Shokushu High School

The Chased (for Alexandra)
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Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

With the light shining directly on Rei, it would be hard to conceal the firearm while rising to her feet. Unfortunately for both of them, their focus on each other left them completely unaware of the tentacles descending down towards them. Tendrils quickly wrapped around Rei while more grabbed hold of Alexandra. "What!? Ngh! Let... Let go!" Feet kicked as they left the floor. Arms strained against the tentacles. The ADD agent's struggles caused her breasts to bounce and sway within the confines of her tight fitting suit. She pulled the trigger of her blaster, hoping to hit whatever was above them.

Alexandra released the flashlight, leaving it lit and on the floor. She tried to yank her arms free even as the tendrils continued to wrap around and lift her body. The agent kept firing her blaster, trying to hit or at least see the monster that had grabbed hold of them both.

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

With the light completely in her face, any attempt to at subtlety on Rei’s part was completely gone at this point. However, tentacles had made that completely pointless as they wrapped up not only the platinum blonde and the redhead as well. As the pair were carried up in the air, each attempted to kick their bodies firee. However the tentacles were securely snug around their waists and and arms. Alexandra shots fired into darkness above the pair. A roar came back at the women as it echoed through the room. It seemed that at least one of the redhead’s shots hit the creature above, wherever it was in the darkness.

More tentacles came down at a faster attempting to wrap each of the women’s arms in attempt to secure any weapons they have. Other tendrils went around the women’s breasts as they attempted to secure the agent’s and the pirate’s chest.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Alexandra gasped as the large tendrils wrapped around her huge breasts. They tightened, causing the mountainous globes to thrust outwards, straining against the tight confines of her suit. Sparks of discomfort and stimulation rippled through the agent's chest as she gritted her teeth. More tentacles moved to hold her arm. The agent kept pulling the trigger, firing hot laser bolts into the darkness above. "Augh!" the busty redhead cried out in pain as the tendrils tightened around her arms and pried the blaster out of her hand.

"No! I won't let you do this!" The ADD agent growled. Disarmed of her weapon, the agent knew she had no other choice but to release more energy from her suit. The suit's energy was already partially depleted after striking Rei's ship from before. She would be nearly out of power after this discharge. But, she had to try and hope it is enough to kill or at least discourage this monster to find other prey. The agent's red nanosuit suddenly sparked and surged with electrical energy, running a current through all the vile tendrils that were in contact with her suit.

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

The redhead gasped as she the large tendrils gripped and caressed her breasts. Still through the stimulation and tightness around her chest, the young woman still managed to fire her gun again and again. Each shot was aimed into the darkness, looked to hit the creature that was still hidden in the darkness. One of the shots seemed to hit the creature again, as the creature let out a loud roar. Its tendrils focused on her arm and began to pull the blaster out of her hand. Eventually she could feel the gun being ripped ot of her hand and falling to floor below.

Alexandra seemed to be disarmed and the tentacles had seemingly won. However the agent’s nanosuit began to spark and surge as more and electricity began to surge through. A loud roar from somewhere above as the tendrils unceremoniously let go of the busty redhead. The young agent found herself falling to the floor below. The tendrils had been driven back once more, but they began to move again in the direction of the woman who had escaped its grasp.

The agent could hear the outlaw still struggling above her. L-let go of m-me...ah... Her small pistol and bits of her outfit began to rain down on the floor and the agent now lying upon it.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

The monster did not seem to like the shock treatment the ADD agent provided. The red haired agent was discarded, sent falling to the hard floor below. Alexandra was free of the tendrils for now but, the roar of the creature revealed that this was far from over. She pushed herself up off the floor while Rei continued to struggle and cry out from the darkness.

"Ah! Rei!" Alexandra rolled to her feet, grabbing her blaster. Tentacles were already closing in as the agent fired at the approaching appendages. She could not risk firing blindly into the air, not with Rei struggling up there. The criminals attire and weapon fell from darkness, the creature no doubt doing the lewd things these alien creatures seemed to enjoy doing to female bodies.

The busty agent kept firing at the tendrils closing in on her. Her suit was running on low power and various warnings were coming up, restricting the enhance strength and ability from before. Alexandra rolled again, this time towards the discarded flashlight. She grasped the light in her free hand and pointed it up at the ceiling once more. If she could spot where Rei was, she could at least try and harm the creature where the platinum haired woman was not. "Let go of her you freak!" she yelled as she continued to fire at the tendrils she could see. The chamber lit with each flash of the blaster's laser fire.

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Alexander seemed to recover fairly well from the fall and was quick to react to the situation. She rolled to her feet grabbing the blaster that was not to far away. She fired some shots but only at the tendrils directly diving at her. It was enough to keep the tendrils on the defensive as she try to get the rest of her gear. Eventually the redhead was able to grab her previously discarded flashlight and turn up at the ceiling.

