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 Mechanical Failure (Therion) 
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Post Mechanical Failure (Therion)
“Kinru na Sentari” roughly translated... “Silence is Golden” is often true in most aspects of life, however, it is almost never true of the military; even less so when the silence comes from one of your own bases. This was the case when I was summoned into the Antares base that day.
I was informed of a sudden silence from one of our stations that housed displaced slaves, the station was in orbit around a recently claimed satellite around a gas giant. They didn't bother giving me the name of the system and I saw no reason for them to, the coordinates were more than enough for me to locate my target. The mission was simple, approach the station, board it and find out the reason for the silence and correct it without harming any civilians. That usually meant for me that I was to attempt to remain undetected.
I reached the station at about 1300 hours ADD standard time, ship in full stealth mode. All was silent as I checked readings from aboard my ship.
“Unusual... the life signs of ADD races are still apparent... and I get no life signs from any other races... all the systems seem to be functioning as well... check for outgoing signals.”
“None Lady Marin.”
I sighed faintly to myself. This was odd. I stood and moved towards the equipment bay.
“Computer, please stand by directly above the station in full silent cloak unless I say otherwise.”
I attached a breather and air supply system to my usual stealth suit and turned on a forcefield nictus used for spacewalks, it allowed us to breath well enough, the temperatures of outerspace didn't bother our bodies, they were built to tolerate pure shadow and the temperature that came with it. I stepped out into the airlock and out from the ship.
I released the magnetic lock from my suit and floating quietly down to the hull of the space station making my way to maintenance hatch that led to the cargo depot within taking readings with a small device on my wrist. Everything seemed normal but, I wasn't convinced at all.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:10 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
The station had been somewhat of a gamble for Morloch, his mind set upon only his goal. His mission will be completed, and the ADD won't stop him now. Not when he is so close, but they seem to be helping him, sending a single agent to his lair. If he could smile he would, for this was just another step in the race towards his end game goal. If he is successful, well they won't be able to do anything to stop him conquering all life. But that's still way off, even still he cannot allow this agent to see too much without being caught. For now he waits for her to come to him.

The Cargo depot is strangle intact. None of the shipments or equipment touched or stolen, simply left where it lay. All the ADD tech ignored and left to rot, while stranger still there is no sign of struggles, no marks of a gunfight. It's like everyone simply got up and left things as they were. Her readings mostly likely telling her that there is a strange toxin in the air, or rather traces of it. It's not poisonous and it seems to be no known toxin in the database. The oxygen inside the station still breathable but at the same time this toxin lingers with it.

The station is dark, almost like it was switched off or the power was being diverted somewhere else, perhaps where the ADD lifesigns are. Maybe there was some accident and they all hid in the only place left safe and got locked in. Or something else grim has happened, perhaps even a revolt or maybe they abandoned this station and it's ADD agents like an offering to some other group and she stumbled upon it before the deal was completed. Whatever the case, the station is going no where without full power restored and defense.

But perhaps more worrying, if she can studying the way the station is operating, the power is being restore to only certain areas in the ship. Rather, the ones she enters, as if she was being watched already. But with her skills no one could have noticed her yet so maybe it's just a automatic system, to help the station conserve power. By only activating the humans it detects a life sign within.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:56 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
Silence, a toxin in the air, power failure... so many unusual things going on in the station that I couldn't put together... and of course there was the fact the power had returned to the room as I entered it, turning the lights on board on forcing my eyes to adjust uncomfortably to the sudden lighting. When my eyes had adjusted completely I took a look around the cargo. No struggle, not a thing out of place, I kept the force field around me active for now and the breather in place while I let the scanners of my suit study the composition of the toxin, if the ADD database didn't have it, I knew I'd find something out at the least by knowing what it was composed of. I took to the nearest door and had it open, I decided I'd go was towards the life signs, I had no other choice. I did however decide I should see the science bay and then the ADD barracks/armory where the guards lived before heading all the way to the lifesigns, so I took a detour... I decided I may need more than just the pulse pistols and the nictural blades to go into this with.
The lights continued to turn on in every chamber and hall I walked through. It was starting to bother me just a bit. I stopped at a hall terminal and attempted to stop the motion detection from changing the power based on lifesigns and only have the power on where it was now.
“Can not continue this mission if the power continues to follow me like this... If there is a lifeform that is avoiding scan's it'll know exactly where to find me...
I mused to myself quietly as I tried to get the computer to function, it was right outside what my map said was the 3rd deck labs.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:06 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
A quick reading suggests the toxin is something completely new and nothing naturally made. It's perfectly designed and suggests it's a bio-weapon of some form. But it's not designed to kill or even harm anyone who breathes it in. Infact it seems to be completely invisible to normal scanners, blending in with the air. On males it does nothing more then make them sleepy, but females it seems to target. Any female who breaths it in or comes in contact with any form of this toxin, will quickly become aroused. Low doses will only make them feel a little hot under the collar and slightly wet, more quick to submit to pleasure. High doses will make it hard to think straight and their bodies will become restless for a release. It's the first sign that this was an attack.

