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 Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria) 
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Post Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
This is a thread that is a continuation of Pleasant Embrace (For Alexandria and Diva)

"All... all that I need is right here..." were the last words the recovering ospoden knight said to the human agent before she found herself being pull into a new loving kiss. Diva, the proud knight awoke to a pleasant embrace of her beloved Alexandria, the human women she held so dear to her heart afther what felt like days of endless slumber. Just opening her eyes afther her long hibernation forced her to shed tears of pure joy seeing her precious Desire safe and sound with her afther they both suffered the pain and humiliation of being enslaved and tortured by the insidious green devil known as Goro and his red demonic hoard of savage Addas that carried out his evil wishes. However even now afther all the rest and recovery Diva has undertaken she still awoke in a haze, her surroundings were blurred, her memory was foggy, the only thing in her mind that she currently saw clearly was the face of her Alexandria, however somehow she knew they were safe from the evil that once held them hostage.

The knight would only break her lips from the human's for a moment to gaze up at her Desire. The human women radiantly glowed in the light like a shiny goddess as Diva's hazy glossed over eyes would caringly open before a bright warming smile crossed her features, greeting her lover with pure happiness that Diva rarely showed anyone else, even too her sisters and brother of the holy order, to the High Paladin or even Ezia herself.

"Alexandria...." Diva whispered softly as her arms gently closing around the human, hugging Alexandria close as she gently pulled her into a warm embrace allowing the purple cloak covering Alexandria's body to drape over them both like a new blanket for them to share as Diva would gazed up into Alexandria's eyes and smile. "I love you too...." Diva would say softly before reuniting her lips to Alexandria's for what felt like the first time.


Meanwhile Saint Ezia would have just stepped through the large ornate doors to her personal chamber, leaving both Alexandria and Diva to some privacy as the royal blue cloak draped over her bare shoulders swayed with her steps as she would take her leave out into the main hall where a pair of acolytes were both stoically waiting patiently for their holiest of saints, at least stoically at first as the pair would suddenly gasp in surprise at Ezia's manner of dress as the pair would both quickly move to her side in order to usher her down the hall.

"Ah! M-My Lady! W-what happened to you?! Are you alright? did the human hurt you?" One of Ezia's handmaid's said as she gently put a hand on Ezia's shoulders while the other made an effort to hold the front of Ezia's cloak closed in an effort to preserve her modesty as she was hurried down the hall. "Yes, yes I am fine, I promise there is nothing to to be concerned about. I merely spoke to human and offered my aid! Nothing more. " Ezia would say with a endearing smile before another handmaiden would speak up with a gasp of surprise in her voice. "Y-your holiness? I-Is this Saint G-Gar'shal's mantle??" The handmaiden would say before quickly ripping her hands away from the sacred garment, allowing it to flutter open exposing Ezia's bare naked body underneath the heavy cloak, luckily there was no one else in the hallway.

"Yes it is." Ezia said with a faint giggle of amusement. "The human Alexandria and I both needed something to keep us warm afther our bath." Ezia said with amusement smiling as she was hurried along by the two confused handmaid's who both shared a quick glance. "Y-you allowed the human to bathe with you? or did she forced herself on you my lady?!?" The handmaid asked with much shock before Ezia would merely reply with a nod. "Why No, I encouraged her myself. She was quiet thankful! I consider it fortunate that Ozatol gave me the opportunity to meet Miss Alexandria. She was quite eager to pray with me." Ezia would simply smile as she vaguely explain her time with the human. "If given another opportunity I would love to experience it again!" Ezia said with another soft giggle of amusement while the two Handmaidens would both agin exchange glances. "Experience? My holiness? What is it you mean?" The handmaiden asked before Ezia would simply smile before the three of them reached another pair of doors as they paused in front of the sealed chamber. "Yes! It was such a wonderful experience!! one I wish to share with all the people of the verse one day!!" Ezia said as she would step forward to the chamber door as she would gently place her hand on the dull metallic surface, a faint glow would follow as it scanned her palm. The two handmaidens looking away timidly as the cloak would again part, partially revealing the saints bare body to them both as she opened the door. "Our lord works in mysterious ways.... way I pray you all will experience one day with me.... Ozatol sent us Alexandria... she's a precious gift.... a messenger of love and desire... a true beacon of peace!" Ezia would say softly before she would turn to face her handmaidens. "Thank you both for your help..... now when Alexandria and my dearest sister Diva both have had more time to rest please inform her immediately... Now please.... leave me.. I must confess my finding to Ozotal and his holiest of apostles..... oh and please take this to be cleaned as soon as possible so I may return it to my vault." Ezia said with a soft smirk as she would allow the holy relic of Saint Gar'shal's mantle to slide off her shoulders and back as the royal blue cloak fell into a heap on the floor before Ezia would step into the new chamber completely naked as both handmaidens scrambled to gently gather the holy garment.

Inside this new chamber Ezia would step carefully, pausing near an altar to take up a tray covered by a silk cloth before the lights above would slowly glow to life to reveal a wide one chamber revealing a heavenly ornate chapel. Pristine dark marble floors glistened like stars under a large mosaic stained glass window representing a ever turning swirling galaxy in the contrast to the dome like chamber ceiling that made the chamber appear far larger than it actually was. Ezia would march slowly down the center of the chamber and directly two the dais just under the stained glass window where she would lower to both knees and gently place the tray in front of her before lowering her head in prayer. "Oh lord....please... I seek guidance from the verse.... I humbly desire words with your holiest of apostles...." Ezia said before she gently lifted the silk cloth from the silver and gold tray laid out before her, exposing underneath a black silk choker with a silver pendant dangling in front. "I desire audience with the loving serpent of passion..... goddess Vesperia." Ezia would gently reach out and take the coaker and gently wrap it around her neck before clipping it in place while she attempted to contact her beloved goddess through her private communication chamber normally only used for religious prayer, communication with ospoden royalty or other high ranking members of the holy order.


Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:10 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
"Mph... Ah... Diva..." The cloak covered them both as their lips renewed their bond time and time again. Their breasts mashed against one another, sending wondrous sensations through both their lovely bodies. Hands roamed up and down Diva's sides, feeling the mix of sexy curves and powerful muscles that made up the Ospoden's figure.

Eyes slowly fluttered shut as Alexandra pushed her tongue inside of her lover's mouth. She took a deep breath through her nose, taking in the pleasing scent her body produced. Master Goro's alterations made it so her breasts produced a powerful aphrodisiac when stimulated. Many Ospoden including the Saint herself had experienced the musk's effects. But with Diva, was it ok? They were in love. If there was anyone she would willingly fall and sink with, it was this purple haired woman.

The redhead rubbed up closer to her lover. Massive breasts smothered over Diva's. Rock hard peaks traced along the sensitive tit flesh, flicking across her partner's own soft nipples. A hand grazed the side of a breast while another gently cupped and caressed the knight's cheek. Alexandra did not want to be anywhere but here in her love's embrace right now.


It would not be the first time Ezia shocked her closest servants. Most did not know how to handle the Saint's more immodest behaviors that occurred occasionally. Any doubts of the holy woman's identity and purpose were quickly dispelled as Ezia still performed her duties expected of her position. In some ways, the holy woman had grown more devout if such a thing was possible. There were times the Saint would enter her private chamber in prayer and none would see her for the entirety of the day. None could imagine the burden Ezia carried as the holiest of Saints.

Devices hummed to life as long ranged communications sought out Vespira's cruiser. The serpent was lounging in a bed of pillows. Pleased hisses left the alien woman's lips as two Ospoden women were dragging their breasts and tongues along the throbbing scaled cock that stood proudly out from her sheathe. The Gorgonian wore nothing at all, her prismatic scales shining under the heated glow of the lights above.

The serpent woman was relaxing as her cruiser took her to her next destination. The crime lord was always on the move for both business and safety. She was pleased with recent additions to her harem and business. Conquering others through business and politics was almost as pleasing as sexually conquering strong prey, almost. The long trips through deep space gave her time to relax and revel in her victories.

A sudden call came in from the bridge, making snakewoman hissing with slight annoyance. "What is it?" Vespira demanded before a voice responded. "Mistress, a long range communication from the Holy Capital of Ozatol. It requests audience with the Goddess Vespira."

The title 'Goddess' always brought a smile to the alien criminal's lips. Capturing the Ospoden's holy leader had proven to be worth the risks. It seems time away had not worn down the serpent's hold over the so called Saint. "Mm..." a hand stroked through the hair of one of the Ospoden women worshipping her cock before sitting up, "Ssend it through, do not dissturb me further while the call is active."

Back in Ezia's private chamber, light and energy flickered until a holo screen formed before the stained glass window, looking down upon the holy woman. The screen revealed the divine serpent woman. Only her upper body was shown though the sight of those bare breasts revealed that the alien woman was wearing no clothes or accessories at this hour.

"Sssaint Essssia..." Vespira hissed, "Thisss is not when you usually contact me. Has ssomething occurred? Or are you ssselfishly hoping for another of my blesssingss?"

The Gorgonian called Ezia by title as a cruel tease. The serpent had already established what this woman truly was and the title that went with it. Seeing the Saint naked and on her knees reassured the Gorgonian that her pet was still trapped in her coils. She admired the black choker. It did not appear to be her submission collar unless alterations were made. Perhaps the Saint was so used to the feel of such an accessory that she wanted to have something around her neck.


Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:26 pm
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Diva would melt with her lover as they both shared a long awaited kiss, passion and heat fluttered into their chests as Diva felt the weight of Alexandria's body gently lower down onto her as they embraced. Sexually trained bodies came together as Diva lovingly mouthed her lovers lips, sensing Alexandria's tongue gently glide ageist her own as the knight returned her advanced, dueling Alexandria for supremacy. "Mugh! Ahohm!! ouh!! A-Alexandria." Diva managed to gasped between their joined lips, her eyes fluttering in a haze of pleasure as Diva couldn't help but tremble as hands roamed up and down her sides, Alexandria feeling the familiar curves of her body while Diva did the same. Alexnadria if she was lucid enough in the heat of the moment might notice that Diva's breasts felt a but larger as the knights hands rubbed along Alexandria's bareback, gliding under the purple cloak that covered them both as one of Diva's hands came to firmly grip the soft flesh of Alexandria's rear, squeezing the firm flesh while in contrast Diva's other hand traced up the humans sexy body before settling at the curve of Alexandria's own well endowed breasts.

"Ah! Augh! Ohh!!" Diva moaned as she groped Alexandria's breast, firmly squeezing the curvature of the humans lovable breast, not caring if she trigger Alexandria's curse as she continued to massage Alexandria's breast before finally breaking her lips free from the agents. The two might not recall in this moment, but it was ok if Alexandria lost control of herself with her precious knight, Diva was the agents cure and Alexandria was the knights drug. During their enslavement, Diva was also altered by the demon Goro's evil experimentation, not only did the twisted ball of slime get Diva addicted to Alexandria's scent, he also altered Diva's body to produce the antidote to her affliction, locked away with in the knights breasts Diva's body naturally produced the serum that would ease Alexandria's withdrawal symptoms.... however the knight turned out to be a failure as a cure as her body could only produce a dose or two a day..... and in order to extract Diva's cure it required her to be aroused and appropriately stimulated..... back aboard Goro's ship the Adda would usually steal Alexandria's dose.... but now Diva was all hers.