It took a while for the flashlight to find its target. In the meantime, Alexandra was busy keeping the tendrils at bay, occasionally forcing a roar from the creature above. Her suit was flashing warning lights that it is low and power and began to shut down some of the greater abilities the red nanosuit could do. However, the agent eventually spotted the outlaw above. The platinum blonde was total bound up in tentacles, here black jump suit torn to ribbons. Tentacles wrapped around her breasts even as more were beginning to explore her white panties. Just as the agent was about to fire another shot, the blaster began to give out.

Author:  Kanoe [ Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

The agent was holding her own it seemed but it did not feel like she was gaining much ground. She could only do so much against something of that size with just a blaster. Anything bigger and heavier than her blaster was back on her ship and was not something one would bring when hunting down another human being. Alexandra was free to run back to her ship. She could not just leave Rei behind though. Even if she could not kill the monster, she could at least try and free the other woman.

Her light shined over Rei's body, revealing her location among the mass of tendrils. Alexandra's weapon began to sputter and run out of power. "Tch..." The ADD agent began channeling the last of her suit's energy into her weapon so she could fire a few more shots at the tentacles holding the platinum blonde. If she could at least force the monster to let go of Rei then, they both could flee back to her ship and get the hell off this station. She doubts the criminal would have many complaints in being apprehended at this point.

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Alexandra managed to keep out the grasp of the tendrils, but she did not seem like all she was doing was holding her ground. She would have to get back to her ship to get something bigger if she was going to have any chance to defeat the creature. However the agent could not leave another woman behind regardless of the stance of the woman.

The agent had no choice but to use the last of her suit’s energy reserve for her blaster. She focused on the fire on the on tendrils holding the outlaw. With her flashlight now illuminating the tentacles, the agent’s training took over. Shot after shot hit the various tentacles holding the outlaw. Soon afterwards, Rei let out a shout as she dropped to the floor. The platinum blonde was mostly naked and stunned on the floor, but she seemed to be fine otherwise. However, Alexandra’s suit began to report there was little energy left.

Author:  Kanoe [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Alexandra's shots damaged enough of the tentacles to force the monster to release Rei. The female criminal fell to the floor, her suit nearly gone and did not seem to be in any condition to fight back. The agent ran to the fallen woman. "Come on! Get up! We got to get out of here!" The busty redhead grabbed the woman and tried to help her to her feet. She pulled one of Rei's arms around her shoulders for support as she tried to make a break for the door the agent came from.

Getting back to the ship was their only hope. Alexandra's suit was out of power and her blaster was no good as well. "Come on! Get moving!" she told Rei as she tried to hurry faster. The agent did not look back to see where the tendrils were coming from. Her flashlight was focused on the exit as she led the other woman directly towards it. The suit was no longer enhancing her strength and athletic ability, leaving the agent breathing hard as she pushed to go as fast as she could while taking Rei with her. Were they going to make it in time or were the tendrils going to retrieve the two weary women?

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Rei was still struggling to get her wind back and remained stun when the agent ran over to the platinum blonde laying on the ground. She demanded that the criminal get up, but Rei merely stumbled as she attempted to stand up. The busty readhead raced over and picked up the criminal to force her on her feet. Rei stumbled forward as her arm had been pulled over the busty redhead’s shoulders as Alexandra directed the platinum blonde to the working space ship.

Alexandra’s suit seemed to be running on empty, it beeping almost echoing the beeps of her empty blaster. Alexandra suit was now becoming a detriment as its weight added to that of the pirate that the redhead was carrying. She forced Rei to take faster steps but the platinum blonde was still having difficulty keeping up. The agent’s flashlight was no longer focused on the tendrils that was no doubt coming for the pair. The agent now had the dimming light on the exit now tauntingly close. Unfortunately she could see tendrils starting to descend down the wall towards that exit.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

The suit was form fitting and not too heavy. Carrying and dragging another person on the other hand was another thing entirely for the busty scientist. The agent dropped the spent blaster as she continued to guide Rei towards the exit. "Come on! Move! You don't want these things to grab you again, do you?!" she yelled at the outlaw, "Then move!"

There was not much the agent could do but keep moving forward. Even as the tendrils moved to block her way, it was their only exit. Alexandra's blood boiled at the thought of being caught by that alien creature all because of the actions of this stupid short-sighted woman she was dragging along. The fact the bitch was going to use a pistol on her if it were not for the attacking monster only angered her further. Rei would have probably left her behind without a second thought.

One foot kept going in front of the other as Alexandra continued to push and fight. Every step caused her large breast to press and rub up against Rei's exposed form. The agent did not discard the criminal despite all that they had gone through. She held onto the platinum haired woman tight as she pressed towards the descending tendrils. They just have to get past them then they would be free. If they got out of this alive, she was not going to let this woman hear the end of it.

