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 MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch) 
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Post MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Attention Deering, this is Lieutenant Minerva Rocha of ADD. Please respond.
It had been the third time she had attempted to raise the vessel. The vessel had made absolutely no responses or any maneuvers since the ADD had first received a dress signal.

Minerva had drawn the short straw so she was sent out to investigate it in her Lancer. The Deering was carrying all sorts of weapons the Directorate needed to continue their mission. However, although the vessel was fully light it didn't show any signs of life even when Minerva pulled up next to it. If she was going to find out anything she was going to have to board the ship.

Minerva gracefully pulled her ship up to an airlock and docked with the silent cargo ship. It took Minerva a little while to figure out how to open the airlock. Minerva clad in her near skintight armor stepped into the dark vessel armed with her pistol and her gear.

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Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:18 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
The first sign something is wrong is how cold and dark it is but the oxygen is still in plentiful supply. Infact the second she steps through the airlock the whole vessel seems to slowly begin to wake up as the lights turn on revealing the empty corridors. She is greeted with only silence now; there isn't even any sign of the crew. No bodies, no signs of a battle. No signs of any life at all. It's like they simply decided to leave without a trace.

The cargo is intact except for one box that appears to have burst open, but more worrying is the fact it seems something burst out of it, not the other way round. Perhaps there was something onboard that was smuggled and they abandoned the ship for fear of it or maybe it was a new weapon they stole and ran off with it.

The only way to really know is to head to the bridge and perhaps find one of the captain's logs. Unfortunately for her, that's not all she will find waiting for her there. Since the first step she took on board, the security cameras have been following her every movement. Sitting upon the captain's chair, the true sender of the SOS watches with interest, studying his newest test subject. This is going to get interesting; he has heard these are some of the finest people these days have to offer. He's curious to see how she performs under his testing.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:30 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva began making her way from the airlock. Hello, anyone here. The young agent looked around her pistol at the ready exploring the ship. Everytime Minerva came down through a corridor, its lights turned on revealing an empty corridor. The red head looked around but there was absolutely so sign of crew, no sign of trouble, no sign of battle. It was just simply an empty ship, a mystery ship that the crew had abandoned in the middle of nowhere for some unknown reason.

Minerva had found the cargo rooms and found most of the contents in the hold completely intact, which raised more questions than anything. With most of the boxes intact, it was clear that pirates weren't involved. They would have taken everything, figuring out what was valuable and what was not later. The only clue was a single box, a box that appeared something had burst out of the box. Was that the reason why the crew had fled? It didn't make any sense, and the redhead agent needed answers.

Minerva knew there was only one place she could find the answer and that was the bridge. Maybe there was a log or a cargo manifest that would shed some light on what had happened here. The agent began to make her way to the bridge, her eyes constantly scanning around her as moved to the front of the ship.

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Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:17 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
All the way up to the bridge it seems to be the same all across the ship. No signs of any of the crew, no hints of what really happened here. It's almost like someone took great care in cleaning out the ship and hiding the evidence. With the bridge ahead it seems safe to assume she will find her answers there.

The door opens revealing the bridge is engulfed in darkness, the only light from the windows outside showing her ship still docked safely. As she steps into the bridge the door suddenly slams shut and locks leaving her standing in the darkness. Again there is only an eerie silence. The power can't have gone out as there is still oxygen and the controls still display power. At first it seems maybe the lights aren't just working here until a robotic voice speaks. Almost coming from all around her.

What have we here? Have you come all this way to take part in the test? You’re late but I think we will be able to fit you in

From the darkness, a metallic tendril suddenly fires out, smacking her weapon from her hand and coiling around her wrist before sharply pulling her towards the centre of the bridge. Slowly the lights begin to come on, revealing the metallic creature sitting upon the chair before her. Almost like it's a throne. Wires extending from his fingers seem to pushing inside the ship's controls. Slowly he brings up a display revealing the SOS message that she received only to turn it off.

It was a trap and she's walked right into it.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:38 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva had made her way to the bridge but found the door shut. As the young woman reached out for the controls when the door suddenly opened revealing a dark bridge, one that was only lite from the running lights of her own fighter docked outside. The agent made sure she had her pistol at the ready as she took a step inside. It was then that the door suddenly slammed shut leaving the red head trapped in darkness. Minerva took a moment to look around as she tried to figure out why the bridge was so dark. Then a voice let know that she was not alone on the ship.

