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 The Way Home (for Lynz) 
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
I kept running... I had no idea how long I kept running but I didn't stop for breath until I was sure I was in silence again. that tell-tale sound of those things behind me replaced by the island breeze.
For now I had escaped. I took the moment to get some sort of bearings, there were rocks ahead, I was either near a hill, a cliff or something. I had to go see, if this was the edge of the island I was halfway home where I could hide on campus and never, ever leave the main parts of the campus again and never take a nap outside again.
I moved for the rocks slowly enough, keeping my eyes wandering, I could hear my heart pounding, feel my pulse race. I was more afraid than I'd ever been, that was certain. I was also more distraught and completely lost as for what to do.

“I can't stop moving... but I need a better plan... fuck my life what do I do... there's a creature out here that wants to eat me... can it hear me... should I be quiet... does it even matter?! Fuck me... what am I supposed to do...”

this was so unlike me, I was an anxiety filled wreck and when I realized I was at a dead end cliff that wasn't to the ocean I groaned.
“Fuck meeeee.... I need to find another way, climb down or jump... I mean it doesn't look that high... wouldn't hurt much... what ten feet up... i've jumpped from a second story before... but If I twist my ankle I'm dead...”

I looked to my left and to my right for any other options.

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:23 am
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
Down below you seemed to be nothing but more damn forest. It was hard to tell what exactly was beneath, and how far beneath it was in the darkness, but it certainly looked like trees, bushes, and more trees. And not necessarily the soft kind of either. Jumping might not have been the smartest move. The face looked craggy, and climbing might have been an option, but it would be hard to see hand and foot holds in the darkness.

Fortunately, the cliff wasn't a total dead end. The ground extended in either direction. To your left, it seemed to continue as a cliff for a while, with a thin line of clearing between the trees and the edge, circling back into the forest. The other way sloped downwards, disappearing into the trees shortly before you.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:38 am
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
My two good options now were following the clearing that made up the cliff to my left or following this slope to my right. Turning back of course was not going to happen with what I'd hoped I'd left behind. I could only assume the slope was the better option. Heading down towards sea level probably meant heading towards the beach, since at this point I had no idea which way I'd been going originally I had to go with logic like that, however broken it might have been at the time.

I walked back into the trees and felt something grab my shoulder, I shrieked in panic and pulled hard away, it tore a little hole in my sleeve... turned out it was a relatively strong branch I hadn't noticed.

“It's official, I'm going to be freaked out by every little thing until I see the school buildings again.”
with a shake of my head I picked up speed again taking to a jog rather than a sprint, I couldn't be sure but if that thing could hear it probably heard the shriek and if it was still interested it would be heading this way. I needed to put make ground.

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:32 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
In truth, 263 never actually lost you. Its eyes were everywhere in the forest, watching you unseen from the shadows as you made your way towards what you prayed was safety. It held back its next attack for the moment, knowing that it would be meaningless without the lull in between to punctuate. Besides, the forest and your panic seemed to be doing a promising job of stripping you without its help. It chuckled to itself as you snagged your shirt, already deciding that that top would be the next thing to go. A better look at your cleavage as you made your journey would be a decent consolation prize for not getting to rape you on the spot.

You proceeded through the forest for a while, the sounds of nature at night surrounding you. There were the occasional ruffling leaves here, cracking branches there, but nothing that you could be sure was or wasn't a murderous monster coming for you. Judging by the last encounter, you'd be able to know if it was charging for you, but anything could be stalking you right now. The odd branch and bush clawing at your clothing didn't help. More than a few wayward obstacles were liable to hook on your shirt, or your legging sleeves.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:08 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
With that tear in the stitching between my sleeve and shoulder there. Snapped the branch off that tree and continued on my way. The sounds of the woods kept my nerves rattled as I kept moving forward. Branches and bushes kept snagging as I went, but I was careful enough now to more rip any more holes in what I was wearing, I did have bits of tree in my hair and stuck to my calf though that I wouldn't bother shaking off.

I kept to a brisk jog forward, glad to be in plain old sneakers instead of the school mandated shoes that sucked for running in. after awhile, as I jogged I noticed what looked to be a more open section of the woods, I turned and bolted for it, the first thought was I was out and safe, the immediate thought that came up when I broke out into it was...

I wasn't safe, it was just a clearing with a pond a large boulder of some sort and some flowers around. Otherwise it was worthless for to me... pretty but worthless. I was still surrounded entirely by trees. I kicked one and went to continue onward leaving a bit of a mark in the dirt to remember just what side of the clearing I'd started on.

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:57 am
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
263 watched you examine the area in despair, before leaving your mark on the ground. Another girl had once attempted something similar in her trial. It had not worked out for her any better than it would work out for you. Not that 263 expected you would be eager to return here - not after what it had in mind now.

