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 Slimed (for Slimer) 
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Post Slimed (for Slimer)
The pace of her heart was quickening as the danger she was realizing she had found herself in was beginning to settle in within her mind. The mission was supposed to be simple, hit the slaver trade market and hit it hard, so when the slavers begun to move their convoy, they would be already hamstrung and then the ADD could sweep in and arrest them with relative ease. However, it did not quite work out that way for Shannon as she finds her power suit becoming more and more sluggish as whirring down as it loses power.

She did everything to the letter that she was briefed to, moved in on the auction swiftly, and then hit it with everything she had in her arsenal. Either intel was bad or the ADD was given false intel and it was a set up, because the presence of the slavers was much greater and well armed than initially believed. Shannon was a highly trained elite soldier, though so when she went in--she was like a wrecking ball in her power suit. Albeit, it was far, far from enough to do anything beyond cosmetic damage to the slaver trade in the outpost the auction was being held in.

Almost immediately she had found herself surrounded, and in the end, she would up using ever last bit of energy reserves for her two plasma assault rifles as well as each of their spare cartridges just to punch a hole through the cross fire she had found herself trapped in at the time. Her power suit incurred a lot of damage and its own power source was dimming by the time she finally was able to retreat and get out that deathtrap of a slaver trading outpost.

The planet this was all going down was simply labeled 'Nevia', its terrain an unforgiving rocky barren wasteland dust-bowl with rock formations, canyons, and high mountains as far as the eye can see into the horizon when standing on its surface. While she did not see any slavers pursuing her any further, perhaps she lost them--perhaps they were merely regrouping, she was not certain nor was she going to remain idle to ponder it.

Shannon continued to push the limits of her power suit trying to get to where she hid her ship, if she could get there--then things would at last be looking to the better. But then it happened... the power core of her suit whirred and spurted to a halt, it had at last run out of power. The power suit by itself weighed a few hundred pounds, still strapped into it she could not even move.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit...", she exclaimed under her breath.

Hurriedly she went about manually getting herself out her power suit as fast as she could, she could only think she would have to come back for it. After a trice she clumsily fell out of her power suit, exhausted she slowly picked herself up onto her hands and knees, beads of sweat dripping from hear brow and under clothes causing them to stick to her feminine form.

She begun to press on in a tired jog, but she only got a few paces when she paused in her tracks. Something in the shadows moved amongst the rock formation in her peripheral. Swiftly she drew her side arm aiming it in the general direction of where she believed she saw the movement amongst the rocks from the corner of her eye.

Heart racing as her chest rose and fell panting from a mixture of exhaustion and adrenaline. Her blue eyes darted side to side as she spun around looking all around herself untrusting of her surroundings. But in the end she pressed on in her sluggishly paced jog...


Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:54 pm
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
Nevia. It was such a shit-hole. The demon had guided his last ship to this barren wasteland. Rocks, canyons, dust, frozen at night, a feverish heat during day light hours, the location had few redeeming qualities. The asteroid belt surrounding the planet only made this planet only that much more charming.

The demon known as Slimer wondered again if the journey to this armpit of the universe was truly worth it as he guided his ship in for a landing. Yet, ever since that pesky ADD agent had blown up his starbase on the moon, he had need of more slaves for his operation. Everyone knew Big Jimmy had the best slaves from every corner of the cosmos and he kept to such a scab of a location to avoid the attention of those damned ADD agents. After his most recent encounters he could understand why.

The auction had been proceeding nicely, when finally it was time for the final offerings. It was the human slaves that brought him here. Delightful creatures, divinely created, capable of pleasures hard to imagine, docile and submissive when broken, yet passionate beyond any other. It was then that the first explosions rocked the camp.

Gunfire from a multitude of locations rang out filling the air with pops, whirs, blasts and the terrible smell of cooked flesh and screams of agony.

Calm, keep calm, the fat trader known as Big Jimmy implored, although some of his guests had already turned to leave, my guards will make quick work of this disturbance.

The demon wondered whether to believe the fat slob, who bore a close resemblance to an eggplant with a nose and eyes, and decided to stick it out a little longer. He still didn't have what he had come for. The fighting seemed to be on the other side of camp so he kept calm.

It was then a guard rushed in, he ran up to Big Jimmy and proceeded to talk heated with him, pointing and staring in the direction of the pointing. Big Jimmy promptly slapped the guard with the back of his hand sending the soldier flying, amusing the demon. Perhaps the fat bastard wasn't just a giant ball of lard after all?