Instinctively the agent spun in place as she was prepared to point her weapon at the source of the voice. However as she did so a metal tendril shot out of the darkness and knocked the weapon out of her hand. She could only watch helplessly as it had skidded off into the darkness. She suddenly felt the tendril wrap around her athletic frame and pull her into the center of the bridge. The red head struggled to resist but the tendril was simply too strong. Slowly but surely the lights in the bridge came to life as she found herself facing a metallic creature of silver and black sitting on the captain's chair in front of her. She could see the red glowing eyes, even as she noticed that most of the controls were being manipulated by wired extended from his fingers. She wanted him turn off the SOS message as he revealed that it was trap specifically designed for her.

Let me go, who ever you are? What is this test? Why are you conducting?

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Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:52 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
The thin wires seem to slowly emerge from the ship's deck and coil around her wrists and ankles, forcing her down to her knees infront of him almost like she was a lovely slave bowing before her master. Taking care, Morloch rises from his "throne" the wires still extending from the back of his neck into the ship. If she could sever that she might be able to escape but for now it appears she is trapped. With the light on it reveals her gun is far from her reach, resting under one of the consoles by the door.

Subject Minerva Rocha. High scores. Selected to take part in experiment. Nature of experiment? Stamina, resistance to drug, ability to adapt, limits of pleasure...

With the last part of his sentence he leans closer, gripping her chin in his hand as he forces her to look from side to side, almost like he is inspecting some captured animal. It doesn't even seem he was speaking to her directly, simply stating the nature of his test as he seems to view her as just some lab rat. With a snap of his fingers the wires release her and he pulls her to her feet. Pushing her towards the doorway leading outside.

Subject Minerva Rocha. Selected for this program. First stage, decontamination before experiments may begin. Follow me.

He steps ahead of her and heads down the corridors towards the ship's new laboratory. Of course a cargo ship like this never had one before. He's been doing some upgrading since he took over. For now it seems she has no say in all of this as the entire ship seems to be under his control and watching her every move. The way he speaks suggest maybe this is some form of examine or secret program to help her, or it could still just be one big trap.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:23 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva struggled as more wires wrapped around her, she could feel her wrists and ankles get bound up by the wires. Soon she found herself unable to remain standing and she fell on her knees in front of him. The agent was very embarrassed to find herself in this pose in front of this machine. The mechanical creature quickly rattled off her name and that she was selected for some sort of experiment. The reason behind the experiment were vague, and she didn't like the sound of it at all.

The creature leaned closer as it gripped her chin. The mechanical being moved her head back and forth as if he was examining her for some reason. She didn't know what exactly what he was up to but she didn't really want to find out the hard way. However before she react, there was a snap of his fingers and she found herself being pulled up on her feet. The mechanical being continued to talk, to itself if nothing else, as it still didn't directly talk to her. Not that she was going to ask her own question?

Decontaimination? Wait, were are you taking me? What happended to the crew?

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Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:49 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Her questions linger in the air unanswered as Morloch leads her along, anytime she goes even a small bit off course, the ship seems to snap at her as the wires and machines turn hostile only to return to a normal state once she is back following him. It's not long before he takes her to the lab, but first he guides her into a small chamber. Just big enough for her to stand in but not another person with her. The walls are white and a bright light shines down upon her. As Morloch steps into the lab, part of the wall opens up beside her revealing a tray. A calm robotic voice speaks.

Please remove all articles of clothing and place within the tray provided before decontamination can begin

The second she obeys or even if she doesn't, the room suddenly comes to life as jets of what seems to be water spray from all directions. Showering her from all angles, as she literally has no way to avoid them now. Even if she is still wearing any clothing, the "water" quickly eats through cloth and will leave her naked anyway. A strong jet of water seems to be perfectly placed to press against her exposed pussy from below during all the chaos as the water finally stops and the door opens to permit her access.

