Shokushu High School

Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)
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Author:  CMS [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

While surprise may have my tongue for the moment it did not have the rest of me. I ahd heard the sailors on the boat and had learned a few choice words. Oh, how I wanted to use them right now. To see that smug look of his forever gone, but the lady in me would not let the words be uttered. No matter how much I tried my lips would not move and so I ended up just glaring back at him.

“I…I have some choice words but am too much a lady to say them in this public place. What I will say is that no hot chunk of metal is going to touch me and destroy my unblemished flesh. You want me marked give me a bracelet or something. At least this way when my country hears of my plight they will send you the money you feel you are owed for my hospitable room and lodging and I can be on my way without having to lie about any poor treatment on your part.”

That was when one of the little vermin desired to take a bit of my hide. Scratching in the most delicate of ways I kept my eyes on him and wondered how he could even think about treating people in such a way. It was inhumane.

“People are not animals, not should they be treated as such. You really should get real here. My country abolished slavery long ago as it was proven to not work and was an undignified way for a man to act….that is in keeping slaves. Why not turn over a new leaf and stop this here and now. Treat these people as they should be treated and let me have a bath to get rid of the pesky little creatures that decided to move in when you tossed me that flea infested blanket. “

Tapping my foot I waited for his answer. He was really getting under my skin.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

He leaned back in his seat, hand flying to his beardless chin as he rubbed it in thought. Branding to him had been no big deal as had been the issue of slavery. These had been down trodded individuals mostly taking as prisoners of war. Akbar had never had a lave of noble standing nor one that could hope to offer something for their freedom.

So he had allowed the gears to tick, though he had reached a solution. Punishment to get what she had wanted since he had been defied for the last time. He had limits after all and they had been pressed to a straining point the more that her Western ways had been compared with his.

"Right, I forget how civilized your people where. Introducing slavery to the Caribbean and the New World, bringing it elsewhere as a major export. But you have a small point. You may forego your branding as soon as you bestow oral pleasures upon me. If that does not occur by nightfall you will be branded like your compatriots."

Author:  CMS [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

At least I had him thinking. The way his jaw clenched and unclenched there towards the ear was a good indication things were a humming in that mind of his. We might latter debate who did what when it came to slaves. The Barbary pirates were well known as the most cutthroat of all, not us English.

But his request should be honored. It was with some glee I realized he had offered me the easy way our of a messy situation and saved us both some pain.

“Master Akbar I would be delighted to offer you some oral pleasure. I must say, with some pride even if it is not a lady like thing at all, that I am quite good. I have entertained many men in the oral tradition and they have all found utmost satisfaction.” I gave him that conspiratorial wink before continuing.

“Now I must admit that I was a bit nervous the first time, but with practice I have achieved certain notoriety amongst those of good breeding and society. So much so that, pardon my bragging on the matter, I have been asked to demonstrate my technique in front of well healed audiences on several occasions. Why even the duchess of York was impressed and asked for tutelage from me after her husband remarked at what a fine mouth I had. It was quite the honor I dare say. Now, if you will allow me a bath so I might be clean when I come before you I would be very much grateful. “

For a moment I stood in thought before continuing.

“Now I have done great justice to the likes of Edger Allen Poe, Jules Vern, and Shakespeare. So if you would be so kind to tell me what works you enjoy I can practice a bit and be prepared to serve your pleasure. It pleases me so to find that you are a gentleman of great taste.”


Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

(Nice image by the way)

Inwardly he had to laugh and though outwardly he could not resist from a smile breaking over his lips as Cassie continued. He had figured that she had misunderstood him and while she spoke upon this noble and that he had surmised that it was best not to tell her of her mistake of misunderstanding until, well ...

But he listened to all that she had to say feeling himself stiffen slightly at the thought of this shock as he unveiled the true reasons behind oral gratification. Being a lady he supposed that her mind would refrain from going down that avenue unless she had a good enough reason to consider it.

