Shokushu High School

The price of knowledge (for Eliza)
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Author:  Jarvok [ Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Jarvok looked at his data pad glassy eyed, as his "borrowed" ship neared its destination. Supposedly, the research paper he was attempting to read contained ground breaking research on a completely novel form of aphrodisiac made from a previously unknown plant, but as far as he could tell the paper might as well have been in another language.

He did manage to pick out a few tidbits from the dull document at least. The study was being done by an ADD scientist by the name of Eliza Genis, who was researching an anti-toxin that would counteract all forms of aphrodisiacs. Her new plant toxin was unique because it worked on basically any being with a biological nervous system, rather than being limited to just humanoids and closely related creatures. Everything from insects to androids, male, female, or other, almost anything tested was vulnerable, especially to the concentrated inject-able form. Considering that one of the main reasons that humans were the main target of the sex slave trade was because aphrodisiacs were so effective in their training, this development could have galaxy wide repercussions. Of course, the ADD were only doing the research because they thought that an antidote for this super serum might be effective against a wide variety of other concoctions, but Jarvok wasn't interested in that. He just knew that there were buyers willing to fund his debaucherous lifestyle for a decade (or at least 6 months if he really let himself go) in exchange for this formula.

He looked up from his tablet and stretched, abandoning the attempt to make sense of the study, then frowned as the bark on his arms shifted. He was currently disguised as Dr. Arboria Lapodis, a galactically renowned xenobotonist, and one of the premier experts in the field of alien plant enzymes. The real Dr. Lapodis was currently locked in her greenhouse with several dozen of her research subjects, collecting all the data she could ever want on the reproduction of semi-mobile interspecies erotic flora or whatever nerds call plants that like to fuck people. Jarvok had easily bypassed the security on her email system and requested a meeting with Ms. Genis so that Arboria could provide insight into her ground breaking findings. Of course, the meeting would need to take place in the isolated jungle research facility so that the good doctor could see the test subject in person, and had nothing to do with the fact that the station would be understaffed and have almost no defensive measures in place. This was for the good of scientific understanding after all.

The ship began to slow as it entered the atmosphere of undesignated moon 951467, where the ADD kept their secret research base, and Jarvok adjusted the ship's controls to head straight for the cloaked stretch of jungle where he would find his prize.

File comment: Dr. Arboria Lapodis
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Author:  Starla [ Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Eliza Genis gently sighed while she was checking on the plant. It currently in it's environment while she stayed in a safe viewing area. The plant and it's aphrodisiac were a rather dangerous find for her research, but she had to publish her paper to the ADD. Unknowning that it had been spread out so many people knew about her Super Aphrodisiac. She took a soft sigh while she was preparing for her arrival. Dr.Lapodis had requested a meeting to give some insight on her findings on the plant, her lab having a single vial of the formula, easily disposable as she smiled calmly.

The defenses on this base were few and far between, but Eliza knew if anyone knew her research was here, they'd be chomping to have it. She got the call from the small security of ADD personnel about the arrival and smiles. "Good, please escort her to my lab as soon as you can." She said. While Jarvok would see a communication informing him to land at the designated landing platform on the base.

Once stepping off the ship, two ADD Agents stepped forward like many of the girls they were lovely visuals as they welcomed him and informing Jarvok that Dr Genis is expecting her. Before they escorted Jarvok through the base, a few mostly research personnel were doing work. Before they showed a sealed room which one activated the security pad allowing Jarvok entry...where he'd see a silver haired woman with her back to his form. Wearing a labcoat before the figure turned showing a desirable figure and a pretty face as she smiles. "Dr Lapodis, an honor to see you came all this way." Eliza said with a smile.

Author:  Jarvok [ Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Jarvok strode forward past the ADD agents as if they were an honor guard, rather than base security. He portrayed a sense of absolute self assurance and control as he joined Eliza in her lab, not even daining to notice the other researchers he passed. Any of the women inclined towards the fairer sex would definitely notice him though, as his walk had a willowy sway to its movements that accentuated this body's curves.

As the doors hissed open, he sized up the silvery haired woman in front of him. Young, barely old enough to have graduated most universities. Pretty, with a truly impressive bust, but no makeup and entirely functional clothing, with no attempt to dress up for a senior colleague. Obviously, she was more interested in her research than in making a good impression. Better to take the woman firmly in hand, and not let her spew boring technobabble.