Just as you began to leave the clearing, there was a rustling from behind you. It seemed to come from the bushes, but the moment you turned around to check, it fell silent. Once again, the clearing was still. Suddenly, there came a single point of movement - faint ripples began to appear in the pond. At first, they might have seemed like ruffles from the wind. But the air was almost still, and no matter how long you watched them, new ripples continued to form.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:15 am
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
I was forced to look over my shoulder about halfway to the opposite side of the clearing, I'd heard something moving. It stopped almost immediately as I looked I'd have gone back to my jogging if I hadn't caught something moving in the pond like a pebble had fallen in... but the ripples didn't seem to be dying down. I couldn't be sure what it was, but it wasn't the wind and it wasn't rocks either... so it had to be something beneath. There were no bubbles either so it wasn't breathing as far as I could tell. Maybe a fish or maybe some other horrible monster wanting to eat me. I wasn't about to go find out, because I knew what it wasn't; it wasn't salvation. I went back to moving at a relaxed run rather than a jog. I hoped whatever it was, wasn't fast enough to get me before I got back into the trees. At least in the trees I had things to put between me and whatever it might be.

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:18 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
While you had been distracted, 263 wasn't idle. Its tentacles had quietly snaked up beside you under the brush. They paused there, waiting to see if you'd take its bait. But the second you turned to flee, they struck, bursting out of the brush around you and lunging towards you. You had started to jog, but the tentacles were faster than you, and you had wasted too much time looking behind. Before you could reach the trees, the tendrils caught up to you, this time coiling around your legs. They gripped you hard and tightly, and you could feel the strength of their muscles as they held you. Their skin turned against your legs, straining your leggings. The other tentacles went for your torso, trying to hook into your shirt.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:36 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
I didn't get too close to the tree line before I heard what I was sure was another of those beasts trying to eat me rustling behind me. I moved to a sprint, but quickly found myself stopped; I had the balance to stay on my feet thankfully, but the thing was pulling me, or more my leggings. I did my best to keep my ground until more of the creature's things started moving to grab for my upper body, one found its way into the hole I'd made in my sleeve, another grabbed at the hem of my shirt another at the neck. All I could do was pull something out of my pocket before I'd get pulled to the ground, landing hard on my butt.

“Get off my clothes! You're not peeling me like a fuckin' banana!!!”
I shouted at I went to stab the thing on my leg with a vaguely sharp rock I'd been holding onto... mostly because I wanted to make an arrowhead for a necklace and this thing seemed pretty perfect for that, especially if I smoothed it out. If that didn't work I'd make the rock explode and when it did, well, it was bigger than the pebbles earlier... it might have stung a little... maybe caused a little bit of a blister? I thought though it would do a lot more than that... because at this point I figure the thing had figured out my tank wasn't me and it really was stripping me to get at the meat underneath. I did have a clue that my leggings main seam was about ready to give and rip them right out from under my white denim shorts, didn't know if I was even going to make it away again for it to matter though damn if I wasn't going to try

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:51 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
The tentacles began to pull at your clothing, rough and sharp. To 263, it was less like peeling a banana, and more like tearing open a much-anticipated present. Strips and shreds of your shirt went flying as the tentacles yanked open gashes and fissures in the fabric, slowly exposing more and more of your arms, back, and midriff. Eyes stared at you from not far away, drinking in every inch of your soft, creamy skin that it forcefully revealed. And yet, it let the top cling to your chest as long as it could, ripping away inch after inch towards its goal, but saving the best for last.

Your rock didn't seem to impress it much. It didn't even slow it down. The exploding rock trick was slightly more successful, at least at first glance. It did give the creature pause. However, it knew what you could do from the last time you tried to do it, and it protected its sensitive eyes the moment it saw the attack coming. The rest of the tentacles didn't even flinch as shrapnel bounced harmlessly against them. It did seem to piss them off, though. The tentacles around your legs writhed into a fury. Where before they had been slowly wearing and tearing holes in your leggings, they now began to force their tips through the holes and fabric alike, tearing deep gashes in the clothing and quickly turning most of it to useless cloth. Finally, they seized the pants and yanked, producing a loud rip as the leggings came apart at the seams.

Up higher, the tentacles descended upon what remained of your top with a vengeance, 263 deciding that the shirt keeping your tits from its gaze any longer was unacceptable. In seconds, it was torn to bits, violently pulled outward by half a dozen tendrils and ripped apart. Only the shredded collar remained around your neck as it was finally able to gaze upon what you had underneath.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:47 am
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
“Why won't you just fuck off?! There's gotta be better game out here for you than a tiny, scrawny girl like me!”