"Surprise me," had been all he said regarding who to prepare for. And while he had considered her request at bathing he had figured that he wanted her in as best as to prestine that he could be. Plus through the unleash of oral pleasures he could keep her virtue and value intact. Then again he could do the same by filing her backside with himself too but that was for another time perhaps.

"I'm sure you're quite good with oral delight. Aziz," he called to one of his guards that had approached, speaking a few words in that native tongue of his as he relayed his orders to the man.

"Go with Aziz, he will be certain that you are not branded and show you were to bath in the slave quarters."

Author:  CMS [ Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

Finally, I thought, some common sense in this place. Akbar had been reasonable to propose a way out of this inhumane branding thing, had seen to getting me my bath, and had even seemed to smile in my presence. The virtues of a lady were beginning to work through that gruff exterior.

Inclining my head to both Akbar and Aziz I took my leave. While a true lady would have curtsied, the outfit that Akbar had bestowed upon me would have none of that. A curtsy would have had me doing something that I should not be. Nakedness before anyone but your female servant was not part of a Lady’s virtuous ways. SO they got the nod and I turned gathering my dress together in my hands and followed Aziz to the salve quarters and my awaiting bath.

Now what to do…Poe was a bit dark so that might not work well given I did not want Akbar thinking dark thoughts. Shakespeare was many things…but Vern…Vern was adventure and was not my little escapade an adventure. So, it would be Vern.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw the coarsely tiled basin sitting above ground in the open air just to the side of the main building I assumed was the slave quarters. Being after mid day the basin at least was empty. But men and women came and went as if on errands. Hesitating before the waters I simply stared. There was no way.

“This …this is not private, you can’t expect me to…to use this. “ Turning to Aziz in the hopes that this was just another bad dream I gestured my disdain.

He said something in a gruff voice and pointed. I shook my head. A scowl appeared on his face and the set of his body grew more determined. Several other servants or guards seemed to have stopped to watch making me even more adamant to not be taking a public bath. He yelled. Taking a step backwards I shook my head.

Hands shot out to me, grabbing my arms before I could react. Aziz was a big man and big men should not be that fast. The strength of his grip surprised me, even more so when I was quickly over his shoulder and then deposited in the water. Barking orders while I sputtered two more guards came and held my arms while the water spilled down my now wet body in rivulets.

With a quick deftness his fingers grabbed the now wet and translucent material and pulled. Buttons all along the front popped free while I gapped at their rudeness. Flames rose to my face as I noted the gathering crowd and all saw the shame of my nakedness. The cloth was thrown over the edge of the basin, discarded for the moment, its buttons laying strewn in the bottom of the tub.

More words and a male servant removed his wrap to reveal his nakedness for all to see including me. Closing my eyes in stunned silence my struggles ceased. I had never known a man, had never seen one naked. The tuber that hung…hung from betwixt his legs like some swollen worm. Inwardly I cringed and was intrigued, but it was not ladylike to dwell upon a man’s differences. I had long known we were different, but never how much so.

Standing in the water behind me I felt something brush me. A part of me that had laid silent spoke. It spoke of unknown thrills, of heady days. Shivering in the heat of the days I had not realized that the guards had given the man my arms. I screamed as they touched me…bathed me in that public place and others watched. Their fingers touching initiate parts of me that none should ever have touched. By the time my bath was done my voice was hoarse and the gathered crowd had been dispatched.
I sat shivering naked on the edge of the tub, a kindly older woman handing me a needle and thread. My stomach growled and lurched, but at least I was not thirsty. I had drunk for more water than I needed to in the course of being dunked over and over again in the bath. Once again I shivered as I thought of those course hands upon my body. They had touched me, even taken delight in watching me squirm while the slave held me and his…his tuber grew stiff behind me. I could not fathom why or what god had intended by making man such.

So my thoughts turned to dark, and my fingers got busy trying to sew the buttons back on my soggy dress. I hated this place, these men and not for the first time did I wonder why I had wanted to come with my father, why I had begged him for the chance of adventure before my marriage. Yet, I had.

