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 Choices (for Karin) 
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Post Choices (for Karin)
One red eye and one cool blue one stared out at the view screen for a second as the ship was hit again, the bridge shaking, his tactical officer giving him reports. The shields were failing and it was unlikely that they would last against this punishing assault.

Thadd thought quicly though. His blue finger point to the view screen at one of Aros' three moons. Cursed luck that this was! First a failed hyperspace jump that netted him here without the rest of his fleet of pirate ships but he was dealing with her again, the last time wasn't too pleasant, he had lost two ships then, three if you counted the one disabled so badly that they had to strip it and abandon it. It would cost far more to fix it then the damage that they would have in buying another vessel, not that they had to buy a thing especially when they could simply steal it.

The blue skinned cyborg relaid his orders to Sanders. "That moon, go there. I want a photon fired at her ship, at the same time jettison junk and spare parts out to space. The blast from the photon should blind her temporarily. Wait until her next shot comes, sync it up with that. Hopefully she believes we're destroyed in the blast. I want you to moon so that the moon is between us and her, then take us into Aros' it is a water world and we can hide beneath the waves, our ship is submerrsible, I cannot say that her's is but at worst, she knows we are alive but gives up.

"The cloud cover on Aros hinders sensors so we should unnoticed there."

"Yes, sir." The tactile officer supplied, his fingers dancing over various screens to carry out the commands. He just hoped there would be enough junk and spare parts consistant with the loss of their vessel.

Thadd had steepled his fingers together, one arm organic, one cybernetic. Half his body was cybernetics, part of te horrid explosion he had lived through years back now. They saved him, well half of him at least.

It was a good thing that he knew this system, it was uninhabited but he had used it at one time as a hideout and knew of the advantages of the barren rocky worlds, gas giants and this water world, of course things where getting a little too hot in the system with the continual presence of the ADD that were trying to locate their base of operations when targets near here had been attacked, Thadd since moved to other locals keeping one step ahead of the game.


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Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:36 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
I was not the sort of person that sought out vengeance for the fallen, nor was I the sort that went seeking revenge on those that wronged me, then I wasn't the sort to feel much of anything at all then. I was just a blank emotionless princess with a good eye, agility and a natural ability for stealth. Along with all that though, I wasn't one to ignore a sign from the divines when they placed the chance for revenge in my lap during a patrol.

I knew the ship when it had come out of FTL, I was even more shocked to see it alone in this sector of space... I don't think I could have asked for a better chance to take out a scourge of the more physically appealing races of the universe. My previous attempt had been poorly planned and ended with me captured but, that was when I was alone, in a much simpler ship... not the pride of the nictus lord's personal fighters. Along with the ADD equipment it had been upgraded with there was no way I could fathom that this would end in defeat.
Shields holding at 80%... all systems remain online at near full efficiency, scans completed... hyperspace based engines offline... weapons at 50%... shields at 3% base propulsion engines still online... logical course of action for them would be to attempt to flee so they can repair and reconnect with their fleet...
My mind had been a logical one, indeed I do continue to slip into that from time to time still.

“computer... their shields are modulated for energy weapons if my assumptions are correct... computer modulate the tracking system on the Drill probe for follow the ion output of their engines and set it to cloak... Fire a volley from the forward disruptor turret, save torpedoes and plasma from the photon cannons, we only have two dozen on board and one spare Nell crystal we may need them if their fleet arrives... Fire only enough to disable their ship.”
“Drill probe prepared, locked on all non-essential portions of enemy vessel... firing...”
three shots were fired from the turret at the bow of my ship and I watched patiently for the outcome.
Yes I like chess... your point?

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:18 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
The ship rocked again. "The shields are at 70%. 60, half strength." The ship lurched each time as it was struck. Thadd sat quiet still, fingers steepled together. "Firing protons ..."

The ship made it's move then jettisoning a cloud of spare parts and junk. Now Thadd did not know that Karin was aiming to disable, he may have assumed that she would try that in the back of his mind but weighed the odds of the decision that he had to make.

Fighting there was no chance of success here. Deception might work out better, not likely, but better than fighting would in any event.

The ship moved behind the moon, Thadd giving the order to power down non essential systems and coast to the planet. Hopeful the interference of the methan atmosphere would help mask them from her sensors and if she figured out what was going on there was a chance that they might not have the time to raise shields again but under the circumstances the cyborg was pressed, acting in haste since he did not have all day to formulate a master plan to save his hide.

