly where the cave mouth had been.

"Well, Certainly was cramped in there... So what do you call the year now a days mistress?"

I had decided to go a little traditional this time in the ancient arabian clothing before i glanced at her then at myself.

"My how fashions have changed... even harem girls didn't dress like."
With a snap of my fingers i was dressed just like herself and my earings and hairstyle looks just a slight bit more modern the tips spiked slightly in the front along with my usual antenna.

Author:  Monique [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Monique blinks as the other appears and having come from the lamp she drops the lamp and staggers back blinking and sliding her cute little glasses up on her nose some.

"W..who are you?"

The black girl couldn't believe this, genies wasn't real, they was stories..well she always thought they was anyway. She looks back behind her the cave gone just the forest and trees now.

She looks back as the girl has changed into a school uniform. with the spiked hair style.

"How did you do that?"

Author:  Ariana [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:07 pm ]
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I shook my head giggling slightly at her expression. I loved when girls who didn't believe in my kind's existence met me like this.

"Ariana Quetzal... it's short for Quetzalcoatl actually... my creator decided it sounded better shortened... I'm an Ifrit... or seeing as you probably don't know that term... a Djinn? Jinniyah? Genie? I'd accept those too."

I snapped my fingers and a chair appeared behind me. Sitting down I crossed my legs, showing off the black fire patterned panties I wore beneath before my thighs connected.

"And I did that, just like I made this chair; mistress I'm a creature of magic after all."

Author:  Monique [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:59 am ]
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"M..Mistress..wait you mean..all those old stories are true..that Genies really exist?"

She blinks looking at this self-proclaimed genie and can't help but to sneak a peek at those panties, wondering for a second if the genie was smooth or had a neatly trimmed patch under those cute but naughty looking panties.

Author:  Ariana [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:11 am ]
Post subject: 

"Yes we're real, as real as the hair on your pretty little head mistress... or at least I hope it's real... once I had a master whom dressed in drag..."
I snapped my fingers, though i couldn't effect her directly... I could effect things around her. I made a huge gust of wind blow her skirt up I took a glance and sighed.

"Yep definately a woman; the toe of the camels certainly doesn't lie."
Modesty apparently wasn't in my mood this day as I took a slight giggle at her panties before snapping my fingers again to end the gust.

Author:  Monique [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:27 am ]
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Monique blinks at the sudden gust of wind trying to hold her skirt down to hide those white school issued panties. She blushes even more at this 'genies' words and the giggle, her dark face flushed slightly.

"H..hey don't do that! Anyway..that means..I've got like three wishes or is that just part of the stories..and you all do this to look up girls skirts?"

Author:  Ariana [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I shook my head laughing slightly I did it to get into girl's panties but, I wasn't exactly going to admit that.

"Oh yes you do get three wishes and I did that because... well I like to know a little bit about my mistresses... and make sure they're mistresses and not masters... masters sort of have tried to wish they could have sex with female genies in the past... it's not very fun to fuck a male mortal whose about sixty three or any male mortal... trust me... I wouldn't wish it on anyone."

I shivered slightly; It was from experience the man who had trapped me in the lamp... he made that wish, then a wish for money... then three more wishes... thats when my people started bluffing that you couldn't do that...

Author:  Monique [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:18 am ]
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Monique just looks at the girl and shakes her head thinking that she couldn't blame a guy with as cute as the girl looked.

"Ohhh...welll then..What could I possibly wish for..I mean..there isn't much I want personally..I just thought that whole cave thing was something from the drama club or a test from the teachers or something trying to catch thieves."

Author:  Ariana [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:25 am ]
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"Hmmm... well lets see, rare food or drink? money? power?Knowledge, carnal pleasure... maybe you just want to test things with your first wish make sure i'm not just some monster with tentacles trying to gain your trust and violently rape you."

I laughed slightly at the last one pretending i said it as a joke of course I knew quite well what was on the island. I even like watching the monsters as they did their job; wishing my form of gaining pleasure was that easy.

Author:  Monique [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:44 pm ]
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Monique touches her lip with a finger thinking about it, she truly wasn't a person that ever thought she would be getting wishes. She looks at the Genie again and bites her lip.

"Ok..I wish..for a box of chocolates, the fanciest, best tasting chocolates in the world..wait make that two boxes! I want to give one to my girlfriend."

She blushes and smiles.

Author:  Ariana [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

I decided to reward the girl for passing my test and this was making it all the sweeter... though her first wish was rather traditional; some wish for food. I nodded. I snapped my fingers and two boxed appeared in my hand; within were strange blue spheres; the didn't look like chocolate; if anything they resembled plastic. I had twisted her words lightly; It was chocolate from a planet very far away from earth; even very far from shokushu; far from the ADD far from the alliance... a planet in a galaxy called eir on a word inhabited by plants; a substance called chocolate that tasted euphoric and caused no sickness; they actually increased immunity to superhuman levels; they tasted beyond anything one might find on earth. I opened a box and showed it to her smiling; the aphrodisiac quality of chocolate equally powerful in these.

"Wish granted dear You didn't exactly tell me which world though I believe you'll enjoy these, care to try one?"

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