So it was that with poorly stitched buttons down the front of my still damp dress I was once more escorted to the main house. There was a richness to the building that the other buildings in the courtyard did not have. It was the building, I decided, I should be in. So holding my dress together I once more followed Aziz into splendor that would rival any of the mansions back home.

Akbar sat, eating from the silver trays. My own tummy doing a flip flop and a surprising sense of weakness washing over me. I had not eaten for over a day and the lack of food…the constant battles to maintain some sort of virtue in this vile place had taken their toll.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

Hearing the screams issue from her lips Akbar had pulled asid the curtains to peer out. His tan face peeled back into a grin as it seemed evident that Cassie had realized some of her blight. So he watched the entire spectacle as she had been undressed before his eyes though the man had not been the only one to grow stiff as he felt himself coming to life in his own trousers. He had to remind himself to keep her virtue intact despite the feelings of lust that had crept into his being.

Though he watched on, eyes focusing on her nakedness as large hands held her submerged in the stagnant water, water that had been sitting out for some time and probably warm now from the sun glaring down on it from above.

But calling to a servant he had her instruct the kitchen staff to make him something to abait his hunger. So there he had been as he had been sitting in a grand velvet swivel chair when the water logged Cassie had been let in to see him.

He waved nonchalantly at his servant dismissing him. The darkened skinned man bowed, and closed the double oak doors that had lead in her knowing what had been expected of him without any verbal prompting by his master.

What had been unusual was the sound of the door locking behind him. Akbar swung his gaze from the doorway now closed to him to Cassie. He may not have been a mind reader though he had been aware of her dislike of her predictiment.

"Ah, so you've bathed I see." He said with a smirk, taking another bit of his sandwich before placing a fourth of it down on the silver tray. He brushed at the crumbs at the corners of his mouth.

"So you have come to delight me with oral pleasures' Shall we get started?"

As if that hadn't been a rhetorical question given that he had been in there process of unleashing his man root from his pants.

It had been quiet hard and stiff already,, Large though not overly so as the bronze member came into view of her eyes.

Author:  CMS [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

Yes, I had bathed…it should have been obvious with the wet splotches still on my dress, if one could call it a dress as immodest as it was. At least the critters were no longer feeding on my skin. Taking a deep breath I prepared to talk him through a little Jules Vern when he started to play with his crotch. Not a gentlemanly thing to do.

I whipped my hand across my mouth..staring and then trying hard not to. For only the second time in my entire life had a seen a man’s…a man’s well privates. This time it was rigid and hard. It was also not a thing a gentleman would do, that putting his things on display. Averting my eyes I looked him in the face and noted the faint smirk and excitement.

“I…I have an oral story ready, if you would be a gentleman and put..put that thing away where it belongs. As a lady I .. I have or…or should not be looking at a man. “ it was then I realized in my haste to cover my mouth that I had let the poor dress loose. Now both of us were naked to the other. Turning away solved both problems at the same time.

Fanning myself with my hand I tried to gain back my composure.

“Might…Might I have something to eat before I begin. Ah…Jules Vern… ah…20,00 leagues under the sea I think is a good place to start. It’s about a submarine filled with seaman and their adventures…

By the lords grace it was hot in here. I swore I was coming down with a fever.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

"No," he answered her question about consuming anything. He glanced to his mostly eaten sandwich as he had gazed back in her direction, his phallus seem to groan silently as he stiffened even further as his eyes spied her nakedness. He smiled though given her reaction to his brashness.

"And you promised oral delights, did you not ... though if you prefer the brand it still can be arranged," he added after a moment, his eyes still lingering in her direction as that smile turned into a grin.

It had seemed as if he hadn't been interested in her stories after all. Either way it had seemed that he won. Either he would degrade her by having her lips around him or degrade her by treating her like a piece of cattle.

"And here I was thinking that at last you could put that mouth of yours to good use."

Author:  CMS [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

“WHAT!” Until that very moment I had not understood oral pleasures. “oh god no…you…you expect me” pointing at myself.