"We're behind the moon now ..."

Thadd had no way of knowing that Karin was trying to disable his vessel and that their were a few problems with his plans. There was not enough debris to match up to the size of the ship, it might not be believable. The fact that she was targeting nonessential systems would give it away too, she would know that she was attempting to destroy the vessel, true there could be explosives or some other weapon or item stored in those places that she did not know about but what was the likihood of that.

Once getting the moon between them he tried to coast to the planet using his own inertial to carry him forth. Hopefully with any luck she would spend enough time mulling over things so that he could do this and hide out on the planet.


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Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:21 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
I hadn't expected what happened next, it burned like someone had just jabbed a branding iron into my retinas, I couldn't help but scream in pain as my eyes quickly began to repair themselves from the trauma of the flash. It was the one weakness of the nictural that really caused us pain instead of just weakening us to the level of humans.
”Computer shut down all ship lighting and fire the drill, don't let them get away... bring the auto-doc to the bridge immediately please...”
I couldn't even see the debris, I just needed time to recover my sight right now, and forcing them into a crash landing by disabling their last engines would give me more than enough time while they began repairs.
The auto doc whirred softly as it scanned me and began to work on my eyes regenerating the layer of cells that had been burned by the flash quicker than my natural regeneration could possibly manage, I did love the ADD technology they had placed in my ship. I waited silently as the computer gave me a report.
“Drill launched and following an ion path, debris field where the ship had been however the size of the field is far too small to be a ship of that class. Scanning all local celestial bodies for their energy signature, it may take several minutes Princess Marin though the drill should strike before the scan has completed.”
I nodded as the machine that was now seemingly attached to my face continued to work on my eyes, I'd have to wait for the scan to complete before I could do anything.
”Do keep my eye color the way it was computer...”

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:46 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
Thadd grinned coldly as the minutes slipped past, his plan was working or so it had seemed. He had been unaware of the cloaked drill rounding the moon after scanning the debris and realizing it't target was no longer there. Armed with a cold computer intellect it processed the possible locations of the ship and began it's scans to see if it could pick up anything.

Since it had not picked up anything thus far it seemed more then logical to check the areas that it could not scan, that small region that the moon shielded and thus it rounded the moon with it's limited but logical programming in it's thorough task and that is where it had detected the other vessel as it slipped down into the atmosphere of the planet.

Out of range of the guns for now but it sent it's report back to Karin along with the tragejectory of the ship and were it was likely to go along with what it scanned of the planet, ammonia atmosphere, mainly comprised of water with a few islands near the northern hemisphere along with the mundane hours to it's rotation and length of year. More importantly was the report governing gravity that was about half that of her own world so it was a low gravity world.

There were also useless things in it's reports about the three moons of the planet (all of which save one lacked an atmosphere and the one that did had one comprised of carbon dioxide.

"Approaching the planet now, sir, waiting your mark to reestablish power and invoke the submersible mode."

Thadd was quiet as the planet grew larger and larger before giving the command, minimal power returned to the vessel, the ship slowing it's descent so it did not crash into the ocean but hit it gently as it slowly descended with the water covering it soon enough.


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Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:39 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
The drill made contact with their ship shortly before it began to submerge, it wouldn't drill deep enough into the ship to cause damage or be noticed but, it would give me something to track thankfully.
I had my ship follow the drill's signal while the auto-doc finished working on my left retina before it moved on to the right, I could at least see again out of one eye, and seeing my ship slowly decend onto a water world wasn't what I'd hoped to see. My ship was an adaptive combat platform but, still I didn't LIKE being under water... it was wet and there was a lot of pressure... I mean it was wonderfully dark but, it was WET and the pressure was really uncomfortable!... alright I'm a little hydrophobic.
“Ambassador Lt. Karin, are you still pursuing the slaver ship?”
It was a voice I recognized as my commanding officer, well the one my father had let command me anyway.
”Yes sir. They've fled to a water world, I believe they're hidden beneath the planetary ocean here.”
“You're to find and apprehend or destroy them with any means necisary. Apprehend would be preferred if at all possible... this is an order... Over and out...”
He didn't even give me a second to argue the orders, as usual. I didn't mind usually but... water... ugh...
“pursue my dear?”
my ship asked and I simply nodded telling the creature that was my ship to descend into the water of this planet to follow.
“Target sighted...”
”I would like to get to them unnoticed if at all possible, if their sensors spot us, fire a warning shot or two.”
I still only had one eye to work with for several minutes... they temporarily blinded me... they'd pay for that indignity

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:13 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
red lights came on in the bridge. Thadd's cybernetic eye glowed in the near darkness, his organic one closed as he thought over the situation. His cybernetic eye could see a pod of whales or what passed for them on this world, plankton eaters, not a threat, but he had to identify things visually since his sensors were down.