After breaking her lips way from Alexandria, Diva would lay beneath her lover panting heavily, her cheeks flushed with heat as Diva would smile happily before gently rolling Alexandria onto the bed beside her. Diva would begin kissing along Alexandria's neck and jaw while she continued to massage and grope the humans bountiful breasts before her hand would slowly wander to Alexandria's inner thighs as Diva's hand would rubbing her before coaxing her legs to part for her. "A-alexandria... Ah! A-Alexandria... I-I...Uh... I need you.." Diva whispered as she would mouth along her lovers neck, kissing a path to her shoulder. Diva drawing closer and closer to the source of Alexandria's scent and only moments away from satisfying a craving for the precious scent.


Ezia shocking her servants was hardly a new occurrence, ever since that fateful day on Proxima VI Ezia's devotion has only seemed to grow bolder and bolder. The peace assembly had seemingly opened the saints heart to numerous ideals that other lesser spiritual ospodens were being to consider strange, however none of Ezia's handmaidens or guards questioned her actions or motives, considering the saints actions to be of the highest divine authority and in a mysterious way they were, especially to the saint who believe with all her heart that she was practicing her most holy of faiths, Ezia never doubted this even as she kneeled naked at the foot of her lords chapel awaiting the divine words of her living goddess.

Even in her absence Vespria had no doubt loved the saints blessed offerings ever since their passionate night on Proxima VI not long ago. Anointed servants who were each baptised by Ezia herself, sent as missionaries to serve the goddess personally as a sigh of her good faith. One servant whose name was Beatrice serviced Vespria's cock, working the shaft with her large marvelous breasts as the ospoden women's chin length platinum blond hair bobbing with each movement as she worked over her mistresses glistening tip with her soft pink lips while another ospoden women named Maria was busy at work licking and sucking Vespria's exposed navel while her long black hair whipped in a braid off her shoulder as she worked the base of her goddess cock with soft gentle strokes.

Both were beautiful offering, Beatrice was and soft faired porcelain skin, platinum blond hair and piercing emerald eyes, while Maria had gentle fair skin, long black hair tied into a long braid that ended at the small of her back, only adding to her pretty features loving blue eyes. Beatrice and Maria would no doubt be the prized slaves of any great harem worth millions of credits each if sold, however Vespria received both as generous offerings from the devoted saint who loved her goddess with all her being, besides their expertise at service the two slaves could also function as elite guardians for their goddess if the need ever arises, willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary.

Vespria would know her pets devotion, the look of sheer bliss in their eyes even as she reached out and gently ran her scaled fingertips through Beatrice's hair. The women only purred softly as she continued to work diligently, not slowing her licks or movements for even a moment as Vespria connected with the call from her most devoted of servants, Saint Ezia Melrose as she would bow her head as sparkling holo image of her goddess flickered into view and illuminated the chamber with her divine light.

Ezia would keep her head lowered as she rested on her knees before the image of her goddess. The holo display flickering before becoming more stable moments later as the great goddess Ezia revered acknowledged her very being by speaking her name, and more notably her title as the act alone would force Ezia's to glare up to her goddess with wide eyes of sheer awe and inspiring amazement before she would seemingly get the better of her senses and quickly lower her head in respect, not laying eyes on her goddess glorious visage until given permission. "Y-you... you humble me my glorious goddess!!! I-I am but a lowly pet whore, I dont deserve such praise." Ezia said blushing happily at her goddesses cruel teasing that sent her heart fluttering rapidly before she would raise her head up words Vespria's image however her eyes would be closed for the moment until Vespria approved her gaze.

"Yes... f-forgive me my goddess.... but I-I" Ezia paused, stammering slightly as Vesperia would notice how the saint squirmed restlessly on her knees as if the lack of seeing her goddess was making her uneasy. "....I couldn't hold back my excitement in speaking to you again!!! I-I realize how selfish I am.... b-but..." Ezia would say with a smile. "but... I selfishly prayed to you out of my sinful desire to gaze upon your beauty..... I miss the sight of you my goddess.... but I- I also wish to inform you of a curious turn of events that I believe could only be a divine blessing brought on by your love." Ezia explained as Vesperia would see her exposed pet reach up with her hands, clasping her fingers in prayer.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:05 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
"Hahh... Ahhnn... I-I need you t-too..."

The busty agent moaned the words as Diva kissed and nibbled down her neck. Even Diva's Ospoden body could not resist the alluring scent. It was perhaps no surprise that even the holy knight had grown addicted to the potent musk much like her lover. They both knew the more they embraced, the more they succumbed to their irresistible addiction. But, there was no stopping. Their love was too strong, their need impossible to fight. "Oohhnn..." Heated tit flesh molded around Diva's groping fingers. The knight felt the agent's firm ass. Alexandra's own hands greedily claimed a breast while the other stroked back down the Ospoden woman's cheek and down an arm.

Diva felt Alexandra's heated entrance. The Russian woman's love petals were already moist due to her time with Ezia and the growing arousal of being with her deepest love. "A-Ahh... Oh God..." the agent whimpered as thighs part for her lover's hand. She was already very sensitive from her previous orgasms. A hand groped Diva's breast, admiring the size. Could her precious knight even fit into her armor with these changes? She could not help but think of how beautiful her lover was. Her thumb dragged over Diva's nipple as her lover moved down from her neck and into those wondrous melons. A hand would slide back up and grip a handful of that raspberry blonde hair. She pulled her lover's face right into her deep cleavage. Alexandra just loved feeling those hot breaths soak into her tender globes. She could feel the shivers that ran through the alien woman as every breath fed that irresistible addiction and awarded her with heightened pleasures and libido.


Both Lady Beatrice and Lady Maria were wonderful additions to the serpent's harem. The look of shock and surprise that came across their eyes when they found out the purpose of their pilgrimage. They could not believe that their most holiest of leaders had turned into a wanton whore and slave to this monster. But it was no lie nor was the footage of Ezia worshipping her Goddess.

Vespira had tricked and manipulated Ezia as well as the knight Diva. But with these two fresh Ospoden women, the Gorgonian took her time with other methods. The holy knights were stubborn and resistant, fighting with their impressive strengths. The Gorgonian tested their ability against her unrelenting Saurian guards, seeing if they could be broken physically and sexually. Vespira's cruelty eventually had Ezia's new prayers chanting through speakers or through their collars throughout their breaking and training.

It was not long before chinks in their mental and spiritual armors were found. The alien crimelord took great pleasure seeing their defiant visage turn to fear and despair before finally turning into acceptance and lust. With the serpent's coils around their holy Saint, the creature's poisonous influence would continue to corrupt and spread. They had to stop her only to be crushed time and time again, each time being welcomed by Ezia's words of worship to the serpent. Their bodies were introduced to stimulation and pleasures they long denied themselves and could never dream of feeling. As their bodies and minds fell, it all became clear why Ezia succumbed to the Goddess's allure.

The collars around their necks reinforced their newly developed devotion. They were rewarded with pleasure when they obeyed along with recordings of Ezia's lovely voice showering them with praise and offering prayers to their Mistress. Vespira took great pleasure sending the holy and devout knights to perform the most lewd and vile acts. Much like Diva, they pleasured guests and patrons when the serpent was at an establishment. She even sent the knights on tasks to collect things owed to the Gorgonian or what she desired. Such gorgeous creatures became powerful guardians and enforcers with a simple command.

Ezia knew she was not worthy of the title of Saint. Saint was merely a word she carried to continue the illusion with her people. Introducing them all to the Goddess's teachings would only create chaos. No, she had to be patient and gradually bring her people into Vespira's loving embrace.

"Mm... You show enough ssense to keep your eyesss closed," Vespira hissed softly, "But, for how long I wonder? You close your eyess but you know what I look like. My beauty is burned into your mind. Sssee my form sway behind your eyelidss. Left, right, left, right. Hear how my voice temptss you to disobey. Your eyelids flutter, desiring nothing more than to open ever ssso ssslightly to take a forbidden peak upon my divine beauty." A cruel smile spread across the serpent's lips, noticing how uneasy the nude Saint was. They were lightyears apart from one another. But it did not stop Ezia's training. These calls were new opportunities to tease and break her lovely pet through voice alone. "Mmm..." Vespira let forth a soft moan of pleasure, Beatrice showing the fruits of her training. "You know the rules. Sssuccessfully resisst me and you will break free of my control. You can return to your former faith and continue ssspreading those teachingss of yours. As Sssaint, you know you mussst fight thisss. But if you fail, if you give in, you will sssink even deeper under my control."

"How many timesss have we played thisss little game? How many timesss have you fallen? Ansswer..." Vespira commanded Ezia to recite the number of times she succumbed to the Goddess over these private calls, "Good girl. Oh... Did you just feel joy jussst now? Oh no... You are already sssinking. But, you musst resisst Ezia. You musst fight for your people. But deep down, you are jusst waiting for a ssingle word from your Goddesss. A ssingle word is all it would take to make you fall and fall and fall. Would you like me to sspeak the word?"

Vespira let forth another satisfied hiss. "Tell me about these eventsss..." The Gorgonian left Ezia in her struggles while continuing with the supposed purpose for this meeting. The Saint would have to fight between her desires to submit and obey along with her desire to follow the commands to resist. These little games sought to draw out any rebellious thoughts still lingering in the holy woman's psyche so that Vespira could demolish them.


Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:56 pm
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Diva shuddered a soft gasp as she felt her lover touch her swollen breast in the heat of the moment. The knights nipples were sensitive now, the mere touch forced Diva's spin to jolt in a small arche as she kissed apath down her lovers neck and shoulder while she massaged one of the human's heavenly breasts while her other hand slowly migrated lower and lower until Alexandria would feel her loving knights soft gentle hand stroking and rubbing along her inner thighs gently before Diva's fingertips touched the delicate petals of Alexandria's flower.

Diva would gasp with Alexandria's touch on her breasts, feeling the humans thumb dragging across her erect nipple, causing the bright pink peak to grow more stiff and sensitive with heat and arousal the more she teased it. Diva would let out a soft moan as she would too stroke Alexandria's moist petals back and forth with her ring finger before suddenly Diva wienced as her hair was pulled. "Ah! Mugh!" Diva would softly let out, her cry not of pain but surprise as she soon found her flushed face being pushed into her lovers magnificent cleavage.

Diva wouldn't fight it, in fact she went with her lovers movements as she fell into Alexandria's bosom, snuggling her cheek into the warm valley lovingly before inhaling a deep breath of her lovers sweet scent. "Ahhh! Y-yesss!" Diva would say with muffled words, shivering with sheer intoxication as the sexual heightening aphrodisiac filled her lungs and quickly created a high like no other as Diva would slowly go relaxed in her lovers embrace while she continued to mouth Alexandria's cleavage, licking and nibbling at her chest while on the other side of a breast Diva's hand squeezed and massaged the outer curve, looking as if Diva was smashing her own face between her lovers grand mountainous peaks while her fingertips on her other hand continued to work on her lover's delicate fold, gently stroking before experimenting probing inside the humans sex with slow delicate rocking of her wrist.


Vespria no doubt had fun "teaching" Ezia's loyal servants the true meaning of devotion and servitude when the pair elite guardian's both arrived in her hand as enlightened knights ready to serve their serpent patreon, however neither were quiet prepared for what the Gorgon truly had in mind for them, especially afther looking into her hypnotically beautiful eyes and gazing upon those prismatic scales. Vesperia learning quick that ospoden women were as stubborn as they were legendary strong, however even this varies from individual as traditional methods of taming didn't seem to work as well on them as well as seen by the performance of both Lady Beatrice and Lady Maria who both managed to fight off Vestia's security force, killing dozens of guards as they attempted to escape before eventually being overwhelmed, then later surviving three weeks in the barracks with her Suarian guards as cumdumps, enduring humiliating gang rape afther gang rape, proving how strong and resilient their bodies and minds were to the abuse even afther they passed out choking on hundreds of cock.... they always seemed to pull themselves back up from the mud for more....