The computer stubbornly seems to deny her access each time she toys with it. Even with her hacking skills it's like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Like this station has undergone a massive upgrade in a sort space of time since it went offline and yet outside scans and appearances suggest nothing. It's almost like this station is being prepared for something, and she's stepped right into the middle of that preparations. The computer seems to finally give only to spark and suddenly lose power, making the door beside her slide slightly open in a chain reaction. Not big enough for her to slip through but enough to peek inside.

Now she is getting somewhere as the lab is completely changed, gigantic glass tubes placed by the walls, more of that toxin being created and feed into the air-vents and this is just the first lab she has encounter. What's even more alarming, everything is working by itself. The machines, computers, everything is running like clockwork all by itself. Almost like this stations has suddenly gotten a mind of it's own. Perhaps the AI installed to help run the station has gone haywire.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:58 pm
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
The computer was nonresponsive for the most part and it was bothering me significantly. As I continued to fail at hacking the system my scanner informed me the analysis was complete. There wasn't much for it to say, it was a strange chemical designed to interact in females of various species. It was obvious now that it was an honest to evil attack on the station, and from the lack of signs of struggle I assumed the agents had failed to protect the station, or they may have been affected by the airborne toxin... whatever it did to them couldn't have been good.
It was then the terminal failed, the screen blew out and the door beside it opened just a little. I took a look inside shocked at what I'd seen. Machinary working on it's own was never a good sign.
an advanced rouge AI virus more than likely... in which case I'm certain it knows I'm here...
I shook my head faintly taking a breath from recycler I was wearing, three shadowy things stretched from behind me and slipped into the lab still attached to me they looked around the sealed lab before returning to me and informing me of what was going on further than my peek allowed. More of the toxin? It didn't make sense to me then. I had the shadowy minions of mine wrap around me and the recycler for the time being to add an extra layer of protection for myself before I began to move on toward the armory, If it was a rogue AI virus, I wasn't well equipped to defend against it, or the station's internal defenses.
I'll need to prepare an emp and knock out all the equipment on the station if it's been compromised... leave the station with only minimal life support until the ADD can send a rescue party...
I hoped that wasn't the case though.
As I reached the entrance to the armory I looked to the terminal, I doubted it would open. I pulled one of the pulse pistols from my hip and fired it at a section of the wall beside the door, took a small blade and jabbed it into the locking mechanism severing it's hydraulic and simply forced the door to open manually.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:23 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
The agent is quite adaptable, that much is clear. Morloch is watching her already, monitoring her since the very first moment her ship entered the space around the station. Her tech was impressive but he was far more advanced that she was equipped to deal with. In a sense this entire station is now his body, the second she stepped foot inside it, she had lost but he will enjoy testing her. He needs to test those shields of hers. She has some interesting talents. The armoury opens up before her, but her hopes may be dashed quickly. Most of the equipment, unlike the rest of the station, is gone. It seems someone planned ahead of her and yet there is one box just hidden, perhaps forgotten. With the weapons she so sorely needs, a quick scan will confirm that.