Well life support was at a shear minimum and sensors were now on a passive mode that wouldn't tell him squat outside of the barest of details so he wouldn't collide with things. If not for the power signitures radiating from her ship he may have though she was just another whale out there.

But now was the time to hide and hope that all their work paid off. But Sanders alerted him that they had company.

How'd she find us?

Her vessel was incoming, and while he knew not of the specifications of hers he knew first hand that his had been designed with submerrison in mind and was perhaps better suited to the watery environment. "DIVE!" He commanded, the warning shots came across his bow.

Thadd knew that he stood little chance of successfully fighting of Karin's vessel but perhaps he could out run it, he did not know how fast this new ship of hers could go but it was worth a shot given that there was little to loose in this situation.

He frowned a little as the ship behind him gave pursuit, Sanders telling him how fast the vessel was closing in behind him. Shields had not been raised though he glanced to Sanders. "Open a channel ..."

Thadd would appear on her view screen provided that she took the incoming transmission. "Ah, long time no see, I trust all is going well, Lieutenant?"


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Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:12 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
”It doesn't very much matter how all is going. You will power down all systems except life support immediately and submit to ADD custody or I am authorised to disable your ship and drag your sorry carcass to Antares base... Alive being optional...”
It was well known that I didn't bluff when I had orders, it was also well known that I could be ruthless when my mind came to it. I brushed a hand over my shoulder with a half hearted smirk on my face, Nictural showing emotions was never a good sign, it almost always meant that someone was about to be sorry if they said the wrong thing next.
“I do hope that your plan was to surrender and not waste my breath...”
I tapped my fingers against my console leaning back in my chair as I awaited a response.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:43 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
"A piety, really, you aren't telling me that you're still in sour straights about the last time we meet. You are well aware that this vessel cannot hope to stand up against a military one, and it was my intention on yielding to you, I know when I'm mismatched which proves to my longevity.

"But there is no need to be hasty about anything. Especially when it could be quit rewarding otherwise. Normally I might attempt one last attempt of bribing you but as a ruler of a planet all the profit I made in my years as a slaver would prove to be an insult. Of course, there are other issues on the line that you may find worthwhile such as the location of the latest pirate safe haven in these parts.

"The ADD wants me obviously but there are others that they desire more and a missed opportunity to acquire other more influential targets on there list would be far worthwhile. You could say, 'well we can just beat it out of you' but I know you're well aware in how stubborn my people could be and it would be rather foolish to supply any in my crew with this knowledge least a crucial bargaining chip get out.

"So I do wish that we could remain civil about these matters." Thadd steepled his fingers together before him, his elbows on the arm rests of his seat as he regarded her through the view screen.


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Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:57 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
”My kind do not maintain grudges or seek revenge, my only reason for attacking are orders from both ADD and the Nictus High commander and that I was already in the sector when you arrived...
Revenge was something other ADD species sought, Nictural ignored feeling such as those in favor of the most advantageous option I didn't have any guarantee that he was telling me the truth though and that bothered me so I took a simple step before I spoke any further.
computer, target their long range communication array and atomize it if you would... I don't want them relaying their location to their fleet... and send a signal to ADD HQ and my father of my decision on this matter.
and the ship did as I'd requested, a single solid projectile was fired, It struck and destroyed the distance array while leaving their short range system intact.
[color=#8000ff]”Sorry for that strike, I just needed the a bit of assurance... now... you were telling me of information you had that you would exchange... though, I must say, giving your one bargaining chip away wouldn't be a strategically sound option given both my home world and the ADD will undoubtedly just send others after you...”

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:00 pm
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
Thadd grinned at her mention of not holding grudges. Then this was not the issue of him having to deal with someone seeking vengeance and there was little need to worry about that. He bowed his head slightly in a node at her explanation of the shot.

