Shokushu High School

MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)
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Author:  Therion [ Wed May 11, 2011 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)

As promised the timer seems to slow once more and gain time rather then lose it, especially when she moans. The camera never missing a second as it zooms in as close as it can to her breasts. Capturing her skilfully fingers toying with her body. Of course it would never be that easy as the longer she does it the less time she seems to gain. Almost like she has to do something more extreme to keep gaining time and so on until she is done the test. But of course it only adds more fuel to the fire making it seem she is enjoying being watched. Only she can hear the commands in her mind.

Morloch has mad sure to study her, soon she will be hearing his voice even when he isn't near. Like hypnosis, it will help if they have any further encounters, perhaps even use her to lure her friends into his grasp.

Author:  Minerva Rocha [ Thu May 12, 2011 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)

Minerva blushed a bit being forced to so such degrading things in front of the camera, the young agent moaned again as she looked over at the camera. True to woman's word, the clock started turn back adding precious, precious time to the clock. The naked redhead immediately went to work to one the questions, just a few more to go. She was sure she was close, she just had to scribble something down that was correct to finish. She just hope she had enough time, else she would have to do something extremely drastic if she was going to finish the test.

She had no idea how much trouble she was in. How much he had already invaded her mind.

Author:  Therion [ Sun May 15, 2011 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)

Once more they seem determined to force her to humiliate herself further as the clock starts to count down again, much too fast. It seems she may gain more time but once the time gained passes, it begins to speed up again unless she keeps it up and continues to further toy with her own body making it even harder to concentrate especially with the threat of what will happen if she didn't answer truthfully. Even the cameras are moving up much too quickly showing off her lips now almost at her nose. It's clear she has to do something major and fast or it will all have been for nothing in the end.

Morloch wonders what she will do, this is the one "test" she has a fair chance of winning and completing, and it's all up to how "skilled" she is. So close to victory, why hold back if it means protecting her identity. The result of a failure has to be worse then the price of success.

Author:  Minerva Rocha [ Mon May 16, 2011 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)

Minerva looked up to only find the time speeding on by, it was simply going to way too fast for her to even hope to finish the test on time. As if to emphasize the point, the camera slowly turned upwards towards her face, the red headed agent could see that her lips and nose on the camera. There would already be some that might be able to figure out who she was. The agent had to think quickly if she was going to have any hope of even stopping the clock. Slowly her hand moved down her stomach and down to her flower. She began to slowly move her hand down to her flower, where she slowly began to brush her finger against it. Letting out a soft moan as she did so.

Author:  Therion [ Wed May 18, 2011 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)

It's almost like the cameras are playing games with her now. As when her finger brushes over her aroused pussy's lips and she moans it seems to move down and the timer stops. Each time her finger brushes it seems to stop and then start again as if teasing her by making it clear that's not enough. She has to humiliate herself further to protect her identity and finish. Of course it will only be harder to focus on writing her answers and pleasuring herself at the same time, adding another delay to what should have been just a simple test. Already they zoom in showing herself what she is doing quite clearly, showing her fingers working in detail. Of course as far as the poor red head knows she is still suffering from the drug.

Author:  Minerva Rocha [ Tue May 24, 2011 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MR Mission 012: Mystery Ship (for Morloch)

Minerva gasped as she continued to play with herself, unfortunately it became clear that she wasn't doing enough to stop the clock. She observed how the clock would only stop briefly before it was start up again. She would have to try harder if she was going to finish the test, of course there was only one way to go. The red head sighed as she pushed her finger inside her delicate flower. Instantly her head shot upwards as she let out a loud moan. Slowly she moved her finger back and forth as she did her best to keep the camera focused down below and hopefully get some precious time back.

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