Shokushu High School

Dead Silence [For SieOla]
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Author:  Obsidian [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Dead Silence [For SieOla]

In the cold emptiness of space, it is said, that no one can hear you scream. Takeru chuckled as he watched past the cockpit's window, across the limitless parasecs of space, wondering how many attempts it had taken people to realize that simple truth. The former human lazed on the captain's chair, wondering how long he had left until the ADD would respond to the ship's emergency beacon.

The ADD... They certain would have loved to arrest a criminal like him, especially after all the trouble he had recently caused them, even resulting in the deaths of several Agents. They hadn't been intentional deaths, but who could blame him? After all, if you kept firing on your enemy, soon or later he was going to start retailating.

Beepings began sounding off, warning Takeru to the presence of an approaching spacecraft. Upon reading some more of the information the ship's survillence system had garnered, Takeru wasn't surprised to see that it was indeed a ship belonging to another ADD's Agent.

'Most reliable bacon in the universe, indeed, for these 'space cops', heh!'

The criminal leaned toward the control panel, activating the ship's hangar and allowing the Agent to dock. He would hunt down yet another Agent and show the ADD the mistake of coming after him. This time around, though, he would allow the Agent to live, to give the ADD a message from him.

Author:  SieOla [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

The ship itself was automated craft, taken care with remote control from the headquarters. ADD didn't want to waste personnel on risky missions, and thus an expendable, high caliber agent had been sent. The missions briefing was simple: restrain or kill the target, even at cost of your own life. The small craft lands into the hangar, its ramp lowering.

A hooded figure walks out with serene steps, slowly scanning trough the room. under the hood pair of emotioneless eyes took in the room, looking for anything that would be counted hostile. She started to walk swiftly towards the only door in the docking bay, powder blue strands of hair following her as she proceeded on what she had memorized as shortest route to cockpit.

The final motion sensored blastdoor swings open, the hooded woman standing silently after stepping trough it. Her lips part slightly for moment before she starts to talk. "Nakamura Takeru, you are under arrest for violating number of inter-galactic treaties, as well as being suspected for number of murders. If you resist im permitted to use lethal force on you..."

Author:  Obsidian [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Takeru chuckled as the Agent spoke to him, clearly stating her intent. "Funny. All your fellow Agents said the same to me. They ended up dead. What does that tell you of my intentions?" The young man stood up from the captain's chair slowly, putting his hands up in a mock show of surrender.

He turned around to face the Agent, taking notice of her usual choice of appearance, especially the hood. "I find it especially entertaining that on Earth, I championed justice over crime, and here... I play the role of the criminal, defying the Law." The young man's lips curved into an unpleasant grin, as if he was not concerned just yet. As if he still had tricks up his sleeves.

"Though, you're luckier than your incompetent predecessors. This time around, I need you alive since I have a message for your superiors... So do me a favor and stand down. That'll make all this so much easier... But if you decide to arrest me, then I'll have no choice but to use excessive force against you." Takeru laughed softly, his challenge to the Agent very much real and every bit of it meant.

Author:  SieOla [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Melissa didn't show any facial reaction to anything the man said, the eyes glaring at her target coldly as he spoke. "your intentions are none of my concern, I will leave that to interrogation team. that is if you survive there." She responded with calm, cold voice.

She waited as the man lifted his hands, turning and giving his little speech. All of it was rather vain, her training having hardened her against all kinds of verbal manipulation. Nothing he said would make her budge. The mans words were only understandable in one fashion, and a slightest of smirk rose to her cheeks. "I take your words as a refusal of surrender. From now on I will use all the force necessary to detain you, or if deemed impossible, to eliminate you." she stated her final warning.

She switched her pose quickly, legs spreading to wider dance, arms taking more ready posture. A blink of an eye, and she wasn't standing where she had been anymore. A sound, almost as if ricocheting bullet, was heard, and she was aproaching from mans right with astonishing speed, fist that could shatter stones aimed at the mans side.

Author:  Obsidian [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Laughter began sounding out throughout the entire ship, Takeru's voice reveberating across the ship's communication systems. "Feel free to use force to detain or eliminate me... That is, if you can catch me." Suddenly, the control panel behind Takeru exploded, crackling with electricity and power as the young man began to flicker, no longer completely solid. Nearby, a device that looked suspiciously like a hologram projector crackled with energy as well, overheating with use.

Behind the Agent, down the hall she had come through, the real Takeru chuckled as he raised his arms. Arms that were, in fact, outfitted with heavy firearms designed for nothing less than suppression. "Eat this, bitch!" Takeru laughed as the mini-guns he had assembled with his nanobots began firing off hot lead, richoting off the hallway's walls as they made their way toward her.

Having revealed his position, the criminal spun around and began running away, determined on losing himself in the 'maze' of the empty ship, knowing the Agent would chase him down. They always did. This time around, he was banking on her falling into his trap. His voice rang out across the ship's communications again. "Come on, you can detain me all night long!"