It wasn't until the ends of that third week Vespria's experiments began to show cracks in their resolve and she learned the best method was simply the easiest and funnest, manipulating their own idealism against them, nudging their impressionable minds into thinking that all of their efforts were for their faith and devotion and they would trip over themselves trying to satisfy her every desire as at first what turned out to be two very difficulties slaves were now precious devoted servants both sitting on their knees at both of her sides, one massaging and sucking her cock with her breasts and mouth while the other worked the base of her shaft with her soft gentle hand while at the same time licking her navel with much enthusiasm..... oh how the mighty have fallen....

Ezia was fully aware of her goddess's methods to tame her new servants, not only was she aware she also provided insight to help improve the teaching of Vesperia great gosible by providing prayers and words of encouragement to better guide those seeking the truth. It brought Ezia great joy to knowing Lady Beatrice and Maria so happy with their great goddess, servicing their misstress as she once had when she was first blessed to meet her many moons ago.

"Y-yes...." Ezia answered softly as she lowered her submissive. "I... I don't want to soil your beauty with my.... my unworth eyes.." Ezia confessed as she trembled slightly with unease, Vespria seeing how desperate her pet was to look upon her, even if the faintest visage was just through a holo feed listening to her words grace her ears. "I-I see it... I-I see you m-my lady!!... b-but my memory pales compared to your true beauty Ezia would tightly claps her fingers in prayer, keeping her her eyes closed tight while nodding slightly as Vesperia spoke, the goddess seeing Ezia's head bobbing left and right with the words that not only soothed her but also tempted her to peak.

Ezia's brow would flinch at the sound of her goddess's moan, the saints composer nearly breaking as Beatrice's mouth opened to accept the full tip of mistresses cock into her gasping mouth, working her way slowly down the shaft while washing the length with her silky soft tongue while Maria had slowly migrated from the glistening navel, slowly licking and kissing a path up Vesperia abdomen while she continued to stroke and work the base of Vesperia cock while Maria's lips set their destination to Vesperia divine peaks as Maria sought to suckle upon her mistresses sacred tits.

"Muh! I-I... I c-couldnt r-resist you goddess.... b-but I...I must...I/" Ezia replied softly, her voice almost panicked as she began to spiral into unease, merely moments into their call Vesprias words already had the poor saint spinning as Ezia soon heard her goddesses words once again grace her ears, the echo if her past failings to resist temptation reverberating in her mind causing a fluttering heat to raise in her chest as Ezia began to ragged inhale and exhale breath. "D-dozens.... d-dozens of times... AH! e-eighty six times m-my lady!!!" Ezia would struggle before she would gasp out a specific number, blurting the number with a nervous but joyous smile on her face, a smile that only a slave would wear as Ezia would struggle to no peak, shaking her head as she even reached up to cover her eyes with her hands, breaking her prayer.

"I-I... please g-goddess! B-bless me!! B-bless me to gaze upon your divine body!!! p-please! B-before I.. I!" Ezia struggled with her internal conflict to resist and give in, she wanted to see her goddess so bad, yet she didn't want to stain her goddess with her sight and risk divine punishment as Ezia held her hand over her eyes. "Y-yes!....Y-yes m-my goddess." Ezia said with stammering words as her goddess cruel teasing had already done a number on her nerves and sent her heart racing with excitement.

"I-In the l-last s-several weeks..... m-my corp has been on a crusade in your divine name goddess!!! M-my sisters have r-raided cruel strongholds, liberated new followers to your glory.... b-but..... but recently there was a.... a disturbance when m-my dear sister Diva, whom you praised so highly before.... was captured by a demonic entity and a traitorous former knight my lady...." Ezia said with a timid tone before she continued on. " S-she was captured.... and nearly broken by their combined efforts...." Ezia explained nervously, knowing that her goddess wouldn't care about something so mundane, however Diva hurried to the point that mattered. ".... a demon.... a-and a traitor..... defiled my sister and.... tainted her..... tained your divine mark on her soul!!!" Ezia said with what almost sounded like anger in her voice as she would lower hear head deeply. "I... I beg m-mistress that you forgive my poor sister.... Diva did all she could to defeat them... however..... this isn't the more alarming news my goddess.... no...... When my sister was finally recovered..... we discovered a human m-my lady!! b-but not just any human..... My sisters lover, Alexandria....." Ezia said with a tone of excitement as she would look up upon her goddess, bright blue eyes opening to gaze upon Vespira's divine form shimmering in the holo feed, falling even further as she gleaned up at her goddess with sheer awe "A-and she is blessed my goddess!!! She is bless with the gift to spread desire and love to those around her!!"

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:21 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
"Mmm..." Alexandra's grip loosened and stroked down her lover's hair. Her body arched, pushing those bountiful breasts further into the alien woman's face. Tingling waves rippled from where Diva's breaths touched. That soft tongue dragged along the vast cleavage, waking those nerves up before nibbling kisses showered the tongue's wake. Light bites made the agent gasp in shock only to feel those light sparks of pain be immediately replaced with a heated kiss. Every squeeze of that fat tit-flesh produced a wonderful moan from the human woman's lips. The knight was smothering herself in her lover's chest, practically motor boating them.

Thighs part as Diva's hand felt the warmth radiating from those now dripping netherlips. Teasing those petals sent heels dragging across the bedsheets. Toes curled as those netherlips faintly parted as if welcoming the female knight's knowing touch. "O-Ohhh... Yessss..." Alexandra mewled in delight, "D-Don't stop..." Diva could feel those pink walls twitch and jolt from her touch. Walls tightened around the invading digit, practically sucking on the curling finger as the agent's hips rose to meet that wonderful hand.


Losing a number Saurians was certainly costly. But, no price was too high for Vespira's own entertainment and pleasure. Maria and Beatrice's resistance and strength only made it all the more satisfying seeing them fall. They would even accept endless agony from the collars than submit and obey. It seemed similar methods as what was done to Ezia and Diva were truly the most effective in breaking these holy warriors.

Beatrice was the lucky first to fall, her views twisted and corrupted into something far from pure. Ezia was more than happy to reveal how their faith and beliefs worked and even provided what known weaknesses her people had. Maria then had the sole experience of watching her comrade in arms join the others in beating and breaking her down. The knight had no qualms slaying the vile creatures sent her way. But she knew they did something to Beatrice. How else could the once loyal knight fall and betray their faith? That little hesitation was all it took for Beatrice to get the upper hand. There were looks of pure happiness and joy as the former comrade beat Maria time and time again.

Maria lost count of the times she was dragged before that evil serpent, battered and broken. There were times she saw Ezia on a holoscreen, watching it all unfold. Only words of praise towards Beatrice were heard while words of being tainted and unworthy were thrown at the struggling knight. The snakewoman had successfully turned the purest Saint into someone who embraced these lewd and vile sins.

Even after falling, Maria still experienced punishments for her stubborn resistance. Beatrice was often called on first by the snake Goddess. The platinum haired beauty had the greatest honor of tasting that delicious scaled dick first and be the first to be taken by it. Maria could feel how that cock pulsed and swelled from her former partner's advances. Both felt such joy just being close to their Mistress. But the knowing smirk on Beatrice's face revealed the pleasure she had being ahead of Maria. A final look was given to Maria before Beatrice showed her prowess in gobbling the shining throbbing spire.

"Oooohhh... Beatrice..." Vespira groaned as that stretched out throat tightened around her monstrous length. Maria's advances did not go unnoticed as the former knight tasted the fine scales of the serpent woman. Lips wrapped around a darkened peak. The woman could feel the blood throbbing within the engorged teat. Though no milk was ever produced, the Ospoden woman sucked on it like a loving babe as Vespira's hand gently stroked through that head of black hair.

All of this occurred while Ezia struggled and suffered. Closed eyes left the imagination going wild of what her loyal followers were doing with the Goddess. Was that Beatrice's name she heard? When was the last time the Goddess moaned out the Saint's name?

Ezia tried to endure, hands moving up to cover her eyes. Vespira could only smirk in amusement. Eighty-six times she had the Saint play this little game. The first were the most dangerous, forcing her pet to draw upon doubts and reserves of resistance to fight back with. But each time, the losses came quicker than before. "Before you what?" Vespira hissed, "You will not fall until I command it! Remember what I taught you. Sssearch yoursself for that ssstubborn Ssaint you were. You know she needss to fight back to sssave you all. Hold onto that light... That hope... Let it strengthen you... Obey... Resisst..."

Vespira listened to the story with only minor interest. She had little care of their holy crusades. The Gorgonian had little concern of ever being a target by the Order of the Immortal Heart. They were free to attack her competition and foes as they like. The mention of Diva falling and nearly breaking was not necessarily a concern. There was plenty of footage of patrons taking and breaking in Diva and Ezia both. Still, the mention of marking one's soul was worthy of note. These were Vespira's slaves and none could have them without going through her and paying a price.

A single name would hardly be a blip in the Gorgonian's radar, less so when it was attached to a human. But, she did recall the name Alexandra from the wondrous moments she had breaking Diva in. It was the only reason the name was not simply forgotten like many others. ADD agents tended to draw decent amount of credits, humans tending to be limited to a few settlements and what stock could be auctioned from Shokushu. Alexandra had an impressive body, certainly made for a sex slave. That alone certainly made that particular woman worthy of note. Perhaps Ezia saw the same?

Whatever it was, the excitement was enough to distract Ezia from her Mistress's little game. "Mm... That makesss eighty sseven, ssslave." The word 'slave' hissed from those divine lips was the one word. The title was greater than being a holy Saint. The word spoken by Vespira hit hard and unrelenting, Pure submissive energy washed what little resistance the holy woman mustered, drowning the woman's psyche in a sense of vulnerability and obedience. Even Maria and Beatrice responded to the word. Beatrice could only give muffled whimpers while Maria was able to softly respond "I am a slave and a slave obeys, Mistress Vespira."

"You fell ssso quickly, ssslave," Vespira hissed, letting that word pound into Ezia's psyche again and again, "I know you tried your besst. Let yoursself fall. You are no longer a Sssaint but a ssslave. Let that word smother the Sssaint and leave what you are truly are. Your kind are made for thisss. To sssink, to fall, to sssubmit. To ssserve your owner is the greatessst of honorss. Diva only did what was in her nature. Do not look down upon her. You now sssee how weak and vulnerable your kind are. Only I can sssave you."

The Gorgonian smiled at the expression on the holy woman's face. The footage on the holoscreen drew back, revealing Maria and Beatrice to the Saint. "Ahh... Look at her," Vespira ordered her precious pets, "Tell me what you see." Once she received her answers, a hand would push Beatrice back down to gulping around her cock while the other traced fingertips up and down Maria's spine. "But if you are concerned with your sisster'ss loyalty, her faith, perhapss a tesst is necesssary," the serpent hissed while stretching out slowly in her bed of pillows. Saliva shined on the rough scaled phallus as precum oozed gently from the heated tip. "Why sssuch interessst in a human, an agent at that? You know the ADD ssseek to ssstop me and yet you ssseem excited..."


Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:20 pm
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Diva snuggled up between her lovers warm breasts, smothering herself in the source of that wonder scent as she took deep breaths, inhaling more and more of it as she simultaneously mouths and nibbled at the round plump globes. Diva felt the rush of that scent, like the powerful drug it was coursed through her system and causing her pupils to dilate as the world around her faded into a foggy haze where only Alexandria and her own pleasure matter.