But of course it's a trap, the second she opens it, it will go off setting a powerful EMP like shock that will hopefully overload her shields and perhaps anything else she has in order to protect herself from the effects. He has calculated that it is just powerful enough to knock off her shields without harming her, unless the shields hold still after such a hit. He needs to know what he is up against. The room already sealed shut the second she stepped inside. The door she blew open repaired and replaced in a matter of moments as the room is isolated from the rest of the station. To protect himself from the shock, the lights going dead and the life support. Lucky for her she has her recycler.

Already his own minions are moving, ready to intercept the agent. She knows something is wrong and it's clear he cannot allow her to further explore unopposed. Her communications are blocked, even if she did find something she won't be able to tell her superiors and her ship is already being pulled into the station, docking and being loaded and "upgraded" for his own dark purposes.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:25 pm
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
The ship that they were attempting to upgrade they'd find wasn't quite normal, the same thing that rematerialized them from atomization seemed to dissolve and annihilate every device they attempted to attach to it, and altering the programing would seem an impossibility, even merging with it was impossible for him. Morloch would find that underneath the armoring both inside and out, beneath several layers of wiring wasn't machinery but some form of biology that served as the ship's computer system. Much of nictural tech was grown on the planet rather than built, odd void faring creatures with natural subspace survivability., some systems could however be altered, the cloak ing system, the regenerative shielding and the weapons were all additions to this cybrernetically enhanced organism, That was one part I was glad about, the other was the fat I was linked directly to my ship with my mind, I knew everything they were trying to do to it as it happened, really I couldn't help but, laugh at the attempts.
Unfortunately for me however, the ship was safe, I wasn't the armory was mostly bare save for a single crate of weaponry and devices that had been ferreted away in a dark corner footlocker. I looked over the scan of the box curiously kneeling down beside it. The three little balls of shadow stretching from my leg looked at me then the box unsure what to make of I , they looked to me for guidance and I had none to offer. I knelt down beside the box and placed a hand against it before unlocking the lid and opening it.
The shock was bright enogu h to blind me momentarily, I heard the three distinct whines of my shadows and the tell-tale sound of the ADD weaponry and suit I was wearing malfunctioning. First thing first, I discarded the weapons throwing the pistols as far away as possible where the powercells overloaded and exploded, leaving scorch marks on the wall. I'd strip myself of the stealth suit as quickly as I could and slide it away in time to avoid the large electric shock it gave as it finally gave out.,, I was left with my recycler, my blades, and the nictural forcefiel(which was at 70% integrity.) beyond that I was defenseless, though not naked, the standard issue Nictural recon division uniform clothed me well enough, though it was little more than striped stockings, a purple skirt, a blue blaizer, a red tie and a white blouse... and of course a pair of black and white striped panties.
”Worthless ADD technology...”
I cursed several times in my native tongue before I'd dig through the weapons cache, the only thing in there that still functioned was an old revolver someone had probably left behind when they fled, it was loaded with six modified shock tipped bullets. I took the holster belt and wrapped it around my waist before placing the gun at my hip, was better than not having a ranged weapon in anycase but still I was better off with the three nictus blades I carried, one at each thigh just above my stockings and one at my back... I just hoped I wouldn't have to fight anything stripped down to my basic uniform, it was always so much more difficult to fight like this.
My eyes finished recovering as did my shadows, they tried to force to door and failed, I ended up having to take a maintainance tunnel crawling on my hands and knees... thank god I worked alone or anyone behind me would have had a perfect view of my panty clothed ass...

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:59 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
The ship is something else entirely and has already spiked his curiosity, even more so when he finds it's design much more complex then it seems. It's a living thing, like the pilot that uses it, but at the same time it still functions and receives commands. He need only discover the right frequency to disrupt her link with such technology. Her link may be what makes her think she is safe and her ship, but it only fuels Morloch's ideas. Already forming new tech in his mind. New robots to function in his army. This may be the breakthrough he has been waiting for. Which means he needs her and thankfully that is the easy part. She may be smart and well able to adapt, but there is only so much she can do. After all she is still a living being while Morloch is something else entirely. She thinks him a mere AI, something gone haywire that she can rewrite and erase. But the truth is much more then that, he is the next stage in technology.

