Shokushu High School

Dark Deeds (for Allision)
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Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Dark Deeds (for Allision)

Aegir had spent his time dwelling on the canidates that he had selected over the course of several days, His nodes had spanned across the island as he had pondered each and everyone carefully as his nodes had crept about.

He had elected to settle upon Allision when it came down to it. Not only had she been easy on the eyes but she had also been athlethic in nature.

Certainly this quality had been a plus considering the qualities that he had been looking for. But how to lure her here to the labs to run his experiments on her. He had known that her endurance would obviously be challenged among other factors.

He had considered them as he observed the dorms on this cloudy night. He had weighed his options before slipping into the dorms choosing to cloak himself in an illusion so as to gain easier access, He had chosen the form of a student to easier move around in.

Making his way through the halls he knew from his research through his spying nodes that her room had been nearby. He moved this way and that amazed by the number of people that had still been milling about at this hour.

That alone had cut back on his options as he wrapped upon the door of her room with small white hands that he stared upon as it had not been often that he had been in a forum like this so use to his own,

Author:  AllisonKurin [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

The knock on Allison's door came as a surprise to the young woman, the blue-haired girl rising from her bed and setting her book aside. She was still wearing her uniform when she opened the door, blinking a bit and looking at the girl standing there.

"Can you?"

She wasn't familiar, but she must have some business with her, so Allison only smiled, waiting for an answer.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

"Come with me," the student spoke into her mind matching the movements of her lips with her words. Aegir studied her for a moment with his own eyes for the first time. He had seen her numerous times through his nodes but never with his own eyes.

The passion to strike had been strong within him though he knew that patience had been a virtue in this situation. He gazed at her just a little longer as she stood before him using the passing time to map out her mind with his own.

There were too many people around and he was far too slow for a simple snatch and grab so he pierced the veil of her mind with his own in an effort to dominate her, to make those words as a command as he lead the way to the labs where he had things planned for her, things that had been painstakingly laid out though that could go to waste depending on matters.

He despised using his abilities of domination finding it a bit distasteful. He had told himself that this had been temporary, that he would ease up on her mind when there had been fewer people around. He simply did not see a quick option open to him to take that would lure her to the destination that he had in mind that had been quicker or easier to use. Not a very creative soul his ideas had failed to come to him at this moment though he had been sure that he had been creative enough with the experiment that had been laid out before him to administer.

Author:  AllisonKurin [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

"What? Who are..." She starts, but her words trail off as the other girl's word...her command...pierces into her mind, the young woman stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her. "Of course..."

She follows the other girl, completely unaware of their destination...not even sure why she was following, really. But follow she did.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

He had inwardly smiled at himself as the command took effect, thankfully his research had been correct in realizing that she had no resistances to his mental commands like some on the island. That had been one of the reasons that he had selected her after all.

Aegir had lead her through a portion of the island as he made his way to the labs. He had constantly looked back to ensure that she was still following him though he didn't really speak. His eyes darted to the blue haired girl from time to time, his gaze appraising as he drew in the sight.

Every so often he had smiled at her, knowing full well what he had in store for her.

Eventually he had lead her to the labs, the walls of the building had been pristine. A sterile white in cloration, he could hear the illusionary clipping sound generated by his shoes on the tiled pavement.

As the time ticked past he came to rest at a doorway, pausing long enough to open it into a darkened chamber beyond.

He threw the door wide opened as if to allow her entrance first, a grin creasing over his lips as he did so.

Author:  AllisonKurin [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

At every smile, Allison smiled back, almost shyly as the pair walked across the island. The labs were foreign to her, a place she'd never been, so she had no idea what to expect as the doors were thrown open, the other girl waiting for her to enter.
"Thank you..." She says softly, though for what she's uncertain...walking slowly through the doors into whatever lay beyond...

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

The room beyond had been dark though there had been a light switch on the wall nearest the door. Aegir had smiled at her once again his illusionary form serving him well thus far.

"You most welcome," the words were like a pure as they spilled past his lips as he readied himself for what was to come.

A hand reached though the darkness flickering on the soft white light, the smile still clinging to his visage a moment longer as his form had melted away like a candle turning into a lump of wax.

The tiled room had been bare other than a set of manacles that had been chained up to the ceiling. He could dominate her mind longer though he didn't allowing himself the glory of seeing her reaction as his true form had been revealed before her blue eyes.

Tentacles already fanning his body as they writhed in anticipation of what was to come.

Author:  AllisonKurin [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

Allison blinks rapidly as the lights come on, her eyes going wide. She seems to come to her senses, spinning in place and screaming when she sees the thing that was now standing in the place of the strange girl that had led her here.
"Wh-what...what are you!?" She stammers, backing away, her expression a mask of fright.

Author:  Aegir 2 [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark Deeds (for Allision)

Tentacles twitched as he flexed them about his body that had wisely moved to the single entranceway to cut off any possibility of escape. His mouth tendrils twitched excitedly as his white eyes stare upon her, his own mind reaching out across the void to feel her own revulsion.

He feinted with a tentacle bring another to bare at her waist in order to secure a hold upon her. He bleed his response into her mind using a bit of telepathy to answer her since he lacked the vocal chords to utter human speech.

I am the dweller in the darkness, though mortal you can call me by my given name, Aegir. He had peered at her with those eyes of his, digging deeply into his mind, oh the plans that had begun to formulate there!

Aegir had rarely been creative though when an idea struck him he had milked it for all that it had been worth.

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