"I-I!! I'll never stop!!" Diva gasped between huffs and gasp from the warmth of her lovers breasts, her fingers growing bolder as she teased along her lovers moistening petals with gentle strokes before Diva finally pressed her fingers inside Alexandria's awaiting sex. Slowly rocking her wrist Diva began to pleasure Alexandria, happily smiling as she heard her dearests moans as she twisted her probing middle finger before adding a second finger to the gentle rocking of her wrist. Diva in all the heat lifted her head from her lovers chest, Alexandria finally seeing the flushed look on her now horny knights face as she was consumed by Alexandria's scent.

"Fuh..fuh.. Y-you... your so good.." Diva gasped in heat. " you so much!!" Diva gasped agin, her breath hot with arousal as she slowly lowered back down into Alexandria's cleavage, yet just before she buried her face between her mountious breasts Diva's eyes instead flicked to the swollen peaks that were her lovers hard erect nipples as Diva's jaw gasped open before she instantly moved to lather the sweet cherry pink tit with her tongue.

Muhmmfuhmm!! S-sooo good!" Diva gasped in heat as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her silky soft tongue circled Alexandria's nipple, tracing her lovers areola before sealing her lips around the hard peak as Diva gently suckled on her lovers tit, getting her dose directly from the source.


Taming two elite knights was worth the risk of several dozen saurian guards, Vespria's entertainment and pleasure were all the mattered in the end and her servants were more then willing to sacrifice life and limb to give their mistress what she wanted. Ezia was no exception during the entire process, proving to her goddess that "guiding" Beatrice and Maria in a similar way as she had been was the most effective means to have her people accept Vespria's guidance and love. Beatrice was living proof of Vespria's truth, being the first to see the light and open her soul to the gorgon that showed her love and pleasure... love and pleasure that Beatrice shared in turn with her fellow sister in her efforts to help guide Maria to the truth. Vespria would recall that Beatrice took great joy in assisting her goddess as well as numerous other guards and patrons in the last days it took to pry open Maria's heart, soul, and most often her legs to their goddesses love as she finally accepted Vespria's love and opened her heart to her desires.

Beatrice was rewarded for her efforts in showing her sister the way into her goddess's arms, taking joy in the fact that Vespria called on her so much, feeling bless for such an honor to serve her goddess in body and soul as even now Beatrice showed her faith and worshiped her goddesses scaled member with all her being, handling her goddess's precious cock with the utmost care, tenderness and compassion, bobbing her head up and down her goddess divine cock as she made great effort washing the tip with her tongue while Maria was hard at work to make up her past transgressions. by servicing her goddess's nipples and helping her sister pleasure their goddess erect shaft by stroking the base with her soft fingertips.

Joy would swallow Beatrice's heart as she heard his mistress moan, even call out her name coaxing her to work hard as Beatrice earnestly kept bobbing her head, not stopping even if it meant skipping moments to inhale gasoing breaths as she washed her goddess tip in the way the slave found Vespria enjoyed the most, hoping to show her talent and effort to improve even if she was already exist at giving head. Maria too would find that her heart had skipped a beat as she felt Vespria's hand gently stroke the back of her head, gently petting her long jet black hair as Maria couldn't help but pause her licks for a moment to flick her eyes up to her goddess, smiling happily between a gentle lick to the swollen nipple before continuing on with haste to resume, her hand below working even faster to stroke Vespria's scaled shaft in alternating strokes that matched in sync with Beatrice's breast massage.

Ezia couldn't deny that the sound of her goddess moan forced her heart to flutter, even the sound of her goddess shouting the name of her dearest sister Beatrice was enough to spark joy in the saints heart, however at the same time a tinge of jealousy crept in as well making Ezia squirm on her knees uneasily. She desired to see her goddess!! Ezia was craving attention!!! craving love and affection from her goddess!!! She wanted to be in her goddess tight coils as she worshiped her!! Ezia was already heavily panting at the thought of their first meeting, as well as her numerous sessions and calls to pray for her goddess as she was struggled to endure the heat already boiling in her core as well as the temptation to gaze upon her goddess as she recounted the events and her current discovery involving the human Alexandria, it was only as the poor slaved saint expressed her discover of the human and her gift did Ezia's mind wonder for a moment that her eyes opened.

"Huh? E-eighty? S-seven?" Ezia repeated as she glared at her goddess, wide uncertain eyes glaring directly into hers, the holo feed shimming as Ezia seemed confused for a brief moment until her over zealous mind finally snapped back to reality, the word "slave" being the trigger that made Ezia recall her place as she panicked and quickly averting her eyes and covering them with a palm. "Ah! I-I... I didnt! Ahuh!!" Ezia cried in panic before lowering her head submissively in a desperate effort to apologize to her goddess, however doing so Ezi couldn't help but crack a excited smile, not regretting the brief moment when she laid eyes on her goddess.

"I-I am a slave and a slave obeys, M-my goddess!" Ezia said alongside her sisters, her version slightly different but its meaning the same as Ezia tightly covered her palms over her eyes as Vesperia would no doubt see that smirk happily on Ezia's lips as she was trying so hard to desperately hide as her goddess began to pound scolding words into the enslaved saints crumbed psyche, beating words into her head that only further to solidify her devotion to try harder to be a better slave as Ezia would nod her head with her goddess words. "I-I... I-I'm not a s-saint... I-I... I'm just a.... a s-slave.... a-a whore t-to... to s-serve!" Ezia recited as she timidly listened to her goddess words regarding Diva and her people, Ezia nodding as she heavily gasped hot ragged breaths even more nervous and uneasy then before knowing she failed. "I-I... I don't b-blame her m-my goddess... I-I.. I would n-never." Ezia said softly, her flushed cheeks brightening further behind her palms, the sense of anger fading with in her and being replaced by sheer want on desire as the next moment she was asked the look and Ezia this time uncovered her eyes to gaze upon the scene of her sisters, Beatrice and Maria both service her goddess in the way Ezia desired too at the very moment.

Beatrice would only lift her head and dislodge her goddess cock from her lips when Vespria ordered her to do so as The platinum haired knight would let out a soft gasp followed by a deep inhale of breath that left her even more red in face. Vespria's cock would stand proud and errect, like a powerful lance as Beatrice would glare up at Vespria with longing eyes before looking to her beloved saint Ezia on the holo screen. Beatrice smiled brightly before she would nodd. "Y-yes my goddess.... fuh.... I-I see... I see a slave mistress.... I see your beloved slave... Ezia, a worthless whore..." Beatrice said with an endearing smile, speaking words that would have been considered blasphemous before her goddess's divine teachings as Beatrice would look up to Vespira seeking approval for her answer before she would be coaxed by her goddesses guiding hand return to sucking off her magnificent cock as Beatrice would go back to bobbing her head down its length, however unlike before Beatrice would feel the need to go further above and beyond as she did a few experimenting licks and sucks, tasting the bitter sweet tange of her goddess pre-cum before going to work bobbing her up and down on Vespria's length before going lower, deepthroating her goddess cock nearly want to its hilt, an act that forced Maria to pull her hand out of her sisters way as she glared down at the disturbance briefly before nervously looking for a new means to pleasure her goddess. Maria only calming as she felt Vespira's touch as scaled finger tips traced a path up and down her spine as Maria would relax before returning to suckling on her goddess's breast while her hand that once stroked the base of her cock instead wandered upwards to instead fondled Vespria's other unattended breast, groping and massaging it gently.

Ezia would watch all this with wide eyes, the joy in her heart again fluttering, yet the sting of jealousy was fueling a smoldering fire in her core as Ezia seemingly leaned forward on all fours, watching the sexual display of her goddess being pleasured by her dear sisters. Ezia's eyes only breaking away from the show as Vespria spoke to her, Ezia's eyes flicking to her goddesses own. "I-I... I dont think m-my sister would ever betray you my goddess... she's... I-I just..." Ezia said with urgent sense of pride before she would nervously. "I jsut fear that... that the demon... it tainted her.... s-she.... Diva must be baptised in your love my goddess!" Ezia said as she glared up at Vespria with eyes of nervousness, tears almost filling them before she shook her head, struggling to keep her self composed. "N-No... I... I would never allow them to try....ah!... I-I only..... I only show interest due to her gift!!" Ezia said in a panic, struggling to explain as she lowered her head in shame. "F-forgive me g-goddess!! I-I.... I only meant to reveal that t-this human, she,.... A-alexandria.... she..... she has a gift too.... to draw out the desire of others!!!" Ezia said with nervousness, praying she had not overstepped her bounds. "I-It comes in the form of a sweet scent! I-it... its intoxicating my goddess!!" Ezia would say quickly in a effort to not upset her goddess further as Ezia would lower her head just as Vespria would discover files being set to her over the holo call.... files that contained surveillance footage of Alexandria's encounter with the Acolyte Ollo in the medical bay, followed by several medical reports regarding an unknown chemical being produced naturally by the human. Also in the files were other surveillance footages of Alexandria and Ezia in the bath together, then in the treasure vault, and finally the last file gave Vespria a direct link to the camera's in Ezia's bed chamber where she could see Diva and Alexandria together passionately making love.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:24 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Every gasping breath saturated the lovely agent's body with more of the evil musk. Already softened up by her moments with Ezia, the word 'stop' no longer exist inside her pretty little head. Why did she ever fight this? Every breath was pure heaven. Even her knight did not fight it. They were lovers as well. This was love. It all felt so very very good.

Hips jolt forward as two fingers pumped slowly in and out of Alexandra's juicy cunt. Diva's fingers were already soaked in her lover's love fluids. Eyes fluttered, rolling back in the agent's head. Oh god, how often had they fucked when on Master's ship? The Ospoden woman showed just how much experience they had accumulated. Diva learned everything about Alexandra's sexy body. She knew not only what made her lover feel good but what also produced more of that irresistible stench.

Nails dug into Diva's back as the agent let forth a soft whine. Her nipple pulsed and throbbed between the knight's lips and teeth. Alexandra brought her own hand to her other breast, squeezing and groping it herself as she kept taking long shuddering breaths. The chamber gradually filled with the human woman's blessed stench the longer the two continued to fuck in the holy saint's bed.


Vespira took great pride in her ability to train loyal and devoted slaves. It was trivial with technology to simply purge one's free will, memories, or conscious thoughts; leaving behind a mere husk or drone that mindlessly obeyed all commands. But the Gorgonian wanted much more than that. She did not want a mere vessel of flesh with preprogrammed behaviors. She wanted to break, twist, and mold her prey's very beliefs and views into becoming what they truly were in her eyes. Seeing and hearing her precious pets fight and compete for her love in hopes of hoarding it for themselves pleased her to no end. Having so many longing eyes on her perfect form stroked the serpent's ego in so many pleasant ways. Slaves with drive, with purpose, tended to perform better and always seek to improve in hopes of earning Vespira's love and attention.

Beatrice's answer was more than satisfactory. The elite knight held some of the highest honors including being baptised by the Saint herself. Now, the knight talked down to Ezia as if she were nothing but a peasant. Even Maria gave a knowing smile as they looked to Ezia while pleasuring their goddess. They knew the look on Ezia's face well. They had seen it on other slaves around the ship. Their superior bodies and devotion did not go unnoticed by the others as they earned looks of envy and jealousy.