Author:  SieOla [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

As soon as the man was obvious hologram the agent stops, turning towards the door where the man was suddenly standing. She glared coldly at him, though her hood had fallen behind her back as she had moved quickly, the young and beautiful, and yet so merciless face revealed. She started to walk towards the man, not caring about the pair of weapons he wore.

Suddenly the room was filled with sounds of gunfire, and instantly she kneeled, her fist smashing on the floor, the metal on it bending under the brute strenght, and she peeled it off as cover, waiting behind it as bullets were rained towards her. She waited until the firing had stopped, standing up as if nothing had happened, only to witness the man running away.

She wasted no time, taking a sprinters position, and with flash and the familiar sound of ricochet again starting to move with the startling inhuman speed.She had already deducted that trap was possiblity, and rather obvious if the data received about the target was accurate. That however didn't cahnge her mission. She was tool, meant for one thing, and she was currently chasing the man that was her target.

Author:  Obsidian [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Quite sure that the Agent was still on his tail, Takeru kept on running, opening blastdoors ahead of him through his link to the ship's systems. Oh, there were a number of ways he could have incapaciated the Agent. Set off charges and rupture the hull, cut off her air. Shut down all life support systems and suffocate her into unconsciousness. Set proximity charges and wait until she had suffered enough.

But he loved the chase, the thrill of it all. The hunt was only exciting if the hunted was ferocious enough. His strength and speed, while he appeared human, was just as inhuman as the Agent's own if not more so. What Takeru wanted was to match her strength with his own, to break her personally. Reaching the massive cargo area, Takeru slid across the walkway and placed a hand on the rail, vaulting himself over.

With a heavy thunk, the human rolled across the cargo floor, getting back onto his feet quickly. Takeru smiled as he disassembled the weapons, replacing them with his own hands, ignoring the corpses of the crew he had slaughtered when they brought in his ship. Blood covered much of the floor, leaving little untouched, and some of the corpses appeared half-dissolved away. He had consumed the organic matter the corpses had provided in order to regenerate his biological systems.

Author:  SieOla [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Melissa was constantly aware where she was, having memorized the ships blueprints as she was on her way to it. So the man wanted to take her to cargo bay? She didn't care. All that mattered was that the man was stopped at any cost. With these thoughts alone she dashed after the man to the large room, herself leaping over the rail, landing gracefully few dozen feet from the man.

For few seconds she stood there, glaring at the man alone, ignoring all the gore in the room. Not her business right now. She takes few slow steps forward, suddenly jumping upwards with the same superhuman speed, reaching the ceiling above the man in instant, and propelling herself down from it, bottom of her feet aimed straight towards the mans head.

Author:  Obsidian [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Takeru gasped as he looked up in surprise, hardly unable to believe an Agent could jump that high or even aim to land above him. His surprise rendered him immobile for a fatal second and he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of the way. "What..."

That is, if he had been a human. "...a shame!"At the final second, a grin broke out on his lips as his eyes gave a knowing look at the Agent, just as her feet made contact with his head... and sank through it! The nanobots had loosed up, allowing his body to become more liquid-like, the Agent's attack causing the body to fall apart as if the 'container' had been broken.

Only for a split second. The nanobots went on the offensive, returning to Melissa's own body and splashing all over her. The black swarm of nanobots covered every inch of the Agent, except for her head, and began tightening up, leaking out an unknown fluid that began to seep into the Agent's body. From several corpses, more swarms of nanobots began pooling together in front of Melissa, a new body rising up from it.

"You aren't bright, are you?" Takeru laughed as he inquired of Melissa. "As unarmed as you are, I knew you'd be an unarmed combat specalist. So I just simply... allow you to fall into my trap, of which I was the bait. As you may notice, your ability to move has been severely.. limited. The liquid my nanobots are producing now? It's a paralytic agent. As soon as your body absorb it, it renders your muscles, your nerves, everything... immobile."

Author:  SieOla [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

She knew that the trap had been sprung the moment she didn't feel solid contact. She fell on her feet, standing up straight as the liquid like mass started to coat her body. For few moments she just looked down on herself, witnessing more massing infront of herself to form the man again. For few seconds she just stared at the man coldly, her face yet to waver even if she felt the poison seeping in her.

Suddenly her arm flicks, throwing something pebble sized towards the wall far behind the man. The thing clung, and half a second later the wall suddenly blast off without explosion. A high pressure grenade it had been. She presumed that the nanobots wouldn't have that much strenght alone, and as long as they weren't completely manifested together the vacuum would work on them. She herself knelt, ramming her fist deep into the floor to hold from it.

The room was now quickly being sucked empty, the bodies, along all the lighter objects in it drawn fast to the hole. Soon enough the automated system would seal the breach with force field. "was this according to your plan?" the ice cold voice asks.