Jarok strode forward to greet the good doctor, extending his hand. They shook, with him applying just the right amount of pressure to assert dominance, without appearing too crass or masculine. "Ms. Genis, its such a pleasure to meet you, and please, call me Arboria. I must say, after reading your paper, I wasn't expecting to you to be quite so young. You should be very proud of the progress you've made here. I'm sure that with my help, we'll be able to make even greater strides together. Who knows, if things go well enough, perhaps we can co-author the next paper I submit to the Galactic Scientific Academy." Any Xenobiologist would know that Dr. Lapodis was a Drydak which live nearly as long as most trees, and Jarvok played on that to highlight the vast difference in experience between the two researchers. Toss in a chance at the career coup of submitting to the most prestigious scientific journal in existence, and Jarvok's comments were tailor made to push an inexperienced researcher to please.

Jarvok left her side and walked towards the viewing window, taking in huge size of the plant in the enclosure. "And this must be your test subject. I haven't seen such a lovely specimen in years. Why don't you tell me about how you managed to obtain it?"

Author:  Starla [ Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Eliza smiles as she shakes the hand briefly feeling the pressure but didn't comment on it. "Thank you, Arboria and please just call me Eliza." She said with a smile. "I prefer more casual talk between fellow scientists." She said with a bright smile. Pleased alright while following Jarvok to the viewing window seeing the huge size of the plant as Eliza smiled calmly. "Yes well, it was a rather...exhausting experience." Eliza said calmly. "I was, doing research on a far off planet on a week long expedition, when I encounter another of this plants fed on womanly fluid and I just happened to be the nearest source of food, it...had it's way with me, before releasing me having spat out some kind of seed. The curiosity got to me and I brought the seedling to my ship." Eliza informed.

"Since then I found that the plant releases an airborne lure to lure in potential food sources before using the well unrefined version of my formula to drive women wild with pleasure while able to keep them well healthy for longer periods of time." She added. "I brought it here after my expedition was complete so we could study it in's Aphrodisiac properties are much stronger than any known used by slavers." She added, "The Top Brass are hoping if we can find a way to counter this plants drug, then it could be the cure for all known Aphrodisiacs." She said with a proud smile on her face. No doubt for humans, if her research panned out it would be a huge boon for the ADD...and a headache potentially for slavers who relied on such drugs to keep their slaves as they were.

Author:  Jarvok [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Jarvok raised an eyebrow at the researcher's answer. "Oh my. You certainly are dedicated to your research. I assume by the fact that you are still in control of your faculties that there are no underlying addictive effects to the secretions? Quite lucky on your part. It took one of my graduate students 6 months to be weaned off the drug produced by a rather playful species of kelp she was studying. Certainly a risky way to conduct research, but there is no arguing with results.

I imagine a specimen of this size requires a great of nourishment to grow so quickly. Have you been keeping it fed yourself, or have your fellow researchers been assisting you? I assume that is how you are collecting your samples for study. I'd love the chance to work with a freshly sample during my stay here. So many plant based pheromones degrade in unpredictable ways over time.

Jarvok was still wrapping his head around the idea that some prissy ADD girl had let herself get fucked by an oversized potted plant, but he wasn't going to let that throw him off track. Keep the focus on the plant and the aphrodisiac, and off the cure.

"I suppose it would be too much to hope that you are able to synthesize the compound in the lab without precursors from your specimen? It would certainly make the research process easier, if a bit less interesting."

Author:  Starla [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

"Yes indeed, we have a volunteer from the ADD who wished to use it as 'training' if she can resist this things Aphrodisiac it could help her handle others better..or at least what she said." Eliza said with a shrug of her shoulders. "She's currently resting as we were able to extract some of the juices it fills her with to make the formula from." She added while she casually types onto a computer console as a holo screen shows the formula. "But yes, whenever we need to get a new sample, once our volunteer is ready we send her out, the plant feeds from her for a few hours before releasing her." She informed calmly. "It's perfectly safe and we're on hand to help extract her if something happens." She added.

"Besides, in the pursuit of science and understanding this universe, there is no limit to what a scientist must do, am I right Arboria?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.

Author:  Jarvok [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Jarvok smirked at the weak justification these ADD fools seem intent on maintaining to avoid accepting that all women want is a good dick between their legs. Not that he was going to disabuse them of course. The look on a sexy young agent's face when she finally accepted her true desires was always a sight to behold. That would come later though. For now, there was still work to do.

"You are right to an extent, but we need to be careful not to become what we are working against. Many of the worst slavers in the galaxy use young women exactly like you are using your volunteer, they just don't bother to ask permission. I'd say your ethical standards pass muster though."