Vespira's eyes closed as she felt Beatrice swallowing around her aching shaft. "Ooohh..." Maria's advances did not go unnoticed either as the knight could feel the throb of the alien serpent's blood engorging the darkened peak. Tentacles slowly slithered forth. Some coiled around both women's bodies and limbs, stroking their bare skin while others zeroed into squeezing those bountiful breasts. Both loyal slaves felt fleshy tips push against their sexes and tight asses. They thrust without mercy, pistoning in and out as they alternating between the two entrances.

Ezia was left explaining herself while the sounds of sex came through the holocall. A firm grip of Maria's braid pulled her away from the Gorgonian's chest. The Ospoden woman soon found herself gazing into those yellow eyes that had conquered her so many times before. Vespira admired the beautiful sounds escaping her pet as tendrils fucked her relentlessly. A forked tongue flicked out, tasting her prey's lips before closing in for a deep kiss. Beatrice found herself unable to raise her head, a hand holding her down as the cock swelled and shuddered. The woman could not breathe but knew what was coming as hot alien seed came flooding her mouth and throat. Vespira's moans and cries of passion were muffled into her kiss with Maria.

If the Saint looked up, she would see Beatrice struggling as she was starved of oxygen. Excess cum came out of the woman's nose and the corners of her spread lips. The tentacles showed no mercy, fucking the fading woman with wild abandon. Only when Vespira finished blowing her load did she pull the woman's head back up, giving full view of the woman's face as cum bubbled and drooled from the knight's gaping mouth. Though jealousy was certainly felt, there was some pride to be had in knowing that Ezia's personally selected followers had brought forth such pleasure to her goddess. Like with Diva, Vespira loved to show the Saint's own knights breaking. The Gorgonian released Beatrice, letting her shuddering body fall to the floor while the tendrils kept fucking and groping her oxygen starved body.

The kiss broke and Vespira released Maria so she could take Beatrice's place. The scaled shaft was soaked in cum and saliva. It twitched and shivered though still remained erect. With a satisfied hiss, the serpent looked to see the data and footage on screen.

Vespira did not recall this particular agent having these abilities when working her establishments. An alteration or mutation induced by another being perhaps? There was no doubting the footage though. Even the resilient Ospoden were helpless before this sweet stench the human produced. The Gorgonian's tongue flicked as she watched the human and knight fuck in Ezia's bedchamber. She had no fear of the ADD but attracting their attention would hinder her businesses. Still, the snakewoman was curious about this new potent aphrodisiac.

"Lift your gaze, ssslave," Vespira ordered, allowing the Saint to look upon the Gorgonian, "If you believe Diva needs to return, I will consssider it. Thisss ssso called blesssed human is of interesst. Mm... What do you intend to do with her? She ssseems to be in your care. You have not told her of our relationss, did you? How will you bring Diva to be baptized without the agent knowing, hm? I alssso wish more of your followerss to come ssee me. I am more than pleased with what Beatrice and Maria had to offer. Now, I know what I musst do to break each and every one of your kind."

"Does thisss please you as well, ssslave?" the Gorgonian asked, "I know your body is aching. Spread your thighs, show me your love for your goddess. I know I cannot reach you from here. But, your hands bare my will. Use them, let them show how you want to be taken when you come to me again."


Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:19 pm
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Diva was in absolute heaven as she suckled needfuly on her lovers swollen tit sucking more and more of that delicious scent into her lungs the more her tongue washed over the garden areola, flicking it side to side with expertise the knight didnt have before spending weeks aboard the demon Goro's ship as his pet with hundreds of his Adda soldiers that fucked her and her lover endlessly over the months they were enslaved together. Both Diva and Alexandria were more than likely raped by every sentient creature on the ship before they were rescued by the holy order, she wouldn't consider it blessing that she had picked up a few things, however it was fortunate that she did as it gave her the appropriate skills now to excite her lover afther they spent so much time together fucking in their cell when Adda or Goro were not handling them personally.

Diva discovered alot about what exactly what made her lover Alexandria tick, learning quickly that her busty agent was incredibly sensitive, her breasts specifically being the source of her blessing as well as her beautiful sex and other areas altered in her periods of capture such as her mouth and throat, however Diva lacked the proper equipment to stimulate her lover there. Alexandria's glorious breasts always being the most succulent and responsive to tease, which is also ironic that the scent draws one to the humans breasts afther inhaling enough of her sweet scent to truly lose oneself. Instinctively Diva was always drawn to Alexandria's breasts as the knight couldn't control herself as she lovingly suckled on large pink nipples, massaging the other free breast with her off hand before Diva would raise panting heavily only to switch breasts, Diva seizing the globe Alexandria herself began to massage as instead Diva's hand came to meet her as their fingers interlaced and Diva forced her hand back down onto the soft bed. All the while Diva's dominate hand below continued to rock her fingers in and out of Alexandria's lovers sex as Diva felt the moist warmthness encourage her to go faster as she slowly picked up the pace, rhythmically pumping her fingers in and out before adding a third digit to the frey, wiggling her three finger tips as they came in and out, before dragging along the inner wall of her sex.

Diva's eyes would flick up to her lovers features giving her lover a sultry smile as she was mouthing the peak of Alexandria's large amazing mound before teeth would gently close around the nipple Diva was playing with as the knight would playfully pull back on the harden peak before releasing it and allowing the soft mound to bounce back into place before Diva would swap to the other breast once agin, doing the same before soothing Alexandria's sweet peaks with long seductive licks as if she were licking a loli pop. "S-So delicious!" Diva moaned as she would return to licking Alexandria's nipples as their time together was only getting started.

Pride in her work was an excellent tool to be sure, breaking slaves was no simple matter, however one made trivial thanks to numerous technologies, drug, and brainwashing methods in a galaxy overflowing with slavers, and slaves, however even with theses technologies and methods breaking Ospoden women proved to be a difficult feet. It was a endeavor that required time and patients even with Vespria's current method of indoctrination and with Ezia's help she no doubt found that fastest method, however even this proved its limits based on how ridiculously righteous and moldable the individual ospoden was to their faith.... it was a task that Vespira could not hand over to a lesser tamer, a task that she herself had to handle personally to achieve the proper results as she did now with two elite ospoden warriors worshiping her cock and body like the true goddess she was....

Besides Ezia, Beatrice proved to be the next best advocate of Vespria's success, she was as loyal as she was desirable, numerous clients wanted her, non could afford her, while the envy of any slave of Vespria's harem as the beautiful platinum blond knight went down on her goddess's thick scaled cock with surprising zeal afther her previous praise. Vespira's words seeming to ignite a fire in the women's heart as she bobbed her head up and down on her thick shaft, deepthroating Vespria's length, swallowing around it as her tongue lashed along the shaft as it slide in and out. Beatrice's efforts only growing more relentless as she heard her goddess's moan, learning from her experience in discovering what scales to flick with her silky soft tongue.

Maria would notice her sisters efforts and double her own, fearing she wasn't working hard enough as Maria mouthing her goddess's breasts, suckling the swollen peaks lovingly and needful, taking great care not to bite or even bare her teeth as Maria gasped between licks while she flicked and teasing Vespria's other nipple on her other breast with her soft gentle hands. Vespria allowed Maria some slack as her sister Beatrice was being greedy, keeping her goddess's cock all to herself, a fact Maria notice and instantly found herself jealous of at least before the dark haired knight felt her goddess's hand skimming along her bare back, stroking gently before suddenly Maria felt Vespria's hand grip her braid tugging her back as the gorgon's nipple escaped Maria's lips with a soft -pop-

Maria's face lit up nervously, fear falling over her the moment she felt her head get jerked back, tears fell over her eyes the moment she gazed up, worried she had done wrong for the countless time, however instead of a look of anger Maria was met with the features of a proud and wonderful goddess that made her eyes weep with joy as she smiled up at the shimmering visage of her goddess Vespria. "G-goddess.... I-I love you!" Those words were all Maria managed to whisper before her goddess pulled her up into that heavenly embrace and she felt the unforgetable tongue of her goddess flick out, teasing her lips as Maria parted her lips to accept the blessed kiss.

Fear gripped Ezia in the following moments, her bright sapphire blue eyes looking to the floor in front of her feeling the tension hang over her head afther she transferred the data to her beloved goddess. Ezia feared that she may have overstepped her bounds, fearing she was to forth coming with the holy serpent Vespria, too arrogant, too naive and stupid. Ezia imagination ran rapid with the ideas and scenarios that made her head spin with worry as her goddess wrath felt as if it were looming over her shoulder in the moments that Ezia heard no reply before the muffled squeal jarred the lewd saint to lift her head to the holo image of her goddess in the middle of taming both of her hand picked acolytes.

"Ah! O-Oh my..." Ezia gasped with blushed features, watching in awe as her sisters both contorted and squirmed in their goddesses grasp. Vespria's numerous tendrils blessing both Beatrice and Maria with her touch the same as Ezia once had experienced for the first time many moons ago. Envy over took the slaved saints heart as her eyes widen at the glorious sight of Maria, her dark haired sisters lips locked in a passionate kiss with her dear goddess, Vespria not relenting as Maria arched in the gorgon's embrace, relaxing into Vespria's tendrils as she bounced from the long vine rocking into her body while Beatrice her self was experiencing a mouth full of adventure as her head bobbing paused as Vespria ran her fingers through the knights chin length platinum hair, holding her down on that magnificent cock that was lodged so deeply down the dominated knights tight throat.

Ezia would watch in Awe as Beatrice struggled for a moment, her eyes wide with an almost excited panic as she let out a muffled squeal only for Ezia to witness the knights eyes roll to the back of her head as their goddess's cock flexed and shuddered fallowed by a massive spray of white frothing cum came rushing out of the corners of the knights spread open lips before moments later a torrent erupted from her nose. Ezia cupped her mouth in astonishment at the sight of her dear sister drowning on a geyser of cum while she was relentlessly being fucked by their beloved goddess numerous tendrils until finally Beatrice went limp afther being suffocated on cock and being forced to orgasm from what Vesperia could easily tell was ten or more times in the last few moments before her mind finally faded.

Ezia could only watch in sheer amazement as Beatrice unconscious body hung in Vespria's lap, her mouth impaled on the gorgon's length as Vesria only lifted the spent knight off the full 14 inches once she finished expelling her entire load into Beatrice's mouth as the unconscious knight's slack jaw slide off Vespria's still mighty errect cock as a torrent of cumm Beatrice couldnt swollon would spill from the knights mouth, leaving Vespia's throbbing cock messy with saliva and her own seed before allowing Beatice to roll off her coils onto the floor below in a almost comatose like state... Ezia however knew that Beatice was being rewarded for her effort as the tendril's holding her did not retreat, no instead they continued fucking the unconscious knight without end...

Ezia would audibly gulp at the sight of Beatrice's reward as envy crept into the enslaved saints heart the moment she saw the drunken face of her sister before being tossed to the floor to be baptised in their goddess's seed. What Ezia would give to be in her place as the poor saint watched with bated breath, heavily gasping at what happened next as Vespria would pull Maria from their long drawn out kiss, holding the dark haired knight in her arms as Maria panted heavily only to fall line as Vespria desired, taking Beatrice's place without a hint of hesitation as she began by licking the length of Vespria's mighty erect cock from base to tip, cleaning her goddess's heavenly spear of her sisters saliva and cumm before Maria got to work as Beatrice once had, mouthing the tip and working the length of her goddesses magnificent cock with her soft hands while her fingers would gently teased the sensitive scales that would later hide Vespria's impressive member.