It's almost ironic that her thoughts mirror what is happening as she is indeed being watched from behind, as a silent creature stalks her, zooming in on her panty-clad ass as it moves from side to side in the small confines of the tunnel but already she has made another mistake. Thinking that this station will remain the same shape. Already the tunnel is moving, every so slightly so she doesn't feel it or notice but it's sending her off course not that she can stop it. She's stuck in the tunnel with only one way out, forward.

But then the first trap is triggered, a sudden sound from behind her and if she manages to look, she will only see a green liquid rushing towards her like a wave only to crash against her from behind and wash over her. Another test to drain her already weakening defences. An acid, he could only produce small amounts before but with the resources here, he can do much more. It eats away at clothing, metals but not skin and thankfully it seems this tunnel is safe too otherwise it would make her fall into the abyss below.

Continue to monitor her, keep her away from the labs. She cannot be allowed to see the true experiment....

Morloch's robotic servants nod and begin to move to intercept and lay further traps. The station shifting and altering to suit his needs as he watches her from his throne, hooked into the heart of this station. The life-signs also here, although unconscious and in status for further experiments.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
He'd find breaking the neural link entirely impossible, at least not as long as I was away from the ship. That much was a stroke of luck more than anything. I continued forward through the maintainance tube a blush crossed my face, I felt like I was being watched and nothing could tell me different, what was worse, I could swear it was behind me staring at my ass, and I really didn't like the idea of someone staring up my skirt.
A sound caught my attention as I continued to crawl forward. I glanced for just a moment behind me only to see a rush of green liquid coming straight at me. I had no choice but to crawl as quickly as I possibly could and to try and use my shadows to block... whatever it was. I wasn't fast enough and the wave engulfed me covering me from head o toe. Then it passed. I didn't notice any effect at first, I continued to crawl... then I felt metal against the skin of my knee... and then against my calf, and then a shiver passed down my spine... the forcefield hadn't stopped the liquid, it was useless against liquids... and now I realized what it had been. Slowly it dissolved my shoes, stockings, tie and blaizer... it didn't burn my skin, or the calcium fibers of my blouse, bra and panties, it left little modesty though at those garments were left clingling like a second skin.
at least it's not earth cotton... then anyone could see right through...
“Whatever's doing this isn't just an AI... it wants me completely disro...”

I blinked slightly ass I heard another unusual sound... from a downward tube I was crawling over, then a creek. My knee had hit a release mechanism and forced the door below me open sending me down to the deck below onto my ass with a loud thu, my blouse caught on a went and had a hole in the side but, was otherwise not that bad off.
Even a nictural could only take so much before just letting out the emotions... and quite frankly I was embarassed and pissed off right now as I got to my bare feet wearing a slightly torn blouse, my panties, a leather holster, a hidden bra and the wrist band that controlled and powered the forcefield.
”I look like that calendar in the deck four labs that the male scientist gawk over... This HAS to be the work of a monster...”
the cloth holdings of my 'sword' hadn't survived the acid, it had been washed away... my knives remained at my thighs though.
I turned only to see a mirror, the barrack showers... my face faintly purple.
”I'm an ambassador, and ADD agent and a Princess of an entire civilization damn it! And I look like a damned Cantina stripper!!! STOP FUCKING WITH ME YOU DAMNED PIECE OF ADD MADE SHIT!!!”
I cried out angrily, one of my shadows smashing into the tritium alloy stall and punching a hole straight through it.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:33 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
This was an unexpected twist but one he can use, clearly she has a short fuse and it is running out fast must to his amusement as she is constantly being monitored and watched. Losing clothing fast he is beginning to understand her shield and tech. So liquids can harm it and her clothing, that is something he can work with later but for now it seems she needs something to vent her rage out on and he is more then happy to give her a target.

The sound of metal scrapping against the tiled floor of the shower as it seems to be getting closer, and closer until a strange metal object appears in the door frame and begins to drag itself towards her like something out of a zombie flick. As it comes into view it looks like one of the robotic assistant drones. One of the older editions, they used to be the top of the range in there time for security and basic tasks and this one is clearly worse for wear. Covered in holes, barely holding itself together. It must have been in the cargo, scrap metal and yet it's moving again and towards her.

