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 Beach Party for Two (for Alecia) 
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Post Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The bright sun was blocked by a thick canopy of trees as 263 slowly moved through the forest. It had mapped out this path hours before with its long tentacles, and, finding it free of danger, had begun to move itself to a new area. The process was slow, but raktar were nothing if not patient. By early afternoon it had finally reached the edge of its explored territory, and slithered into a fallen tree, obscuring itself from sight. Then, it began to explore again, casting its long, flexible tentacles out into the forest, memorizing the position of every tree and rock and hollow in its path. It hadn't realized, however, that it was very close to the edge of the forest. Within minutes, the trees disappeared, and the grass and dirt slowly gave way to sand. Its tentacles had arrived at a beach.

There were no sounds to indicate anyone else nearby. This beach happened to be one of the least visited on the island. Few even knew it existed. 263 had explored a few beaches before, but it was still surprised to discover the sand beneath its feelers. The texture was wonderfully soft - like dirt, but even easier to press into. Almost out of habit, its tentacles began to bury into the sand. Intrigued by this newly discovered land, they continued to slither underground towards the water edge.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:08 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
No matter how much it looked like one, the beach felt a little off. Her toes slid just barely beneath the sand as she sauntered her way across the beach. So far out of the way, completely through the forest she managed to stumble upon this little gem. Somewhat to her surprise and much to her relief Alecia had managed to make it here without being interrupted by the secrets of the island. She could barely remember her encounters but there were flashes of motion, pulses of sensations. Of fright, of panic, arousal, despair, exhaustion, satisfaction.

The delectable student put her left hand to her forehead and her right on her hip, she clenched her eyes as she looked down, her lids obscuring the view of her white and blue striped tank top that clung to her radiant frame from the ocean breeze. She couldn't recall exactly what happened but she knew she had been attacked by something. more than once at that, but she couldn't pin down any specifics within her mind.

She looked up again opening her lovely orbs as she fixed the bottom of her tank top just over the top of her rather short denim shorts. Her shoes and socks she had left at woods edge as she peered out over the ocean slowly beginning her gentle gait along the beach towards the water. It smelled of salt but not quite, her hips swayed slowly and gently with each step. An onlooker from behind her would notice her rear and legs moving with a graceful and unconsciously tempting glide as she tried to lose herself in the presence of the ocean.

This is nice.... she mused to herself, the wind picking up her flaxen hair.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:58 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The beach was like a playground for 263 as well. It spent so much of its time worming through steel architecture and over concrete and hard-packed earth. It hadn't been free to explore a wide-open plain in what felt like a long time. And though evolution on a jungle-covered planet had predisposed raktar to seek trees and terrain cover, 263 didn't mind the emptiness so much. The sand made a nice burrow, providing plenty of cover from anything it might need to escape from. So much nice than trying to tunnel through the tough dirt that covered much of this island. The tentacles continued their lazy course under the dunes, working towards the sound of crashing waves. 263 knew of the ocean and didn't care much for it, but it would be prudent to at least know where the shore was from the treeline.

As the tentacles grew closer to the shore, they gradually became aware that they were not alone on this beach. Someone else was here. A monster, perhaps? Or maybe a girl? Heaven or hell for 263, but it at least bore investigation. The trouble was, the tentacles were completely blind, usually relying on sound, touch, and smell to map out their environment. This creature, whoever they were, wasn't registering on any of these senses. The only reason the tentacles realized someone was around at all was because of 263's fourth sense. A more recent development, it had begun to sense thoughts of living things around it. But this modality was still unstable, and not very good for tracking anything. The presence on the beach was faint - far too distant to track down. 263's tentacles branched out through the sand, hoping to ensnare whoever it might be through chance.

Then 263 had a thought. Hearing was one of its best means of locating targets. And the girls on this island it had encountered were fond of making strange noises. They did it alone or in groups, squaking openly in altering pitches that it couldn't hope to understand, but had started to recognize. If this was a girl, perhaps she would make similar sounds if the right tune struck her. And if it wasn't human, maybe it wouldn't respond at all.

