Shokushu High School

Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
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Author:  Demon_rose [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 

She raised her eyebrow, glaring up at him from behind her long lashes

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:13 am ]
Post subject: 

"Or perhaps we can do take two." I tell her with a smirk in response to her glare.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

*shie growled still a little woozy. She can feel the juice still dripping, but it was drying up slowly... thankfully.

"And if i do it willingly it wont be taped?"

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

"But of course, after all using you to do it, is no better then masturbation, I would rather have a willing add agent to do it." I tell her with a smirk.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

She considered her options.

"If you swear no more cameras" she hissed softly. Last thing she needed was having THAT broadcasted. was partly an excuse since the drugs were slowly taking their effect on her

Author:  Keemari [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Hmmm, that's fine no more cameras of the add agent slutting herself out to avoid them." I tell her plainly to drive that point home of what she was doing.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

She pulled back, a little stung. Biut its not like she wasnt in any condition to fight back.

"and lastly... destroy that tape.... and i promise not to fight for a while"

Author:  Keemari [ Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Oh dear, I'll destroy the tape afterwards, after you keep your word, I don't trust ADD agents one little bit. Those are my terms, you can accept them or I can simply take what I want." I tell her.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

She paused and shrugged. Its not l ike she has much choice on the matter.

"ill... do it" she replied softly, fighting the light blush on her cheeks

Author:  Keemari [ Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Then do it, unless your too dense to do it, or did you time on the campus not prepare you for this?" I ask her as my cock was ready and hanging out.

Author:  Demon_rose [ Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:02 am ]
Post subject: 

She crept closer, fighting back revulsion as she reached out and gently stroked his length, using her fingers almost gentle, carresing, caring.

She studied it before leaning and licking the tip, moving down slowly to the base and back up again.

Author:  KouzaKai [ Tue May 27, 2008 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)

Slowly the light of dawn looked like it was slipping away, much too fast, and now the legend of Kouzakai, 1st Lieutenant of the Grand Galactic Archanius Alliance, was slipping away forever into history. He was so sure of the thought that this little bio-poison would not kill him...but how sure was he? After all, an agent is STILL an agent and had he been tricked beyond what he was capable of? Was he going to slip away into the unfathomable abyss, that claimed so many before him?

The lights on his ship looked hazy; the 'Devourer', seemingly sensing his pilot's apparent danger, quickly went on battle station mode, overriding the command and lights glaring up all at once. The engines went into life; the auto-pilots went on; and before anyone else could ever do something about it, the guns began blazing, hitting the only ADD ship around that was available. However it sent some rounds into deep space and into the planets, alerting whoever that a comrade was down.

Of course this must've panicked anyone else who was around.

Kouzakai, meanwhile, was so weak that his vision was fading; it was as if he was dying. The only thing he could see clearly was the binary sun glaring in the window, although he could not feel the warmth it gave off. Yet he knew he could feel some stirring down in his groin; the familiar feeling of tight flesh encircling his strangely engorged member; the familiar feminine grunt of someone trying to get him into her, and the familiar moaning of someone in heat, although her moans hinted a bit at the worried state she was in now.

Hell, even the way she moved told him that she was trying to race against time.

But it seems that life, as he knew it, would end for him, as the last lights of the stars faded; his eyes closed; his breathing came to a deathly level; and the only thing where a pulse could be felt, was the lone body part which was his pride and joy, his manhood.

Thus seemed like the bad, untimely end, of the Leviathan Lieutenant.

Author:  CMS [ Tue May 27, 2008 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)

“Lord in heaven help me….oh god no” I cried out as his eyes seemed to dim, the spark within fading. I could only hope to make him cum, to force his seed within me womb were the micro beads of the primary antitoxin agent were held. Together they would create the perfect Bio engineered anti-toxin. A way of proving he needed me. But now…now It looked like me grand scheme wuz ‘bout to fail and with it the humor of the irony that I thought to play out.

“Come back you big oaf.” Me voice strident, me hand now across his face, me palm red an smarting. Then another blow while I fervently worked the length of him in an out of me. No rhythm, no style, only hard an fast. A desperate last attempt to heal the man. Oh I worried, I had never felt him this soft while held in me grasp. There wuz a difference, the length, the girth may be there but he did not fill me like the healthy Kouzakai did.