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Wed May 04, 2022 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

The tendrils was now moving to block the only way out for the pair of women. At least for the moment Rei was not providing much in the way in resistance to the agent. The platinum blonde could feel the well endowed woman pressed against her mostly naked form, as Alexandra forced the pirate to move forward towards the exit and the tendrils that were descending from above the entrance. There was not much they can do but force their way though.

The tendrils were almost at the exit at this point, as the pair of women attempted to push forward towards the exit. Even now the tendrils attempted to strike. They tendrils aimed for the upper part of their bodies, mainly the women’s arms in hopes of just slowing them down enough for the other tendrils to grab a full hold of the pair.

Author:  Kanoe [ Wed May 04, 2022 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Alexandra tried to keep low as possible while still holding and guiding Rei. The tentacles seemed to be coming from above so this was their only means of putting some distance between them and the monstrous appendages. They were almost out of here. With no weapons left, they had to get past this. If anything managed to grab them, they were screwed in more ways than one.

But the monster had a head start and already had tendrils at the ready to reach for the duo. The ADD agent could not tell if her words reached Rei at all. The outlaw was not resisting but she was not putting much of an effort in her dazed state. That left Alexandra to try and fend the tentacles mostly herself. She would pull and jerk her limbs away from the grasping tentacles and tried to force Rei forward and in front of her. Gritting her teeth, she pressed both hands on the platinum haired woman's back and pushed with all she had, sending the outlaw past the opening and into the agent's ship.

The busty redhead tried to follow. She managed to step into the docking port only to feel something wrap around her arm. Alexandra cried out as she was jerked back. She yanked herself forward only to feel another appendage grab her other arm. The agent was so close as she gritted her teeth and tried to tear herself free once more. "Urk!" Another tendril wrapped around her neck, tightening and choking the redhead.

Alexandra reached for the door controls only to feel another tendril pull her arm back. The agent struggled for a bit longer before the tendrils swung her to the side, slamming her against the unforgiving metal wall. Her vision flashed black and white as a weak groan left her. She feebly reached only to feel her arm pulled back. The agent did not resist as darkness closed in the edges of her vision. Barely conscious and in a daze, she squirmed weakly as the tendrils began pulling her back out of the port and back into the station.

Author:  Rei Yamamoto [ Sun May 08, 2022 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

Alexandra managed to pushed the dazed pirate into the relative safety of the Directorate ship. The platinum blonde was not really in the state of the mind to put too much to resist at all. She found herself inside the Directorate ship, before she had a full understand why she was there. Meanwhile, the tentacles were still drawing down on the pair of women.

The tendrils had managed to finally get a secure grasp on the busty redhead. Almost at once it pulled her arm back forcing a shout from the agent. Still the woman managed to try to pull herself forward even as tententals manages to wrap around her other arm. Still other tendrils began to grab the her neck and finally slammed the woman against a wall. It seemed to take the fight out of the agent as more tendrils wrapped around her waist and limbs. In a mere seconds it pulled her out of the port and dragged the woman back into the station.

The act seemed to wake up Rei out of her daze, she began to look around for any sort of weapon to protect herself. It was only a moment of two, before the mostly naked female pirate decided that she should look for some sort of control to shut door for a moment. It is unlikely that Rei had access to the ship’s systems, but maybe there was a manual override. Something to stall in time for the platinum blonde to find a weapon, before the tendrils came for her too.

Author:  Kanoe [ Sun May 08, 2022 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Chased (for Alexandra)

"Ooohhh..." The fiery haired agent groaned as she was pulled into the range of more eager tendrils. Practically limp at this point, she did not resist as her limbs were pulled outwards away from her body. The durable suit protected her from contact but did little to stop them from resuming their groping and fondling from before. No longer fighting, the creature saw no further need to choke its prey. The woman gasped weakly, still in lala land as she was. But even in her daze, she could hear the heavy doors shut tight, sealing her in the station with this monster.

Rei's prior experience as an agent made it easy to find her way around the scout vessel. She immediately shut the doors, ensuring none of those tentacles could enter the ship. The weapons locker was where it was on all scout class ADD ships. It was thankfully not locked. Did Alexandra forget to lock it or was no one expected to be able to easily break into these ships? Whatever the case, it was a blessing if Rei wanted a means to fight back against whatever was inside this abandoned station.

Inside the locker was the standard kit, enough armaments for a couple of agents. The pistol Alexandra had before was missing from its place. But the rest of the loadout remained including a blaster rifle and even a variety of grenades from flashbangs, concussion, fragmentation, to incendiary. Whether it would be enough for one woman to fight against this monster was still a question. But, it was better than the nothing she had moments ago.

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