Morloch is by some consoles with a chair set up behind him. Without even looking at her, he waves his hand to indicate for her to sit. It looks harmless enough, but as she has seen with him, anything can be twisted to his desires. But does she really have a choice? The security cameras track her every step, watching her. More noticeable however is the fact Morloch is looking at a scan of her ship still docked.

Impressive. Top of its class, hard to match, but flawed. Design imperfect. I will fix that once we are done here

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:38 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva received no answers from the mechanical being in front of her, worse if she hesitated or tried to take a different course she found wires and other equipment would push the agent along. After a while, the redhead found herself guided into a small chamber. She didn't like what she saw, it was barely big enough for her, and the walls were disarmingly white. She still didn't know what was going on and she didn't like being forced into a glorified boxed.

It was then when part of the wall open up beside her and revealed a tray. A voice asked her to take off her clothes. Yeah, right. The agent wasn't going to do anything before she got some answers. However suddenly she was sprayed with water from every part of her body. The redhead let out a gasp of surprise as she raised up her hand to protect her head as much as possible. She watched in horror as the water eight through her outfit, the red head looked down and discovered that no part of uniform had survived the shower. Minerva give a shout as she felt a warm blast at her lower lips. No please, n-not there.

After a moment, the door opened letting the poor, naked agent into the lab. Minerva covered her breasts as she entered the room with the mechanical creature. He didn't even look at her but seemed to be looking at her ship. He mentioned that the design was imperfect, which was correct as it was one of the oldest in the fleet. They didn't even make the ship anymore, and hers was the last of the fleet. Still he motioned her to sit down in the chair be him, she simply stood there as she knew the ships wires would force her over there if she was suppose to sit down.

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:05 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Her thoughts are proven right as a robotic arm reaches from one of the machines set up in the room and slaps against her ass from behind, pushing her towards the chair with a loud smack that most likely leaves her ass a light shade of red afterwards. Morloch seems ignorant to this and waits until she is seated before he turns to face her. A pair of cuffs suddenly grips her wrists to the armrests and another pair locks her ankles into place leaving her unable to cover up and worse, he cuffs slowly spread her legs apart so she is sitting with all of her body exposed for the world to see.

Morloch is typing data into a datapad as he looms over her almost in a sinister manner, already on the screens behind him there is a 3D model of her displayed with various readings from her vitals and body. The rest show different cameras zoomed in on each area of her body from her face, to her breasts even. The lab slowly grows dark until the only light is focused entirely on her.

Top agent, good scores on shooting range, good record. Mission failures vary in reason. Your body is sensitive, yes?

Slowly a smaller pair of robotic arms move into position from behind her, with a pair of pincer like claws that slowly extend towards her breasts and suddenly clamp down upon her nipples, twisting slowly as they apply pressure. As if studying her limits of how long it takes for her to show signs of arousal.

You wish to be the best don't you? You want to be able to defeat the creatures you encounter without losing don't you? This training will assist you. Be honest and give all the raw data you can

Morloch speaks as if this is some program to help her train her body to resist such actions more, when really it's just a game to him. Tricking her into thinking this is for her own good. She is a clever girl and quick to notice when something is off, but how will she think after the first stage of experiments?

The latest form of Morloch's drug is already in the air. No longer needing to be injected, he has it airborne and this is its first trial before it is released upon a planet or even another ship. The reason for the decontamination was actually to ensure he got the best data he can on how quickly the drug begins to affect her.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:45 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva let out a shout as she felt the slap of the robotic arm across her rear forcing her forward next to the chair. The agent rubbed her rear a bit as it became clear that she had no choice but to sit down on the chair. As soon as she did so, the redhead hands were suddenly bound to the armrest by a pair of cuffs. What the? Hey let me go!! She struggled to get free but suddenly felt a pair of cuffs suddenly restrain her legs as well. Soon she was at the complete mercy of the testing.

As Minerva looked up she noticed that there was a screen behind the mechanical man displaying a 3D screen of her body. In addition there was several camera views zoomed in on her different parts of her body, especially on the face and breasts. The agent blushed and turned to her head away, Please turn that off. However her pleas fell on deaf ears as the mechanical creature continued on discussing her stats, her key abilities, her failures.