"No need to apologize ... you are just being thorough. And of course it may not be wise to relinquish such information before hand, and there is the matter of having it verifyed of course but winning your trust is difficult under the circumstances. I'd figure that winning your trust on the matter would prove most difficult in this matter. I figured that another ship from the ADD could check on this information while we wait.

"I have nothing to loose by lying to you, outside of saving my own skin here so I'd imagine that you would wish to wait here with me. Of course I extend the hospitality of my vessel."

His hands went to the arm rests of his chair, his features were expressionless and difficult to read at the best of times but he did seem cordial at least.


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Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
I watched carefully for any sign of treachery but, there were none, and I knew I couldn't trust a voice analyzer on his kind. All I had to go on were gut instinct.
“true enough, alright open your ship's docking bay and I'll board though I expect you and your men to meet me entirely unarmed, I'll do the same.”
of course my race is also impossible to analyze and we're perfectly capable of lying, was impossible to board his ship entirely disarmed given my training I myself was a weapon of sorts with my shadows and shadow arts.

”and do know one sign of treachery and my dear ship will not be happy.”
I left him with that as I shut off the view screen I hoped it sounded a little cryptic, not too many people knew nictural tech was biological and symbiotically-sentient with our people.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:36 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
"Of course. No weapons, no treachery either. I know that we are outclassed and our only hope was to get to the planet anyway but you sort of thwarted that already."

Communications had been cut and the docking rings were opened. The cyborg captain meet with her as she boarded. He had a holster at his hip though it was empty. His hands were clasped behind his back and he looked upon her as she boarded with one eye of flesh, the other electronic.

"Welcome aboard The Scourge not much has changed since you were here last, a few modifications to the holding cells and better shielding though the shields are no match for your guns it would seem."

Captain Thadd was a good degree taller than here. He was a handsome whatever he was, the blue skinned alien was well dressed in a prestine white uniform with gold trim on the sleeves and gold buttons.

"It's been awhile, Katrina. I do hope all is well, would you like a tour or would you rather find a place to relax while you wait for the confirmation of my information?" He seemed cordial enough, or perhaps he had been sensible to realize ahead of time how futile resistance would have been, hence why he attempted to evade initially rather than challenge her directly.


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Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:07 pm
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
I took his words honestly and boarded his ship, I left behind my weapons, armor and most of my equipment save the usual nictus multi-tool bracelet I always wore, just for scanning and personal force field of course. I couldn't be too careful on an enemy ship. I wore something I normally wouldn't, willingly, wear in the presence of an enemy my simple formal ambassador clothing. The striped stockings, simple skirt, tie, blazer and what not. I looked at him calmly quietly taking in the ship and my host's manner of dress. My shoes gently tapping the flooring echoing softly.
”My name is not Katrina... no matter what you called me while I was in your custody... I would much perfer you to address me as Lady Kalopth... though if you must be on an informal basis, I would perfer my actual name Karin.”
It was all said very matter of factly before continuing.
“And I think I would perfer to relax, I already know the layout of your ship unless of course you've added actual artistic items and comfort to the ship.”

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Sun May 08, 2011 4:10 am
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Post Re: Choices (for Karin)
Thadd nodded, showing that he contemplated that. His dress was somewhat formal for a pirate, mainly white attire that made his cybernetic parts stand out more. "Lady Kalopth, right this way.

"You will find that the ship has upgraded engines since the last time you were here and that the armor platting has been changed so that there is no gap between them allowing the vessel to serve as a submersible as needs be but I would imagine that both aspects would be rather treat.

"I'm afraid that all nearly aquired art objects are in my cabin. For the most part my crew in unrefined and unable to appreciate the finer things that the galaxy has to offer like I do."

The halls of the ship that the pair walked along were as white as Thadd's uniform and just as prestine. Though up ahead in a room Karin could hear the discharge of an energy weapon, not once but twice in rapid succession.

Thadd directed his gaze in that direction, the door of the room sliding opened a few moments later and two alien beings came out. Each had a blaster strapped to their hip and some kind of energy spear, the tip crackling and from what she could see there had been a series of buttons on it's haft.

One guy was tall and thin, and looked like a plant-like alien, the other shorter and plumper appearing like a mushrrom. The pair didn't seem to notice them, speaking to one another in a strange dialect.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sun May 08, 2011 2:11 pm
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