Shokushu High School

Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)
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Author:  Vincent [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

Vincent is walking around the limits of the woods, in his human form this time. He's just walking, not searching for problems or other things this time. He stop, when the wind brings the oddious smell of his employer.


I don't know why you're so mad, my friend! I have a request today, not a work!

Vincent drive his yellow eyes to the black dressed wizard, and smile.

A request? This is new! I'm listening, old man!

The HG send this note to several monsters in thsi island. She's mad witha girl, and she want's someone to put this beauty down! So i want you to make that!

Why me and not you?

Me and other friends are making a silly game. We choose someone and who find and break her mind first, wins! So, you're my player! Your winner's price is the girl! Wanna play this for me, old friend!

All right, old hag! This girl is mine! See you later!

Vincent left the woods, and start to walk in the buildings direction. He take a look on the note, and memorize the picture of his new prey, licking his own lips in anxiety.

Author:  Mary Susan [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

"And that is how the chemicals bond together in their nucleous and create a new element~"

Smiling like a broadway star, Maria grinned at the baffled and confused expressions of her classmates. Not that she would compare them on her own level, but that was just how it was. Even the teacher was astounded, mouth slack jawwed open and openly staring at the curly-q girl. Seeing as she was a new student, it was almost natural for the woman to assume Maria knew nothing of the advanced chemistry section.

In truth, that wasn't the only assumption the teacher had on her for her most . . . Unbecoming attitude.

The reason she had been called up in the first place to the board was mainly for her ignoring the teacher altogether! The blonde cherub had been seated next to the window seat after being introduced to the class and finding the empy desk. After that, she had presumed to do nothing but stare out into the scenery that was the moutains of the island, lush in forestry and glowing orange from the setting rays of the sun.

But with the student called up to hopfully teach her a lesson in paying attention in class failed. She ended up only showing UP the teacher.

"Miss Susan, see me after class."

Like clockwork, the bell rang and the students, some snickering at how the teacher was made a fool of. When the final student had left, the Chemistry proffesor glared down at the girl in her uniform, white and blue perfectly shining off her eyes as Maria awaited with a coy smile on her lips, still in the front of the classroom alongside the older woman.

"You wanted to see me Proffesor?"

Was it any wonder that the only thing the teacher could get on her was 'slight' disrespect?

So, within a minute of explaining some outlandish and daft reason, Maria held in her hand a pink slip.

Her very first detention.

Before the girl could even get a handle on it, the teacher had already ushered her outside the door with nothing more but pointing the directions or a basment, then slamming the door right behind the student after getting her bag from the window and tossing it to her.

"How . .. how . . .DARE she!?" Maria puffed as she stomped her foot, crumpeling the small pink note in her palms. The injustice of it all hurting her more than ever.

"I've . ..I've . . .My perfect record is RUINED!" she cried intot he empty hallways. But this wouldn't be the end. Not by a LONG shot! Heels clicking, Maria made her way to the basement. Her . . . .. ugh . . . .detention . . . . Each step clicking with her heels as she walked the whole way with a pouting face.

"I'll go for now, just so they don't think of a reason to punish me. But I will have a word with the Headmaster for this!"

That's right! First, she would do the time for this unfairness to keep her record from shattering, her perfect little clean slate.Then, she would speak to the Headmaster and be SURE that that woman was handled appropriately.

"And everything will be back to perfect~"

She smiled, looking to the room number that matched the one on her slip as the Basement came in sight.

Author:  Vincent [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

When Vincent finally reach the school building, he stop and wait, remembering about the rules. In a few minutes, a techer aproaches and call him.

You know why i'm here, rihgt? But i have a request! I have a target... this girl!

He shows the picture to the teacher and he smile.

Yes, i know her. It' s one of my students. She's walking to the basement, but i don't imagine to see one of you guys here right now! Come, i show you the way!

The teacher guides Vincent into the building, avoiding the classrooms and all the other girls. He explain why she's going to the basement, and how he want to know about her "punishment".
Vincent smile, and shout:

Sorry! I will do only what i want with her! If you wanna punish her, get some balls and do it!

He left the teacher behind him, following the runner in direction of the room number. He stop and see the goldlock girl, dressed in he school unifomr, but with an different attitude. Nose up, and a proudly expression on her face. He likes what she see indeed. Small waist, nive hips and a nice pair of breasts. He will love to force his cock inside that cute little mouth. He smile, and start to aproach.