Patrons, guests, shoppers, the tubby slaver addressed those who hadn't left it appears an overzealous ADD agent has decided to interrupt. While you all are perfectly safe, this bitch has truly pissed me off. I have guards hunting her as we speak, but I make you all an offer! I offer you 3 human slaves of your choice should you be willing to lend my incompetent guards a hand and bring the bitch to kneel before me so that she may be taught a proper lesson.
The demon stalked forward, using his camouflage and years of tracking experience from the Shokushu campus to stalk the escaping agent. Honestly, following the pursuing guards so far had proven the easier track, but he was careful to not simply rely on them, having failed to capture the one pesky intruder so far.

The trail led to an abandoned suit. Searching the area he spotted his query as she seemed to notice his movements out of the corner of her eye. Luckily, some guards caught her other eye and she set off in a jog, as for once they did a good job and remained hidden. Setting out after the guards and his target, he moved out.



Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:49 pm
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
Shannon had to keep pushing onward, something was out there--she knew it, she could feel it. She had seen too much combat in the past to delude herself to believe otherwise. But she was tired, running only adrenaline at this point.

A gunshot rang out--the shot whizzing just over her head, years of training made her reflexes automatic, she spun around int h direction of the fired shot, and with her side arm aimed at the figure and pulled the trigger. The figure crumbled and flopped to the unforgiving dirt ground beneath him. Shannon instantly recognized her target to having been one of the guards at the slaver outpost.

"Fuck.", she grunted through her teeth before swiftly moving to cover behind a rock formation for a safe position to observe how many more maybe following her. She refused to believe it was just the one guard who followed her out this far. There had to be others.

Her back against the rock formation she took cover behind, leaning slightly over around the nearest edge of the rock formation she glanced back over her shoulder for a subtle glance behind herself from the safety of cover. But she saw nothing.

She let out an exasperated sigh as she slid down the rock formation into a seated position, her back still pressed against her cover. At this point Shannon believed it was best to wait it out, rather than risk trying to run out in the open as tired as she was, it would make her an easy target to be picked off. So she figured she would wait them out from her cover, force them to move, and if she was lucky--let them make the first mistake to pick them off instead.

If nothing else it gave her the chance to rest a bit, she was exhausted, dripping in sweat as she panted heavily under the heat and her own fatigue, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath.


Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:35 am
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
The demon followed the group of five guards as they raced after their intended target. He took a steadier approach conserving his energy as he moved. Four legs made him move swifter than most, even at the cavalier pace he took. Having chased after her, he saw the carnage his prey had left in her wake, and knew she would be dangerous up until the time he had her incapacitated and delivered. Better to let them go first and spring any ambushes, besides who knew if she had any backup nearby or on the way. He doubted it would be the agent who blew up his space lab on the moon, but he felt a sense of growing anticipation at being able to take out his anger on one of her brethren.

As he followed them he heard a round fired followed by the quick retort of a smaller caliber weapon. He made his way through this latest canyon until he arrived fifty feet behind where the guards had arrived. They hid behind a couple of large boulders, pieces that had apparently crumbled from the canyon wall. Testily, the guards argued with one another, it seemed a debate as to which of the four remaining would make the next attempt to reach the humans position.

As he invisibly approached, he could see that not more than 40 feet ahead lay a body, leaking its remaining essence into the hard unforgiving soil. A hole drilled through it, life extinguished, the demon could see the source of the argument. Watching and waiting the demon wondered which would be the unfortunate winner of the right to go next.

After a few heated moments one of the poor saps apparently is elected, through the time held tradition of being the smallest, as the largest guard grabs him with him four arms and pushes him out around the side, the remaining three pointing their weapons at him as he looked back for subtle encouragement.

Fear apparently took hold as he stared down the barrels of the three plasma rifles pointed at him, and he charged to a boulder directly in the center on the canyon. Size apparently wasn't his only short-coming, as he decided a war cry rather than stealth would be the more intelligent option.



Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:02 am
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
Blue eyes popped wide from surprise upon hearing blaring warcry accompanied with heavy footfalls of a quickening pace heading toward her location. It seemed as though whoever it was they were going to rush her out of her position. But she knew cooler heads would prevail, she held her position behind cover waiting for whoever was trying to rush her.

When she estimated the footfalls were only a few yards away, she quickly spun around leaning the upper half of torso out from cover just slightly enough to take a shot. She squeezed off one round at the target's leg tripping them up and sending them to a heavy crash upon the ground and tumbling a little a ways passed her position.

It was only then she bothered to observe her target was yet another one of the guards. The guard laying on the ground cradling his wounded leg then looked up at Shannon, only to see her smirking as she sat back in her seated position behind cover, only now her sidearm was aiming straight at his head. Before he got a chance to utter anything, she fired her shot finishing the alien guard off.