Gently, 263 began to focus its thoughts back towards the presence it had felt. It was faint - the softest suggestion of a song it had heard many times. Perhaps it would compel her to sing it out loud.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:44 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
Alecia walked along the shoreline, her eyes closed for moments at a time as the breeze caught her hair. She would stop and let the force of the wind, the sound of this ocean crash against her in a rhythmic and soothing chorus. She opened her emerald eyes to peer over the foreign horizon. Her thoughts moved to the island's location and how she realized that she really doesn't know where she really was. She assumed it was in the Caribbean but something felt off. She pursed her lips a moment in thought, pensively seeking the question in vain, as if the attempt itself would proved her with the answers.

"You are so silly," she mused quietly to herself. "You've never been to the Caribbean silly little girl" she chided herself. Shaking her head at her own foolishness she turned parallel to the shore and began strolling along it, her pale toes slightly pressing into the damp cool sand as she continued sauntering down the shore.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:30 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The girl hadn't seemed to be spurred into song by the melody that 263 put in her head. The tentacles slowed as 263 began to consider this. Maybe the presence really was a monster, or some other creature not worth its interest. Maybe this had been a pointless endeavor. It was considering that it might need to turn around when it heard the girl speak softly to herself. Her voice was soft, almost lost among the crashing of the waves, but 263's hearing was very acute, and it managed to pick up on her voice.

Perhaps human music really didn't work that way after all. It kept trying none the less, feeding the song gently into her mind, careful not to be strong enough to draw her attention. The tentacles resumed their advances in her general direction. Even if she didn't start to sing, it had gained some idea of her general location. Once it drew close to where she was, it could likely provoke a sound through more direct means. The tentacles continued to burrow under the sand towards the girl as she strolled along the shore.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:41 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
Alecia allowed her mind to drift, as she strolled the shoreline, she found herself humming a tune to herself as the wet sand squished beneath her feet. She didn't realize that she didn't even know the song she was humming, the flaxen haired student seemed almost in a trance. Her mind wandered through her classes, her home, family, and her future, what would she do once she finished school here? On that note, how would she even leave? The emerald eyed lovely hadn't seen a single boat or plane land on the island since she arrived. Her thoughts drifted as did she, slowly gliding across the sand gracefully.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:16 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The girl's lovely voice carried her tune through the air and trickling into the sand, reaching right into 263's tentacles. All of the burrowing tentacles turned towards her voice, zeroing in on her quickly. The sand offered little resistance to something as strong as its appendages, and it closed the distance quickly, betraying its presence only by the small mounds of displaced sand quickly traveling towards her. They drew closer and closer, until they were only a few feet away. That's when they emerged.

Long and fleshy coils erupted from the sand beside Alecia, pointing unmistakably towards her. They had come at her from every direction, and had her surrounded, on one side, with the ocean on the other. With nowhere for the young woman to go, they lunged at her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:46 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
Alecia didn't even notice the sand moving in front of her. Only the sound of the creature's limbs bursting forth alerted her to their presence. With a loud sharp yelp she jumped back as the tentacles rose around the dirty blonde student. Her emerald eyes wide with shock and horror she turned to the one place they weren't, the ocean. And as the lunged towards her, the beauties long slender legs carried her towards the sea. Her heart pounded in her chest as panic raced through her. She didn't know where she would go once she reached the water but hoped that there was some reason it didn't come from there.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The tentacles didn't pause at the waters edge. Instead, they pursued her right into the drink. Their thin bodies cut easily through the incoming surf, moving much faster than Alecia could manage. They were quickly catching up, "swimming" along side her now and starting to snake closer to her from every direction. As Alecia struggled in the sea, the tentacles moved to wrap around her arms and legs.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:02 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The lovely young woman panicked, her emerald orbs widened as terror gripped her delightful form. Her head whipped side to side as she hurriedly engaged the tide.