Vespria would find that Ezia was entranced by what she had watched, however her words jogged the saints mind and drawing her to gaze upwards. Bright blue sapphires meeting Vespria's own hypnotic eyes as the saint would rest on her knees, naked, panting and restless from the eventual show of dominance as Ezia would lightly nod her head at her goddesses wonderful words. "I-I do my mistress!! S-she is in need of your guidance!" Ezia said with compassion, not breaking her eyes from Vespria's before she heard her goddess question echo between her ears. There would be a moment of pause as Ezia thought about her next words carefully. "N-No goddess... I-I... she is not yet ready for your guidance I'm afraid.... s-she is still to uncertain of herself..." Ezia expressed as would sit up on her knees to gaze up at the holy viage of her goddess. "Diva's lover..... the human.... Ms Alexandria..... she is conflicted about her blessing... she fears it... hates it even.... Goddess? T-this brings be great sadness.... I fear that she misunderstands her gift." Ezia said with fanaticism as looked up to her goddess for answers. "I wish to help Alexnadria.... help my sister Diva.... I wish to show Alexandria her blessing and the happiness it can bring the people of the verse my goddess!!" Ezia would proclaim as she would raise her head with a smile on her face. "I intend to guide Alexandria!! Show express gifts to my sisters!! Show my sisters who have yet to be guided their light my lady!!! The human is the key to drawing out my sisters love for you!!" Ezia said as she raised her arms to both sides as she reached up to Vespira as if she could touch her through the hologram.

Ezia would nodded softlu as she asked if her goddess pleased her. "O-of course it does my goddess." Ezia said afther lowering her arms, looking to her goddess with wide eyes full of wonderment and excitement as she finally heard the order that Ezia has been waiting for so long. Ezia would smile, her features flushed red as she would raise onto her knees, separating her thighs further apart and exposing herself to her goddess in all her naked glory. Ezia would peak up at her goddess, her eyes full of joy as Ezia would reach up, folding her own breast before her left hand would begin to gently tease herself, stroking her already drolling wet petals with her soft fingertips as Ezia would begin to softly gasped. "I-I... I d-desire you goddess.... I-I want to t-touch you.... f-feel you with in me!! P-Please goddess... I feel so empty with you you!" Ezia said between gasps, expressing her love in more ways then one.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:11 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Every partner, molester, and rapist had zeroed in on those mountainous globes. The never ending assaults on the busty agent's tits had left their marks on her already lewd body. Areolae swelled and puffed outwards with hot blood. Long thick nipples stood out proudly like small thumbs, making it easy for lips and tongue to wrap around and suck on like candy. The sweet aroma saturated the air around them as Diva kept drawing more and more of the addicting musk from her lover's breasts. Fingers pinched and stroked the engorged teat, sending forth waves of pure passion rippling down the swollen globe.

One nipple would pop free of Diva's lips only to ravenously attack the other, leaving the glistening peak throbbing and exposed to the cool air around them. Alexandra's hand would drift away, allowing her partner to resume her feast while her other hand resumed where those lips and teeth left off. The knight could see her lover's eyes glaze over and flutter wildly. The human woman's body responded to every sensual advance the Ospoden applied. Hips jolt with every thrust of the alien woman's fingers. Diva could hear and feel the sexual juices slurping and squishing around her thrusting digits as inner walls shuddered and spasmed in erotic delight.

"Ooohhh... S-So good..." Alexandra moaned, "I... C-Can't.... I can't st-stop... Haahhhnnn! I... I need this! I need this, Diva! Ahh! Ahhhnnn!"

Hips bucked harder against Diva's hand. Her swollen love button twitched and jolt against the palm of the knight's hand, sending forth electric bliss surging up and down the agent's spine. Drool escaped the corner of Alexandra's mouth as she took more and more deep shuddering breaths. Every breath sent a wave of pleasure rolling through her mind, washing away what little thought and resistance that may have still existed.


New projects always took time. The Ospoden were resilient in many ways and vulnerable in others. With the Saint's help, the process would become easier and hopefully faster in the future. For now, Vespira enjoyed breaking in this new prey. These powerful and divine beauties were able to stand up to even Saurian guards. Now, Beatrice was unconscious on the floor. If the Gorgonian desired, she could have kept going until that powerful body shuddered and went still, falling not in combat but from fucking the alien serpent. Eventually, the bubbles of cum stopped and Beatrice managed to cough up a glob of hot white spunk onto her own face. Her airway now clear, she continued to moan weakly as the tentacles showed no mercy even to the unconscious knight.

It was not the first time Ezia was left staring in awe at the sight of her kind falling before these sexual assaults. She watched Diva, her own personal guard, be taken time and time again. Countless alien creatures ravaged the knight's mind and body all while the Saint pressed the button to call forth even more patrons to fuck the helpless woman. Even when the Saint wanted to be the one receiving all this, Vespira noted how the lovely pet loved watching her people fall.

Maria was eager to resume where her sister had failed. The knight would prove herself to her Mistress though the outcome was already known. Still Vespira hissed with delight at feeling her member be washed clean before being taken into the woman's warm tight throat. Hands would roam over the scaled base and shaft, feeling the pulsing might awaiting her and how much further she had to go to take this inside her.

The Gorgonian looked over the screens. Diva and Alexandra were going at it with no signs of slowing. The footage of various Ospoden succumbing to the human woman's sexual acts were certainly curious. If this scent worked this fast even on against this resilient species, perhaps this woman could be useful in further subduing these so called saints and knights.

Vespira looked to the kneeling Saint who was already pleasuring herself. Though the next scheduled meeting in person was not for some time, the Gorgonian definitely saw the benefit of rescheduling her plans and testing if Ezia's theory was true. It would also present and opportunity to see how well Diva's indoctrination has taken. The pink haired knight had been away the longest out of the serpent's holy prey. Ezia was supposed to be part of said long distance tests only to have the Saint practically beg to see the Gorgonian again and again. The Saint's progress was undeniable. It seemed Ezia's only desire was to please the scaled goddess and turn her kind into loyal slaves to serve beneath the alien crimelord.

"Good girl," Vespira hissed, letting her words fill the Saint with untold amounts of pleasure and submission, "Keep pleasuring yoursself jussst like that. You will not cum until I allow it. Good girl..."

The Gorgonian dismissed the other windows before continuing. "Have you informed the ADD that their agent is in your care?" the snakewoman asked, "The ADD and Osspoden are alliess. If they know, inform them that she requiress further medical attention before she can be returned. Anything to buy you more time. Otherwise... Leave them in the dark."

Data would be sent back. "These codes and encrypted ssignatures should ssuffice in convincing your little divine whore that she has been given official leave for ssome much needed R&R. I believe that is what those humanss call it. I trust you can fabricate the messsage..." Vespira provided various ADD credentials from various high ranking officers she had the pleasure of breaking and drawing information from. They should be more than convincing when given from a supposed ally. Other data included specifications for Alexandra's submission collar from her previous time working one of the Gorgonian's establishments. Finally, coordinates to a secluded system was provided that harbored one of the serpent's establishments.

"You will need to sseparate Diva from her lover if she is to ssseek my audience. I do hope she has not forgotten me already," Vespira groaned softly as she leaned back, her cock pulsing hard inside Maria's mouth, "Mmm... Bring otherss... Prove that your little human friend can truly break your people. Ahhh... I will keep Diva occupied. Thisss human is all yours. Use my essstablishment how you like to break her and your new followers. Do thisss and you will earn my persssonal blesssing. I will have you while you watch your people fall and become loyal followerss of your new order of love and hope."

The last of the data was information about the establishment. The various rooms, booths, and toys that were used as well as the various races that attended the location. Ezia would have her wish and be able to see Vespira again. But, she had to ensure her success lest she disappoint Vespira and be denied the one thing she desired most. "How do you feel, ssslave?" Vespira hissed, letting the word reverberate inside Ezia's skull, "Only through ssspreading the faith will I become ssstrong enough to blesss all your people. Your poor sissterss, sssuffering without feeling true love, without feeling me insside them. You musst not fail."


Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:37 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Alexandria's supple nipples were both soft and sweet tasting on the knights silky tongue as she alternated her attention on both twin peaks. Diva would slowly go back and forth as Alexandria would see her knight mouthing one breast while with her free hand tweaked the nipple of the the other, playing with both wonderful globes in unison. Diva enjoyed playing with her lovers breasts, ever since they met she was drawn to them, however it wasn't until being captured by the demon's did she know how sensitive her lover's breasts were, she knew they caused her great pleasure as the simplest touch was enough to bring her lover to moan, but Diva also knew the great pain they caused her due to what the agent considered to be her curse. Honestly afther her lover assisted her on her mission to deal with monster on the research station plaguing the moon of Honlin IV, Diva stopped showing much concern twords it, if anything Diva grew to love Alexandria's scent, the sweet aroma of her body, the taste of honey, Diva loved it, she everything about Alexandria, loved her moans, loved the sweet cute sounds she made as she licked both cheery pink peaks, Diva simply couldn't get enough of her lovers company and the more she was around her the more she wanted as Alexandria would watch the playful pleasure drunk smile on her knights face grow that much more excited and flushed the more she submerged herself in the scent she was already so addicted too.

"I-I wont stop! AhMhummh! Diva said between the moment she swapped breasts. Her lips returning to tightly seal around the harden peak so Diva could continue flicking her tongue back and forth against it before giving it once again a gentle pinch with her teeth only to sooth it with her saliva as Diva lifted her mouth off the peak, washing it with her tongue as she glared up at her lover with glossy eyes full of love and lust.

"I-I never want to s-stop!! Muhmh!!! I-I love you so much A-Alexandria!!!!" Diva said with a gasp before she again buried her face between Alexandria's breasts, feel the warmth against her flushed cheeks as she smothered herself between the wonderful fun pillows while her off hand below continued her quest to pleasure her. Diva's fingers petting, stroking gently as she didn't let up her the slowly rocking of her hips that gradually began to speed up as she curled her three digits while twisting and rotating her fingers in a effort to find where Alexandria enjoyed being touched the most! Diva had a slight clue afther numerous sleepless nights during their enslavement, but the fun was finding her lovers G-spot and coaxing out the reactions that made DIva shuddering with excitement.


Vespria had the pull attention of her slave saint on the other end of the holo feed. Ezia was captivated by her goddesses beauty and raw dominance. Watching Beatrice laying spent on the floor sent chills running threw the saints entire body as the euphoric wave of pride and jealousy battled in her chest. Ezia's eyes would flick to Beatrice for only a moment, watching the platinum haired slave convulse and ride out multiple orgasm on the floor before finally going limp. If Ezia didn't know better then she would have guessed that her beloved sister was given the most honorable death possible, serving her goddess in the thrones of passion was far more desirable then falling on the battlefield, however fortunately for Beatrice she was spared such a fate as the spent slave knight choked and coughed up a glob of her goddess's hot cumm, spilling the precious seed all over her own face before she continued to breath raspy breaths that only became ragged as Vesperia rewarded her efforts while she rested in her unconscious state.

Servicing her goddess was the way Ezia could only dream of passing on, leaving this wonderful verse behind in the thrones of passion, embracing her goddesses glistening prismic body!! The thought made Ezia shudder with excitement and agin a mild sense of jealousy for her sister who was so close to experiencing such a gift... however surviving her goddess's heavenly divine cock was absolutely more desirable since it only meant that she could serve her goddess again as Maria was doing now, taking her sisters place on that throbbing scaly spear as the black haired knight would do her best. She wasnt as skilled as her sister beatrice, but she was just as if not more zealous and desperate for her goddess's love and forgiveness as Maria would take over where Beatrice left off. Maria working her slick cumm and saliva drenched shaft, stroking the sensitive throbbing spire with her gentle soft hands while mouthing the tip with her loving lips. Vespria would see Maria pull away her lips simply to lick the tip as if it were a loli pop, cleaning her cock slowly and in a seductively slow manner that Maria had picked up afther numerous nights of practice. "Goddess.... i-its so big..." Maria would whisper before her gentle hand strokes would envelop her entire member, stroking it base to tip and back down over and over before Maria would finally lean down opening her mouth as wide as she could, taking the full tip into her mouth/ Vespira's cock barlying fitting as Maria would pause, take a few deep breaths through her nose before she continue to force herself down further and further down. Maria was driven and devoted now, yet lacked skill and suffered a handicap as Vesperia would notice Maria struggling to take her in, mostly due to her mouth being slightly smaller than Beatrices, somthing Maria could not control as her goddess was just too big..