Your first detention, miss? I never see you here before!

Susan can notice the young man aproaching and stoping at her side. A tall light tan guy, with no more than 28 or 30 yoears old. His impressive 80.7'' tall body is covered by a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans, thats can't hide his 286.5 pounds of well-worked muscles. His long dark brown hair falls over his shoulders, giving to him the appearence of that latin lovers from mexican soap operas and novels. The pants are too tigh, giving a little tip about his 11'' cock.
He opens the door for her and waits to see her walking inside.
# of Cocks: 1.

Author:  Mary Susan [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

Susan turned her head, finding a male of what seemed, Hispanic descnet, draw closer to her. By her standings, he wasn't half bad. Her eyes flitted up and down his stature, sizing the male up. He wasn't wearing any uniform and his casual wear alone made her believe she wasn't a teacher. Forget even that this was one of the only few males she had ever seen in Shokushu. But that didn't make him any less attractive.

"Oh my, well yes, it is my first time . . . Please don't remind me," she snipped at him, only slowly taking her eyes off of him as she grimaced at the detention and basement door. "It is complete injustice for even making me walk here . . . I must speak with the real officials about this with haste as soon as the punishment is done with. But . . ."

It wasn't often that Maria was concerned about anyone that she dubbed not intersting enough, no less, total strangers. But there was something that perked her interest about this Latino that had grabbed her interest.

"Have I seen you here before? Surely I would have remembered?" she said, standing there in front of the door and tapping her foot.

Or perhaps, she was simply prolounging the inevitable of having to put herself through that dark and dank and musky air of the basement she could already smell now in front of the entry way.

Author:  Vincent [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

I'm one of the responsables about the basement. We take note and make the students pass some time in there, like a dettention... but you don't look this type oif girl! Did you make something to anyone?

He open the door and turn the light on, showing to her a long runner, finishing in another door.

Look... i'm not a bad guy... let's make something... you pass some time in there, and i don't make any note about you! Whit that, you can maintain a clean profile! What you think?

He waits the girl start to walk in, to close the dor after then, and follow her to the other door. Inside the room, he knows about all the devices and tools, ready to be used against that beautiful girl.

You want to talk about something, gold-locks? Maybe we can make your time shorten while we chat a little!

Author:  Mary Susan [ Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

"Oh really now~" Maria perked up at the thought that she need not worry about her record being dirty from such a vulgar teacher. And although this male was dressed in a bit . . .informal wear, she could find herself pleased to have met him. After all, he was being such the gentleman with opening the door after all.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong then. Rather, I wish I could skip it all together, but I suppose if its just to get it over with," she spoke, soon walking down the stairs with a click of each step she made down the steps. With each descent of her steps, her golden hair bounced a bit more in their curls, always going back to place before bouncing again from having taken another step.

"Goldy-locks? Well . . .I for one can relate more to the Princesses like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Both wronged by people just jealous of them and trying to get on through life . . . Oh? Another door? Why are there two?" she asked, stopping her comparison of her to the story females after reaching the last three steps. Looking back up at the Latino, Maria gave him one of her most curious aquamarine looks on him, hoping that he would provide an anwer for her.

Author:  Vincent [ Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a girl know her place! (Mary Susan)

Vincent looks back to her, pleased about the sweet smell coming from his little female companion. He smile, while he puts one hand on the door behind her. She find herself in a strange position, with that "teacher" facing at that distance, and with no place to run if she need.

That door is a anti-sound door. With this, if a girl want to make something to call the attention of the other students, disturbind the classes with screams or breaking something, the sound can't scape from here, maintaining the order and tranquility of the school.

He open the door, waiting to see her walking in.

Don't worry! We have security cams here. All the students are secure and protected. And i'm here too... I take care of you... and this will be... a pleasure!

He thinks that can be the first time to Mary Susan, and maybe he's the first male to be so close form her like this. When she walk inn to the room, he follows her, and close the door behind him. The security system locks the door, and this will only open when Vincent decide to leave the basement. The lights start to turn on, revealing the strange apparels and resources of that room. A large metal table, a few closets, chairs and a couch, leather stripes, belts and clothes, and several sexual devices are placed in the walls.

He low his head and put his face close form her ear, while both hands grasps her breasts over the clothes.

I'll love to take care of you, Gold-locks!

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