"No!" She shrieked, as the tentacles enclosed all around her. From every angle the threatening appendages moved in for her. She stopped running as a couple appeared in front of her and she began to pace backwards away from them. Right into more of the encroaching tendrils sealing her fate. She felt them slide around her wrists and ankles. Coiling about her limbs to drag her to whatever fate awaited her at the advances of the creature. "Stop! Don't, no!!!" she yelled. her voice a beautiful shrill as her body was snagged in the grip of the monster. Oh god, am I going to die? What does this thing want with me!? Her thoughts raced as fast as she wished her body could have. She was not about to stop trying however. She would struggle, to try to break free of the snaking tentacles that wrapped around her gorgeous frame.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Tue May 05, 2015 7:02 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
Several more tentacles coiled around Alecia's waist, lifting her into the air. Together, the tentacles dragged her out of the water, back towards the beach, where more tentacles were swarming up through the sands. The girl shrieked and screamed as the tendrils dragged her to her fate. The sweet sounds only excited the tentacles more, and they quickly began to advance towards her. Try as she might, the tentacles holding her were far too strong for her to overpower. She could feel them lifting her body effortlessly into the air, dangling her over the beach. Her legs were held down, and slightly apart, while her arms were kept spread out to either side, much too far to offer herself any kind of protection from the other tentacles that approached. With her body bared before them, the tentacles quickly began exploring her form. Their bulbous ends began to rub up and down her stomach, sides, back, and legs. They moved gently and slowly, but firmly, caressing her body lightly over her clothes.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue May 05, 2015 7:44 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
Alecia's mind calmed only slightly as the thing pulled her out of the water, her arms pulled out tightly to either side as her legs were pulled taught. She struggled writhing her torso and gritting her teeth. She soon felt the caress of many more limbs as they glided along her perfect form. Across her pale blue tank top, gliding gently over the curvature of her exquisite breasts, along her exposed mid-drift. Her creamy skin was silk to touch as the lovely pillars of heaven that were her legs were grazed and stroked by the creature.

"No! What do you want!?" she cried out. her struggling causing her pert chest to bounce enticingly beneath her clothing, her bra managing to contain the delectable orbs. She felt more of the lewd appendages slide across her toned back and over the cheeks of her shapely behind. The thing was feeling her up!

The flaxen haired student grunted behind her clenched teeth her full lips parted only slightly as she vainly tried to break the grasp of the monster who held her so tightly. Her piercing green eyes closed tightly with her wriggling as she found she could not budge her athletic legs. Her arms were similarly pinned out to either side. The main of her dirty blond hair hung in gravity's embrace moving as she turned her head in her resistance. "Let me go!" She forced out between bursts of defiant movement.

The student's delicious body was exposed to the beasts ministrations as the tentacles curled over her hips and shoulders, along her gentle neck and face.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Tue May 05, 2015 8:21 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The tentacles crept and slid over her body, feeling out her form. Luck seemed to be with 263 - the girl it had snared was indeed quite beautiful. Most of the girl's on the island were beautiful, of course, but this one was exquisite. Her skin was soft and smooth, her legs long and toned, yet still sensitive to the touch. More tentacles began to climb her legs, spiraling around them like vines overgrowing a marble pillar. They held her legs more firmly in place, but they were less passive than the ones that had come before. As they crept upwards, they squeezed her smooth legs. Their firm, rounded tips began to stroke her creamy inner thighs, moving up and down slowly, but rising higher with every pass. Before long, they were touching the bottom of her shorts, with seemingly no intent of stopping there.

Farther up, tentacles wrapped around her waist were slowly sliding beneath her shirt. They crept up her flat stomach and her curving sides, spiraling around her much as the tentacles at her legs had done, leaving her more and more encased by the strange, fleshy tendrils. The girl felt her arms being lifted slightly, causing her generous chest to rise with the motion. Her luscious orbs were forced forward, as more tentacles approached them. The tentacles hovered in front of her covered breasts for a moment, before they pressed their heads into the soft, supple orbs. They began to stroke up and down, dragging pressure along the surface of her breasts. They turned, and wrapped themselves around her tits, and began to take turns firmly squeezing and pulling off of the delectable mounds, before returning. They eagerly molested her breasts ans she wiggled in their grasp.

Another tentacle appeared by her face, and began to stroke beneath her chin. It moved with slow and almost affectionate grace, tracing the curve of her jaw up to her neck. Slowly, it began to slither across her cheek.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue May 05, 2015 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
Slowly, her struggling slowed as apprehension of the creature's actions began to form within her. She could feel the molesting appendages caress her thighs as they almost agonizingly climbed her shapely pillars. She felt a twinge in her nethers at the sensation as they deliberately crawled towards the line of her shorts.