Looking up at the meaningless sequence of letters, symbols, and numbers on the holo display, Jarvok pretended to study the readout contemplatively. Speaking as if no wasn't even an option, Jarvok asked, "Do you mind if I download that file to my personal datapad. I've written several chemical structure analysis scripts that should be able to give me quite a bit of insight into the compound." Without waiting for a response, he pulled out an expensive looking device and moved to plug it into the computer terminal, while pulling up half a dozen different programs. Unfortunately for the ADD, the files he opened were actually automated infiltration scripts he wrote to give himself root access to the stations entire network. In a few minutes, he'd have access to everything from cameras, to doors, to climate control and ventilation.

He turned back to Eliza and clapped his hands sharply before issuing his next instruction. "That should take some time to complete. While we wait, I'd like to see the most recent sample you've taken from the specimen, followed by the final product you've been able to develop. Holos are nice, but every field researcher knows that there is no substitute for a hands on visual inspection."

Author:  Starla [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

"I see no problem, besides this is just the beginning part of the Formula, the I guess you can say unrefined version." She said casually while he placed the device onto the terminal, unknown to her it was a infiltration script to take control of the stations network. Eliza nods when she hears the want to see the fluid in question. "I'd advice wearing something to cover your nose and mouth just incase." She warned approaching some kind of pinkish fluid in a vial as she calmly but carefully picked it up. "This is the recent batch of the plants chemical compound." She informed calmly with a smile on her face. "It's unrefined compared to the one I refined." She added letting Arboria examine the fluid. Eliza having placed a mask over her nose and mouth to avoid any potential leaks of the aroma effecting her offering one to Arboria beforehand.

"I'm sadly bound by the Brass to not reveal too much of my results on the experiments, I'm only allowed to reveal the base chemical compound of this plant," She said with a shrug. "They didn't even allow me to have a digital record of the experiments, it's all on paper stored elsewhere in the facility...and all in here." She said tapping her forehead saying she had the memory of the refining she was the only one who could make the concoction.

Author:  Jarvok [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Jarvok took the offered mask, strapping it to his face and breathing through it. He didn't actually need to breath of course, but shifting his body to do without lungs might be noticeable if the good doctor was paying close enough attention, and he didn't want to take any chances with so many agents wandering around the base. He took the vial from Eliza, holding it to the light and examining the colorful liquid inside.

He shook the vial, before turning back to the silver haired beauty. "Please make sure your mask is secure, I'm going to open the vial and get a sense for its viscosity."

He unstopped the cork, then poured a single drop onto his skin and feeling it between his fingers. Unbeknownst to Dr. Genis, Jarvok was actually taking the opportunity to absorb the reproductive fluid, cataloging the plant's DNA for future use. He had no intention of lugging around a greenhouse just to make an aphrodisiac, but he wouldn't need to if he could turn himself into the plant and produce the substance himself.

"Precisely as I expected after reading your paper. I'll want to run some tests on it of course, but I think it is time for us to move on to the main eve..."


The building shuddered under a massive shock wave. Alarms began sounding, and from outside the door, agents could be heard scrambling for their weapons. From the rooms comm system, one of the security staff was shouting that a orbital drop pod had just punched through the roof of the south hall before there was sparking electrical sound and the voice fell silent. Arbolis stood there, completely dumbstruck, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, when a new voice came on over the comm system.

A high pitched, whiny sounding voice coughed to clear its throat before addressing the base, "Good afternoon ladies. This is Dr. Issac Von Croaker, pleasure to make your acquaintance. As you may have noticed, my drop ship has just breached your defenses, and in a few moments my soldiers will be coming to introduce themselves to you. I strongly recommend surrendering peacefully, as they are known to get rather out of hand if provoked. That goes double for you Dr. Genis. I would hate for such a promising young career to be cut short, especially before we discuss your new creation. As for you Dr. Lapodis, thank you ever so much for leading us straight to this base. I never could have organized this party without you."

Jarvok couldn't believe what he was hearing. Someone ELSE was here to steal the formula? Not only that, they sounded like the cheesiest, most cliche bad guy he had ever heard of. He'd be damned if he let some jumped up lab rat take his prize! Just as he was thinking that, a hulking figure turned into the hall outside the lab, and the agents who had escorted Jarvok in opened fire with their sidearms. The blasts struck the creature, but seemed to simply bounce off its hide as it leveled a high powered taze rifle at them. An arc of electricity shot out, striking first one agent, then the other a heartbeat later and causing them both to collapse to the ground, stunned.