Of course there is never just one as more begin to appear around her,easy pickings but they aren't the real danger, oh no. They are loaded with his locust swarms. The second she cuts or destroys one, it unleashes them and they will swarm around her body. In truth these machines aren't actually operational, the locusts are wired inside using it like a host to get close to her. They are small and weak but once in a swarm they are deadly, programmed to attack her with small shocks of electricity, of course aiming to bring down her last defence by overloading it with constant attacks.

But Morloch has planned ahead as the showers suddenly turn on and begin to spray her in water or what seems like water. It's actually laced with the same toxin in the air, only in a different form. He had the water drugged months ago to infect the crew, now it seems it will help cpature her. The longer she stays exposed, the worse it will get. At first maybe just a little heated, then aroused, then her body will betray her and begin to beg for release. But it needs to be a prolonged exposure so he hopes she is too pissed to really pay much attention to anything other then tearing into these drones before her.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:47 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
And now there were drones... old, scrap metal drones... and water... I shivered slightly, I didn't mind unknown liquids but, something about the clear, cold liquid creeped me out... water from my home world was dark, and slightly black tinted... So I was getting wet, surrounded by drones and afraid. My options were to fight the drones or to run away, anger and fear made a potent combination in me at least, and the strength of my shadows was nothing to be scoffed at as the three of them took hold of the first drone binding it I took half a second to look as the map on my wrist device before I acted, my anger fueling some of my actions as I smashed the drone through the nearest wall leaving a hole into the firing range, it was a relatively small one, the station wasn't meant for many soldiers after all but the ones stationed here did need to train still.
I went through the hole as quickly as I possibly could manage, there was a glint of fear in my eyes, I just knew it, I hoped whatever was watching me couldn't see it. I was panting when I was out of that room dripping wet, I shook my hair out and as much of the water that was on me off as possible.
”ugh... this day just keeps getting worse!!!”
I heard myself whimper for the first time in a long time... I was whining, legitimately whining about how this was going. Three of my least favorite things had happened today, I'd lost my favorite weapons, I was stripped down to a blouse and panties, and furthermore I was wet.. .with WATER, pure, clear earth water! I think I was allowed to be a little uncomfortable.
I knew the drones would still be aftrer me, easy simple drones that I could simply blow away normally... right now I was too bothered to care about this, I wanted to leave, however, I wouldn't let some space station beat me! I was going to see what had happened to the occupants of the station, get revenge on whatever was screwing up my day, and I was going to get out of here without losing any more clothes... or that's what I hoped anyway.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:10 am
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
An angry snarl escapes Morloch as he slams his fist into his throne making the metal crumble under his fist leaving a large dent which quickly begins to repair itself. This agent is starting to become a nuisance he does not need. At first he had thought capturing her would be a task he enjoys but she is quickly becoming a pain in his side. She is well equipped and able to adapt well but that only makes him respond in kind. If she is so keen to find a fight he'll give her a good one as he begins to rewrite the stations layout yet again, funnelling all of the drones towards her position. The only way she can go is down one of these paths and now they have a mountain of mechanical bodies in her way. She won't be able to destroy them all without harm, or get past.

But to make sure, he sends the command as the drones closest to her, following from the hole in the wall, begin to explode, or rather crumble back into pieces only to unleash their payload, the locusts. They buzz and swarm around her blocking her line of sight with the shear mass of numbers. Stinging, attacking, wearing those shields down and hopefully fuelling her annoyance as the drones begin to close in on her in confusion. The first to reach her after so many, grabs her and tries to pull her to the ground. Hoping he can put a stop to her progress here and now and capture her, or atleast force her to discard yet more equipment.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:16 pm
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
The situation I was left in as I saw the drones follow me and self destruct wasn't a good one. The swarms of fly like drones kept striking my personal shields slowly pecking away at the energy, it was slow but, annoying to say the least and what was worse was how little beyond them I could see, I had several options available to me but, leaving me exposed to what could be a skin permiable airborne toxin wasn't a very good option. I took the blades from my thighs and swung ad the drones, usting them as glorified bug swatters, smashing them together andd crushing several fly drones at a time to little effect.
Then I felt something grab my wrist and my options were down to two in an instant. Either be taken down by obsolete drones or use whatever energy was left to my personal shield had left for a short range magnetic burst...
”Condition red emergency, discharge all remaining energy immediately, authorization KMN1794!”
I winced slightly as the control at my wrist took a genetic sample to make sure I was still the operator before it did as asked, the shield around me dropped and everything electronic in the immediate vicinity as well as several rooms around me on both the deck I was on and the deck below were fried completely beyond repair, unfortunately the gun to my hip was made of rustproof steel, it was ripped along with the leather belt, from my hip where it stuck to the now magnetized walls, I was left with a nice sized cut on my thigh where the leather had struck like a whip, a drip of purple trailed down my leg now, the oxygen recycler and the knives in my hands were all I had left with what little energy I had left in me; which wasn't all that much, I was tired, sore, angry and wounded... and getting a bit warm... and having trouble breathing. I coughed a little as I ripped off the recycler looking it over I noticed a small hole in it. I threw it to the ground and tore off a sleeve wrapping It around my face as a makeshift breathing mask... at least I could limit how much of the toxin I breathed in though I didn't know how much good that would do me.

