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 Black Hole (open to any ADD agent or Monsters) 
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Shina spun her ship around and spun off after the girl. A black Hole appeared from all the explosions they were making. It quickly began to suck both ships toward its center. Shina screamed in rage over the mic as she tried to kick the accelerator into high gear. "look what you did you bitch!!!" She felt her ships get sucked into the hole and spiraled outta sight, she was thrown around and around the cockpit as the ship jerked and shook violently.

Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:13 pm
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Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:29 pm
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Location: Heads I tell you, Tails I shoot you
"Damn! Me? It was you, crazy witch! Who the hell launches off missiles like that, anyway?!" Kaylee was in for it, as well. She'd been heading in the general direction of the tear when it opened, and its pull dragged her directly into it, alongside the girl whom, she suspected, was harboring thoughts of becoming her mortal enemy. "Well, hell, this didn't go quite as planned, did it..." And to think, she'd started off the day with simple orders; go an relieve an agent of her patrol, take up the patrol yourself until further notice.

And now where was she? Being sucked into a void with an insane woman who wanted her very very dead. The cards were looking pretty bad right about then. She kicked on her own engines to full gear, then set off one of the keyed in sequences she'd set earlier. "Overdrive engaged" came a soft mechanical voice. He didn't speak often, but when he did, Deuce sure as hell managed to sound almost mockingly calm no matter what was happening around him. "Cocky bastard....can't you at least pretend to panic as we get crushed into a soda can?"

Her engines flared bright, and her ship began to rattle as it tried to pull out of the gravity well of the hole. She started to move forward a bit....and then, with a coughing sputter, her engines failed. "Dammit! Too much stress..." She slammed a fist against the control panel, but it was no good. The engines were burned out, and would take a minute or two to recharge. And after only a couple of seconds of overdrive, sad for her. She didn't have a couple of minutes. She looked, watching the other ship spiraling into the void. "Well....least I'm not going it alone...." She picked up her comm with a smirk. "Right...partner?" It was admittedly petty, but she found she enjoyed needling the other girl, even as they spiraled to an unimaginable doom at the heart of the vortex.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:35 pm
Shina's face popped up on the large view screen infront of her. Her face was bloody and a few pipes hung down around her. She looked at the girl with an angry face as the lights in the cockpit flashed. "im gonna die because of way!!" She pushed the throttle to the max limit and the old ship lurged forward. She punched in the Hyperdrive and shot out before it malfunctioned and she was pulled back inside. A pipe blew loose infront of her making her cough and sliced her face. She slammed her hands down on the control pad. "damn!!" The vortex soon swallowed them both up.

Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:52 pm
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Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:29 pm
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Location: Heads I tell you, Tails I shoot you
Kaylee woke up, looking around. Her ship was giving an odd, vibrating shudder. She wondered vaguely why...and why was she in her all came back in a flash. The fight, the black hole....and now flames all around the outside of her ship...what was going on? She looked out the viewport...and saw a planet, looming large. And her tiny Deuce diving right for it. A surge of fear washed through her, nigh on panic. Apparently, there was some truth to the theory that black holes led to other areas...because she certainly wasn't dead, and this was definitely a different area of space.

Kaylee picked up her com, broadcasting out, guessing that the Pheonix was somewhere nearby. "Hey, psycho! Rise and shine....we got a problem!" She tried her engines...still shot. This was really really bad. "Any time you wanna wake up now, crazy lady...if you're even out there..." She looked out at the strange planet. The way her luck had been lately, chances were the Pheonix was safe and sound, and she was fixing to die on her own in a crash on some wierd planet.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:09 pm
The pheonix slammed into the deuce as it came out of the hole. Shina's ship looked all banged up from the window of the deuce. Her comlink just spuddered white noise. The ship was then pulled of the Deuce and pulled toward the planet. The ship glowed red from the rentry and it soared down into what seemed like a swamp world. Her ship crashed into some tree's and bounced across the ground before coming to a halt. The day was just getting better and better. Shina lay with her head on the console blood had formed around her head. She slowly awoke and groaned in pain from her slitting head ache. She reached up touching her head before looking arounf. Sparks fizzed from hanging wires, she looked out the port side window to see the forest that surrounded her. "where the hell am i?"

Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:16 pm
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Location: Heads I tell you, Tails I shoot you
"Dammit...I'd say I had this thing waxed, if it weren't a lie..." She wondered how the hell she managed to remain so calm at a time like this. She herself was spiralling towards imminent doom on the planet's surface. She smiled, trying her engines again. A sputter...a cough...and they burst on! "Yes! And the Wild Deuce comes through in the clutch!" She stabilized the ship. She wasn't gonna break out of this one. Dropped into the atmosphere like that, it just wasn't gonna happen. But she could, at least, keep her ship...and herself...from being totalled.

She brought her ship out of its spin, and braced herself for the impact....which was bone-jarring, despite the fact that she braced. Kaylee bounced around inside her cockpit, slamming between the chair and the control board repeatedly, before coming to a rest winded and dazed. "Owwww....that coulda gone better...." She said after catching her breath. She climbed out of her chair, standing and stretching, seeing if she was broken. Apparently not. She looked out through her viewport again. The Pheonix wasn't too far away....Kaylee went into the back of her fighter to gear up. Never knew what one might find on a new world...and besides, she wasn't about to face the crazy one unarmed.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:37 pm
"Shit" Shina fell over against the wall and clutched her head. She ripped the sleeve off her shirt and wrapped her head. She walked over to the Armory and grabbed her gear. She disrobed outta her civlian clothes and put on the black skin tight suit before jumping into her armor. She grabbed her helmet that enclosed her entire head with only two red eye's that came to life as her suit powered up. She reached over and grabbed her Rifle and checked the plasma batteries as well as the clip. She shouldered her weapon and opend the bay door. She stepped out on the alien world and looked around, the planet was lush with green vegatation. She saw various kinds of birds and animals scatter at her presence. She walked over to the side of the ship and closed the bay door's, no way in hell was anyone getting inside the Pheonix.

Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:48 pm
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Location: Heads I tell you, Tails I shoot you
Kaylee had her Makarovs strapped on, stilettos in her boots, and a pair of pineapples on her vest in no time flat. She popped the hatch and crept up on the top of her ship, scanning about. Apparently, Shina had moved out as well. Kaylee pulled her guns, making sure the clips were full, then checked and made sure her extra ammo was where it should be, in the pockets of her fatigues. She bounded down off of her ship, taking care to land silently. Outlined against the sky atop her ship was not a place Kaylee wanted to be with that berserk psycho running around. Makarovs at the ready, she made her slow way through the swampland, carefully scanning all around her, making sure to see if she could find sign of the other girl's passing. So far, this was turning out to be one hell of a wild patrol mission....

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:07 pm
Shina jumped put of the bush's and grabbed Kaylee by the throat and slammed her to the ground in no time her rifle was pressed against the girls forhead. "DONT MOVE!!" She yelled at her as she breathed heavily her voice sounded muffled through the helmet. Those red eyes glowed at the girl as she stepped back. "get up"

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:12 pm
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Location: Heads I tell you, Tails I shoot you
Kaylee found herself pinned suddenly, her throat hurting. "Damn..." She dropped her Makarovs to the ground. She heard the command to get up, and could hardly believe it. The witch wasn't going to shoot her. And what was more...she was actually telling her to stand again...Kaylee rose slowly, hands open and flat...considered going for her stilettos...but decided that in this scenario, her chances of getting out of this were only increased with someone else nearby. Even if they were criminally insane.

"So then...what now? You realize, of course, that this isn't lookin' good for either of us, right?" She eyed the girl's stance. it was sloppy, more concentrated on keeping the gun in her face than on being an actual threat. If need be, she could break the girl's stance, disarm her, and render her unconscious. For now, she simply looked into her maniacal eyes, wondering where all this hate and rage came from, her own deep blue eyes showing calm and no fear. Or, at least, that's what she hoped they were showing....