I did not know if he could cum while unconscious. I did not know if the pre-cum that might even now drip from his tip would be enough to perhaps counteract some of the effect. All I could do wuz try.

I could hear the ship groan. Hear its call in the vastness of space. Something shook its entire from and bounced us both together. I squeezed his length trying to make me self as tight as possible. I yelled at him and hammered him now with me fists. Anything to get him to focus, to make him see me. Anything to help milk the sperm from within those great balls of fire and force it to mix with the agent in me womb that would save him and no other.

All the work….all the preparation. Damn him….damn him for being so pigheaded and not letting me take him earlier. The ship would kill me no doubt once he died. It would be both of us that drifted in space, entombed forever in a living sarcophagus.

“You no good stupid brute….why did you wait….why? Fucking me would have saved your big hairy ass…do you get that …. Do you understand that your favorite pass time would have saved your life and now I am not sure if I can make it work. Your seed…my womb and you will live….cum you scaly lizard…jus cum.” The tears rolled down me cheek. Me small fists hammering his chest while I wiggled on him shaft and tried desperately to make it harder, to make it spew its life into me and thereby save his own.

Author:  KouzaKai [ Tue May 27, 2008 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)

Something stirred within.

No, I cannot let you die.

It feels so good to rest...

Shut up, you oaf. Concentrate...

But it's so good...

If you die, I die. You have another life on your hands, idiot.


Goodness!! Must I do everything myself?

The seemingly lifeless form of the beast stirred, his hands weak but somehow forceful, as if an outside force was willing him to wake up and move. No, this force did not want him to sleep. There was a weird spark of faint life in his eye this time...the star seemed dark...but it was because the black had spread in his expressionless eyes.

His member grew hard once more, harder than it had ever been before this, and seemingly had begun to fight the last fight for his life. His arms, although a bit limp, managed to grab the girl's waist and force her down with every fucking thrust. He began to build up the rythm, and soon he knows salvation would come. In the form of pleasure, and of a teary-eyed agent. Now he knows arrogance leads nowhere good...

Do you see now, you dolt?


In the end, pleasure would save you...

And soon, renewed strength flooded the arms and his body, the only parts of his anatomy seemingly alive, and did the daunting task which was to save his fledgling life, or what was left of it.

The first drops of his pre-cum began to surface.

Author:  CMS [ Tue May 27, 2008 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)

Me womb is a living Mortar, his penis a the Pestle with which we shall mix the organic chemicals to save a life. Yet it lies semi flacide within me, not the strong hammer I fear will be needed. I shake upon him, the fear of loss racking me body more heavily. Soobs take me as I fall naked upon his cooling body. Lost….all is lost.

And there at wits end, when I have gone to the furthest depths fo despair I feel a stirring. A slow throb within me pussies embrace. Motionless I wait, wondering if what I felt is real or just a last desperate imagining. Another pulse an jump as the shaft inside grows within me embrace. I feel him now, feel the surging tip of him grow within me as I gasp in sheer joy.
Never fore have I felt a man grow hard within me. It is a heady feeling like I suppose giving birth. As he grows I can feel the flow of strength. Hands touch me hips. A tentative grasp that grows stronger as he grows harder within me. Me womb expands to accommodate him. For all me life I want to just take in this moment, this growing hardness enwrapped in the muscles of me middle.

His hands try an move me from me perch. I oblige and lift meself upwards, me breast hanging down towards his upturned face. I see a spark in his eyes return while I push me self back down upon his member. It stays rigid enough to pierce me, to not bend an wobble allowing one long smooth stroke to take him into me.

Fingers tighten on me hips, his own hips begin to move with me. Slick an wet with desire I bounce upon his rigid shaft. And still it grows. Grows past the point that is kouzakai and begins to enter the realm of the beast. I know this member of the alliance like I know me own ma an pa. Our months together tell me I may have gotten more than I bargained for.

Raising me self up I run a finger across me middle and his thick hard member. Then take it and smear the juices upon his lips.

“Now do you remember….oh you big ole groper…you yellow bellied snapper, you slimy eel…scaring me like that.” I wipe the tears from under me eyes with the back of me hand hoping the water proof mascara does not run. I do not want to appear weak to the shark that bucks beneath me.

It is time to prepare me self for the wildest ride of all. Sometimes revenge can be a bitch, and no doubt he was going to make this bitch pay…but in what would become magical experience of pain and pleasure.

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