Ezia wouldn't pry to much of those loose thoughts and glaces at Beatrice's collapse and Maria's struggles, disrespecting her goddess was out of the question as Ezia would raise her eyes to return of Vespria's, smiling with love and devotion to the shimmer image of her as Ezia would do as she was told like the good pet she was as she lifted onto her knees, spreading her thighs as far as she could without toppings over as Ezia in her drive to please her goddess began to pleasure herself right their live in front of the holo feed.

A smile would spread acrossed Ezia's face as she heard her goddess praise her, the phrase "good girl" echoed between her ears and sparked a bit of exciemtn as Vespria would see her pet twitch and stave off a moan as her fingers grew bold in that moment, probing her drenched sex before easing back to stroking her own petals, masterbatng to her goddess's instructions as Vespria would see Ezia nodded, her head bobbing slowly. "A-ah... y-yes m-my goddess!" Ezia gasped out noth slowing her own pace, continuing to tease herself at the pace that pleased Vespria. "I-I wont cumm! Ahhh!" Ezia gasped out as Vespria would see the saints thighs twitch, her back arch as she stroked her self and massaged her own breast, the pace was already drawing Ezia twords that edge as the saint was already pretty sensitive before she arrived.

"I-I..." Ezia struggled to speak before she gasped, her face laxing in what Vespria could see was a successful attempt to stave of release as Ezia would shake her head negativly. "N-No m-my goddess!! I-I.... I didnt inform them!!" Ezia gasped out as Vespria would begin to hear the faint squishing sound of the saints fingers, followed the the small droplets of nectar forming on the floor between Ezia's thights. "I-I never told them t-that w-we....Ahuh!!! T-that we f-found her!" Ezia said before she paused to moan, shuddering as she felt her own fingers, Ezia growing over zealing in her moment and stroking a place she favored during "private prayers" as Vespria would see the saint double over, struggling to hold off that last rush of euphoria to orgasm.

"I-I.... I u-understand m-my goddess.... I-I... w-will leave them in the dark!! A-and if they a-ask.... I-I... I will j-just t-tell them t-the truth!!" Ezia said with a moan before glaring up at her goddess. "T-the truth t-that she is a-accepting o-out gift of healing..." Ezia said with a smile, agreeing to Vespria plan, glaring up at her goddess with a fanatical smile of warmth and compassion that only told the serpent that this slave would do anything for her. "I-I.... I understand!! M-my goddess.... I-I.... I w-will bring many sisters... Ahhh!!" Ezia said before agin pausing, her moan sounding as if she almost lost her composure. "...I-I feel...d-desire.... I-I feel e-empty G-goddess!! I-I want to be with you agin!! S-so much!! I ache for you!!" Ezia gasped as she continued to masterbate infront of her beloved goddess, not showing a moment of hesitation. "I-I want a-all my s-sisters to f-feel your love goddess!!! I-I want them to love you!!! T-they d-deserve t-true love!!!" Ezia cried as she was skimming the razors edge of release as Vespria would spot her pet on the brink of bliss, she she was barely managing to hold herself back. "G-goddess!!"

As Vespria sent over her own data Ezia's would return data of her own to her beloved goddess. The data in question was a complete roster of all the Valkyrie corp members currently onboard the manticore. Numerous scribes, initiates, and knights from the ranks, however members at the top of the list brough notice besides Ezia's own name. The first title was "High Paladin, Athena Melisara, The Peacemaker" who was currently onboard the ship serving as the current acting captain of the ospoden warship. Then the other title belonged to that of a knight ranked as "Arbiter" named Kazixiza Triage, however next to the Arbiter's name as well as numerous other knights was a caption that read "Deployed" meaning they were not currently onboard and were more than likely on assignment.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:34 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Such large breasts were a blessing and a curse. Alexandra was always seen as beautiful and envied by others. But those large udders were weakpoints that many focused their attacks on. The massive globes weighed heavily on the agent's chest and back. Any amount of fondling brought such relief to them that it was hard not to just relax and moan with delight.

"Aaahhhnnn! I... I'm... Oh god! D-Diva, I'm... I'm..."

There was no stopping Diva from getting what she desired most. No one in that chamber wanted it more besides Alexandra herself. Hot velvet depths twitched and shuddered, desperately clinging to those pumping fingers. Soul numbing heat shot up from the agent's core and spread throughout her entire body. Love nectar squished and slurped around the knight's fingers, squirting around the thrusting hand as the agent came and came hard.

Every cell in Alexandra's body quivered with orgasmic bliss. Each shuddering breath made the experience all the more overwhelming. Trembling fingers grabbed Diva by the hair again, forcing the woman to look up into those lust-drunk eyes. Lips smothered over Diva's own as the human woman kissed her loving knight. "Mph... Ahh... Diva..." The kiss deepened, her tongue push into Diva's mouth and throat even as the aftershocks of the agent's orgasm continued to roll through her entire body.

A hand cupped a breast, giving a nice hard squeeze before drifting down the knight's glistening body. The ADD agent felt between her lover's thighs, feeling how ready her partner was for the fingertips tracing up and down the knight's sex.


Maria was unfortunately not blessed with a mouth large enough to take in the rough scaled meat. In time, the slutty knight would learn how to take in larger shafts like the Gorgonian's. Several rounds of pleasuring paying customers would give the enthralled woman the experience she needed. For now, Vespira showed no displeasure. The heated tip smeared precum over Maria's tongue and the insides of her mouth.

Ezia struggled to remain upright and gazing up at her goddess. The saint made no attempts to cheat her own stimulation, always stroking the weakpoints she learned she had during their many private sessions together. Her moans joined the lovely sounds coming from both her fellow sisters. She could see Vespira's cock standing tall as Maria struggled to fit the monstrous girth into her tight inviting throat.

The serpent's hand stroked the indoctrinated knight's head though her gaze never left Ezia. Those yellow eyes stared down at the struggling holy woman. This was a common game they played. It was a means to test and train a slave's obedience and endurance. Sometimes the saint lasted until given permission to cum and others she lost miserably. Disappointing the goddess was punishment in itself. But Vespira always gave her own penalties for failure ranging from further sensual tortures to denial of pleasure and attention.

"And I want to love them as well, ssslave..." Vespira hissed the trigger word, making Ezia's agony all the more unbearable, "Every sisster, every knight, you will bring them to their knees before their true goddessss. They will shed their armor, no longer needed as they bassk in my radiance and embrace their true calling."

"Do you wish to cum, ssslave?" Vespira moaned as a hand pushed Maria further down her erect phallus, "You know what you musst do. Beg... Beg like the weak willed whore you truly are."

Compliance was always rewarded. Vespira would allow Ezia to climax with all her heart and soul once the saint properly begged for it. The Gorgonian would cry out as swells rippled up the scaled shaft, unleashing globs of her hot alien spunk into Maria's aching throat. The radiant serpent would hiss with approval even as the Ospoden woman struggled to stay conscious. Thoughts drifted to the roster provided. She wondered how many from the available would be brought forth for processing. This Athena was concerning. High Paladin seemed to be one of the top ranks much like Ezia's position. Would this one be a problem to their plans?

The snakewoman gazed over the data on the High Paladin. A forked tongue flicked out as Vespira admired the blonde haired beauty. Such a body would be a wonderful trophy to add to the serpent's collection. Regardless, Athena would need to be tracked to ensure the high ranking knight did not interfere with Ezia's next pilgrimage. If even one of these holy sluts learned the truth before being converted, the plan could fall apart completely.

"Ahhh... Sssooo pleassant..." Vespira hissed as she casually pulled Maria off her cock and let her slump to the floor. There was a weak groan coming from Beatrice. Tendrils were dragging the stirring woman towards the Gorgonian. The rousing knight would be layed on top of her sister. The tentacles fucking her drenched pussy pulled out as Vespira sat up. A hand stroked the erect rod, guiding the tip to Beatrice's netherlips. Hands gripped those lovely hips as tendrils tightened their hold. Vespira's hips surged forward as she proceeded to fuck the knight on top of the other woman and in full view of the display for Ezia to see.

"Imagine what all your knightss will look like when I finally have them," Vespira said, scaled meat churning Beatrice's depths. Every scale dug into and dragged across the alien woman's soft pink inner walls. "Dream of thisss moment, ssslave," Vespira cried out with glee, "Prepare your new followerss for your goddesss. I will cleanse Diva of her ssins. I promissse."


Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:20 pm
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Diva loved Alexandria's large heavy breasts, besides the agents kindness and loving personality those heavy globes of flesh were Diva's next favorite thing about her lover. Diva loved the sight of them, the way they felt to the touch, the way they bounced, and swelled, the way her nipples tasted between her lips, even the way her lovers nipples stood proudly from the slightest touch, the look on her lovers face from just being fondled sent Diva's heart racing with excitement!! Knowing touch touching her breasts gave her lover such pleasure was enough to spur Diva forward for more, However most of all, Diva loved Alexandria's scent, she could lose herself in the heavy musk her breasts emanated and lose herself she did as everything felt like a blur of heat and movement as she lost herself between those breasts until the prodigal moment Diva felt Alexandria finally reached her limit.

"D-Do it!! Cumm!! AUhh!! C-cumm Alexandria!!!" Diva cried back to her lover, spurring her to release herself as Diva didn't let up, her hand only pumping her digits harder, faster, wilder, seeking to drive her lover to release as she mouthed and sucked on those heavy breasts, gently tugging back on the nipples and peaks until Diva felt Alexandria's body arch beneath her as her nectar flowed over the knights hand symbolizing her triumph.

Diva rose of her lover, a smile on her face knowing what she had accomplished as Diva took in the sight of her lover in the thrones of her orgasm. "I-I did it!! Ah! D-did you like it!!" Diva gasped out with heated breath as Alexandria would spot the playful look of excitement on her knights lust drunk features before she would feel Diva's fingers leave her clenching depths only for the knight to in the heat of the moment reach up to lick her own drenched fingers with a seductive lash of her silky soft tongue.

Diva wasn't given long to savor the taste of her lover as Diva was in the middle of sucking clean her ring finger when Alexandria took her by the hair and dragged her up for a new kiss that Diva immediately feel into. No hesitation her lips met her lovers in a hot and wild kiss, accepting the advance of her loves tounge as Diva gasped agiest it only drawing Alexandria, suckling her tounge as she wriggled her own in kind ensuring Alexandria tasted herself on the knights lips.

Diva would Alexandria's hands wander her, feeling her own breasts getting cupped by gentle hands that as Alexandria would feel the healthy throbb of her knights rapid heart beat before feeling the drooling wetness between Diva's thighs.


Despite her limitation Maria would do her best to pleasure her goddess, taking in the tip and licking the length with all the skill she could muster. Maria was grateful she wasn't punished for her shortcomings, yet even her goddess knew that her slaves had their limitations and eventually Maria would learn to surpass those limits and become a good enough slave for even the largest of customers....