“To put that” pointing at the swollen bit between his legs. That large sausage like thing. And suddenly I understood the stifled giggles around the various dinner tables and ladies circles I had been privy to. It was like a bloated sausage, a piece of meat.

“In my mouth?” it was a disgusting thing he suggested. A thoroughly disgusting and degrading thing. I could not countenance the very thought of it. My tummy rolled and body shuddered. I would rather not even touch him..or that thing between his legs that twitched while I watched in fascinated disgust.

“You are a beast to suggest such a thing. Perhaps you need branding for we both understand who the beast is in this room. I cannot believe that any woman or man would ever do such a thing, or that you would even think to have me or anyone do this…I…have you ever had this done?” But that was a stupid question. Of course he would answer yes; even to the point of saying he enjoyed it. Anything to have me sink to such a level and prove his superiority.

Yet was my alternative to mar my flesh with the heat of an iron. I was famished and worried, things had not gone my way from the beginning. I knew so little even after my private tutors. This was not..not something they had taught me. Men and women..their differences all learned in the space of a day and done by a heathen horrible man. I could only guess that my education was sorely lacking in this matter and I might be learning a great deal more.

Standing I tried to work out the alternatives. I had heard the screams of slaves. Smelled the burned flesh after my bath. That he spoke true words was an absolute. It was take that sausage in my mouth or be branded. Branding seemed the worst of the two. Not by much though…it was just more permanent. No one needed to know about this but he and I. Our dirty little secret and perhaps I would finally be fed.

Girl you were going downhill fast. But I wanted my belly filled. Wanted my hunger erased for a little while. So far the angels had done little to rescue me and neither had my father. It was about what my wits might do.

One step forward, his eyes shining as I took it. Like he was not sure which I would choose but was somehow happy in this decision. How this could be of any pleasure to anyone I had not a clue.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

Unaware of the thoughts that had filtered through her head, he was content to know that he had been triumpant either way. So as she came forward famished since he had not feed her he seemed to size her up.

His eyes slid against her as he took in her single step forward after her outburst as she realized the plight that she had been in. But it had been then that he responded to those words. Of course he had ignored her words about being a beast different cultures, he had been civil about matters since he wanted more, craved more and she should be lucky that he had reigned himself in this much.

"Yes, that is exactly what I mean but if your not up for that then back to the slave quarters with you," as if preemptively he reached down to grab ahold of the base of his shaft intending to stuff himself back into his pants.

Author:  CMS [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

“mouth” I muttered, “this is pleasurable?” how could it be so? Just looking at him brought a wave of heat to me. It … it seemed so wrong and yet. There was a yearning to see, to understand this thing I did not understand. The dynamic of men and women was now strange somehow, as if my world view had been built on faulty assumptions and facts. Another step forward.

“And if I were to say no and go back to the slave quarters I would be branded, yes?” did I have a choice? Yes, he gave me one…branding or mouth. Not a real choice. Not one I wanted to really make when both options were poor at best. Still I took another step forward till my crotch was before his face…before I remembered the ghastly dress.

Quickly I sat on my heels before him, and looked closer at this sausage he held in his hand. The tip in the very center was pink while the skin around it was dark, much like his face and hands. Thick blue veins pulsed along its sides. Revulsion bubbled upwards at the thought of it in my mouth. Reaching out with my finger I touched the tip of it, softly then yanked my hand away like I feared being bit.

The texture was warm, soft yet firm. Akbar seemed to sigh. I took deep breath and huffed, watching as his hand pulled downwards on the shaft to reveal a wide dark pink tip. Skin had covered most of it…the change mesmerizing as if there was a life all its own on this thingy. I had to overcome my revulsion and just do it. It was not like I was doing something really dirty and destroying my chastity. At least I tried to convince myself of that. It just seemed dirty somehow.

“My mouth on this” this time I touched the tip, found it slight slick and moist. “And then what, bite it…chew it…? Oh stop looking at me like that, it’s not like this is something I have done before or …or that they taught me and if for no other reason than that it must be dirty and wrong otherwise they would have.”