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:18 pm
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
There is a loud growl of pain as Morloch tears himself from his throne and drives his fist through the now dead monitor as the power surge pulses through the station, knocking out power in the rooms around the agent causing him to go blind. But it was more then that, he is linked to this station, it is like his body and that blow is like a dagger being rammed into his side. If he can feel "pain" she just did a far worse blow then she knows and is going to pay dearly for it. Morloch's mind is almost fractured by the blow as now he has only one thing in his mind. To see her pay for this insult. Tearing himself free from the station, the entire deck she is on suddenly goes black, all power suddenly drained.

The entire station has just shut down, backup power just enough to keep the oxygen supply going and keeping her alive but it's clear something bad has just happened. Her link with her ship might feel it as suddenly her ship is hurled from the station, like a child no longer satisfied with playing with it's toy. No more games, no more toying with her, Morloch himself is heading towards her. All of his minions suddenly gone blank. Without his link to the station she is stuck, she can't interface with it or it's tech only cut a path forcefully.

The station begins to groan around her, the sound of metal under strain, it seems Morloch wasn't just holding the station's power in check, he was always controlling it's force fields and now without them the station is slowly being pulled towards the planet it was orbiting. A dead world that was long since mined for it's resources, the station was kept in check with various small adjustments made by the computer AI every so often, the very AI Morloch replaced and destroyed.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Mechanical Failure (Therion)
I felt an odd jolt from both around me, and from my neural link to Gui (my ship) It wasn't a good sign and I felt my skin crawl as I received an analysis from Gui's computer, oh and the fact the lights had shut down and set up a red alert, hearing the metal straining was also a problem, however the red light was a nice change from the damned florescent lighting, red light was more natural for me, it was what nictus was constantly bathed in. I was a tad relieved as I stood.

alright Gui, this is gonna hurt and shut you down for a little bit but, need you to do me the favor alright? I need you to turn the gravity well tractorbeam on the planet on full power and hurl it into the system's star, just get the station out of the planet's gravity can you do that?

for you I will Lady Marin, though I will expect to be fed something other than synthetic fuel for once... perhaps what humans call cheesecake... And I will be completely out of energy and unable to rescue you for at least an A.D.D standard 24 hour period.

I smiled faintly and my dear ship did as asked, the ADD wouldn't be happy that I'd done that... even my own people wouldn't be entirely thrilled, there were laws concerning that device that I'd just broken, I'd probably be sequestered to my quarters for at least a month (instead of put onto the worst penal colony imaginable) given it was for survival of me and every life sign on the station and that the planet was an atmosphereless dead rock. The station would violently jerk once and throw me into a wall as it was ripped out of the gravity of a planet and left to float very slowly in the middle of open space, it wouldn't go very far in 24 hours thankfully.
When the ship had finished settling and I could no longer hear my ship I stood panting, the ship power would hopefully last long enough to keep me alive until my ship could restore main power, my equipment was all dead, and I was in a torn calcium fiber blouse, bra and panties with a couple of Nitide blades strapped to my thighs. I was pretty screwed...

Karin the Sexy Female Humanoid ADD agent

Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:00 am
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