The blast of electricity lit up the creature, revealing it to be a broad, heavily muscled humanoid, covered in green lizardlike scales from its 6 and a half foot high head to its 4 foot long tail. It wore no clothing or armor to cover its impressive package, and didn't seem to have any weapons other than the rifle, but its claws looked like they would serve better than any combat knife. It stalked down the hallway towards the two doctors, when a second creature rounded the corner, behind the first, carrying a weapon Jarvok didn't recognize, with what looked like a canister of liquid hanging under the barrle. It said something in a language he didn't understand, before raising the weapon and pointing it straight at Jarvok.

Author:  Starla [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Eliza watched with her mask on while the Doctor dropped a single drop onto her skin. Not knowing Jarvok was absorbing the DNA of the plant. Eliza was about ready to start discussing when the shock wave hit the station as Eliza stumbled a little with her eyes widened. Hearing the comms being taken over as she narrowed her eyes. Eliza quickly approached the console and began rapidly typing something onto it. "Hope you have a good grip on that vial." Eliza informed Jarvok as she smirked. "I'd also remove your device, I need to delete the systems files, they're not getting any of my research damn it." She said focused after all she herself knew the research internally so it would be difficult for these morons to gain Jarvok and Eliza would be the only ones with even a lick of an idea on what the formula was.

Just as Eliza saw the guards being taken out by the large lizard being. Eliza tapped some consoles buttons before a blast door slammed over the entrance sealing that way in. Eliza sighed softly. "That should slow them down enough for us to make our getaway." Eliza informed Jarvok...seems the Doctor wasn't just an egghead she had some ADD training at least.

"I also sent a little message to Akiko, hopefully she can get us transport off this planet," Eliza added while she approached a panel on the floor and began pulling it open revealing a ladder going downwards. "Escape hatch, useful for evacuating." She joked while she began climbing down the ladder no doubt expecting Jarvok to follow her.

Author:  Jarvok [ Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Jarvok heard a distinctly unpleasant splattering noise as whatever liquid was in that gun slashed against the blast door, and he let out a sigh of relief to match Eliza's. He doubted it would have actually hurt him, but he doubted the experience would have been pleasant.

He took his datapad as Eliza typed away at the computer terminal, and check the status of his cracking software. A green "root access obtained" message made him smile, and he immediately pulled up the base's video feed and layout. From what he could see, the invaders successfully held the southern half of the base, but the agents were putting up a valiant defense in the main hallway leading to the north. Still they were definitely out gunned, and he didn't expect the barricade to hold for long. He tapped a few keys and slammed the blast door to the bay his ship was docked in before descending the ladder.

The escape tunnel was lit with red emergency lights, leaving them both in semi-darkness. As they ran, Jarvok called out to his guide, "That guard said the drop ship came in on the south side of the building. Can this tunnel get us to the northern landing pad? My ship should still be there, and if we hurry, we can beat those things there."

Author:  Starla [ Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Eliza smiles as she climbed down to the emergency tunnels. "Luckily for us, the tunnels lead to an escape hatch nearby the landing platforms...if we continue this way we'll reach the northern landing pad easily enough." She said moving ahead of Jarvok as the guide...while if Jarvok glanced at the datapad...a figure was moving a much different figure compared to the other normal agents, a beautiful woman with long violet hair wielding a sword as she danced around a few of the invaders...slicing them with her sword like a knife through butter. Eliza not noticing though as they continued their run through the tunnel.

Eliza had brought out a small light as she illuminated the way forward while keeping the pace. The pair reaching a dead end but with a ladder as Eliza nods and climbs up the ladder...before carefully lifting the cover to the hidden hatch...peeking out and looking around to make sure the coast was clear. The North Landing Pad was a bit of a rush through a more open area to reach but it was close.

Author:  Jarvok [ Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

As the pair ran, another tremor shook the building. "Glad to hear it, because it sounds like they called in another drop pod. You should probably tell your bodyguard to head for my ship, because I don't think the rest of the agents are going to hold out much longer."

Jarvok looked down at his data pad while sprinting through the tunnel and saw that a second group of lizard creature were storming through the halls from the eastern side of the building, being followed by a small brown toadlike creature in a lab coat. Considering the way it was ordering the lizard men around, that could only be Dr. Von Croaker. Jarvok zoomed in on him, memorizing the face, and began concocting his strategy for how to deal with whatever ship was deploying the drop pods.