What is it doing? Why is it being so... gentle? No... it can't be... This thing is....

"" she managed to stammer out softly as it began to dawn on her what was happening. The emeralds of her eyes widened with alarm and shock more so than fear at first. It wanted her body, to take her in lust. To lewdly desecrate her angelic countenance. More tentacles encircled her waist as her arms were pulled back a bit making her chest puff out. A strange arousal built steadily within her as she felt the creature glide around her waist and slide sensually underneath her top. The tips teased at the vanilla mounds of her breast through her bra then encircled her luscious endowments, groping at them and causing a most embarrassing feeling to grow within her. Her body was loving this. She bit her lower lip softly as an unintentional moan of pleasure slipped past her sweet lips and her eyes closed her mouth opened as she gasped at how expertly it groped at her. Massaging her sensitive breasts and toyed along the silk of her graceful thighs.

The moment was quickly over however as Alecia clenched her teeth and her eyes shut as she tried to mentally quash the sensations that were being kindled inside her at the monster's tentacles erotic ministrations. Her eyes snapped open however as she felt a tentacle lovingly trace it's way along her cheek. The flaxen haired student wanted to struggle, but she was held fast, her body at the mercy of this thing. Her arms and legs tensed as she tried to struggle. She dare not try to move her torso with the beast so attentive to her succulent chest lest she hurt herself.

Her breathing became heavy and steady as she tried with all her will to not allow her body to indulge in this molestation. She turned her head to the side away from the tentacle her eyes closed in focus.

I won't let whatever this thing have me. I won't allow it the satisfaction of having me give in! I will resist! While she was determined in her defiance, a part of Alecia deep down did not want to fight. It was reveling in the attention. She would do all she could to not let that show.

Why is this place so strange? It's beautiful and yet... so alien.
((PM me if you are interested in starting up a scene))
Alecia Angelus, A fitting name for a heavenly girl

Wed May 06, 2015 1:24 am
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Post Re: Beach Party for Two (for Alecia)
The girl didn't need to react out loud for the monster to know the feelings welling in her body, or the back of her mind. It could sense it in her - the duality of disgust and desire. She was not the first whose body had betrayed her sensibility. It knew just what to expect from her. The more it worked her up, the sweeter taking her would actually be. It would take her - she was already helpless to resist. The tentacle caressing the side of her face slowly worked its way towards her mouth, and brushed against her lips. It began to press against her mouth, not enough to force it open, but enough to make her wary of speaking.

Down below, the tentacles began to snake their way up her legs to the leg holes of her jeans. Rather than halting at the border of her clothes, however, they quickly slipped underneath the denim material. They worked their way up as high as they could, moving towards her crotch. But the tight and unyielding fabric of her shorts kept them from reaching her sensitive hips. Sensing the barrier would have to be removed, and couldn't be done so from below, more tentacles began to snake beneath the belt-line of her shorts. Quickly finding this entrance just as tight, they pressed against her waist as they forced themselves inside. Once they'd reached deep enough, they began to stretch outwards. They pulled and pulled on the girl's tight pants, until finally the button fastening the garment closed popped free. The zipper followed suit, and her shorts were loosened. They were quickly pulled down her shapely legs, exposing what was beneath to the touch of the tentacles.

This sudden burst of aggression in undressing the girl continued. The tentacles molesting her breasts over her shirt suddenly withdrew, only for another tentacle to appear a second later. Rather than focus on her voluptuous orbs, the tentacle hooked into the collar of her top. An instant later, it yanked down hard, tearing the front of her tank top away, exposing her bra and her flat stomach. The remnants of her shirt hung loosely around her back as the tentacles returned to her breasts. Rather than be satisfied with what they'd achieved, however, they pushed at the bottom of her bra. In seconds, they'd slipped inside, coming into contact with her naked tits and starting to slide over them, brushing firmly against her nipples. The bra was quickly pushed out of the way, leaving her breasts bared and vulnerable.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed May 06, 2015 4:08 am
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