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

His shaft quivering at the warmth of her finger as it touched the tip of his shaft tentatively. It had seemed that in the face of mutalation and pain that her mind had changed, though all her wares had been visible before him after she had stepped in front of him.

That had been temptation at its finest. Pink nipples that graced the tops of pale breasts, a hairless snatch before his mouth that had him yearning for more as he strained in his pants further. Blood pulsing though his stiff member as a sigh left his lips with her initial touch.

He quivered against her finger as she touched his shaft. Then her questions floated through the air to his ears as an incredulous look crossed his features though Cassie had been quick to make her defense known to him.

"No, you don't bite it, teeth are considered bad for this," if not a little painful. He did wince at the thought of his member being bitten off, blood gushing everywhere as he screamed out in agony. But the thought subsided as a small grin crossed his lips as he looked down at her smug in knowing that he held all the cards here, smug in generating this situation.

You lick on it with your tongue, suck on it with your lips though no teeth," he explained to her as he felt the infusion of heat as she applied her finger against his swollen, throbbing length.

Author:  CMS [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

Ok, biting was out and I did not have a problem with that. Somehow sinking my teeth onto tender warm flesh did not appeal to me in the slightest. Liking was the least of my worries, at least it was just a touch with my tongue. But the sucking, that just sounded disgusting. Once more I had to wonder what all the fuss could be about that he would want me to do this. That he would allow me to forgo a branding and instead place that swollen piece of meat in my mouth. Perhaps I had been too hasty in my trade. Perhaps the obvious pain of the brand would be better to this unknown.

Vowing to go slow as to avoid any repercussions of my hasty decision I proceeded. Testing each step…first the touch of my finger, sliding along the warm stiff staff. At its base I added other fingers and traced a path back up the shaft watching it quiver and bounce. His own hand departed, his body leaning back in the chair, his face watching me. He was warm, very warm. Squeezing my way form the tip and back down the shaft I tested it. Much like a firm sausage, it has such smooth skin, soft to the touch, and the shaft while hard was pliable like a man’s finger perhaps. His face contorted, pain it would seem…

“I thought you said this was pleasurable and you look like you’re in pain, ah…I ..I’m sorry if I hurt you.” I did not want the brand, feared the scent of my own burning flesh and so ran my tongue across the tip while I held him a little less tightly. The look on his face worried me. The taste in my mouth salty but not unpleasantly so.

“are you ok?” now I was worried. I must have been doing something wrong.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

"No, no," he protested with a wave of his hand in front of her face. "Not in pain, pleasure."

A warmth sprung up within him at once as her fingers slid down his shaft cupping around his base. Warm fingers that had gripped him tightly as a groan passed out of his lips. He gazed down at her features seeing the contrast in them pale with fiery red hair, eyes bright. She had been a total contrast to the norm. Dark skin and eyes with darker hair.

Though she had continued tentatively he groaned again. Her words gaining his attention as he gazed down into her eyes. "Why are you stopping?! Continue, continue."

Initially his words seemed agitated though they seemed to taper off to excitement as he urge her on.

Author:  CMS [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Preliminary Evaluation (for Cassie)

With my concern addressed I shifted on my knees, bringing me closer to the ugly thing he wanted in my mouth. Opening up I leaned forward and brought my mouth around it. There was a certain heat to the thing, a tang of salt and something else. Closing me lips I held him inside, uncertain if this was all her would want. His thing moved, bounced and quivered against my lips and tongue. Then moving back as I heard him groan I sat upon my heals before him.

Giving him a good smile I finally spoke

“There, I hope you enjoyed your oral pleasure, now may I please have a bite to eat and a place to stay” It could have been worse I suppose. No real pleasure for me…even though he had insisted it was for him. The look on his face now though was not a pleasant one. Perhaps I had done something wrong, but that moan seemed to be pleasure if his earlier noises had been any indication.

Men….there was something wrong with them.

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