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:17 pm
"i would gladly kill you RIGHT HERE ON THE SPOT!!" She fired off a round infront of the girls foot. "but....we need to put our differences aside and look for a way off this fucking planet" She lowered her gun before turning and walking back through the forest, she made her way over to the swampy edge of the insland and looked out using her helmet scanners to scan the srounding area's. She couldnt see any form of life, she turned back toward the girl and motioned for her to come. "i dont think anyone else lives here....this place may be deserted"

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:30 pm
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Kaylee rolled her eyes refusing to even blink at the shot fired at her feet, maintaining a calm and nonplussed face. "Gee, and here I thought, what with all the buildings and so much abundant intelligent life, that we were in the hub of civilization as we know it! Of course it's deserted. Did you see any cities when you crashed, because I didn't." She continued to make snide comments to herself, irritated at having been surprised by this one. "A right genious, you are...kill me on the spot, feh. No, really? And here I thought you'd drag me off and kill me somewhere else..." She picked up her discarded Makarovs, holstering them while still muttering.

Finally, she finished her mumbling, turning her mind to the problem of finding some way to repair her ship...she turned to her reluctant companion and stepped forward, indicating that she should lead the way. "Well? You're the one who wants to go exploring, jungle girl. Lead the way." Her mood was rising. Differences aside or no, the other girl got on her nerves something fierce. Probably just the effect of the adrenaline wearing off after her dogfight and crashlanding.

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:41 pm
"Fine lets go" She waded through the marsh and made her way into the forest. She flipped on her flash light on her Rifle and looked around in the dark. She kept going a few ways until she felt somthing brush against her leg. "the hell?" She jumped back as somthing wrapped around her leg and pulled her under, she fired off a few shots into the water before she was dragged under.

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:45 pm
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"Damn!" Kaylee shouted, leaping forward and plunging a hand into the water. It reached down for what seemed like forever, time seeming to stand still...was she moving fast enough? Had she reacted in time? Why couldn't she feel the other girl's hand...and suddenly, there it was! She clamped her fingers around Shina's wrist, and hauled for all she was worth, slowly but surely bringing the girl back to the surface, her head breaking above the water...."The hell am I saving your ass for...I should just let you drown..." She muttered through gritted teeth. "You'd do the same for me....damn, maybe I'm as crazy as you...Hold still, dammit!" She drew one of her Makarovs, the loss of grip causing the girl to slip back into the water. But Kaylee had seen what angle Shina was being dragged by, and was willing to bet she could get the shot off....

She aimed down into the murky water carefully, making small adjustments to compensate for Shina's struggling...and emptied her entire clip into the muck. The tendril's grip loosened somewhat, meaning she'd probably hit the monster...or it was toying with her. One or the other. She didn't wait to find out, pulling hard on Shina's arm and clearing her halfway of the water. At this point, she decided enough was enough, and if a clip didn't put this thing under, then maybe it was hungry. She decided to feed it some pineapple. Taking one of the grenades from her vest, she pulled the pin and wasted no time dropping it to the depths. There was a muffled thud and a huge geyser of water, and the thing let go of Shina. She pulled her up, dragging her onto the banks, where she collapsed, breathing heavily.

" better damn sure be worth it, you crazy bitch...I don't like to waste grenades..." Kaylee, still breathing hard, took her pistol and ejected the spent clip, tossing it into the water. She drew a fresh one, slapped it into place, chambered a round, set the safety,and holstered the weapon. She snorted derisively. "Well, that blows the 'uninhabited' theory all to hell and back, wouldn't you say? Be more careful. I'm inclined to let you drown next time."

Trust in me. Or in luck. It all comes out to the same thing in the end.

Kaylee McAnnaly Should I deal you in?

Mille Greensbaron Catch me if you can!

Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:34 am
Shina sat up screaming, she jerked at her helmet and jumped around in pain as she jerked her helmet off throwing it to the side. several leech's could be seen on the side of her face and neck. She ripped them off as blood trickled down from the wounds. She felt more of them move around inside her suit. "fucking help me!!!!"

Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:39 am
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