"Keep'em coming, I can do this all day!", she taunted, she could not keep this routine all day, she was bluffing, but if she could scare them into holding there position perhaps she would have a fighting chance. Albeit, she was well aware of the reality, if they sneak up on her unawares and then rush her--it was over, and if she tries to run again, she will be exposed and thereby an easier target--yet again, it would be over.

Her options were dimming and fear was settling causing her to breathe heavier as she could feel the beads of her sweat dripping down her brow and body...


Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:50 pm
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
The demon watched with a smirk as the foolish guard roared as he approached, giving away both his position and his distance. The fool was given a just reward for his stupidity as first she wings him in the leg and promptly puts him out of his misery. The guards watch anxiously, knowing the punishment for failure may be as bad if not worse than what happened to their recently departed comrade.

Slimer meanwhile wondered the important questions. She seemed holed up behind the rock. She was shouting her bravado about being able to keep taking them out all day. Although it was a sprint to the next boulders she seemed disinclined to make the attempt. How much ammo did she have? He had found her suit knowing she didn't have that at her disposal and with it, most likely her heavy weapons.

The demon himself rarely needed weapons. He relied on his stealth and huge muscular frame to dispatch most enemies before they even knew he was there. Failing that he had his chemicals. He wondered how long she could truly keep up her fight. He knew the power of fear, and she seemed to be playing that card a little early. Backup would have been firing had it been present, so he assumed she was heading for something and apparently she was not there yet. Was it a weapons cache, a rendezvous point, or possibly a ship?

As he pondered, the guards apparently had worked up some courage and decided to make their attempt. Perhaps it was witnessing the tragic end of their compatriot or perhaps the fear was strong, he suspected the latter, they creep out from behind the boulders silently. The large one headed right while the two smaller guards creep to the left. The big one signals with his hand pointing as the move in on her position.

The demon weighed their chances and thought it was better than nothing, but still suspected failure. As they went he decided to use his near invisible camouflage to flank around the far end of the canyon, possibly to use the coming conflict to his advantage, but certainly to gauge her situation more accurately.



Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:13 pm
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
Everything had become deathly silent, much too silent for Shannon to feel comfortable with, and that was when she heard the heavy footfalls to her right side, but the moment she turned it was too late another one of the guards--much larger than the last two she dropped--was near right on top of her. Clumsily out of her exhaustion she scrambled to her feet, the barrel of her sidearm pressed into his ribs cage as he tackled her. With a heavy thud to the ground knocking the wind out her she was stunned for second. Feeling a large hand at her throat, she did not bother to dwell on it, she just pulled the trigger of her sidearm several times.

The massive guard's grip on her neck loosened, and with a hearty heave she managed to push him off herself as she heard the foot steps of two more rushing toward her. Running solely on adrenaline, pushed herself onto her feet and turned her gun toward there direction as they charged right at her only a few yards from her. Shannon squeezed two rounds into the chest of one, but the moment she turned her gun on the other eyes popped open wide in dismay--she was out of ammo. In the next fraction of a second she was slammed into knocked completely off her feet with a harsh backward roll and a tumble as her sidearm flew out of her hands.

Dazed she could feel someone on top of her, she did not know how long she was out, but long enough for the remaining guard torn her shirt nearly completely off and pull her now unfastened pants halfway down her firm, tone thighs. It was obvious the guard's intentions. But with her regaining her wits and senses, she simply waited for an opportune moment. She found it the second he pulled out his hardon from his pants--in the next instant she raised a slamming straight into his groin. Her boot knife strapped to the boot of the same leg, she swiftly drew it lodging its blade into the last guard's eye-socket deep into his skull, sinking the blade all the down to its hilt.

With a harsh kick she shoved the lifeless guard off of her. Completely spent at this point she just laid there on the ground trying to muster what energy she had left, but there was nothing there. Her shirt nearly completely torn off her body just barely clinging to her by the glistening sweat that covered her, and her pants down to her knees after having jostled from her having kicked the last guard off of her. Completely unarmed and entirely vulnerable, for her last remaining weapon was her knife which is still in the last guard's skull, and had no idea where sidearm was after it was knocked from her grip.

Her chest rising and falling heavily with her breasts now exposed to the hot air and sun of Nevia, she just took a second to lay there... trying to muster something to get back up. She tried. But upon getting only to her hands and knees, she was not able to pick herself up any further lacking the strength as sweat dripped from her half-naked form, her body was even beginning to tremble a little under the tension and adrenaline...


Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:25 am
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
The demon watched from off toward the canyon wall as the ballet of violence was about to unfold. 35 feet away he edged around the boulder waiting to catch a glimpse of the ADD agent he was offered a bounty on. As he edged around he finally caught sight of her. Rather than intimidating, she looked physically exhausted. The heat damned planet had her dripping sweat heavily. She cradled her gun and sat at an almost catatonic state, relying on her sense of hearing to detect incoming danger.

As soon as he had underestimated her the large guard approached. After making short work of him, she took care of one of the flankers when her gun finally ran out of ammo. The second guard body slammed her trimmed, fit figure to the ground, impact and exhaustion briefly driving her unconscious.

Seeing his target helpless the guard makes the mistake of attempting to strip her before disarming her. It ended up being his last mistake as she buried her last hidden weapon deep into his eye socket. Her fabulous breast exposed from her mostly shredded t-shirt, and sex displayed for the planet to see, she made it to her hands and knees.

The wondrous fighter who had disrupted the camp and eliminated so many of Big Jimmy's guards had finally appeared to run out of juice. The demon enjoyed the view, and debating picking up where the last guard had failed, but he decided to play it safe.

Using his camouflage he hopes to approach her from behind undetected. He moves silently watching both his prey and his feet, he switches his focus constantly between the two hoping to avoid detection.

As he nears, he can see her exhaustion is real and not feigned. Sweat pours off her in driblets. He approaches from directly behind. Making it directly behind her, he reaches forward , one hand grabbing her brunette hair while the other seizes a wrist. Yanking back hard with both hands, he appears to sight. The hand in her silky hair pulls her head back as the hand controlling her wrist yanks the appendage behind her back. With pressure on her thumb and wrist he twists it, making a dislocation or break a real possibility should she attempt to break free.

He appears and his appearance is jarring in any glimpses she manages. Four muscular legs support a washboard stomach and a bodybuilders chest. His thick neck supports what appears to be a normal humanoid face. His hair is short brown and spiked up, and below his cat like green eyes have an unnatural intensity. Behind and over his head a tail that originates from his back, six inches above his ass, swings on its own.

Would you like to come peacefully or should I leave off where the other guard failed? If you resist I promise you will regret it in ways that fool couldn't even dream of.



Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:16 am
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
Blue eyes popped open wide in shock and dismay as she found herself violently grabbed and restrained. Shannon grimaced and moaned in agony under the tension of the grapple that was placed upon her. Albeit, even if she wanted to struggle, she did not have the strength for it in her current situation. Physically Shannon was spent and now as restrained as she was, she was helpless, and she knew it.

When the creature that now held her at its mercy came to view, she tried to turn her head to look away from it. But when it threatened her, she gave the creature a defiant sneer. It truly was the only way she could continue to resist any further. Powerfully grappled onto, physically overpowered, and herself being too physically spent to the point the best she was able to do was merely pick herself up to hands and knees before finding herself in the situation she was in now. She had little else to offer.

Other than her little sneer, her only other method of defiance was to say nothing to the monster that held her. Her body trembling a little from a mixture of fear, adrenaline, and muscle tension from physical exhaustion, and the heavy rise and fall of her bare breasted chest from her large panting breaths for the same reason; while her half-naked form was still hazed in glistening sweat with droplets running down her body.


Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:51 am
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Post Re: Slimed (for Slimer)
The demon held her violently worried she may pose some further threat, but as he held her there with almost no resistance, he realized that maybe her exhaustion was no ruse. Still better to be safe than sorry, as she sneers angrily at the demon restraining her. He releases the grasp on her hair, arm still bent awkwardly behind her and reached down for some fabric from her torn shirt. Grabbing her other arm, he pulls it behind her back as she kneels there. He crosses her wrists and begins tying the fabric tightly around her wrists. When he finishes he he pulls lightly at her wrists and the binding proves rather secure.

The demon was offered quite a bounty for her return to kneel before Big Jimmy, but the offer as stated only meant she had to be alive. Tell me your name and that you will cooperate and return peacefully with me to the camp, otherwise we are going to have some fun now long before I turn you over the Big Jimmy.

The demon holds her chin in his clawed hand lightly, forcing her to look back at him as he speaks. Half naked, breasts heaving, he knows she is exhausted and shouldn't be much of a challenge should he decide to have her in every way he desires. Typically he prefers a more challenging conquest with some fight in her, but he isn't foolish enough to pass up this gift.

Last chance... he says, waiting for her response, feeling himself harden in anticipation should she be foolish enough to keep quiet.



Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:48 am
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