Author:  Obsidian [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

As soon as the Agent had performed her 'trick', breaching the ship's hull with what seemed to be a pressure grenade, Takeru chuckled as he remained where he was, ignoring the vacuum through his nanobots manipulating magnetic fields, allowing him to achieve inertia. The nanobots on Melissa, however, had bonded to her suit's molecules, allowing them to use her to maintain a hold and prevent themselves from being sucked away.

"All plans fail. What determines an individual's ability to craft plans, is his ability to adapt to the situation." Takeru quipped, tauntingly, as he walked toward Melissa. "You asked me whenever that was in my plan... Well, was this in yours!?" Takeru spoke loudly as he swiftly kicked at Melissa's side, hoping to keep her down until the nanobots' paralytic agent worked. Seeing the strength she still had left in her, the nanobots began injecting double the amount of the drug it took to knock an ordinary Agent out. "I bet not."

Author:  SieOla [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Melissa was quick to notice that the nanobots weren't giving in under the pressure, and the room had already started to stabilize. The plan was failure, it seemed. Before she had time to take next move she felt a kick on her. The power was inhuman, something that would have crushed normal humans bones to dust. But she wasn't normal, she was closest thing to indestructible the ADD had come so far.

Still she groaned out, falling on her side on the floor. She felt the sweat trickling on her skin as she pushed herself on the feet, the heightened bodily state being taxing to body, and as her muscles weakened so did her lungs, weakening her air suplies. She was quickly losing the feel of herself. down to 60% of original strenght was her quick estimate, and rapidly decreasing. 50%... have to act.

She pushes forward against the nanobots, attempting to strike at the man, but the combined effect of the paralyzing drug and the lack of oxygen strike, making her just fall towards the man, panting and eyes heavy lidded. Game over, she thought.

Author:  Obsidian [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

"You did well to last this long." Takeru spoke quietly as the Agent finally slumped against him under both the combined efforts of his nanobots' drugs and what seemed to be draining efforts on her own part. Grabbing Melissa with his arm as she fell forward, the young man heaved her up and placed her on his shoulder as the nanobots began to flow back toward him, regathering around the 'host'. She was rather attractive, now that he had the time to relax and look at her. "Hm, might as well have some fun while we drift back into ADD space."

Minutes or hours later, who knew how long it had been since the futile fight in the cargo hold, Takeru returned to the Captain's room after he had ensured the ship was still in suitable condition. He didn't want the life support to begin failing, otherwise his 'hostage' wouldn't be alive for much longer. The criminal looked around, taking note of the plush chair and desk the Captain had used as his office on one side of the large room, and then turned his gaze to the other side where there was a large plush bed, with soft pillows and satin blankets...

... And the naked form of Melissa still unconscious on top of the blankets. He had given her another dose of the paralytic agent earlier and had ripped her attire off, trashing it. He didn't plan on letting her go anywhere soon anyway. The Agent also had her wrists and ankles bound together with a thick rope, presumely formed by his nanobots, and would take many times her inhuman strength to break. A precaution, just in case she still had some fight in her. 'Now to wake her up...'

Takeru lifted a finger to his face, watching in interest as the nanobots within transformed into a clear needle, filling up with another drug. 'This should wake her up quickly and erase the effects of the paralytic drug' With a smirk, the criminal injected the needle's content into Melissa's neck, using the nanobots to find an appropiate vein in order to flush out the drug within her body. Pulling out the needle, Takeru chuckled as he stared down at the Agent. "Wake up, sleeping time is over now."

Author:  SieOla [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Melissa woke up, for briefest moment her eyes looking soft, as she was still waking up. not even second later all the light vanished from them, her mouth opening in a wild inhale. She tried to instantly get up, only managing to turn on the bed, falling face first on the floor. She was still alive, and that was all that mattered. it meant that the mission was still on.

She felt the cold metal on her frontal now, laying on the floor and looking around. the man was almost instantly spotted, or the thing that had once been a man. Her muscles came to life, starting immediately struggling against the ropes, witch she found unbreakable soon enough. Why she was naked, or spared at all didn't matter to her, only thing that did was her mission.

Author:  Obsidian [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Silence [For SieOla]

Takeru chuckled as the woman fell off the bed and onto the floor. "If you got a mission to either capture or execute me... then it would be prudent to do what is necessary to stay alive, no?" The criminal walked leaned down and slid an arm under Melissa, pulling her up away from the floor and put her back down onto the bed, facing up. Walking away, Takeru grabbed the Captain's chair and pulled it over to the bedside, seating himself in it.

Now he would interrogate her, instead of her taking him in to the interrogators. A pleasant turn of the tables, he decided. "Name and rank, please. I'd like to inform the ADD of who I got here after I leave the ship... Unless you'd rather let another Agent find you here, naked and starved to death?" Takeru chuckled softly. "Either way is fine with me, I'll just leave a message for them in your blood."

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