I shouted as I struggled, of course I was questioning why it wanted me when there had to be at least ten or twenty other girls out somewhere right now it could have, all of them with more meat on their bones than me; I wasn't taking my shirt being torn apart idly though, whimpering and crying in terror like I'm sure any other girl would've, I was thrashing, I was fighting and I was damned sure I was going to get away again if it let up for even a moment. Even as more and more of my skin came to moonlight I tried to pull away but, after I popped my rock on it it got violent... my leggings stood absolutely no chance; The legs were shredded and what wasn't shredded ripped right out from under my denim shorts and as that happened my top was completely ripped apart, my swimtop all that was left to cover my chest, and it did a good job of that seeing as it was a modest thing with a zippered front, still it showed off a little bit, a lot more than my shirt had.

But with the tentacles of the creature having pulled away with my clothes it gave me the moment I needed to pull away from it and get back to my feet, it gave me the moment to bolt to the trees and hopefully get away, thankfully it had left my shoes on, it was probably the only luck i'd had thus far, would be a lot slower without those... sadly I was still going to have to be slower if I actually did manage to get away this time... would have to be even more careful so I didn't cut myself... if I wasn't I had no clue how bad I might get hurt; what would be the point of escaping being eaten only to die because i tore an artery or something?

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:31 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
Normally, 263 would restrain its victims, quieting their thrashing resistance with its inhumanly strong muscles. But it let you thrash to your hearts content. It wanted you to hold on to the hope that you could still escape, that you could save yourself. It would make the rest of the chase that much more interesting. And so it didn't restrain you any more than it needed to strip you, piece by piece of your clothing. It left your shorts for now, still wanting you to have something to hold on to. But when it tore away your shirt and revealed your swim top underneath, its mood soured. As plainly as it could see your enticing curves now, there was no fun to this top - no cleavage, no barely visible areolas, no promising bounce. This "modest thing" was offensively boring, and 263 was not pleased. You would have to pay for this.

You barely struggled to your feet and began to take steps away from the tentacle mass, before one shot out of the group, curling through the back of your top and yanking hard. It began pulling you back towards the mass, poised to turn on you at any moment.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:45 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
...And suddenly I was straining against something that was trying to pull me back wards, a single one of those things had snagged me by my top. I didn't have the time to think this through, the only reason I did this was sheerly because no one was around to see except a horrible creature I thought wanted to eat me. I grabbed the zipper and ripped it down. A second after that I was topless, but free.

fuckin hell, I liked that top... still better it than me, I have more.

with the freedom reaffirmed I took off through the treeline... I wasn't a busty girl, there wasn't all that much there to bounce around while I ran, for the first time I was actually thankful for being kind of flat chested... and it wasn't like I had anything to be embarassed about my chest when I did get back to the school, nothing was out of proportion about my chest, I had pretty small nipples and areola a little bigger than a quarter... I just really didn't like the idea of being seen topless by people.

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:15 pm
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
From hidden vantages, the eyes watched you zip down your top, discarding it to the swarm. They drank in the sight of your tits as they were quickly exposed to its gaze. 263 didn't care much about breast size. Big or small, they were equally enticing. And the perfect proportions of your nipples as pretty pink toppers made them a lovely sight. In retrospect, watching you struggle topless through the forest was probably more fun than you in a bra would have been, anyway. The tentacles fell behind as you manage to get away.

263 would watch you for a while. It enjoyed the sight of you topless, wandering your way through the brush, oblivious to its gaze. Your half-naked body was more enticing than ever, though, and it was already planning what it would do to you once it won the game.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:05 am
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Post Re: The Way Home (for Lynz)
I was free at this point, but three things were working against me now, I was half naked to start with so I had to be more careful than I'd have had to before. I had no idea which way I was going now, I lost track of which direction was which when I'd gotten away from the clearing. I was going straight still and I knew this wasn't the way I'd come from but if it was still the way I'd been planning to go was anyone's guess.

“At least I still have my sneakers...”

I muttered to myself, keeping to a jog forward. I was starting to lose hope of finding my way back to the school before I was food for this thing that was stalking me, or maybe there were several?

“Ugghhhhhh maybe I should try climbing a tree...”
it wouldn't be the first time I'd done something like that, and at this point it was about the only chance I had left. O I picked what looked like the tallest near by tree and climbed up to the canopy. I gained a few scratches from branches and a bunch of twigs in my shorts but when I got out to the top I had a good view. I could see the direction I needed to go, it wasn't that short a walk though... but it gave me hope that I could actually survive this with just a bit of luck.

Lyndsey Marie Tulon, Student, DJ & Adventurer

Xui Ta 'property of the A.D.D.'

Laele; quiet, proper girl

Alison V. Ryder: Endless font of energy

Karayah; The Gray Queen
20% less insane. Currently: debating options & ill

Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:26 am
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