Suddenly a pair of robotic arms moved slowly from behind her and began to position themselves over her body. Each robotic arm position themselves over each of her breasts revealing a pair of pincer like claws. The craws reached down an clamped on to her nipples, forcing a shout from the red head as she could feel being tweaked a bit. I don't understand how this is going to help me in anyway. It was all really, really disturbing and for some reason somewhat arousing.

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Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:24 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
For the moment her cries as expected as mostly ignored like she has little say in what is going on. If anything she is like some new toy and he is testing how she "performs" under certain situations. Carefully he looms over, her examining her reactions as the pincers at her breasts suddenly begin to spin very slowly. Twisting her nipples even as they apply further pressure to them. Finally it seems Morloch notices her and decides to give her a reply.

You wish to become stronger. Logically you work out to do so. You wish to learn how to handle pleasure and such treatment better. Logically you must experience it for a long peroid of time without pause to grow accustomed to it.

His words seem to suggest this might go on for days at this rate, until her body is used to pleasure and perhaps even used to having it constantly. If that's the case instead of helping her, it might make it worse when her body responds well to any form of teasing. But before she can hope to protest or point it out to him, something cold brushes against her pussy's soft lips. If she is able to look, it is another of the same pincer arms now probing against her pussy only to slowly begin to push inside her.

The cold steel surface rubbing against her pussy's lips as it slips inside her, painfully slow. It's almost freezing cold and to make it worse, once inside her it suddenly spreads apart it's two pincers, stretching her pussy open for the cool air to hit against it. It's almost like it's preparing her for something else as it leaves her pussy ready and waiting for something to push inside.

Meanwhile, even her ship isn't beyond his experiments as parts are being added and replaced. Her ship is being upgraded but only for his own dark purposes as many cases of his virus are added to the cargo. Ready to be released upon the next ship or station she docks in.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:04 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva gasped as she felt her nipples are twised even further. Ahhhh!!! Please stop this it is too much. The mechanical creature didn't respond to her at first, far more interested in her reactions to the pincers than her. Then finally he responded to the agent question and stated that she would have to exposed to raw pleasure if she was ever to hope to resist it.

Suddenly she felt something brush against her flower, causing the red head to gasp and shiver from the cold feeling brush against her. Minerva looked down to see a pair of pincer arms begin to push inside her. The young woman moaned as she felt it slowly penetrate her. She could feel the cold object begin to press inside her until it began to push her petals apart. She could feel a rush of cold air inside her, as it felt she was getting prepared for something bigger, much bigger. Wait, what are you doing? I don't want you to do that.

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:54 am
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Test Subject is preforming as predicted. Proceeding to stage two of the process

Morloch seems to talking to himself more then her as her cries are ignored, one of the screens behind him showing her the view of her pussy close up spread open wide for all to see as another metal limb seems to move into position. This one looks like a long thin tube. The tip curved and soft as it slowly pushes inside her pussy. She can feel it pushing inside inch by inch as the pincer slowly retracts away from her and disappears from where it came from. For now the tube isn't moving but slowly it begins to pull back only to push forwards again. Slow at first but quickly picking up it's speed. Pushing in and out of her at a steadily increasing pace.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the tube seems to be getting bigger. Thicker inside her like it's inflating, stretching her pussy open wider each time it thrusts inside her until it has to apply more force to drive inside her as deep as before. Finally it stops but at her limits it seems like he is testing how much she can take yet again. Taking down her "measurements".

Impressive, it seems she has been quite active in her lifetime. Her body's reactions suggest she is often submitted to such attention. Continue.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:57 pm
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Post Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
Minerva could see that on the screen behind the metallic creature a close up of her own flower, being forced opened by the pincers. She couldn't believe she was on display like this then. However it was then she saw a long thin tube begin to move up her near her flower. No, don't let that there near me. However, the woman let out a moan as she felt the tube's tip push its way into her flower. Slowly it began to thrust inside her, and with each thrust the tube inside her seemed to swell inside. Each thurst forced louder and louder grunts and moans from the red headed agent could feel the object inside her swell until it completely filled her. Ahhh...Stop...ohhh...S-stop, please.

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Please PM me, if you want to RP a mission with me!

Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:40 pm
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