First things first, no one was getting out of this base if the scaled monstrosities made it to the landing pad before he could lift off, and it looked like ADD resistance was going to crumble once their flank was hit with the reinforcements. Time to make things a bit more distracting. He pulled up the climate control system, and set it on full blast, pumping aphordisiac laced air from Eliza's plant enclosure into the main ventilation system. He'd be fine with his mask still on, but the combatants on both sides should quickly become more interested in making love not war. He wondered whether this security system included holo recordings. Considering the agents were outnumbered more than 2 to 1 at this point, the resulting orgy might sell well on the holo porn market.

Jarvok was so distracted by his work on the data pad that he nearly crashed into Dr. Genis' back as she mounted the ladder. Checking that the vial of serum was still carefully stowed, he joined her and popped out in the hanger bay, practically within spitting distance of where his ship waited behind its blast doors. Two more key strokes, and the doors slid open to admit the two scientists as they dashed for safety. The boarding ramp descended, and Jarvok managed to outpace Eliza up it to jump into the pilot's seat.

"Your friend had better be close, because I have no intention of waiting around."

Author:  Starla [ Sat Apr 06, 2019 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Eliza smiles and nods as the pair reached the ship luckily without incident, as Jarvok got to his seat and was prepping for take off a voice was heard. "Close enough for you Doctor?" A casual but womanly voice spoke as Eliza smiles turning around and seeing the beautiful Akiko Reiya calmly approaching. "You made it," Eliza said brightly as Akiko playfully smiles.

"Indeed, luckily I got away from the fighting before things got what's the plan?" She asked the two scientists while she sheathed her sword calmly. Eliza and Akiko not knowing of the orgy potentially going down in the base thanks to Jarvok releasing the Aphrodisiac.

Author:  Jarvok [ Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The price of knowledge (for Eliza)

Looking up from the ship's controls, Jarvok turns back to Akiko, "The plan my dear, is to get off this rock. Dr. Genis, hurry and strap yourself in. You! Come with me. We only have two seats on this vessel, so we'll need to secure you in specimen storage. This may get bumpy, and I do NOT want you bouncing around the ship as I'm trying to steer."

Jarvok stood from the console and moved to the back of the ship, where a glass pod for storing young trees sprung open at the touch of a button. "I'm afraid this won't be especially comfortable, but we'll let you out once the danger is passed. Put your sword in that container, then get in." While her back was turned, Jarvok covertly palmed the vial of serum and let a few drops fall to the floor of the glass enclosure. With such a small amount, it would take time to diffuse up to her nose, but in a confined space the drug's potency should be more than enough to get her in the right frame of mind. Once she got into the pod, he fastened straps around her chest, midsection and legs, firmly securing her arms to her side and holding her legs in place. "There, that should do. Wish us luck." He shut and locked the glass panel and moved back to the cockpit to find Dr. Genis strapped into the passenger seat. He jumped into the pilot's chair and in moments had the ship taxiing back onto the pad.

"Alright ladies, this is where the fun starts, liftoff in 3...2...1." The ship's engines fired, blasting everyone back in their seats with the acceleration. Jarvok looked down at the ship's scanners, and immediately found the enemy vessel that was launching those drop pods. A massive asteroid mining ship had drifted into orbit of the moon, and was launching soldiers out of its drone deployment bays. Even as he watched, a red blip on the display showed a 3rd drop pod was already on its way. More importantly, the behemoth's mining lasers looked more than capable of dicing his ship into confetti.

"Dr. Genis, if we don't do anything that ship is going to blast us out of the sky, so I'm going to need you to do some acting while I hail them. Do you think you can do that? You are a terrified scientist, captured by an unspeakable monster, about to be taken who knows where to be enslaved and raped until you break and betray your life's work to a man who will use it to corrupt the galaxy." As he said the words, the skin on his face became transparent, shifting and writhing as muscles and bones beneath remolded themselves in a gruesome but entrancing display. His voice slurred as "Arboria's" mouth widened into a froglike grin, before settling again into the whiny register they had heard over the address system back in the lab. His eyes bugged out while his nose and ears retreated to nearly nothing. By the time he was finished explaining the situation, the once pretty scientist had been replaced by a squat ugly toad man from the chest up. He took a device from a storage box by the controls and snapped it to his belt, and a moment later he appeared to be wearing a lab coat, just like the one worn by Issac on the video display. He turned back to Eliza with a wicked smirk and asked, "So, do you think you can play your part?"

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