Maria would dutifully show her resolve to her mistress while Ezia would watch helplessly, showing her self no mercy pleasuring herself. Ezia showing her loyalty by stroking her most sensitive of places, the places her goddess knew made her tick as Vespria would watch her slutty saint slave's knees trembling, her hips bucking as Ezia's face twisted in pleasure struggling to no succumbing to a powerful orgasm as she edged release. "FUHA! AHH!!" Ezia moaned out, throwing her head back as her own wrist pumped back and forth, Vespria witnessing the rhythmic jolts of the enslaved saints hips rocking as a small pool of the saints love juices were collecting on the floor between her thighs as she barely hung on.

"I-I LOVE THEM!!!! I-I WANT THEM TO LOVE YOU!!! P-PLEASE LOVE THEM MY GODDESSS!!!! S-SHOW THEM YOUR BEAUTY!!!!" Ezia screamed as her own finger hips curled and her wrist went faster, almost pashing her nectar around as Vesperia would see the dropless scattering on the floor between Ezia's shaking thighs before Ezia would agin glare up at her goddess with a pathetic and pleading expression of awe that Vespria undoubtedly loved as Ezia begged. "P-PLEASE!!! PLEASE MAY I!!! GODDESS MY I!!!" Ezia screamed out just as both Ezia and Vespria would hear Maria let out a faint panicked squeal as her goddess pushed her head further down on that towering erect pole where Maria would pause for a moment, her entire body trembling as she struggled to accept it, only to heavily exhale out of her nose before Vesperia would feel Maria bobb and rock her lips before agin pausing, struggling to breath, yet never attempting to pull her head free from the cock choking her.

Ezia would be on her last legs, her hips trembling, her eyes shaking as she glared up at her goddess vigorously finger herself until finally Vespria heard the words she was waiting for as Ezia throw herself forward almost collapsing onto the floor as she screamed out. "I BEG OF YOU!!! GODDLESS!!!! B-BLESS ME BLESS ME WITH THE RIGHT TO CUMM!!!!" Ezia screamed before Vespria would see the look of sheer rapture fall over the saints face as her jaw dropped and she shuddered out a moan of pure pleasure and delight while a pool of nectar splashed free from between her thighs and spread out on the floor before Ezia collapsed onto her hands and knees panting heavily, her body glistening with beads of sweat as she would timidly peak up afther a moment shuddering in her afterglow only to watch as Maria's eyes rolled to the back of her head as a faint bubbling escaped her nose as the poor knight finally passed out, suffocating herself on Vesprias godlike cock afther reaching what might of been a orgasm of and autoerotic affixation.

Ezia would watch in awe as Maria's head was dragged off the mountains scepter, her lips finally free of the cock as Maria's eyes fluttered and her jaw quivered in gasps for breath after her tongue hung loose from her lips in a unconscious ahegao like expression. Ezia would theen watch as her goddess simply let Maria collapse to the ground. Ezia continued watch as her sisters were soon helplessly dragged into positions where Maria laid unconscious under Beatrice afther Vespria lifted the helpless blond into the air and laid her atop her sister, layering the two before taking the unconscious knight by the hips and forcing her back into Beatrice's quivering sex. "AGHHAAA!!!" AUGHH!!! FUHHAAAAA!!" Beatrice would let out as she was fucked awake, her goddess's heavenly cock stroking her so hard and deep that Beatrice instantly orgasmed, drenching Vespria's cock and her sister Maria's own sex in her release before she let out another cry of passion as she clung to her dark haired sister as if she were the only anchor she had in the world.

Ezia would watch the display, panting heavily, her heart racing as Vespria's divine words reached her ears, yet once agin Ezia could not help but feel the sting of jealousy as she watched her goddess love one of her sisters live in holofeed. Ezia would not speak a word as she watched Beatrice being wildly bounced on Vespria's cock, Ezia only watched, her head bobbing as the saint's hands would agin begin to wander as she once again began to tease herself, a new redden flushed look of desire spreading on her features as Ezia once again began to pant, her fingers finding her delicate sex, curling slowly in and out, still sensitive from her orgasm moments ago. "I-I! I will prepare t-them! Ah! I-I!! I love you g-goddess!!" Ezia cried as she began to masterbate anew.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:13 am
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
The busty agent could almost feel what her partner felt with every stroke of those knowing digits. Their time enslaved was spent with vile collars that shared their pleasures and pains. Being drugged and fucked together amplified every sensation to mind melting degrees. Though barely conscious through most of the ordeals, instinct still retained some experience of what ways to touch her lover to produce the most stimulating sensations.

Alexandra responded to questions with actions rather than answers. She continued to kiss her lover, tongue sliding and wrapping around Diva's own. A thumb dragged and flicked across the knight's exposed clitoris while two fingers teasingly traced those drooling lips. Fingertips prod a bit deeper, parting those lips only to draw away before penetrating further. Over and over again, those fingers teased. No amount of bucking those sexy hips brought those fingers any deeper inside the holy knight. Up and down, fingers scissored across those netherlips. They kept teasing until those love juices flowed eagerly upon her fingers. They kept teasing until those juicy lips part in yearning anticipation. Then they kept stroking again and again.

Desire giggled as she broke the kiss. Threads of saliva connected their panting lips as cheeks flushed with endless desire. The agent leaned in, nibbling and sucking on Diva's ear as she purred with delight.


Both Ospodens jolt with every thrust of the Gorgonian's hips and tentacles. Beatrice had no opportunities to process what all was happening as that scaled dick speared her already tenderized depths. Her fellow sister barely reacted, bubbles of cum gurgling from Maria's mouth as the scaled mistress showed no mercy to the unconscious knight. Vespira let forth sharp hisses of pleasure. Yellow eyes fluttered as her molten shaft swelled with more pent up aggression. Scales scratched and dug into the sensitive depths with every pull of those powerful hips.

When eyes were not fluttering from the sheer bliss rolling up and down Vespira's loins, they watched as the holy saint succumb to her own stroking digits. Ezia's love juices splashed over the hard floor of her most holy chamber. Fingers kept forcing themselves in and out of those hypersensitive depths. Even as jolts of pleasure and stimulation wracked the holy woman's glistening form, Ezia made every effort to keep pleasuring herself before the serpent goddess. She watched the Gorgonian in awe as she ravaged both knights. Ezia had plenty to be jealous of. But, the Ospoden woman also knew that the goddess's love was endless. Even two of the saint's favored knights were quickly depleted of their impressive divine strength and stamina. Vespira's sexual needs were insatiable and eventually the holy saint would be bathing in her mistress's molten seed once more. Such a time could not come soon enough.

"Ahhh... And I love you, ssslave..." Vespira moaned as hips slap against Beatrice's nearly limp form. Further data files were sent over the call. They were numerous video files of Maria and Beatrice performing and servicing the needs of Vespira and various alien patrons. They were gifts for the saint to watch on her own time. Since their time together watching Diva's fall, the Gorgonian continued to nurture fetishes of watching her own people fall to sexual debauchery into the Saint's psyche. Soft messages were hidden in each video, whispering and attempting to reinforce those desires in the holy woman.

Over the call, the fucking continued. The Gorgonian alternated between the two exhausted alien women. Their wombs gradually swelled with excess seed all while Ezia watched and shuddered in her own self induced bliss. Eventually, other slaves came in to drag the depleted forms of Beatrice and Maria away. The serpent sat up and slithered closer to the holoscreen. A hand stroked the soaked and glistening length of her twitching shaft. Pleasured hisses left the serpent woman as she pumped her hand steadily. The tip of the alien crimelord's cock was pointing right at the screen. Ezia had the pleasure off seeing the thick ropey streams of steamy hot seed flying right at her through the call only to never reach those eagerly awaiting lips.

"Mm... Do not fail me, ssslave," Vespira hissed as the call ended, leaving Ezia's sweaty form sitting in a puddle of her own sexual desire. It seemed the goddess was in favor of the saint's request. It would take time to reach the more secluded sectors of the galaxy. Preparations and orders needed to be made and given. Meanwhile, Vespira ordered her scheduled plans to be cancelled and for a course change to the coordinates provided.


Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:15 pm
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Post Re: Safe and Sound (For Alexandria, Diva, & Vespria)
Those collars connected Diva and Alexandria in ways that nobody else could ever experience. Diva knew her lovers body inside and out, she knew what made Alexandria tick, what she liked and disliked. Diva felt everything she felt and even now hearing her lovers sweet moans made her have faint phantom sensations of her lover's pleasure pour into her forcing the knight to let out a soft moan of pleasure as she pressed into those loving lips. The same was true for Alexandria too, she knew Diva's every weak point, her every desire, Diva was like an open book to the agent as she knew exactly where she was the most sensitive. Alexandria knew hte kinks in her armor so to speak leaving the violet haired knight helpless to her touch as she felt the soft drag of Alexandria's thumb acrossed her clit, the teasing of lips against hers before transferring to her neck before Diva was forced to let out a hot gasp of breath as her sex was probed by two expertly aimed fingers that made Diva's upper body weak, forcing the knight to collapse atop Alexandria so the to met bust to bust.

"Guh!! AHHH!! Oh A-Alexandria!!" Diva cried as alexandria scissored her fingers into her awaiting fold, spreading her sex as she rocked those digits in and out before Diva lost the war of attrition and tossed her head back moaning to the back wall of Ezi's chamber as Alexandria forced her knight to orgasm giving Alexandria the perfect opportunity to do something she never had as Diva would yelp in surprise as her ear lobe was snatched by her lovers lips and tugged downwards forcing the knight ti cutely wince in a look of awe inspired surprise.


Beatice and Maria were both spent, their bodies only reacted to the pleasure they received from their wonderful goddess as limp bodies jolted with each flattering thrust of the tendrils that drive into their many used holes. Ass, lips, mouth, none were spared as the two could only bask in the mind numbing pleasure that kept them both in such a state for as long as Vespria choose to keep them in it as the divine serpant rocked the worlds of both knights, fucking one then the other while Ezia watched with baited breath. The enslaved saint happily watch the event unfold as she rested on her hands and knees afther her devoted prayer to the goddess she adored so dearly as Vespria would watch her devoted slave begin to once agin masterbate as she joyfully watched as Beatice and Maria were tossed aside afther being showerd with divine seed.

"S-sweet mercy m-my goddess!!" Ezia's cried as she watched, her fingers going at a rapid pace as Ezia rocked her own fingers in and out of her slick depths, masterbating like a wanting vergin as the enslaved saint watched her goddess with stars in her eyes as she slithered closer and closer to teh holoscreen. Ezia's eyes wide with excitment and overwhelming lust as Vespria would see her her pets hands going at almost a blurs pace, quickly trying to sync her orgasm with her goddess impending climax before Ezia would open her eyes in a lustful drunk gaze of she awe inspiring joy as Vespria came, showering Ezia in a mythic shower of holografic cumm!! moments before Ezia threw herself backwards onto her back into what Vespria would see as a body thrashing orgasm that left the enslaved holy women panting for breath in a pool of her most holy juices.

"T-thank you.....*Pant*.... T-thank you....*Pant*.... T-thank you... m-my goddess.." Ezia gasped out befor the call ended as the last thing Vespira would see before the call winked out was her devoted pet collapsed on the floor before she fell unconscious, Ezia for the first time masterbating so hard she knocked herself out, either way it was rest Ezia would need since the saint had alot of work to do before they reached their destination provided by none other then the serpent goddess herself.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Thu May 06, 2021 7:16 am
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